@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
@@ -154,6 +154,8 @@
@@ -263,13 +265,12 @@ fi
-while getopts b:c:d:f:g:h:i:j:l:m:n:o:p:v:x:?h flag
+while getopts b:c:d:g:h:i:j:l:m:n:o:p:v:x:y:?h flag
case "${flag}" in
b) build_flag=${OPTARG};;
c) clean_flag=${OPTARG};;
d) devel_flag=${OPTARG};;
- f) board_flash_flag=${OPTARG};;
g) graphics_flag=${OPTARG};;
h) help_flag=1;;
i) IDE_flag=${OPTARG};;
@@ -281,6 +282,7 @@ while getopts b:c:d:f:g:h:i:j:l:m:n:o:p:v:x:?h flag
p) prusa_flag=${OPTARG};;
v) variant_flag=${OPTARG};;
x) board_mem_flag=${OPTARG};;
+ y) board_flash_flag=${OPTARG};;
?) help_flag=1;;
@@ -289,14 +291,13 @@ while getopts b:c:d:f:g:h:i:j:l:m:n:o:p:v:x:?h flag
if [ "$help_flag" == "1" ] ; then
echo "***************************************"
-echo "* PF-build.sh Version: 2.0.0-Build_56 *"
+echo "* PF-build.sh Version: 2.0.0-Build_57 *"
echo "***************************************"
echo "Arguments:"
echo "$(tput setaf 2)-b$(tput sgr0) Build/commit number '$(tput setaf 2)Auto$(tput sgr0)' needs git or a number"
echo "$(tput setaf 2)-c$(tput sgr0) Do not clean up lang build'$(tput setaf 2)0$(tput sgr0)' no '$(tput setaf 2)1$(tput sgr0)' yes"
echo "$(tput setaf 2)-d$(tput sgr0) Devel build '$(tput setaf 2)GOLD$(tput sgr0)', '$(tput setaf 2)RC$(tput sgr0)', '$(tput setaf 2)BETA$(tput sgr0)', '$(tput setaf 2)ALPHA$(tput sgr0)', '$(tput setaf 2)DEBUG$(tput sgr0)', '$(tput setaf 2)DEVEL$(tput sgr0)' and '$(tput setaf 2)UNKNOWN$(tput sgr0)'"
-echo "$(tput setaf 2)-f$(tput sgr0) Board flash size '$(tput setaf 2)256$(tput sgr0)','$(tput setaf 2)384$(tput sgr0)','$(tput setaf 2)512$(tput sgr0)','$(tput setaf 2)1024$(tput sgr0)''$(tput setaf 2)32M$(tput sgr0)'"
-echo "$(tput setaf 2)-g$(tput sgr0) Start MK404 grafics '$(tput setaf 2)0$(tput sgr0)' no '$(tput setaf 2)1$(tput sgr0)' lite '$(tput setaf 2)2$(tput sgr0)' fancy"
+echo "$(tput setaf 2)-g$(tput sgr0) Start MK404 grafics '$(tput setaf 2)0$(tput sgr0)' no '$(tput setaf 2)1$(tput sgr0)' lite '$(tput setaf 2)2$(tput sgr0)' fancy '$(tput setaf 2)3$(tput sgr0)' lite with Quad_HR '$(tput setaf 2)2$(tput sgr0)' fancy with Quad_HR"
echo "$(tput setaf 2)-h$(tput sgr0) Help"
echo "$(tput setaf 2)-i$(tput sgr0) Arduino IDE version '$(tput setaf 2)1.8.5$(tput sgr0)', '$(tput setaf 2)1.8.13$(tput sgr0)'"
echo "$(tput setaf 2)-j$(tput sgr0) Arduino IDE verbose output '$(tput setaf 2)0$(tput sgr0)', '$(tput setaf 2)1$(tput sgr0) active'"
@@ -307,10 +308,11 @@ echo "$(tput setaf 2)-o$(tput sgr0) Output '$(tput setaf 2)1$(tput sgr0)' force
echo "$(tput setaf 2)-p$(tput sgr0) Keep Configuration_prusa.h '$(tput setaf 2)0$(tput sgr0)' no '$(tput setaf 2)1$(tput sgr0)' yes"
echo "$(tput setaf 2)-v$(tput sgr0) Variant '$(tput setaf 2)All$(tput sgr0)' or variant file name"
echo "$(tput setaf 2)-x$(tput sgr0) Board memory size '$(tput setaf 2)8$(tput sgr0)' or '$(tput setaf 2)64$(tput sgr0)' Kb."
+echo "$(tput setaf 2)-y$(tput sgr0) Board flash size '$(tput setaf 2)256$(tput sgr0)','$(tput setaf 2)384$(tput sgr0)','$(tput setaf 2)512$(tput sgr0)','$(tput setaf 2)1024$(tput sgr0)''$(tput setaf 2)32M$(tput sgr0)'"
echo "$(tput setaf 2)-?$(tput sgr0) Help"
echo "Brief USAGE:"
-echo " $(tput setaf 2)./PF-build.sh$(tput sgr0) [-v] [-l] [-d] [-b] [-o] [-c] [-p] [-n]"
+echo " $(tput setaf 2)./PF-build.sh$(tput sgr0) [-b] [-c] [-d] [-g] [-i] [-j] [-l] [-m] [-n] [-o] [-p ] -[v] [-x] [-y] [-h] [-?]"
echo "Example:"
echo " $(tput setaf 2)./PF-build.sh -v All -l ALL -d GOLD$(tput sgr0)"
@@ -1174,7 +1176,6 @@ echo "more information how to flash firmware https://www.prusa3d.com/drivers/ $(
if [ ! -z "$mk404_flag" ]; then
- ./MK404-build.sh -c1 || exit 61
if [ "$MOTHERBOARD" == "BOARD_RAMBO_MINI_1_3" ]; then
@@ -1186,26 +1187,19 @@ if [ ! -z "$mk404_flag" ]; then
- if [[ ! -z $MK404_DEBUG && "$MK404_DEBUG" == "atmega404" || ! -z $BOARD_MEM && "$BOARD_MEM" == "0xFFFF" ]]; then
- MK404_options="--debugcore"
+ if [ ! -z "$board_mem_flag" ]; then
+ MK404_options="-x $board_mem_flag"
- if [[ ! -z $MK404_DEBUG && "$MK404_DEBUG" == "atmega404_no_bootloader" || ! -z $BOARD_FLASH && "$BOARD_FLASH" != "0x3FFFF" ]]; then
- MK404_options='--debugcore --bootloader-file ""'
+ if [ ! -z "$board_flash_flag" ]; then
+ MK404_options="${MK404_options} -y $board_flash_flag"
if [ ! -z "$graphics_flag" ]; then
- if [ ! -z "$MK404_options" ]; then
- MK404_options="${MK404_options} --colour-extrusion --extrusion Quad_HR -g "
+ if [[ "$graphics_flag" == "1" || "$graphics_flag" == "2" || "$graphics_flag" == "3" || "$graphics_flag" == "4" ]]; then
+ MK404_options="${MK404_options} -g $graphics_flag"
- MK404_options="--colour-extrusion --extrusion Quad_HR -g "
- fi
- if [[ "$graphics_flag" == "1" || "$graphics_flag" == "lite" ]]; then
- MK404_options="${MK404_options}lite"
- elif [[ "$graphics_flag" == "2" || "$graphics_flag" == "fancy" ]]; then
- MK404_options="${MK404_options}fancy"
- else
- echo "$(tput setaf 1)Unsupported MK404 graphics option $graphics_flag$(tput sgr 0)"
+ echo "$(tput setaf 1)Unsupported MK404 graphics option $graphics_flag$(tput sgr 0)"
@@ -1217,7 +1211,7 @@ if [ ! -z "$mk404_flag" ]; then
echo ""
- cd ../MK404/master/build
@@ -1229,9 +1223,14 @@ fi
echo ""
- echo "./MK404 Prusa_$MK404_PRINTER -s --terminal $MK404_options -f $MK404_firmware_file"
+ echo "./MK404-build.sh -m $mk404_flag -p $MK404_PRINTER $MK404_options -f $MK404_firmware_file"
sleep 5
- ./MK404 Prusa_$MK404_PRINTER -s --terminal $MK404_options -f $MK404_firmware_file || exit 62
+ ./MK404-build.sh -m $mk404_flag -p $MK404_PRINTER $MK404_options -f $MK404_firmware_file|| exit 61