#include "mbed.h" #include "main.h" #include "SWO.h" #include "pca9685.h" #include "tusb322.h" #include "ds3231.h" #include "ioc.h" #include "animation.h" I2C i2c(PA_10, PA_9); // SWO_Channel swo("swo"); bool LED; void RtcCallback(void) { LED = !LED; LED_SetOutput(LED); } int main() { // Start I2C at 400kHz for DS3231 i2c.frequency(400000); // Start with HV PSU disabled HV_EnableOutput(false); TUSB322_Init(); PCA9685_Init(); DS3231_Init(RtcCallback); // Enable HV PSU HV_EnableOutput(true); // Set PCA9685 input voltage to highest possible PCA9685_SetVoltage(1.0); // swo.printf("CPU SystemCoreClock is %d Hz\r\n", SystemCoreClock); // Bump I2C frequency to 1MHz for PCA9685 // i2c.frequency(1000000); // DS3231_SetTime(0, 55, 6, true); // DS3231_SetDate(0, 2, 12, 18, 0); int currMinute = 0, currHour = 0; int nextSecond, nextMinute, nextHour; while(1) { DS3231_GetTime(&nextSecond, &nextMinute, &nextHour); if (nextMinute != currMinute) { PCA9685_SetDigit(3, currMinute % 10, PCA9685_Min_Brightness); PCA9685_SetDigit(2, currMinute / 10, PCA9685_Min_Brightness); PCA9685_SetDigit(3, nextMinute % 10, PCA9685_Max_Brightness); PCA9685_SetDigit(2, nextMinute / 10, PCA9685_Max_Brightness); currMinute = nextMinute; } if (nextHour != currHour) { PCA9685_SetDigit(1, currHour % 10, PCA9685_Min_Brightness); PCA9685_SetDigit(0, currHour / 10, PCA9685_Min_Brightness); PCA9685_SetDigit(1, nextHour % 10, PCA9685_Max_Brightness); PCA9685_SetDigit(0, nextHour / 10, PCA9685_Max_Brightness); currHour = nextHour; } wait(0.1); // Animate_Cycle_Basic(); // Animate_Cycle_Analog(); // Animate_Cycle_Low_Pwm(); // Animate_Cycle_Pwm(); // Animate_Cycle_Fade(); // Animate_Cycle_Fade_Random(); // Animate_Cycle_Fast(); // Animate_Cycle_Fast_Random(); } } void I2C_Write(int DeviceAddress, char RegAddress, char *Data, int Length) { char buffer[I2C_MAX_BUFFER+1] = {0}; if (Length > I2C_MAX_BUFFER) LED_Fault(1); buffer[0] = RegAddress; memcpy(&buffer[1], Data, Length); i2c.write(DeviceAddress << 1, buffer, Length + 1); } void I2C_Read(int DeviceAddress, char RegAddress, char *Data, int Length) { i2c.write(DeviceAddress << 1, &RegAddress, 1); i2c.read(DeviceAddress << 1, Data, Length); }