@@ -408,7 +408,21 @@ void dcode_5()
#if defined(XFLASH) && (defined DEBUG_DCODE6 || defined DEBUG_DCODES)
### D6 - Read/Write external FLASH <a href="https://reprap.org/wiki/G-code#D6:_Read.2FWrite_external_FLASH">D6: Read/Write external Flash</a>
- Reserved
+ This command can be used without any additional parameters. It will read the entire XFLASH.
+ #### Usage
+ D6 [ A | C | X ]
+ #### Parameters
+ - `A` - Address (x0000-x3ffff)
+ - `C` - Count (1-262144)
+ - `X` - Data
+ #### Notes
+ - The hex address needs to be lowercase without the 0 before the x
+ - Count is decimal
+ - The hex data needs to be lowercase
+ - Writing is currently not implemented
void dcode_6()