ds3231.rs 12 KB

  1. use field_offset::offset_of;
  2. use stm32l4xx_hal::prelude::{
  3. _embedded_hal_blocking_i2c_Write, _embedded_hal_blocking_i2c_WriteRead,
  4. };
  5. use tock_registers::{
  6. interfaces::{ReadWriteable, Readable, Writeable},
  7. register_bitfields, register_structs,
  8. registers::InMemoryRegister,
  9. };
  10. register_bitfields![
  11. u8,
  12. T_SECOND [
  13. Value OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(7) [],
  14. ],
  15. T_MINUTE [
  16. Value OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(7) [],
  17. ],
  18. T_HOUR [
  19. Value OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(6) [],
  20. n24 OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(1) [],
  21. ],
  22. T_WEEKDAY [
  23. Value OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(3) [],
  24. ],
  25. T_DAY [
  26. Value OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(6) [],
  27. ],
  28. T_MONTH [
  29. Value OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(5) [],
  30. Century OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [],
  31. ],
  32. T_YEAR [
  33. Value OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(8) [],
  34. ],
  35. A_SECOND [
  36. Value OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(7) [],
  37. M1 OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [],
  38. ],
  39. A_MINUTE [
  40. Value OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(7) [],
  41. M2 OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [],
  42. ],
  43. A_HOUR [
  44. Value OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(6) [],
  45. n24 OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(1) [],
  46. M3 OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [],
  47. ],
  48. A_DAY_DATE [
  49. Value OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(6) [],
  50. nDT OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(1) [],
  51. M4 OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [],
  52. ],
  53. CONTROL_1 [
  54. A1IE 0,
  55. A2IE 1,
  56. INTCN 2,
  57. RS1 3,
  58. RS2 4,
  59. CONV 5,
  60. BBSQW 6,
  61. nEOSC 7,
  62. ],
  63. CONTROL_2 [
  64. A1F 0,
  65. A2F 1,
  66. BSY 2,
  67. EN32KHZ 3,
  68. OSF 7,
  69. ],
  71. Value OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(7) [],
  72. Sign OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [],
  73. ],
  74. TEMP_MSB [
  75. Value OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(7) [],
  76. Sign OFFSET(7) NUMBITS(1) [],
  77. ],
  78. TEMP_LSB [
  79. Value OFFSET(6) NUMBITS(2) [],
  80. ],
  81. ];
  82. register_structs! {
  83. Ds3231Registers {
  84. (0x00 => second: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_SECOND::Register>),
  85. (0x01 => minute: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_MINUTE::Register>),
  86. (0x02 => hour: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_HOUR::Register>),
  87. (0x03 => weekday: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_WEEKDAY::Register>),
  88. (0x04 => day: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_DAY::Register>),
  89. (0x05 => month: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_MONTH::Register>),
  90. (0x06 => year: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_YEAR::Register>),
  91. (0x07 => a1_second: InMemoryRegister<u8, A_SECOND::Register>),
  92. (0x08 => a1_minute: InMemoryRegister<u8, A_MINUTE::Register>),
  93. (0x09 => a1_hour: InMemoryRegister<u8, A_HOUR::Register>),
  94. (0x0A => a1_day_date: InMemoryRegister<u8, A_DAY_DATE::Register>),
  95. (0x0B => a2_minute: InMemoryRegister<u8, A_MINUTE::Register>),
  96. (0x0C => a2_hour: InMemoryRegister<u8, A_HOUR::Register>),
  97. (0x0D => a2_day_date: InMemoryRegister<u8, A_DAY_DATE::Register>),
  98. (0x0E => control_1: InMemoryRegister<u8, CONTROL_1::Register>),
  99. (0x0F => control_2: InMemoryRegister<u8, CONTROL_2::Register>),
  100. (0x10 => aging_offset: InMemoryRegister<u8, AGING_OFFSET::Register>),
  101. (0x11 => temp_msb: InMemoryRegister<u8, TEMP_MSB::Register>),
  102. (0x12 => temp_lsb: InMemoryRegister<u8, TEMP_LSB::Register>),
  103. (0x13 => @END),
  104. }
  105. }
  106. pub enum Weekday {
  107. Sunday = 0,
  108. Monday = 1,
  109. Tuesday = 2,
  110. Wednesday = 3,
  111. Thursday = 4,
  112. Friday = 5,
  113. Saturday = 6,
  114. }
  115. impl From<u8> for Weekday {
  116. fn from(value: u8) -> Self {
  117. match value {
  118. 0 => Weekday::Sunday,
  119. 1 => Weekday::Monday,
  120. 2 => Weekday::Tuesday,
  121. 3 => Weekday::Wednesday,
  122. 4 => Weekday::Thursday,
  123. 5 => Weekday::Friday,
  124. 6 => Weekday::Saturday,
  125. _ => panic!(),
  126. }
  127. }
  128. }
  129. pub fn init(address: u8, i2c: &mut impl _embedded_hal_blocking_i2c_Write) {
  130. let ctrl1: InMemoryRegister<u8, CONTROL_1::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(0);
  131. let ctrl2: InMemoryRegister<u8, CONTROL_2::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(0);
  132. ctrl1.modify(
  133. CONTROL_1::nEOSC::CLEAR // Enable internal oscillator on VBAT
  134. + CONTROL_1::BBSQW::CLEAR // Disable outputs on VBAT
  135. + CONTROL_1::RS1::CLEAR // Set square wave output to 1Hz
  136. + CONTROL_1::RS2::CLEAR // Set square wave output to 1Hz
  137. + CONTROL_1::INTCN::CLEAR // Enable square wave output
  138. + CONTROL_1::A1IE::CLEAR // Disable alarm 1
  139. + CONTROL_1::A2IE::CLEAR, // Disable alarm 2
  140. );
  141. // Disable 32kHz output
  142. ctrl2.modify(CONTROL_2::EN32KHZ::CLEAR);
  143. let buffer: [u8; 3] = [
  144. offset_of!(Ds3231Registers => control_1).get_byte_offset() as u8,
  145. ctrl1.get(),
  146. ctrl2.get(),
  147. ];
  148. match i2c.write(address, &buffer) {
  149. Ok(_) => (),
  150. Err(_) => panic!(),
  151. }
  152. }
  153. pub fn set_time(
  154. address: u8,
  155. i2c: &mut impl _embedded_hal_blocking_i2c_Write,
  156. second: u32,
  157. minute: u32,
  158. hour: u32,
  159. ) {
  160. let second_reg: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_SECOND::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(0);
  161. let minute_reg: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_MINUTE::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(0);
  162. let hour_reg: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_HOUR::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(0);
  163. second_reg.write(T_SECOND::Value.val(decimal_to_bcd(second)));
  164. minute_reg.write(T_MINUTE::Value.val(decimal_to_bcd(minute)));
  165. hour_reg.write(T_HOUR::Value.val(decimal_to_bcd(hour)));
  166. let buffer: [u8; 4] = [
  167. offset_of!(Ds3231Registers => second).get_byte_offset() as u8,
  168. second_reg.get(),
  169. minute_reg.get(),
  170. hour_reg.get(),
  171. ];
  172. match i2c.write(address, &buffer) {
  173. Ok(_) => (),
  174. Err(_) => panic!(),
  175. }
  176. }
  177. pub fn set_date(
  178. address: u8,
  179. i2c: &mut impl _embedded_hal_blocking_i2c_Write,
  180. weekday: Weekday,
  181. day: u32,
  182. month: u32,
  183. year: u32,
  184. century: u32,
  185. ) {
  186. let weekday_reg: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_WEEKDAY::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(0);
  187. let day_reg: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_DAY::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(0);
  188. let month_reg: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_MONTH::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(0);
  189. let year_reg: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_YEAR::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(0);
  190. weekday_reg.write(T_WEEKDAY::Value.val(decimal_to_bcd(weekday as u32)));
  191. day_reg.write(T_DAY::Value.val(decimal_to_bcd(day)));
  192. month_reg.modify(
  193. T_MONTH::Value.val(decimal_to_bcd(month)) + T_MONTH::Century.val(decimal_to_bcd(century)),
  194. );
  195. year_reg.write(T_YEAR::Value.val(decimal_to_bcd(year)));
  196. let buffer: [u8; 5] = [
  197. offset_of!(Ds3231Registers => weekday).get_byte_offset() as u8,
  198. weekday_reg.get(),
  199. day_reg.get(),
  200. month_reg.get(),
  201. year_reg.get(),
  202. ];
  203. match i2c.write(address, &buffer) {
  204. Ok(_) => (),
  205. Err(_) => panic!(),
  206. }
  207. }
  208. pub fn get_time(
  209. address: u8,
  210. i2c: &mut impl _embedded_hal_blocking_i2c_WriteRead,
  211. ) -> (u32, u32, u32) {
  212. let mut buffer: [u8; 3] = [0; 3];
  213. match i2c.write_read(
  214. address,
  215. &[offset_of!(Ds3231Registers => second).get_byte_offset() as u8],
  216. &mut buffer,
  217. ) {
  218. Ok(_) => (),
  219. Err(_) => panic!(),
  220. }
  221. let second_reg: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_SECOND::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(buffer[0]);
  222. let minute_reg: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_MINUTE::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(buffer[1]);
  223. let hour_reg: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_HOUR::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(buffer[2]);
  224. let second = bcd_to_decimal(second_reg.read(T_SECOND::Value));
  225. let minute = bcd_to_decimal(minute_reg.read(T_MINUTE::Value));
  226. let hour = bcd_to_decimal(hour_reg.read(T_HOUR::Value));
  227. (second, minute, hour)
  228. }
  229. pub fn get_date(
  230. address: u8,
  231. i2c: &mut impl _embedded_hal_blocking_i2c_WriteRead,
  232. ) -> (Weekday, u32, u32, u32, u32) {
  233. let mut buffer: [u8; 4] = [0; 4];
  234. match i2c.write_read(
  235. address,
  236. &[offset_of!(Ds3231Registers => weekday).get_byte_offset() as u8],
  237. &mut buffer,
  238. ) {
  239. Ok(_) => (),
  240. Err(_) => panic!(),
  241. }
  242. let weekday_reg: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_WEEKDAY::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(buffer[0]);
  243. let day_reg: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_DAY::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(buffer[1]);
  244. let month_reg: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_MONTH::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(buffer[2]);
  245. let year_reg: InMemoryRegister<u8, T_YEAR::Register> = InMemoryRegister::new(buffer[3]);
  246. let weekday: Weekday = weekday_reg.read(T_WEEKDAY::Value).into();
  247. let day = bcd_to_decimal(day_reg.read(T_DAY::Value));
  248. let month = bcd_to_decimal(month_reg.read(T_MONTH::Value));
  249. let year = bcd_to_decimal(year_reg.read(T_YEAR::Value));
  250. let century = bcd_to_decimal(month_reg.read(T_MONTH::Century));
  251. (weekday, day, month, year, century)
  252. }
  253. #[inline]
  254. fn bcd_to_decimal(value: u8) -> u32 {
  255. (((value >> 4) * 10) + (value & 0xF)) as u32
  256. }
  257. #[inline]
  258. fn decimal_to_bcd(value: u32) -> u8 {
  259. (((value / 10) << 4) | (value % 10)) as u8
  260. }
  261. pub fn in_dst(weekday: Weekday, day: u32, month: u32, hour_24: u32) -> bool {
  262. let prev_sunday: i32 = day as i32 - weekday as i32;
  263. match month {
  264. 0..=2 | 12.. => false,
  265. 4..=10 => true,
  266. 3 => match prev_sunday {
  267. ..8 => false,
  268. 15.. => true,
  269. d if d == day as i32 => hour_24 >= 2,
  270. _ => true,
  271. },
  272. 11 => match prev_sunday {
  273. ..=0 => true,
  274. 8.. => false,
  275. d if d == day as i32 => hour_24 < 2,
  276. _ => false,
  277. },
  278. }
  279. }
  280. #[cfg(test)]
  281. mod test {
  282. use super::*;
  283. #[test]
  284. fn dst_test() {
  285. // 2020 - begins Mar 8th @ 2AM (Sunday), ends Nov 1st @ 2AM (Sunday)
  286. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 8, 3, 1) == false);
  287. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 8, 3, 2) == true);
  288. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 8, 3, 3) == true);
  289. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 1, 11, 1) == true);
  290. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 1, 11, 2) == false);
  291. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 1, 11, 3) == false);
  292. // 2021 - begins Mar 14th @ 2AM (Sunday), ends Nov 7th @ 2AM (Sunday)
  293. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 14, 3, 1) == false);
  294. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 14, 3, 2) == true);
  295. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 14, 3, 3) == true);
  296. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 7, 11, 1) == true);
  297. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 7, 11, 2) == false);
  298. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 7, 11, 3) == false);
  299. // 2022 - begins Mar 13th @ 2AM (Sunday), ends Nov 6th @ 2AM (Sunday)
  300. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 13, 3, 1) == false);
  301. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 13, 3, 2) == true);
  302. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 13, 3, 3) == true);
  303. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 6, 11, 1) == true);
  304. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 6, 11, 2) == false);
  305. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 6, 11, 3) == false);
  306. // 2023 - begins Mar 12th @ 2AM (Sunday), ends Nov 5th @ 2AM (Sunday)
  307. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 12, 3, 1) == false);
  308. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 12, 3, 2) == true);
  309. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 12, 3, 3) == true);
  310. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 5, 11, 1) == true);
  311. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 5, 11, 2) == false);
  312. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 5, 11, 3) == false);
  313. // Sanity check other dates in 2021
  314. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Friday, 1, 1, 0) == false);
  315. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Monday, 1, 2, 0) == false);
  316. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Monday, 1, 3, 0) == false);
  317. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Thursday, 1, 4, 0) == true);
  318. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Saturday, 1, 5, 0) == true);
  319. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Tuesday, 1, 6, 0) == true);
  320. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Thursday, 1, 7, 0) == true);
  321. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Sunday, 1, 8, 0) == true);
  322. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Wednesday, 1, 9, 0) == true);
  323. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Friday, 1, 10, 0) == true);
  324. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Monday, 1, 11, 0) == true);
  325. assert!(in_dst(Weekday::Wednesday, 1, 12, 0) == false);
  326. }
  327. }