Kevin Lee bd0038b977 Assocated footprints and generated netlist 6 лет назад
LTspice b8c2225b99 Added LTspice simulation schematic 6 лет назад
nixie_psu_breakout-cache.lib bd0038b977 Assocated footprints and generated netlist 6 лет назад
nixie_psu_breakout.bak bd0038b977 Assocated footprints and generated netlist 6 лет назад bd0038b977 Assocated footprints and generated netlist 6 лет назад 0bff88b33f Finished schematic layout 6 лет назад
nixie_psu_breakout.sch bd0038b977 Assocated footprints and generated netlist 6 лет назад