@@ -444,6 +444,7 @@ enum class TempErrorType : uint8_t
+ model,
// error state (updated via set_temp_error from isr context)
@@ -1735,6 +1736,26 @@ void handle_temp_error()
+ case TempErrorType::model:
+ static bool is_new = true;
+ static bool beep_on = false;
+ printf_P(PSTR("TM: err:%u ass:%u\n"), (unsigned)temp_error_state.error,
+ (unsigned)temp_error_state.assert);
+ if(is_new) {
+ beep_on = true;
+ is_new = false;
+ }
+ WRITE(BEEPER, beep_on);
+ beep_on = !beep_on;
+ if(!temp_error_state.assert) {
+ printf_P(PSTR("TM: assertion cleared - resetting\n"));
+ temp_error_state.v = 0;
+ is_new = true;
+ }
+ break;
@@ -2141,7 +2162,10 @@ static void check_temp_runaway()
-void check_temp_raw();
+static void check_temp_raw();
+static void check_temp_model();
static void temp_mgr_isr()
@@ -2152,6 +2176,9 @@ static void temp_mgr_isr()
temp_error_state.assert = false;
check_temp_raw(); // check min/max temp using raw values
check_temp_runaway(); // classic temperature hysteresis check
+ check_temp_model(); // model-based heater check
// PID regulation
@@ -2203,7 +2230,7 @@ void disable_heater()
-void check_min_temp_raw()
+static void check_min_temp_raw()
static bool bCheckingOnHeater = false; // state variable, which allows to short no-checking delay (is set, when temperature is (first time) over heaterMintemp)
static bool bCheckingOnBed = false; // state variable, which allows to short no-checking delay (is set, when temperature is (first time) over bedMintemp)
@@ -2263,10 +2290,78 @@ void check_min_temp_raw()
-void check_temp_raw()
+static void check_temp_raw()
// order is relevant: check_min_temp_raw requires max to be reliable due to
// ambient temperature being used for low handling temperatures
+static const float TM_P = 38.; // heater power (W)
+static const float TM_C = 11.9; // heatblock capacitance (J/K)
+static const float TM_R = 27.; // heatblock resistance
+static const float TM_Rf = -20.; // full-power fan resistance change
+static const float TM_aC = -5; // ambient temperature correction (K)
+static const float TM_dTl = 2.1; // temperature transport delay
+static const uint8_t TM_dTs = (TM_dTl / TEMP_MGR_INTV + 0.5); // temperature transport delay (samples)
+static const float TM_fS = 0.065; // simulation (1st-order IIR factor)
+static const float TM_fE = 0.05; // error (1st-order IIR factor)
+static const float TM_dErr_p = 0.25; // error threshold (K, positive, actively heating)
+static const float TM_dErr_n = 0.25; // error threshold (K, negative, cooling)
+static float TM_dT_buf[TM_dTs]; // transport delay buffer
+static uint8_t TM_dT_idx = 0; // transport delay buffer index
+static float TM_dErr = 0; // last error
+static float TM_T = 0; // last temperature
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(A, B) (A >= B? A: B)
+// samples required for settling the model (crude approximation)
+static uint8_t TM_dT_smp = MAX(TM_dTs, MAX(3/TM_fS, 3/TM_fE));
+static void check_temp_model()
+ // input values
+ float heater_scale = (float)soft_pwm[0] / ((1 << 7) - 1);
+ float fan_scale = (float)soft_pwm_fan / ((1 << FAN_SOFT_PWM_BITS) - 1);
+ float cur_temp_heater = current_temperature_isr[0];
+ float cur_temp_ambient = current_temperature_ambient_isr + TM_aC;
+ // model invariants
+ float C_i = (TEMP_MGR_INTV / TM_C);
+ float dP = TM_P * heater_scale; // current power [W]
+ float R = TM_R + TM_Rf * fan_scale; // resistance (constant + fan modulation)
+ float dPl = (cur_temp_heater - cur_temp_ambient) / R; // [W] leakage power
+ float dT = (dP - dPl) * C_i; // expected temperature difference (K)
+ // filter and lag dT
+ uint8_t next_dT_idx = (TM_dT_idx == (TM_dTs - 1) ? 0: TM_dT_idx + 1);
+ float lag_dT = TM_dT_buf[next_dT_idx];
+ float prev_dT = TM_dT_buf[TM_dT_idx];
+ float dTf = (prev_dT * (1. - TM_fS)) + (dT * TM_fS);
+ TM_dT_buf[next_dT_idx] = dTf;
+ TM_dT_idx = next_dT_idx;
+ // calculate and filter dErr
+ float dErr = (cur_temp_heater - TM_T) - lag_dT;
+ float dErrf = (TM_dErr * (1. - TM_fE)) + (dErr * TM_fE);
+ TM_T = cur_temp_heater;
+ TM_dErr = dErrf;
+ // check and trigger errors
+ if(TM_dT_smp) {
+ // model not ready
+ --TM_dT_smp;
+ } else {
+ if(dErrf > TM_dErr_p || dErrf < -TM_dErr_n)
+ set_temp_error(TempErrorSource::hotend, 0, TempErrorType::model);
+ }