@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-# makelang.sh - multi-language support script
-# for generating lang_xx.bin (secondary language binary file)
-# Input files:
-# lang_en.txt
-# lang_en_xx.txt
-# Output files:
-# lang_en.tmp (temporary, will be removed when finished)
-# lang_en_xx.tmp ==||==
-# lang_en_xx.dif ==||==
-# lang_xx.txt
-# Selected language:
-if [ -z "$LNG" ]; then LNG='all'; fi
- if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
- if [ -e lang_en.tmp ]; then rm lang_en.tmp; fi
- if [ -e lang_en_$LNG.tmp ]; then rm lang_en_$LNG.tmp; fi
- if [ -e lang_en_$LNG.dif ]; then rm lang_en_$LNG.dif; fi
- fi
-# echo >&2
- if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "make_lang.sh finished with success" >&2
- else
- echo "make_lang.sh finished with errors!" >&2
- fi
- exit $1
-echo "make_lang.sh started" >&2
-echo "selected language=$LNG" >&2
-#check if input files exists
-echo -n " checking input files..." >&2
-if [ ! -e lang_en.txt ]; then echo "NG! file lang_en.txt not found!" >&2; exit 1; fi
-if [ ! -e lang_en_$LNG.txt ]; then echo "NG! file lang_en_$LNG.txt not found!" >&2; exit 1; fi
-echo "OK" >&2
-#filter comment and empty lines from key and dictionary files, create temporary files
-echo -n " creating tmp files..." >&2
-cat lang_en.txt | sed "/^$/d;/^#/d" > lang_en.tmp
-cat lang_en_$LNG.txt | sed "/^$/d;/^#/d" > lang_en_$LNG.tmp
-echo "OK" >&2
-#cat lang_en_$LNG.tmp | sed 'n;d' >test1.txt
-#compare files using diff and check for differences
-echo -n " comparing tmp files..." >&2
-if ! cat lang_en_$LNG.tmp | sed 'n;d' | diff lang_en.tmp - > lang_en_$LNG.dif; then
- echo "NG!" >&2
- echo "Entries in lang_en_$LNG.txt are different from lang_en.txt!" >&2
- echo "please check lang_en_$LNG.dif" >&2
- finish 1
-echo "OK" >&2
-#generate lang_xx.txt (secondary language text data sorted by ids)
-echo -n " generating lang_$LNG.txt..." >&2
-cat lang_en_$LNG.tmp | sed '1~2d' | sed "s/^\"\\\\x00/\"/" > lang_$LNG.txt
-echo "OK" >&2
-#generate lang_xx.dat (secondary language text data in binary form)
-echo -n " generating lang_$LNG.dat..." >&2
-cat lang_$LNG.txt | sed "s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g" | while read s; do
- s=${s#\"}
- s=${s%\"}
- /bin/echo -e -n "$s\x00"
-done >lang_$LNG.dat
-echo "OK" >&2
-#calculate variables
-lt_count=$(grep -c '^' lang_$LNG.txt)
-lt_data_size=$(wc -c lang_$LNG.dat | cut -f1 -d' ')
-lt_offs_size=$((2 * $lt_count))
-lt_size=$((16 + $lt_offs_size + $lt_data_size))
-case "$LNG" in
- *en*) lt_code='\x6e\x65' ;;
- *cz*) lt_code='\x73\x63' ;;
- *de*) lt_code='\x65\x64' ;;
- *es*) lt_code='\x73\x65' ;;
- *fr*) lt_code='\x71\x66' ;;
- *it*) lt_code='\x74\x69' ;;
- *pl*) lt_code='\x6c\x70' ;;
-#generate lang_xx.ofs (secondary language text data offset table)
-echo -n " generating lang_$LNG.ofs..." >&2
-cat lang_$LNG.txt | sed "s/\\\\x[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]/\./g;s/\\\\[0-7][0-7][0-7]/\./g" |\
- awk 'BEGIN { o='$((16 + $lt_offs_size))';} { printf("%d\n",o); o+=(length($0)-1); }' > lang_$LNG.ofs
-echo "OK" >&2
-#generate lang_xx.bin (secondary language result binary file)
-echo " generating lang_$LNG.bin:" >&2
-#create empty file
-dd if=/dev/zero of=lang_$LNG.bin bs=1 count=$lt_size 2>/dev/null
-#awk code to format ui16 variables for dd
-awk_ui16='{ h=int($1/256); printf("\\x%02x\\x%02x\n", int($1-256*h), h); }'
-#write data to binary file with dd
-echo -n " writing header (16 bytes)..." >&2
-/bin/echo -n -e "$lt_magic" |\
- dd of=lang_$LNG.bin bs=1 count=4 seek=0 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
-/bin/echo -n -e $(echo -n "$lt_size" | awk "$awk_ui16") |\
- dd of=lang_$LNG.bin bs=1 count=2 seek=4 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
-/bin/echo -n -e $(echo -n "$lt_count" | awk "$awk_ui16") |\
- dd of=lang_$LNG.bin bs=1 count=2 seek=6 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
-/bin/echo -n -e $(echo -n "$lt_chsum" | awk "$awk_ui16") |\
- dd of=lang_$LNG.bin bs=1 count=2 seek=8 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
-/bin/echo -n -e "$lt_code" |\
- dd of=lang_$LNG.bin bs=1 count=2 seek=10 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
-/bin/echo -n -e "$lt_resv1" |\
- dd of=lang_$LNG.bin bs=1 count=4 seek=12 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
-echo "OK" >&2
-echo -n " writing offset table ($lt_offs_size bytes)..." >&2
-/bin/echo -n -e $(cat lang_$LNG.ofs | awk "$awk_ui16" | tr -d '\n'; echo) |\
- dd of=./lang_$LNG.bin bs=1 count=$lt_offs_size seek=16 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
-echo "OK" >&2
-echo -n " writing text data ($lt_data_size bytes)..." >&2
-dd if=./lang_$LNG.dat of=./lang_$LNG.bin bs=1 count=$lt_data_size seek=$((16 + $lt_offs_size)) conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
-echo "OK" >&2
-#update signature
-echo -n " updating signature..." >&2
-dd if=lang_en.bin of=lang_$LNG.bin bs=1 count=4 skip=6 seek=12 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
-echo "OK" >&2
-#calculate and update checksum
-lt_chsum=$(cat lang_$LNG.bin | xxd | cut -c11-49 | tr ' ' "\n" | sed '/^$/d' | awk 'BEGIN { sum = 0; } { sum += strtonum("0x"$1); if (sum > 0xffff) sum -= 0x10000; } END { printf("%x\n", sum); }')
-/bin/echo -n -e $(echo -n $((0x$lt_chsum)) | awk "$awk_ui16") |\
- dd of=lang_$LNG.bin bs=1 count=2 seek=8 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
-echo " lang_table details:" >&2
-echo " lt_count = $lt_count" >&2
-echo " lt_size = $lt_size" >&2
-echo " lt_chsum = $lt_chsum" >&2
-echo $LNG
-if [ "$LNG" = "all" ]; then
- ./lang-build.sh en
- make_lang cz
- make_lang de
- make_lang es
- make_lang fr
- make_lang it
- make_lang pl
- exit 0
- make_lang $LNG
-finish 0