Cargo.toml 508 B

  1. [package]
  2. authors = ["Kevin Lee <>"]
  3. edition = "2018"
  4. readme = ""
  5. name = "nixie-clock-in-8"
  6. version = "0.1.0"
  7. [dependencies]
  8. cortex-m = "0.6.0"
  9. cortex-m-rt = "0.6.10"
  10. cortex-m-semihosting = "0.3.3"
  11. tock-registers = "0.7.0"
  12. field-offset = "0.3.4"
  13. stm32l4xx-hal = { version = "0.6.0", features = ["stm32l4x2", "rt"] }
  14. [profile.release]
  15. codegen-units = 1 # better optimizations
  16. debug = true # symbols are nice and they don't increase the size on Flash
  17. lto = true # better optimizations