@@ -1096,12 +1096,20 @@ Having the real displacement of the head, we can calculate the total movement le
&& delta_mm[E_AXIS] >= 0
&& abs(delta_mm[Z_AXIS]) < 0.5;
if (block->use_advance_lead) {
+#ifdef LA_FLOWADJ
+ // M221/FLOW should change uniformly the extrusion thickness
+ float delta_e = (e - position_float[E_AXIS]) / extruder_multiplier[extruder];
+ // M221/FLOW only adjusts for an incorrect source diameter
+ float delta_e = (e - position_float[E_AXIS]);
+ float delta_D = sqrt(sq(x - position_float[X_AXIS])
+ + sq(y - position_float[Y_AXIS])
+ + sq(z - position_float[Z_AXIS]));
// all extrusion moves with LA require a compression which is proportional to the
// extrusion_length to distance ratio (e/D)
- e_D_ratio = ((e - position_float[E_AXIS]) / extruder_multiplier[extruder]) /
- sqrt(sq(x - position_float[X_AXIS])
- + sq(y - position_float[Y_AXIS])
- + sq(z - position_float[Z_AXIS]));
+ e_D_ratio = delta_e / delta_D;
// Check for unusual high e_D ratio to detect if a retract move was combined with the last
// print move due to min. steps per segment. Never execute this with advance! This assumes