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New ML support - - initial version

Robert Pelnar 6 years ago
1 changed files with 99 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 99 0

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# Output folder and elf file:
+# AVR gcc tools used:
+function finish
+ echo
+ echo " finished... press enter key"
+ read
+ exit
+echo " started..."
+#check input files
+echo " checking files:"
+if [ ! -e $OUTDIR ]; then echo "  folder '$OUTDIR' not found!"; finish; fi
+echo "  folder OK"
+if [ ! -e $OUTELF ]; then echo "  elf file '$OUTELF' not found!"; finish; fi
+echo "  elf OK"
+if ! ls $OUTDIR/sketch/*.o >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "  no object files in '$OUTDIR/sketch/'!"; finish; fi
+echo "  objects OK"
+#run to examine content of progmem1
+./ 1
+#create sorted list of strings from progmem1.var and lang_en.txt
+#lines from progmem1.var will contain addres (8 chars) and english text
+#lines from lang_en.txt will contain linenumber and english text
+#after sort this will generate pairs of lines (line from progmem1 first)
+#result of sort is compiled with simple script and stored to file textaddr.txt
+echo "compiling progmem1.var and lang_en.txt"
+(cat progmem1.var | sed -E "s/^([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) (.*)/\1 \"\3\"/";\
+ cat lang_en.txt | sed "/^$/d;/^#/d" | sed = | sed '{N;s/\n/ /}') |\
+ sort -k2 |\
+ sed "s/\\\/\\\\\\\/g" | while read num txt; do
+ if [ ${#num} -eq 8 ]; then
+  if [ -z "$addr" ]; then
+   addr=$num
+  else
+   if [ "$text" == "$txt" ]; then
+    addr="$addr $num"
+   else
+    echo "ADDR NF $addr $text"
+    addr=$num
+   fi
+  fi
+  text=$txt   
+ else
+  if [ -z "$addr" ]; then
+   echo "TEXT NF $num $txt"
+  else
+   if [ "$text" == "$txt" ]; then
+    if [ ${#addr} -eq 8 ]; then
+     echo "ADDR OK $addr $num"
+    else
+     echo "$addr" | sed "s/ /\n/g" | while read ad; do
+      echo "ADDR OK $ad $num"
+     done
+    fi
+    addr=''
+    text=''
+   else
+    echo "TEXT NF $num $txt"
+   fi
+  fi
+ fi
+done > textaddr.txt
+#check for messages declared in progmem1, but not found in lang_en.txt
+echo "checking textaddr.txt..."
+if cat textaddr.txt | grep "^ADDR NF"; then echo "Some strings not found in lang_en.txt!"; finish; fi
+#update progmem1 id entries in binary file
+echo "extracting binary..."
+$OBJCOPY -I ihex -O binary $OUTDIR/Firmware.ino.hex ./firmware.bin
+#update progmem1 id entries in binary file
+echo "updating binary..."
+#dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=512 count=64 2>/dev/null
+time cat textaddr.txt | grep "^ADDR OK" | cut -f3- -d' ' | sed "s/^0000/0x/" |\
+ awk '{ hi = int($2 / 256); lo = int($2 - 256 * hi); printf("%d \\\\x%02x\\\\x%02x\n", strtonum($1), hi, lo); }' |\
+ while read addr data; do
+  echo -n -e $data | dd of=./firmware.bin bs=1 count=2 seek=$addr conv=notrunc oflag=nonblock 2>/dev/null
+ done
+#update progmem1 id entries in binary file
+echo "converting to hex..."
+$OBJCOPY -I binary -O ihex ./firmware.bin ./firmware.hex