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Merge pull request #2362 from leptun/MK3_Fix_Lang_64K_limit

Fix optiboot erase function after address 0xFFFF. Allows language files greater than 64K
DRracer 5 years ago

+ 2 - 2

@@ -258,11 +258,11 @@ void optiboot_w25x20cl_enter()
         uint32_t addr = (((uint32_t)rampz) << 16) | address;
         // During a single bootloader run, only erase a 64kB block once.
         // An 8bit bitmask 'pages_erased' covers 512kB of FLASH memory.
-        if (address == 0 && (pages_erased & (1 << addr)) == 0) {
+        if ((address == 0) && (pages_erased & (1 << (addr >> 16))) == 0) {
-          pages_erased |= (1 << addr);
+          pages_erased |= (1 << (addr >> 16));

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@
 "The printer will start printing a zig-zag line. Rotate the knob until you reach the optimal height. Check the pictures in the handbook (Calibration chapter)."
+"Tiskarna zacne tisknout lomenou caru. Otacenim tlacitka nastavte optimalni vysku. Postupujte podle obrazku v handbooku (kapitola Kalibrace)."

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@
 "The printer will start printing a zig-zag line. Rotate the knob until you reach the optimal height. Check the pictures in the handbook (Calibration chapter)."
+"Der Drucker beginnt mit dem Drucken einer Zickzacklinie. Drehen Sie den Knopf, bis Sie die optimale Hoehe erreicht haben. Ueberpruefen Sie die Bilder im Handbuch (Kapitel Kalibrierung)."

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@
 "The printer will start printing a zig-zag line. Rotate the knob until you reach the optimal height. Check the pictures in the handbook (Calibration chapter)."
+"La impresora comenzara a imprimir una linea en zig-zag. Gira el dial hasta que la linea alcance la altura optima. Mira las fotos del manual (Capitulo de calibracion)."

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@
 "The printer will start printing a zig-zag line. Rotate the knob until you reach the optimal height. Check the pictures in the handbook (Calibration chapter)."
+"L'imprimante commencera a  imprimer une ligne en zig-zag. Tournez le bouton jusqu'a atteindre la hauteur optimale. Consultez les photos dans le manuel (chapitre Calibration)."

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
 "The printer will start printing a zig-zag line. Rotate the knob until you reach the optimal height. Check the pictures in the handbook (Calibration chapter)."
+"La stampante iniziera a stampare una linea a zig-zag. Gira la manopola fino a che non hai raggiungo l'altezza ottimale. Verifica con le immagini nel manuale (capitolo sulla calibrazione):"

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
 "The printer will start printing a zig-zag line. Rotate the knob until you reach the optimal height. Check the pictures in the handbook (Calibration chapter)."
+"Drukarka zacznie drukowanie linii w ksztalcie zygzaka. Ustaw optymalna wysokosc obracajac pokretlo. Porownaj z ilustracjami w Podreczniku (rozdzial Kalibracja)."