Parcourir la source

Return ir_sensor_detected + related functionality

D.R.racer il y a 2 ans

+ 820 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,820 @@
+//! @file
+#include "Marlin.h"
+#include "fsensor.h"
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+#include "pat9125.h"
+#include "stepper.h"
+#include "cmdqueue.h"
+#include "ultralcd.h"
+#include "mmu2.h"
+#include "cardreader.h"
+#include "adc.h"
+#include "temperature.h"
+#include "config.h"
+//! @name Basic parameters
+//! @{
+#define FSENSOR_CHUNK_LEN      1.25 //!< filament sensor chunk length (mm)
+#define FSENSOR_ERR_MAX           4 //!< filament sensor maximum error/chunk count for runout detection
+#define FSENSOR_SOFTERR_CMAX      3 //!< number of contiguous soft failures before a triggering a runout
+#define FSENSOR_SOFTERR_DELTA 30000 //!< maximum interval (ms) to consider soft failures contiguous
+//! @}
+//! @name Optical quality measurement parameters
+//! @{
+#define FSENSOR_OQ_MAX_ES      2    //!< maximum sum of error blocks during filament recheck
+#define FSENSOR_OQ_MIN_YD      2    //!< minimum yd sum during filament check (counts per inch)
+#define FSENSOR_OQ_MIN_BR      80   //!< minimum brightness value
+#define FSENSOR_OQ_MAX_SH      10   //!< maximum shutter value
+//! @}
+const char ERRMSG_PAT9125_NOT_RESP[] PROGMEM = "PAT9125 not responding (%d)!\n";
+// PJ7 can not be used (does not have PinChangeInterrupt possibility)
+#define FSENSOR_INT_PIN          75 //!< filament sensor interrupt pin PJ4
+#define FSENSOR_INT_PIN_MASK   0x10 //!< filament sensor interrupt pin mask (bit4)
+#define FSENSOR_INT_PIN_PIN_REG PINJ              // PIN register @ PJ4
+#define FSENSOR_INT_PIN_VECT PCINT1_vect          // PinChange ISR @ PJ4
+#define FSENSOR_INT_PIN_PCMSK_REG PCMSK1          // PinChangeMaskRegister @ PJ4
+#define FSENSOR_INT_PIN_PCMSK_BIT PCINT13         // PinChange Interrupt / PinChange Enable Mask @ PJ4
+#define FSENSOR_INT_PIN_PCICR_BIT PCIE1           // PinChange Interrupt Enable / Flag @ PJ4
+//! enabled = initialized and sampled every chunk event
+bool fsensor_enabled = true;
+//! runout watching is done in fsensor_update (called from main loop)
+bool fsensor_watch_runout = true;
+//! not responding - is set if any communication error occurred during initialization or readout
+bool fsensor_not_responding = false;
+/// This flag was originally located in mmu.cpp. Not sure what it was supposed to do, but it looks like
+/// it was holding "true" all the time on MK3S.
+#ifndef IR_SENSOR
+bool ir_sensor_detected = false;
+bool check_for_ir_sensor(); ///< detects IR sensor and updates ir_sensor_detected
+bool IRSensorDetected() { 
+    return ir_sensor_detected;
+#ifdef PAT9125
+uint8_t fsensor_int_pin_old = 0;
+//! optical checking "chunk lenght" (already in steps)
+int16_t fsensor_chunk_len = 0;
+//! enable/disable quality meassurement
+bool fsensor_oq_meassure_enabled = false;
+//! number of errors, updated in ISR
+uint8_t fsensor_err_cnt = 0;
+//! variable for accumulating step count (updated callbacks from stepper and ISR)
+int16_t fsensor_st_cnt = 0;
+//! count of total sensor "soft" failures (filament status checks)
+uint8_t fsensor_softfail = 0;
+//! timestamp of last soft failure
+unsigned long fsensor_softfail_last = 0;
+//! count of soft failures within the configured time
+uint8_t fsensor_softfail_ccnt = 0;
+//! log flag: 0=log disabled, 1=log enabled
+uint8_t fsensor_log = 1;
+//! @name filament autoload variables
+//! @{
+//! autoload feature enabled
+bool fsensor_autoload_enabled = true;
+//! autoload watching enable/disable flag
+bool fsensor_watch_autoload = false;
+#ifdef PAT9125
+uint16_t fsensor_autoload_y;
+uint8_t fsensor_autoload_c;
+uint32_t fsensor_autoload_last_millis;
+uint8_t fsensor_autoload_sum;
+//! @}
+//! @name filament optical quality measurement variables
+//! @{
+//! Measurement enable/disable flag
+bool fsensor_oq_meassure = false;
+//! skip-chunk counter, for accurate measurement is necessary to skip first chunk...
+uint8_t  fsensor_oq_skipchunk;
+//! number of samples from start of measurement
+uint8_t fsensor_oq_samples;
+//! sum of steps in positive direction movements
+uint16_t fsensor_oq_st_sum;
+//! sum of deltas in positive direction movements
+uint16_t fsensor_oq_yd_sum;
+//! sum of errors during measurement
+uint16_t fsensor_oq_er_sum;
+//! max error counter value during measurement
+uint8_t  fsensor_oq_er_max;
+//! minimum delta value
+int16_t fsensor_oq_yd_min;
+//! maximum delta value
+int16_t fsensor_oq_yd_max;
+//! sum of shutter value
+uint16_t fsensor_oq_sh_sum;
+//! @}
+ClFsensorPCB oFsensorPCB;
+ClFsensorActionNA oFsensorActionNA;
+bool bIRsensorStateFlag=false;
+ShortTimer tIRsensorCheckTimer;
+void fsensor_stop_and_save_print(void)
+    puts_P(PSTR("fsensor_stop_and_save_print"));
+    stop_and_save_print_to_ram(0, 0);
+    fsensor_watch_runout = false;
+#ifdef PAT9125
+// Reset all internal counters to zero, including stepper callbacks
+void fsensor_reset_err_cnt()
+    fsensor_err_cnt = 0;
+    pat9125_y = 0;
+    st_reset_fsensor();
+void fsensor_set_axis_steps_per_unit(float u)
+    fsensor_chunk_len = (int16_t)(FSENSOR_CHUNK_LEN * u);
+void fsensor_restore_print_and_continue(void)
+    puts_P(PSTR("fsensor_restore_print_and_continue"));
+    fsensor_watch_runout = true;
+#ifdef PAT9125
+    fsensor_reset_err_cnt();
+    restore_print_from_ram_and_continue(0);
+// fsensor_checkpoint_print cuts the current print job at the current position,
+// allowing new instructions to be inserted in the middle
+void fsensor_checkpoint_print(void)
+    puts_P(PSTR("fsensor_checkpoint_print"));
+    stop_and_save_print_to_ram(0, 0);
+    restore_print_from_ram_and_continue(0);
+const char* FsensorIRVersionText()
+	switch(oFsensorPCB)
+	{
+		case ClFsensorPCB::_Old:
+			return _T(MSG_IR_03_OR_OLDER);
+		case ClFsensorPCB::_Rev04:
+			return _T(MSG_IR_04_OR_NEWER);
+		default:
+			return _T(MSG_IR_UNKNOWN);
+	}
+void fsensor_init(void)
+#ifdef PAT9125
+	uint8_t pat9125 = pat9125_init();
+	printf_P(PSTR("PAT9125_init:%u\n"), pat9125);
+#endif //PAT9125
+	uint8_t fsensor_enabled = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_FSENSOR);
+	fsensor_autoload_enabled=eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_FSENS_AUTOLOAD_ENABLED);
+	fsensor_not_responding = false;
+#ifdef PAT9125
+	uint8_t oq_meassure_enabled = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_FSENS_OQ_MEASS_ENABLED);
+	fsensor_oq_meassure_enabled = (oq_meassure_enabled == 1)?true:false;
+	fsensor_set_axis_steps_per_unit(cs.axis_steps_per_unit[E_AXIS]);
+	if (!pat9125){
+		fsensor_enabled = 0; //disable sensor
+		fsensor_not_responding = true;
+	}
+#endif //PAT9125
+	bIRsensorStateFlag=false;
+	oFsensorPCB = (ClFsensorPCB)eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_FSENSOR_PCB);
+	oFsensorActionNA = (ClFsensorActionNA)eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_FSENSOR_ACTION_NA);
+	// If the fsensor is not responding even at the start of the printer,
+	// set this flag accordingly to show N/A in Settings->Filament sensor.
+	// This is even valid for both fsensor board revisions (0.3 or older and 0.4).
+	// Must be done after reading what type of fsensor board we have
+	fsensor_not_responding = ! fsensor_IR_check();
+	if (fsensor_enabled){
+		fsensor_enable(false);                  // (in this case) EEPROM update is not necessary
+	} else {
+		fsensor_disable(false);                 // (in this case) EEPROM update is not necessary
+	}
+	printf_P(PSTR("FSensor %S"), (fsensor_enabled?PSTR("ENABLED"):PSTR("DISABLED")));
+	printf_P(PSTR(" (sensor board revision:%S)\n"), FsensorIRVersionText());
+	MYSERIAL.println();
+#ifndef IR_SENSOR    
+	ir_sensor_detected = check_for_ir_sensor();
+bool fsensor_enable(bool bUpdateEEPROM)
+#ifdef PAT9125
+    (void)bUpdateEEPROM; // silence unused warning in this variant
+	if (mmu_enabled == false) { //filament sensor is pat9125, enable only if it is working
+		uint8_t pat9125 = pat9125_init();
+		printf_P(PSTR("PAT9125_init:%u\n"), pat9125);
+		if (pat9125)
+			fsensor_not_responding = false;
+		else
+			fsensor_not_responding = true;
+		fsensor_enabled = pat9125 ? true : false;
+		fsensor_watch_runout = true;
+		fsensor_oq_meassure = false;
+        fsensor_reset_err_cnt();
+		eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_FSENSOR, fsensor_enabled ? 0x01 : 0x00);
+		FSensorStateMenu = fsensor_enabled ? 1 : 0;
+	}
+	else //filament sensor is FINDA, always enable 
+	{
+		fsensor_enabled = true;
+		eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_FSENSOR, 0x01);
+		FSensorStateMenu = 1;
+	}
+#else // PAT9125
+     if(!fsensor_IR_check())
+          {
+          bUpdateEEPROM=true;
+          fsensor_enabled=false;
+          fsensor_not_responding=true;
+          FSensorStateMenu=0;
+          }
+     else {
+     fsensor_enabled=true;
+     fsensor_not_responding=false;
+     FSensorStateMenu=1;
+          }
+     if(bUpdateEEPROM)
+          eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_FSENSOR, FSensorStateMenu);
+#endif //PAT9125
+	return fsensor_enabled;
+void fsensor_disable(bool bUpdateEEPROM)
+	fsensor_enabled = false;
+	FSensorStateMenu = 0;
+     if(bUpdateEEPROM)
+          eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_FSENSOR, 0x00); 
+void fsensor_autoload_set(bool State)
+#ifdef PAT9125
+	if (!State) fsensor_autoload_check_stop();
+#endif //PAT9125
+	fsensor_autoload_enabled = State;
+	eeprom_update_byte((unsigned char *)EEPROM_FSENS_AUTOLOAD_ENABLED, fsensor_autoload_enabled);
+void pciSetup(byte pin)
+// !!! "digitalPinTo?????bit()" does not provide the correct results for some MCU pins
+	*digitalPinToPCMSK(pin) |= bit (digitalPinToPCMSKbit(pin)); // enable pin
+	PCIFR |= bit (digitalPinToPCICRbit(pin)); // clear any outstanding interrupt
+	PCICR |= bit (digitalPinToPCICRbit(pin)); // enable interrupt for the group 
+#ifdef PAT9125
+void fsensor_autoload_check_start(void)
+//	puts_P(_N("fsensor_autoload_check_start\n"));
+	if (!fsensor_enabled) return;
+	if (!fsensor_autoload_enabled) return;
+	if (fsensor_watch_autoload) return;
+	if (!pat9125_update()) //update sensor
+	{
+		fsensor_disable();
+		fsensor_not_responding = true;
+		fsensor_watch_autoload = false;
+		printf_P(ERRMSG_PAT9125_NOT_RESP, 3);
+		return;
+	}
+	puts_P(_N("fsensor_autoload_check_start - autoload ENABLED"));
+	fsensor_autoload_y = pat9125_y; //save current y value
+	fsensor_autoload_c = 0; //reset number of changes counter
+	fsensor_autoload_sum = 0;
+	fsensor_autoload_last_millis = _millis();
+	fsensor_watch_runout = false;
+	fsensor_watch_autoload = true;
+void fsensor_autoload_check_stop(void)
+//	puts_P(_N("fsensor_autoload_check_stop\n"));
+	if (!fsensor_enabled) return;
+//	puts_P(_N("fsensor_autoload_check_stop 1\n"));
+	if (!fsensor_autoload_enabled) return;
+//	puts_P(_N("fsensor_autoload_check_stop 2\n"));
+	if (!fsensor_watch_autoload) return;
+	puts_P(_N("fsensor_autoload_check_stop - autoload DISABLED"));
+	fsensor_autoload_sum = 0;
+	fsensor_watch_autoload = false;
+	fsensor_watch_runout = true;
+    fsensor_reset_err_cnt();
+#endif //PAT9125
+bool fsensor_check_autoload(void)
+	if (!fsensor_enabled) return false;
+	if (!fsensor_autoload_enabled) return false;
+	if (IRSensorDetected()) {
+			fsensor_watch_autoload = true;
+		}
+		else if (fsensor_watch_autoload == true) {
+			fsensor_watch_autoload = false;
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
+#ifdef PAT9125
+	if (!fsensor_watch_autoload)
+	{
+		fsensor_autoload_check_start();
+		return false;
+	}
+#if 0
+	uint8_t fsensor_autoload_c_old = fsensor_autoload_c;
+	if ((_millis() - fsensor_autoload_last_millis) < 25) return false;
+	fsensor_autoload_last_millis = _millis();
+	if (!pat9125_update_y()) //update sensor
+	{
+		fsensor_disable();
+		fsensor_not_responding = true;
+		printf_P(ERRMSG_PAT9125_NOT_RESP, 2);
+		return false;
+	}
+	int16_t dy = pat9125_y - fsensor_autoload_y;
+	if (dy) //? dy value is nonzero
+	{
+		if (dy > 0) //? delta-y value is positive (inserting)
+		{
+			fsensor_autoload_sum += dy;
+			fsensor_autoload_c += 3; //increment change counter by 3
+		}
+		else if (fsensor_autoload_c > 1)
+			fsensor_autoload_c -= 2; //decrement change counter by 2 
+		fsensor_autoload_y = pat9125_y; //save current value
+	}
+	else if (fsensor_autoload_c > 0)
+		fsensor_autoload_c--;
+	if (fsensor_autoload_c == 0) fsensor_autoload_sum = 0;
+#if 0
+  	puts_P(_N("fsensor_check_autoload\n"));
+  	if (fsensor_autoload_c != fsensor_autoload_c_old)
+  		printf_P(PSTR("fsensor_check_autoload dy=%d c=%d sum=%d\n"), dy, fsensor_autoload_c, fsensor_autoload_sum);
+//	if ((fsensor_autoload_c >= 15) && (fsensor_autoload_sum > 30))
+	if ((fsensor_autoload_c >= 12) && (fsensor_autoload_sum > 20))
+	{
+//		puts_P(_N("fsensor_check_autoload = true !!!\n"));
+		return true;
+	}
+#endif //PAT9125
+	return false;
+#ifdef PAT9125
+void fsensor_oq_meassure_set(bool State)
+	fsensor_oq_meassure_enabled = State;
+	eeprom_update_byte((unsigned char *)EEPROM_FSENS_OQ_MEASS_ENABLED, fsensor_oq_meassure_enabled);
+void fsensor_oq_meassure_start(uint8_t skip)
+	if (!fsensor_enabled) return;
+	if (!fsensor_oq_meassure_enabled) return;
+	puts_P(PSTR("fsensor_oq_meassure_start"));
+	fsensor_oq_skipchunk = skip;
+	fsensor_oq_samples = 0;
+	fsensor_oq_st_sum = 0;
+	fsensor_oq_yd_sum = 0;
+	fsensor_oq_er_sum = 0;
+	fsensor_oq_er_max = 0;
+	fsensor_oq_yd_min = INT16_MAX;
+	fsensor_oq_yd_max = 0;
+	fsensor_oq_sh_sum = 0;
+	pat9125_update();
+	pat9125_y = 0;
+	fsensor_oq_meassure = true;
+void fsensor_oq_meassure_stop(void)
+	if (!fsensor_enabled) return;
+	if (!fsensor_oq_meassure_enabled) return;
+	printf_P(PSTR("fsensor_oq_meassure_stop, %u samples\n"), fsensor_oq_samples);
+	printf_P(_N(" st_sum=%u yd_sum=%u er_sum=%u er_max=%u\n"), fsensor_oq_st_sum, fsensor_oq_yd_sum, fsensor_oq_er_sum, fsensor_oq_er_max);
+	printf_P(_N(" yd_min=%u yd_max=%u yd_avg=%u sh_avg=%u\n"), fsensor_oq_yd_min, fsensor_oq_yd_max, (uint16_t)((uint32_t)fsensor_oq_yd_sum * fsensor_chunk_len / fsensor_oq_st_sum), (uint16_t)(fsensor_oq_sh_sum / fsensor_oq_samples));
+	fsensor_oq_meassure = false;
+const char _OK[] PROGMEM = "OK";
+const char _NG[] PROGMEM = "NG!";
+bool fsensor_oq_result(void)
+	if (!fsensor_enabled) return true;
+	if (!fsensor_oq_meassure_enabled) return true;
+	puts_P(_N("fsensor_oq_result"));
+	bool res_er_sum = (fsensor_oq_er_sum <= FSENSOR_OQ_MAX_ES);
+	printf_P(_N(" er_sum = %u %S\n"), fsensor_oq_er_sum, (res_er_sum?_OK:_NG));
+	bool res_er_max = (fsensor_oq_er_max <= FSENSOR_OQ_MAX_EM);
+	printf_P(_N(" er_max = %u %S\n"), fsensor_oq_er_max, (res_er_max?_OK:_NG));
+	uint8_t yd_avg = ((uint32_t)fsensor_oq_yd_sum * fsensor_chunk_len / fsensor_oq_st_sum);
+	bool res_yd_avg = (yd_avg >= FSENSOR_OQ_MIN_YD) && (yd_avg <= FSENSOR_OQ_MAX_YD);
+	printf_P(_N(" yd_avg = %u %S\n"), yd_avg, (res_yd_avg?_OK:_NG));
+	bool res_yd_max = (fsensor_oq_yd_max <= (yd_avg * FSENSOR_OQ_MAX_PD));
+	printf_P(_N(" yd_max = %u %S\n"), fsensor_oq_yd_max, (res_yd_max?_OK:_NG));
+	bool res_yd_min = (fsensor_oq_yd_min >= (yd_avg / FSENSOR_OQ_MAX_ND));
+	printf_P(_N(" yd_min = %u %S\n"), fsensor_oq_yd_min, (res_yd_min?_OK:_NG));
+	uint16_t yd_dev = (fsensor_oq_yd_max - yd_avg) + (yd_avg - fsensor_oq_yd_min);
+	printf_P(_N(" yd_dev = %u\n"), yd_dev);
+	uint16_t yd_qua = 10 * yd_avg / (yd_dev + 1);
+	printf_P(_N(" yd_qua = %u %S\n"), yd_qua, ((yd_qua >= 8)?_OK:_NG));
+	uint8_t sh_avg = (fsensor_oq_sh_sum / fsensor_oq_samples);
+	bool res_sh_avg = (sh_avg <= FSENSOR_OQ_MAX_SH);
+	if (yd_qua >= 8) res_sh_avg = true;
+	printf_P(_N(" sh_avg = %u %S\n"), sh_avg, (res_sh_avg?_OK:_NG));
+	bool res = res_er_sum && res_er_max && res_yd_avg && res_yd_max && res_yd_min && res_sh_avg;
+	printf_P(_N("fsensor_oq_result %S\n"), (res?_OK:_NG));
+	return res;
+FORCE_INLINE static void fsensor_isr(int st_cnt)
+	uint8_t old_err_cnt = fsensor_err_cnt;
+	uint8_t pat9125_res = fsensor_oq_meassure?pat9125_update():pat9125_update_y();
+	if (!pat9125_res)
+	{
+		fsensor_disable();
+		fsensor_not_responding = true;
+		printf_P(ERRMSG_PAT9125_NOT_RESP, 1);
+	}
+	if (st_cnt != 0)
+	{
+        // movement was planned, check for sensor movement
+        int8_t st_dir = st_cnt >= 0;
+        int8_t pat9125_dir = pat9125_y >= 0;
+        if (pat9125_y == 0)
+        {
+            if (st_dir)
+            {
+                // no movement detected: we might be within a blind sensor range,
+                // update the frame and shutter parameters we didn't earlier
+                if (!fsensor_oq_meassure)
+                    pat9125_update_bs();
+                // increment the error count only if underexposed: filament likely missing
+                if ((pat9125_b < FSENSOR_OQ_MIN_BR) && (pat9125_s > FSENSOR_OQ_MAX_SH))
+                {
+                    // check for a dark frame (<30% avg brightness) with long exposure
+                    ++fsensor_err_cnt;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    // good frame, filament likely present
+                    if(fsensor_err_cnt) --fsensor_err_cnt;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else if (pat9125_dir != st_dir)
+        {
+            // detected direction opposite of motor movement
+            if (st_dir) ++fsensor_err_cnt;
+        }
+        else if (pat9125_dir == st_dir)
+        {
+            // direction agreeing with planned movement
+            if (fsensor_err_cnt) --fsensor_err_cnt;
+        }
+        if (st_dir && fsensor_oq_meassure)
+        {
+            // extruding with quality assessment
+            if (fsensor_oq_skipchunk)
+            {
+                fsensor_oq_skipchunk--;
+                fsensor_err_cnt = 0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (st_cnt == fsensor_chunk_len)
+                {
+                    if (pat9125_y > 0) if (fsensor_oq_yd_min > pat9125_y) fsensor_oq_yd_min = (fsensor_oq_yd_min + pat9125_y) / 2;
+                    if (pat9125_y >= 0) if (fsensor_oq_yd_max < pat9125_y) fsensor_oq_yd_max = (fsensor_oq_yd_max + pat9125_y) / 2;
+                }
+                fsensor_oq_samples++;
+                fsensor_oq_st_sum += st_cnt;
+                if (pat9125_y > 0) fsensor_oq_yd_sum += pat9125_y;
+                if (fsensor_err_cnt > old_err_cnt)
+                    fsensor_oq_er_sum += (fsensor_err_cnt - old_err_cnt);
+                if (fsensor_oq_er_max < fsensor_err_cnt)
+                    fsensor_oq_er_max = fsensor_err_cnt;
+                fsensor_oq_sh_sum += pat9125_s;
+            }
+        }
+	}
+	if (fsensor_log)
+	{
+		printf_P(_N("FSENSOR cnt=%d dy=%d err=%u %S\n"), st_cnt, pat9125_y, fsensor_err_cnt, (fsensor_err_cnt > old_err_cnt)?_N("NG!"):_N("OK"));
+		if (fsensor_oq_meassure) printf_P(_N("FSENSOR st_sum=%u yd_sum=%u er_sum=%u er_max=%u yd_max=%u\n"), fsensor_oq_st_sum, fsensor_oq_yd_sum, fsensor_oq_er_sum, fsensor_oq_er_max, fsensor_oq_yd_max);
+	}
+	pat9125_y = 0;
+    if (mmu_enabled || IRSensorDetected()) return;
+    if (!((fsensor_int_pin_old ^ FSENSOR_INT_PIN_PIN_REG) & FSENSOR_INT_PIN_MASK)) return;
+    fsensor_int_pin_old = FSENSOR_INT_PIN_PIN_REG;
+    // prevent isr re-entry
+    static bool _lock = false;
+    if (!_lock)
+    {
+        // fetch fsensor_st_cnt atomically
+        int st_cnt = fsensor_st_cnt;
+        fsensor_st_cnt = 0;
+        _lock = true;
+        sei();
+        fsensor_isr(st_cnt);
+        cli();
+        _lock = false;
+    }
+void fsensor_setup_interrupt(void)
+	fsensor_int_pin_old = 0;
+	//pciSetup(FSENSOR_INT_PIN);
+// !!! "pciSetup()" does not provide the correct results for some MCU pins
+// so interrupt registers settings:
+     FSENSOR_INT_PIN_PCMSK_REG |= bit(FSENSOR_INT_PIN_PCMSK_BIT); // enable corresponding PinChangeInterrupt (individual pin)
+     PCIFR |= bit(FSENSOR_INT_PIN_PCICR_BIT);     // clear previous occasional interrupt (set of pins)
+     PCICR |= bit(FSENSOR_INT_PIN_PCICR_BIT);     // enable corresponding PinChangeInterrupt (set of pins)
+void fsensor_st_block_chunk(int cnt)
+	if (!fsensor_enabled) return;
+	fsensor_st_cnt += cnt;
+	// !!! bit toggling (PINxn <- 1) (for PinChangeInterrupt) does not work for some MCU pins
+#endif //PAT9125
+//! Common code for enqueing M600 and supplemental codes into the command queue.
+//! Used both for the IR sensor and the PAT9125
+void fsensor_enque_M600(){
+	puts_P(PSTR("fsensor_update - M600"));
+	eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_FERROR_COUNT, eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_FERROR_COUNT) + 1);
+	eeprom_update_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_FERROR_COUNT_TOT, eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_FERROR_COUNT_TOT) + 1);
+	enquecommand_front_P((PSTR("M600")));
+//! @brief filament sensor update (perform M600 on filament runout)
+//! Works only if filament sensor is enabled.
+//! When the filament sensor error count is larger then FSENSOR_ERR_MAX, pauses print, tries to move filament back and forth.
+//! If there is still no plausible signal from filament sensor plans M600 (Filament change).
+void fsensor_update(void)
+#ifdef PAT9125
+    if (fsensor_watch_runout && (fsensor_err_cnt > FSENSOR_ERR_MAX))
+        {
+            fsensor_stop_and_save_print();
+            bool autoload_enabled_tmp = fsensor_autoload_enabled;
+            fsensor_autoload_enabled = false;
+            bool oq_meassure_enabled_tmp = fsensor_oq_meassure_enabled;
+            fsensor_oq_meassure_enabled = true;
+            // move the nozzle away while checking the filament
+            current_position[Z_AXIS] += 0.8;
+            if(current_position[Z_AXIS] > Z_MAX_POS) current_position[Z_AXIS] = Z_MAX_POS;
+            plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(max_feedrate[Z_AXIS]);
+            st_synchronize();
+            // check the filament in isolation
+            fsensor_reset_err_cnt();
+            fsensor_oq_meassure_start(0);
+            float e_tmp = current_position[E_AXIS];
+            current_position[E_AXIS] -= 3;
+            plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(250/60);
+            current_position[E_AXIS] = e_tmp;
+            plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(200/60);
+            st_synchronize();
+            fsensor_oq_meassure_stop();
+            bool err = false;
+            err |= (fsensor_err_cnt > 0);                   // final error count is non-zero
+            err |= (fsensor_oq_er_sum > FSENSOR_OQ_MAX_ES); // total error count is above limit
+            err |= (fsensor_oq_yd_sum < FSENSOR_OQ_MIN_YD); // total measured distance is below limit
+            fsensor_restore_print_and_continue();
+            fsensor_autoload_enabled = autoload_enabled_tmp;
+            fsensor_oq_meassure_enabled = oq_meassure_enabled_tmp;
+            unsigned long now = _millis();
+            if (!err && (now - fsensor_softfail_last) > FSENSOR_SOFTERR_DELTA)
+                fsensor_softfail_ccnt = 0;
+            if (!err && fsensor_softfail_ccnt <= FSENSOR_SOFTERR_CMAX)
+            {
+                puts_P(PSTR("fsensor_err_cnt = 0"));
+                ++fsensor_softfail;
+                ++fsensor_softfail_ccnt;
+                fsensor_softfail_last = now;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                fsensor_softfail_ccnt = 0;
+                fsensor_softfail_last = 0;
+                fsensor_enque_M600();
+            }
+        }
+#else //PAT9125
+        if (CHECK_FSENSOR && IRSensorDetected())
+        {
+            if (READ(IR_SENSOR_PIN))
+            {                                  // IR_SENSOR_PIN ~ H
+                if(!bIRsensorStateFlag)
+                {
+                    bIRsensorStateFlag=true;
+                    tIRsensorCheckTimer.start();
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if(tIRsensorCheckTimer.expired(IR_SENSOR_STEADY))
+                    {
+                        uint8_t nMUX1,nMUX2;
+                        uint16_t nADC;
+                        bIRsensorStateFlag=false;
+                        // sequence for direct data reading from AD converter
+                        DISABLE_TEMPERATURE_INTERRUPT();
+                        nMUX1=ADMUX;        // ADMUX saving
+                        nMUX2=ADCSRB;
+                        adc_setmux(VOLT_IR_PIN);
+                        ADCSRA|=(1<<ADSC);  // first conversion after ADMUX change discarded (preventively)
+                        while(ADCSRA&(1<<ADSC))
+                            ;
+                        ADCSRA|=(1<<ADSC);  // second conversion used
+                        while(ADCSRA&(1<<ADSC))
+                            ;
+                        nADC=ADC;
+                        ADMUX=nMUX1;        // ADMUX restoring
+                        ADCSRB=nMUX2;
+                        ENABLE_TEMPERATURE_INTERRUPT();
+                        // end of sequence for ...
+                        // Detection of correct function of fsensor v04 - it must NOT read >4.6V
+                        // If it does, it means a disconnected cables or faulty board
+                        if( (oFsensorPCB == ClFsensorPCB::_Rev04) && ( (nADC*OVERSAMPLENR) > IRsensor_Hopen_TRESHOLD ) )
+                        {
+                            fsensor_disable();
+                            fsensor_not_responding = true;
+                            printf_P(PSTR("IR sensor not responding (%d)!\n"),1);
+                            if((ClFsensorActionNA)eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_FSENSOR_ACTION_NA)==ClFsensorActionNA::_Pause)
+                            // if we are printing and FS action is set to "Pause", force pause the print
+                            if(oFsensorActionNA==ClFsensorActionNA::_Pause)
+                                lcd_pause_print();
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            fsensor_checkpoint_print();
+                            fsensor_enque_M600();
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                   }
+                   else
+                   {                                  // IR_SENSOR_PIN ~ L
+                        bIRsensorStateFlag=false;
+            }
+        }
+#endif //PAT9125
+/// This is called only upon start of the printer or when switching the fsensor ON in the menu
+/// We cannot do temporal window checks here (aka the voltage has been in some range for a period of time)
+bool fsensor_IR_check(){
+    if( IRsensor_Lmax_TRESHOLD <= current_voltage_raw_IR && current_voltage_raw_IR <= IRsensor_Hmin_TRESHOLD ){
+        /// If the voltage is in forbidden range, the fsensor is ok, but the lever is mounted improperly.
+        /// Or the user is so creative so that he can hold a piece of fillament in the hole in such a genius way,
+        /// that the IR fsensor reading is within 1.5 and 3V ... this would have been highly unusual
+        /// and would have been considered more like a sabotage than normal printer operation
+        puts_P(PSTR("fsensor in forbidden range 1.5-3V - check sensor"));
+        return false; 
+    }
+    if( oFsensorPCB == ClFsensorPCB::_Rev04 ){
+        /// newer IR sensor cannot normally produce 4.6-5V, this is considered a failure/bad mount
+        if( IRsensor_Hopen_TRESHOLD <= current_voltage_raw_IR && current_voltage_raw_IR <= IRsensor_VMax_TRESHOLD ){
+            puts_P(PSTR("fsensor v0.4 in fault range 4.6-5V - unconnected"));
+            return false;
+        }
+        /// newer IR sensor cannot normally produce 0-0.3V, this is considered a failure 
+#if 0	//Disabled as it has to be decided if we gonna use this or not.
+        if( IRsensor_Hopen_TRESHOLD <= current_voltage_raw_IR && current_voltage_raw_IR <= IRsensor_VMax_TRESHOLD ){
+            puts_P(PSTR("fsensor v0.4 in fault range 0.0-0.3V - wrong IR sensor"));
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    /// If IR sensor is "uknown state" and filament is not loaded > 1.5V return false
+#if 0
+    if( (oFsensorPCB == ClFsensorPCB::_Undef) && ( current_voltage_raw_IR > IRsensor_Lmax_TRESHOLD ) ){
+        puts_P(PSTR("Unknown IR sensor version and no filament loaded detected."));
+        return false;
+    }
+    // otherwise the IR fsensor is considered working correctly
+    return true;
+/// if IR_SENSOR is NOT defined, it tries to locate it.
+/// @returns true if idler IR sensor was detected, otherwise returns false
+#ifndef IR_SENSOR
+bool check_for_ir_sensor() {
+    bool detected = false;
+    // if IR_SENSOR_PIN input is low and pat9125sensor is not present we detected idler sensor
+    if ((READ(IR_SENSOR_PIN) == 0)
+#ifdef PAT9125
+        && fsensor_not_responding
+#endif // PAT9125
+    ) {
+        detected = true;
+        // printf_P(PSTR("Idler IR sensor detected\n"));
+    } else {
+        // printf_P(PSTR("Idler IR sensor not detected\n"));
+    }
+    return detected;
+#endif // IR_SENSOR

+ 133 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+//! @file
+#ifndef FSENSOR_H
+#define FSENSOR_H
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include "config.h"
+// enable/disable flag
+extern bool fsensor_enabled;
+// not responding flag
+extern bool fsensor_not_responding;
+#ifdef PAT9125
+// optical checking "chunk lenght" (already in steps)
+extern int16_t fsensor_chunk_len;
+// count of soft failures
+extern uint8_t fsensor_softfail;
+//! @name save restore printing
+//! @{
+extern void fsensor_stop_and_save_print(void);
+//! restore print - restore position and heatup to original temperature
+extern void fsensor_restore_print_and_continue(void);
+//! split the current gcode stream to insert new instructions
+extern void fsensor_checkpoint_print(void);
+//! @}
+//! initialize
+extern void fsensor_init(void);
+/// IR sensor detection originally for MMU?
+/// Note: the signature of this function intentionally differs upon IR_SENSOR macro to allow for best optimization.
+#ifdef IR_SENSOR
+constexpr bool IRSensorDetected() { return true; }
+bool IRSensorDetected();
+#ifdef PAT9125
+//! update axis resolution
+extern void fsensor_set_axis_steps_per_unit(float u);
+//! @name enable/disable
+//! @{
+extern bool fsensor_enable(bool bUpdateEEPROM=true);
+extern void fsensor_disable(bool bUpdateEEPROM=true);
+//! @}
+//autoload feature enabled
+extern bool fsensor_autoload_enabled;
+extern void fsensor_autoload_set(bool State);
+extern void fsensor_update(void);
+#ifdef PAT9125
+//! setup pin-change interrupt
+extern void fsensor_setup_interrupt(void);
+//! @name autoload support
+//! @{
+extern void fsensor_autoload_check_start(void);
+extern void fsensor_autoload_check_stop(void);
+#endif //PAT9125
+extern bool fsensor_check_autoload(void);
+//! @}
+#ifdef PAT9125
+//! @name optical quality measurement support
+//! @{
+extern bool fsensor_oq_meassure_enabled;
+extern void fsensor_oq_meassure_set(bool State);
+extern void fsensor_oq_meassure_start(uint8_t skip);
+extern void fsensor_oq_meassure_stop(void);
+extern bool fsensor_oq_result(void);
+//! @}
+//! @name callbacks from stepper
+//! @{
+extern void fsensor_st_block_chunk(int cnt);
+// debugging
+extern uint8_t fsensor_log;
+// There's really nothing to do in block_begin: the stepper ISR likely has
+// called us already at the end of the last block, making this integration
+// redundant. LA1.5 might not always do that during a coasting move, so attempt
+// to drain fsensor_st_cnt anyway at the beginning of the new block.
+#define fsensor_st_block_begin(rev) fsensor_st_block_chunk(0)
+//! @}
+#endif //PAT9125
+#define VOLT_DIV_REF 5
+#define IR_SENSOR_STEADY 10                       // [ms]
+enum class ClFsensorPCB:uint_least8_t
+    _Old=0,
+    _Rev04=1,
+enum class ClFsensorActionNA:uint_least8_t
+    _Continue=0,
+    _Pause=1,
+extern ClFsensorPCB oFsensorPCB;
+extern ClFsensorActionNA oFsensorActionNA;
+extern const char* FsensorIRVersionText();
+extern bool fsensor_IR_check();
+constexpr uint16_t Voltage2Raw(float V){
+	return ( V * 1023 * OVERSAMPLENR / VOLT_DIV_REF ) + 0.5F;
+constexpr float Raw2Voltage(uint16_t raw){
+	return VOLT_DIV_REF*(raw / (1023.F * OVERSAMPLENR) );
+constexpr uint16_t IRsensor_Ldiode_TRESHOLD = Voltage2Raw(0.3F); // ~0.3V, raw value=982
+constexpr uint16_t IRsensor_Lmax_TRESHOLD = Voltage2Raw(1.5F); // ~1.5V (0.3*Vcc), raw value=4910
+constexpr uint16_t IRsensor_Hmin_TRESHOLD = Voltage2Raw(3.0F); // ~3.0V (0.6*Vcc), raw value=9821
+constexpr uint16_t IRsensor_Hopen_TRESHOLD = Voltage2Raw(4.6F); // ~4.6V (N.C. @ Ru~20-50k, Rd'=56k, Ru'=10k), raw value=15059
+constexpr uint16_t IRsensor_VMax_TRESHOLD = Voltage2Raw(5.F); // ~5V, raw value=16368
+#endif //FSENSOR_H

+ 1 - 1

@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
 namespace MMU2 {
 namespace MMU2 {
 void TranslateProgress(uint16_t pc, char *dst, size_t dstSize) { }
 void TranslateProgress(uint16_t pc, char *dst, size_t dstSize) { }
+} // namespace MMU2

+ 0 - 2

@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ void ProtocolLogicPartBase::SendButton(uint8_t btn){
 StepStatus ProtocolLogic::ProcessUARTByte(uint8_t c) {
 StepStatus ProtocolLogic::ProcessUARTByte(uint8_t c) {
     switch (protocol.DecodeResponse(c)) {
     switch (protocol.DecodeResponse(c)) {
     case DecodeStatus::MessageCompleted:
     case DecodeStatus::MessageCompleted:
-        // @@TODO reset direction of communication
         return MessageReady;
         return MessageReady;
     case DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData:
     case DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData:
         return Processing;
         return Processing;
@@ -69,7 +68,6 @@ StepStatus ProtocolLogic::ExpectingMessage(uint32_t timeout) {
         case DecodeStatus::MessageCompleted:
         case DecodeStatus::MessageCompleted:
             rsp = protocol.GetResponseMsg();
             rsp = protocol.GetResponseMsg();
-            // @@TODO reset direction of communication
             RecordUARTActivity(); // something has happened on the UART, update the timeout record
             RecordUARTActivity(); // something has happened on the UART, update the timeout record
             return MessageReady;
             return MessageReady;
         case DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData:
         case DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData:

+ 0 - 1

@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ namespace MMU2 {
 class MMU2Serial {
 class MMU2Serial {
     MMU2Serial() = default;
     MMU2Serial() = default;
-//    bool available()const;
     void begin(uint32_t baud);
     void begin(uint32_t baud);
     void close();
     void close();
     int read();
     int read();