@@ -918,7 +918,17 @@ void MMU2::ReportError(ErrorCode ec, ErrorSource res) {
// check if it is a "power" failure - we consider TMC-related errors as power failures
- if( (uint16_t)ec & 0x7e00 ){ // @@TODO can be optimized to uint8_t operation
+ static constexpr uint16_t tmcMask =
+ ( (uint16_t)ErrorCode::TMC_IOIN_MISMATCH
+ | (uint16_t)ErrorCode::TMC_RESET
+ | (uint16_t)ErrorCode::TMC_SHORT_TO_GROUND
+ | (uint16_t)ErrorCode::TMC_OVER_TEMPERATURE_WARN
+ | (uint16_t)ErrorCode::TMC_OVER_TEMPERATURE_ERROR
+ | (uint16_t)ErrorCode::MMU_SOLDERING_NEEDS_ATTENTION ) & 0x7fffU; // skip the top bit
+ static_assert(tmcMask == 0x7e00); // just make sure we fail compilation if any of the TMC error codes change
+ if ((uint16_t)ec & tmcMask) { // @@TODO can be optimized to uint8_t operation
// TMC-related errors are from 0x8200 higher