@@ -8,6 +8,17 @@ namespace MMU2 {
static const uint8_t supportedMmuFWVersion[3] PROGMEM = { 2, 1, 3 };
+const uint8_t ProtocolLogic::regs8Addrs[ProtocolLogic::regs8Count] PROGMEM = {
+ 8, // FINDA state
+ 0x1b, // Selector slot
+ 0x1c, // Idler slot
+const uint8_t ProtocolLogic::regs16Addrs[ProtocolLogic::regs16Count] PROGMEM = {
+ 4, // MMU errors - aka statistics
+ 0x1a, // Pulley position [mm]
void ProtocolLogic::CheckAndReportAsyncEvents() {
// even when waiting for a query period, we need to report a change in filament sensor's state
// - it is vital for a precise synchronization of moves of the printer and the MMU
@@ -22,9 +33,36 @@ void ProtocolLogic::SendQuery() {
scopeState = ScopeState::QuerySent;
-void ProtocolLogic::SendFINDAQuery() {
- SendMsg(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Finda, 0));
- scopeState = ScopeState::FINDAReqSent;
+void ProtocolLogic::StartReading8bitRegisters() {
+ regIndex = 0;
+ SendReadRegister(pgm_read_byte(regs8Addrs + regIndex), ScopeState::Reading8bitRegisters);
+void ProtocolLogic::ProcessRead8bitRegister(){
+ regs8[regIndex] = rsp.paramValue;
+ ++regIndex;
+ if(regIndex >= regs8Count){
+ // proceed with reading 16bit registers
+ StartReading16bitRegisters();
+ } else {
+ SendReadRegister(pgm_read_byte(regs8Addrs + regIndex), ScopeState::Reading8bitRegisters);
+ }
+void ProtocolLogic::StartReading16bitRegisters() {
+ regIndex = 0;
+ SendReadRegister(pgm_read_byte(regs16Addrs + regIndex), ScopeState::Reading16bitRegisters);
+ProtocolLogic::ScopeState __attribute__((noinline)) ProtocolLogic::ProcessRead16bitRegister(ProtocolLogic::ScopeState stateAtEnd){
+ regs16[regIndex] = rsp.paramValue;
+ ++regIndex;
+ if(regIndex >= regs16Count){
+ return stateAtEnd;
+ } else {
+ SendReadRegister(pgm_read_byte(regs16Addrs + regIndex), ScopeState::Reading16bitRegisters);
+ }
+ return ScopeState::Reading16bitRegisters;
void ProtocolLogic::SendAndUpdateFilamentSensor() {
@@ -313,14 +351,13 @@ StepStatus ProtocolLogic::CommandStep() {
case ScopeState::QuerySent:
return ProcessCommandQueryResponse();
case ScopeState::FilamentSensorStateSent:
- SendFINDAQuery();
+ StartReading8bitRegisters();
return Processing;
- case ScopeState::FINDAReqSent:
- findaPressed = rsp.paramValue;
- SendReadRegister(4, ScopeState::StatisticsSent);
+ case ScopeState::Reading8bitRegisters:
+ ProcessRead8bitRegister();
return Processing;
- case ScopeState::StatisticsSent:
- scopeState = ScopeState::Wait;
+ case ScopeState::Reading16bitRegisters:
+ scopeState = ProcessRead16bitRegister(ScopeState::Wait);
return Processing;
case ScopeState::ButtonSent:
if (rsp.paramCode == ResponseMsgParamCodes::Accepted) {
@@ -371,7 +408,7 @@ StepStatus ProtocolLogic::IdleStep() {
// The user pushed a button on the MMU. Save it, do what we need to do
// to prepare, then pass it back to the MMU so it can work its magic.
buttonCode = static_cast<Buttons>(rsp.paramValue);
- SendFINDAQuery();
+ StartReading8bitRegisters();
return ButtonPushed;
case ResponseMsgParamCodes::Processing:
// @@TODO we may actually use this branch to report progress of manual operation on the MMU
@@ -382,29 +419,27 @@ StepStatus ProtocolLogic::IdleStep() {
errorCode = static_cast<ErrorCode>(rsp.paramValue);
- SendFINDAQuery(); // continue Idle state without restarting the communication
+ StartReading8bitRegisters(); // continue Idle state without restarting the communication
return CommandError;
return ProtocolError;
- SendFINDAQuery();
+ StartReading8bitRegisters();
return Processing;
- case ScopeState::FINDAReqSent:
- findaPressed = rsp.paramValue;
- SendReadRegister(4, ScopeState::StatisticsSent);
+ case ScopeState::Reading8bitRegisters:
+ ProcessRead8bitRegister();
return Processing;
- case ScopeState::StatisticsSent:
- failStatistics = rsp.paramValue;
- scopeState = ScopeState::Ready;
- return Finished;
+ case ScopeState::Reading16bitRegisters:
+ scopeState = ProcessRead16bitRegister(ScopeState::Ready);
+ return scopeState == ScopeState::Ready ? Finished : Processing;
case ScopeState::ButtonSent:
if (rsp.paramCode == ResponseMsgParamCodes::Accepted) {
// Button was accepted, decrement the retry.
- SendFINDAQuery();
+ StartReading8bitRegisters();
return Processing;
case ScopeState::ReadRegisterSent:
if (rsp.paramCode == ResponseMsgParamCodes::Accepted) {
@@ -444,8 +479,9 @@ ProtocolLogic::ProtocolLogic(MMU2Serial *uart)
, progressCode(ProgressCode::OK)
, buttonCode(NoButton)
, lastFSensor((uint8_t)WhereIsFilament())
- , findaPressed(false)
- , failStatistics(0)
+ , regs8 { 0, 0, 0 }
+ , regs16 { 0, 0 }
+ , regIndex(0)
, mmuFwVersion { 0, 0, 0 }