@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ pub struct ArrayConfig {
spacing: f64,
randomize_order: bool,
starting_pen: usize,
- pattern_x: PatternField,
+ pattern_x: Option<PatternField>,
pattern_y: Option<PatternField>,
@@ -258,78 +258,87 @@ impl ObjectOperation {
// Process array generation of object
- let new_objects = self.array.as_ref().map_or(vec![object.clone()], |array| {
- let mut new_obj: Vec<Object> = vec![];
- let bottom_left: Coordinate = Coordinate {
- x: (array.columns - 1) as f64 * array.spacing / -2.0,
- y: (array.rows - 1) as f64 * array.spacing / -2.0,
- };
- // Generate objects
- for y in 0..array.rows {
- for x in 0..array.columns {
- let delta: Coordinate = bottom_left
- + Coordinate {
- x: array.spacing * x as f64,
- y: array.spacing * y as f64,
- };
- let pen: usize = array.starting_pen + y * array.columns + x;
- let mut object: Object = object.clone();
- object.move_relative(Some(delta), None);
- object.set_pen(pen.try_into().unwrap());
- debug!(
- "Adding new object at {} with pen #{}",
- object.core().origin,
- pen
- );
- new_obj.push(object);
+ let new_objects = self.array.as_ref().map_or_else(
+ || vec![object.clone()],
+ |array| {
+ let mut new_obj: Vec<Object> = vec![];
+ let bottom_left: Coordinate = Coordinate {
+ x: (array.columns - 1) as f64 * array.spacing / -2.0,
+ y: (array.rows - 1) as f64 * array.spacing / -2.0,
+ };
+ // Generate objects
+ for y in 0..array.rows {
+ for x in 0..array.columns {
+ let delta: Coordinate = bottom_left
+ + Coordinate {
+ x: array.spacing * x as f64,
+ y: array.spacing * y as f64,
+ };
+ let pen: usize = array.starting_pen + y * array.columns + x;
+ let mut object: Object = object.clone();
+ object.move_relative(Some(delta), None);
+ object.set_pen(pen.try_into().unwrap());
+ debug!(
+ "Adding new object at {} with pen #{}",
+ object.core().origin,
+ pen
+ );
+ new_obj.push(object);
+ }
- }
- // Generate pens
- match &array.pattern_y {
- None => {
- array.pattern_x.pattern(
- &mut pens
- .iter_mut()
- .enumerate()
- .skip(array.starting_pen)
- .take(array.columns * array.rows),
- );
- }
- Some(pattern_y) => {
- pattern_y.pattern(
- &mut pens
- .iter_mut()
- .enumerate()
- .skip(array.starting_pen)
- .step_by(array.columns)
- .take(array.rows),
- );
- for y in 0..array.rows {
- array.pattern_x.pattern(
- &mut pens
- .iter_mut()
- .enumerate()
- .skip(array.starting_pen)
- .skip(y * array.columns)
- .take(array.columns),
- )
+ // Generate pens
+ match &array.pattern_y {
+ None => {
+ if let Some(pattern_x) = &array.pattern_x {
+ pattern_x.pattern(
+ &mut pens
+ .iter_mut()
+ .enumerate()
+ .skip(array.starting_pen)
+ .take(array.columns * array.rows),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ Some(pattern_y) => {
+ for x in 0..array.columns {
+ pattern_y.pattern(
+ &mut pens
+ .iter_mut()
+ .enumerate()
+ .skip(x + array.starting_pen)
+ .step_by(array.columns)
+ .take(array.rows),
+ );
+ }
+ if let Some(pattern_x) = &array.pattern_x {
+ for y in 0..array.rows {
+ pattern_x.pattern(
+ &mut pens
+ .iter_mut()
+ .enumerate()
+ .skip(array.starting_pen)
+ .skip(y * array.columns)
+ .take(array.columns),
+ )
+ }
+ }
- }
- if array.randomize_order {
- debug!("Randomizing draw order of array objects");
- new_obj.shuffle(&mut thread_rng());
- }
+ if array.randomize_order {
+ debug!("Randomizing draw order of array objects");
+ new_obj.shuffle(&mut thread_rng());
+ }
- new_obj
- });
+ new_obj
+ },
+ );
let layer_id: usize = self.layer.unwrap_or(0);
let layer: &mut Layer = layers.get_mut(layer_id).expect("Invalid layer index");