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Syntax check `lang_en.txt`
Display correct line having issues

3d-gussner пре 3 година
1 измењених фајлова са 98 додато и 87 уклоњено
  1. 98 87

+ 98 - 87

@@ -121,10 +121,11 @@ def parse_txt(lang, no_warning, warn_empty):
     print(green("Start %s lang-check" % lang))
-    lines = 1
+    lines = 0
     with open(file_path) as src:
         while True:
             message = src.readline()
+            lines += 1
             #print(message) #Debug
             #check syntax 1st line starts with `#MSG`
             if (message[0:4] != '#MSG'):
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ def parse_txt(lang, no_warning, warn_empty):
             if cols is None and rows is None:
                 if not no_warning:
                     print(yellow("[W]: No display definition on line %d" % lines))
-                cols = len(translation)     # propably fullscreen
+                cols = len(source)     # propably fullscreen
             if rows is None:
                 rows = 1
             elif rows > 1 and cols != 20:
@@ -159,55 +160,61 @@ def parse_txt(lang, no_warning, warn_empty):
             #Wrap text to 20 chars and rows
             source = src.readline()[:-1] #read whole line
+            lines += 1
             #check if 2nd line of origin message beginns and ends with " double quote
             if (source[0]!="\""):
-                print(red('[E]: Critical syntax error: Missing " at beginning of message in source on line %d' % lines))
+                print(red('[E]: Critical syntax error: Missing " double quotes at beginning of message in source on line %d' % lines))
             if (source[-1]=="\""):
                 source = source.strip('"') #remove " double quotes from message 
-                print(red('[E]: Critical syntax error: Missing " at end of message in source on line %d' % lines))
+                print(red('[E]: Critical syntax error: Missing " double quotes at end of message in source on line %d' % lines))
-            #print (source) #Debug
-            translation = src.readline()[:-1]#read whole line
-            #check if 3rd line of translation message beginns and ends with " double quote
-            if (translation[0]!="\""):
-                print(red('[E]: Critical syntax error: Missing " at beginning of message in translation on line %d' % lines))
-                print(red(translation))
-                exit(1)
-            if (translation[-1]=="\""):
-                #print ("End ok")
-                translation = translation.strip('"') #remove " double quote from message
-            else:
-                print(red('[E]: Critical syntax error: Missing " at end of message in translation on line %d' % lines))
-                print(red(translation))
-                exit(1)
-            #print (translation)
-            if translation == '\\x00':
-                # crude hack to handle intentionally-empty translations
-                translation = ''
-            #check if source is ascii only
+            #print(source) #Debug
+            if lang != "en":
+                translation = src.readline()[:-1]#read whole line
+                lines += 1
+                #check if 3rd line of translation message beginns and ends with " double quote
+                if (translation[0]!="\""):
+                    print(red('[E]: Critical syntax error: Missing " double quotes at beginning of message in translation on line %d' % lines))
+                    print(red(translation))
+                    exit(1)
+                if (translation[-1]=="\""):
+                    #print ("End ok")
+                    translation = translation.strip('"') #remove " double quote from message
+                else:
+                    print(red('[E]: Critical syntax error: Missing " double quotes at end of message in translation on line %d' % lines))
+                    print(red(translation))
+                    exit(1)
+                #print(translation) #Debug
+                if translation == '\\x00':
+                    # crude hack to handle intentionally-empty translations
+                    translation = ''
+                #check if source is ascii only
             if source.isascii() == False:
                 print(red('[E]: Critical syntax: Non ascii chars found on line %d' % lines))
             #check if translation is ascii only
-            if translation.isascii() == False:
-                print(red('[E]: Critical syntax: Non ascii chars found on line %d' % lines))
-                print(red(translation))
-                exit(1)
+            if lang != "en":
+                if translation.isascii() == False:
+                    print(red('[E]: Critical syntax: Non ascii chars found on line %d' % lines))
+                    print(red(translation))
+                    exit(1)
             # handle backslash sequences
             source = unescape(source)
-            translation = unescape(translation)
+            if lang != "en":
+                translation = unescape(translation)
             #print (translation) #Debug
             wrapped_source = wrap_text(source, cols)
             rows_count_source = len(wrapped_source)
-            wrapped_translation = wrap_text(translation, cols)
-            rows_count_translation = len(wrapped_translation)
+            if lang != "en":
+                wrapped_translation = wrap_text(translation, cols)
+                rows_count_translation = len(wrapped_translation)
             # Check for potential errors in the definition
             if not no_warning:
@@ -224,70 +231,74 @@ def parse_txt(lang, no_warning, warn_empty):
                 # Missing translation
-                if len(translation) == 0 and (warn_empty or rows > 1):
-                    if rows == 1:
-                        print(yellow("[W]: Empty translation for \"%s\" on line %d" % (source, lines)))
-                    else:
-                        print(yellow("[W]: Empty translation on line %d" % lines))
-                        print_ruler(6, cols);
-                        print_wrapped(wrapped_source, rows, cols)
-                        print()
+                if lang != "en":
+                    if len(translation) == 0 and (warn_empty or rows > 1):
+                        if rows == 1:
+                            print(yellow("[W]: Empty translation for \"%s\" on line %d" % (source, lines)))
+                        else:
+                            print(yellow("[W]: Empty translation on line %d" % lines))
+                            print_ruler(6, cols);
+                            print_wrapped(wrapped_source, rows, cols)
+                            print()
-            # Check for translation lenght
-            if (rows_count_translation > rows) or (rows == 1 and len(translation) > cols):
-                print(red('[E]: Text is longer than definition on line %d: cols=%d rows=%d (rows diff=%d)'
-                          % (lines, cols, rows, rows_count_translation-rows)))
-                print_source_translation(source, translation,
-                                         wrapped_source, wrapped_translation,
-                                         rows, cols)
+                    # Check for translation lenght
+                    if (rows_count_translation > rows) or (rows == 1 and len(translation) > cols):
+                        print(red('[E]: Text is longer than definition on line %d: cols=%d rows=%d (rows diff=%d)'
+                                % (lines, cols, rows, rows_count_translation-rows)))
+                        print_source_translation(source, translation,
+                                                wrapped_source, wrapped_translation,
+                                                rows, cols)
-            # Different count of % sequences
-            if source.count('%') != translation.count('%') and len(translation) > 0:
-                print(red('[E]: Unequal count of %% escapes on line %d:' % (lines)))
-                print_source_translation(source, translation,
-                                         wrapped_source, wrapped_translation,
-                                         rows, cols)
+                    # Different count of % sequences
+                    if source.count('%') != translation.count('%') and len(translation) > 0:
+                        print(red('[E]: Unequal count of %% escapes on line %d:' % (lines)))
+                        print_source_translation(source, translation,
+                                                wrapped_source, wrapped_translation,
+                                                rows, cols)
-            # Different first/last character
-            if not no_warning and len(source) > 0 and len(translation) > 0:
-                source_end = source.rstrip()[-1]
-                translation_end = translation.rstrip()[-1]
-                start_diff = not (ign_char_first(source[0]) and ign_char_first(translation[0])) and source[0] != translation[0]
-                end_diff = not (ign_char_last(source_end) and ign_char_last(translation_end)) and source_end != translation_end
-                if start_diff or end_diff:
-                    if start_diff:
-                        print(yellow('[W]: Differing first punctuation character (%s => %s) on line %d:' % (source[0], translation[0], lines)))
-                    if end_diff:
-                        print(yellow('[W]: Differing last punctuation character (%s => %s) on line %d:' % (source[-1], translation[-1], lines)))
-                    print_source_translation(source, translation,
-                                             wrapped_source, wrapped_translation,
-                                             rows, cols)
+                    # Different first/last character
+                    if not no_warning and len(source) > 0 and len(translation) > 0:
+                        source_end = source.rstrip()[-1]
+                        translation_end = translation.rstrip()[-1]
+                        start_diff = not (ign_char_first(source[0]) and ign_char_first(translation[0])) and source[0] != translation[0]
+                        end_diff = not (ign_char_last(source_end) and ign_char_last(translation_end)) and source_end != translation_end
+                        if start_diff or end_diff:
+                            if start_diff:
+                                print(yellow('[W]: Differing first punctuation character (%s => %s) on line %d:' % (source[0], translation[0], lines)))
+                            if end_diff:
+                                print(yellow('[W]: Differing last punctuation character (%s => %s) on line %d:' % (source[-1], translation[-1], lines)))
+                            print_source_translation(source, translation,
+                                                    wrapped_source, wrapped_translation,
+                                                    rows, cols)
-            # Short translation
-            if not no_warning and len(source) > 0 and len(translation) > 0:
-                if len(translation.rstrip()) < len(source.rstrip()) / 2:
-                    print(yellow('[W]: Short translation on line %d:' % (lines)))
-                    print_source_translation(source, translation,
-                                             wrapped_source, wrapped_translation,
-                                             rows, cols)
+                    # Short translation
+                    if not no_warning and len(source) > 0 and len(translation) > 0:
+                        if len(translation.rstrip()) < len(source.rstrip()) / 2:
+                            print(yellow('[W]: Short translation on line %d:' % (lines)))
+                            print_source_translation(source, translation,
+                                                    wrapped_source, wrapped_translation,
+                                                    rows, cols)
-            # Incorrect trailing whitespace in translation
-            if not no_warning and len(translation) > 0 and \
-               (source.rstrip() == source or (rows == 1 and len(source) == cols)) and \
-               translation.rstrip() != translation and \
-               (rows > 1 or len(translation) != len(source)):
-                print(yellow('[W]: Incorrect trailing whitespace for translation on line %d:' % (lines)))
-                source = highlight_trailing_white(source)
-                translation = highlight_trailing_white(translation)
-                wrapped_translation = highlight_trailing_white(wrapped_translation)
-                print_source_translation(source, translation,
-                                         wrapped_source, wrapped_translation,
-                                         rows, cols)
-            if len(src.readline()) != 1:  # empty line
-                print(red('[E]: Critical Syntax error: Missing empty line between messages between lines: %d and %d' % (lines+3,lines+4)))
+                    # Incorrect trailing whitespace in translation
+                    if not no_warning and len(translation) > 0 and \
+                     (source.rstrip() == source or (rows == 1 and len(source) == cols)) and \
+                     translation.rstrip() != translation and \
+                     (rows > 1 or len(translation) != len(source)):
+                        print(yellow('[W]: Incorrect trailing whitespace for translation on line %d:' % (lines)))
+                        source = highlight_trailing_white(source)
+                        translation = highlight_trailing_white(translation)
+                        wrapped_translation = highlight_trailing_white(wrapped_translation)
+                        print_source_translation(source, translation,
+                                                wrapped_source, wrapped_translation,
+                                                rows, cols)
+            delimiter = src.readline()
+            lines += 1
+            if ("" == delimiter):
+                break
+            elif len(delimiter) != 1:  # empty line
+                print(red('[E]: Critical Syntax error: Missing empty line between messages between lines: %d and %d' % (lines-1,lines)))
-            lines += 4
     print(green("End %s lang-check" % lang))