@@ -3607,7 +3607,9 @@ void process_commands()
- `Lz`
- `Beat` - Kick farm link timer
- `FR` - Full factory reset
- - `nozzle D<diameter` - Set the nozzle diameter
+ - `nozzle set <diameter>` - set nozzle diameter (farm mode only), e.g. `PRUSA nozzle set 0.4`
+ - `nozzle D<diameter>` - check the nozzle diameter (farm mode only), works like M862.1 P, e.g. `PRUSA nozzle D0.4`
+ - `nozzle` - prints nozzle diameter (farm mode only), works like M862.1 P, e.g. `PRUSA nozzle`
@@ -7305,21 +7307,34 @@ Sigma_Exit:
// ----------------------------------------------
Checks the parameters of the printer and gcode and performs compatibility check
- M862.1 [ P<nozzle_diameter> | Q ]
- M862.2 [ P<model_code> | Q ]
- M862.3 [ P<model_name> | Q ]
- M862.4 [ P<fw_version> | Q]
- M862.5 [ P<gcode_level> | Q]
- When run with P<> argument, the check is performed against the input value.
- When run with Q argument, the current value is shown.
+ When run with P<> argument, the check is performed against the input value.
+ When run with Q argument, the current value is shown.
+ M862.3 accepts text identifiers of printer types too.
+ The syntax of M862.3 is (note the space between P and the printer type name and the quotes around the type):
+ M862.3 P "MK3S"
+ Accepted printer type identifiers and their numeric counterparts:
+ - MK1 (100)
+ - MK2 (200)
+ - MK2MM (201)
+ - MK2S (202)
+ - MK2SMM (203)
+ - MK2.5 (250)
+ - MK2.5MMU2 (20250)
+ - MK2.5S (252)
+ - MK2.5SMMU2S (20252)
+ - MK3 (300)
+ - MK3MMU2 (20300)
+ - MK3S (302)
+ - MK3SMMU2S (20302)
case 862: // M862: print checking
float nDummy;