Jelajahi Sumber

Move G80 into it's own function

No actual changes done in the function in this, besides break->return.

In G28, simply call the new function instead of using goto, making the
code more readable.

Also remove the senseless comments in G28 about command queuing (dating
back to when G80 was queued instead of being executed).
Yuri D'Elia 3 tahun lalu
1 mengubah file dengan 400 tambahan dan 398 penghapusan
  1. 400 398

+ 400 - 398

@@ -2941,6 +2941,403 @@ static void gcode_G28(bool home_x_axis, bool home_y_axis, bool home_z_axis)
 #endif //TMC2130
+// G80 - Automatic mesh bed leveling
+static void gcode_G80()
+    mesh_bed_leveling_flag = true;
+    static bool run = false; // thermistor-less PINDA temperature compensation is running
+#endif // ndef PINDA_THERMISTOR
+    int8_t verbosity_level = 0;
+    if (code_seen('V')) {
+        // Just 'V' without a number counts as V1.
+        char c = strchr_pointer[1];
+        verbosity_level = (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == 0) ? 1 : code_value_short();
+    }
+    // Firstly check if we know where we are
+    if (!(axis_known_position[X_AXIS] && axis_known_position[Y_AXIS] && axis_known_position[Z_AXIS])) {
+        // We don't know where we are! HOME!
+        // Push the commands to the front of the message queue in the reverse order!
+        // There shall be always enough space reserved for these commands.
+        repeatcommand_front(); // repeat G80 with all its parameters
+        enquecommand_front_P(G28W0);
+        return;
+    }
+    uint8_t nMeasPoints = MESH_MEAS_NUM_X_POINTS;
+    if (code_seen('N')) {
+        nMeasPoints = code_value_uint8();
+        if (nMeasPoints != 7) {
+            nMeasPoints = 3;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        nMeasPoints = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_MBL_POINTS_NR);
+    }
+    uint8_t nProbeRetry = 3;
+    if (code_seen('R')) {
+        nProbeRetry = code_value_uint8();
+        if (nProbeRetry > 10) {
+            nProbeRetry = 10;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        nProbeRetry = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_MBL_PROBE_NR);
+    }
+    bool magnet_elimination = (eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_MBL_MAGNET_ELIMINATION) > 0);
+    if (run == false && temp_cal_active == true && calibration_status_pinda() == true && target_temperature_bed >= 50)
+    {
+        temp_compensation_start();
+        run = true;
+        repeatcommand_front(); // repeat G80 with all its parameters
+        enquecommand_front_P(G28W0);
+        break;
+    }
+    run = false;
+    // Save custom message state, set a new custom message state to display: Calibrating point 9.
+    CustomMsg custom_message_type_old = custom_message_type;
+    unsigned int custom_message_state_old = custom_message_state;
+    custom_message_type = CustomMsg::MeshBedLeveling;
+    custom_message_state = (nMeasPoints * nMeasPoints) + 10;
+    lcd_update(1);
+    mbl.reset(); //reset mesh bed leveling
+    // Reset baby stepping to zero, if the babystepping has already been loaded before.
+    babystep_undo();
+    // Cycle through all points and probe them
+    // First move up. During this first movement, the babystepping will be reverted.
+    current_position[Z_AXIS] = MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH;
+    plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(homing_feedrate[Z_AXIS] / 60);
+    // The move to the first calibration point.
+    current_position[X_AXIS] = BED_X0;
+    current_position[Y_AXIS] = BED_Y0;
+    if (verbosity_level >= 1)
+    {
+        bool clamped = world2machine_clamp(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS]);
+        clamped ? SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("First calibration point clamped.\n") : SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("No clamping for first calibration point.\n");
+    }
+    world2machine_clamp(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS]);
+    plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(homing_feedrate[X_AXIS] / 30);
+    // Wait until the move is finished.
+    st_synchronize();
+    uint8_t mesh_point = 0; //index number of calibration point
+    int XY_AXIS_FEEDRATE = homing_feedrate[X_AXIS] / 20;
+    int Z_LIFT_FEEDRATE = homing_feedrate[Z_AXIS] / 40;
+    bool has_z = is_bed_z_jitter_data_valid(); //checks if we have data from Z calibration (offsets of the Z heiths of the 8 calibration points from the first point)
+    if (verbosity_level >= 1) {
+        has_z ? SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Z jitter data from Z cal. valid.\n") : SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Z jitter data from Z cal. not valid.\n");
+    }
+    int l_feedmultiply = setup_for_endstop_move(false); //save feedrate and feedmultiply, sets feedmultiply to 100
+    while (mesh_point != nMeasPoints * nMeasPoints) {
+        // Get coords of a measuring point.
+        uint8_t ix = mesh_point % nMeasPoints; // from 0 to MESH_NUM_X_POINTS - 1
+        uint8_t iy = mesh_point / nMeasPoints;
+        /*if (!mbl_point_measurement_valid(ix, iy, nMeasPoints, true)) {
+          printf_P(PSTR("Skipping point [%d;%d] \n"), ix, iy);
+          custom_message_state--;
+          mesh_point++;
+          continue; //skip
+          }*/
+        if (iy & 1) ix = (nMeasPoints - 1) - ix; // Zig zag
+        if (nMeasPoints == 7) //if we have 7x7 mesh, compare with Z-calibration for points which are in 3x3 mesh
+        {
+            has_z = ((ix % 3 == 0) && (iy % 3 == 0)) && is_bed_z_jitter_data_valid();
+        }
+        float z0 = 0.f;
+        if (has_z && (mesh_point > 0)) {
+            uint16_t z_offset_u = 0;
+            if (nMeasPoints == 7) {
+                z_offset_u = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)(EEPROM_BED_CALIBRATION_Z_JITTER + 2 * ((ix/3) + iy - 1)));
+            }
+            else {
+                z_offset_u = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)(EEPROM_BED_CALIBRATION_Z_JITTER + 2 * (ix + iy * 3 - 1)));
+            }
+            z0 = mbl.z_values[0][0] + *reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(&z_offset_u) * 0.01;
+            if (verbosity_level >= 1) {
+                printf_P(PSTR("Bed leveling, point: %d, calibration Z stored in eeprom: %d, calibration z: %f \n"), mesh_point, z_offset_u, z0);
+            }
+        }
+        // Move Z up to MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH.
+        if((ix == 0) && (iy == 0)) current_position[Z_AXIS] = MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH;
+        else current_position[Z_AXIS] += 2.f / nMeasPoints; //use relative movement from Z coordinate where PINDa triggered on previous point. This makes calibration faster.
+        float init_z_bckp = current_position[Z_AXIS];
+        plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(Z_LIFT_FEEDRATE);
+        st_synchronize();
+        // Move to XY position of the sensor point.
+        current_position[X_AXIS] = BED_X(ix, nMeasPoints);
+        current_position[Y_AXIS] = BED_Y(iy, nMeasPoints);
+        //printf_P(PSTR("[%f;%f]\n"), current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS]);
+        if (verbosity_level >= 1) {
+            bool clamped = world2machine_clamp(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS]);
+            SERIAL_PROTOCOL(mesh_point);
+            clamped ? SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(": xy clamped.\n") : SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(": no xy clamping\n");
+        }
+        world2machine_clamp(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS]);
+        //printf_P(PSTR("after clamping: [%f;%f]\n"), current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS]);
+        plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(XY_AXIS_FEEDRATE);
+        st_synchronize();
+        // Go down until endstop is hit
+        const float Z_CALIBRATION_THRESHOLD = 1.f;
+        if (!find_bed_induction_sensor_point_z((has_z && mesh_point > 0) ? z0 - Z_CALIBRATION_THRESHOLD : -10.f, nProbeRetry)) { //if we have data from z calibration max allowed difference is 1mm for each point, if we dont have data max difference is 10mm from initial point
+            printf_P(_T(MSG_BED_LEVELING_FAILED_POINT_LOW));
+            break;
+        }
+        if (init_z_bckp - current_position[Z_AXIS] < 0.1f) { //broken cable or initial Z coordinate too low. Go to MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH and repeat last step (z-probe) again to distinguish between these two cases.
+            //printf_P(PSTR("Another attempt! Current Z position: %f\n"), current_position[Z_AXIS]);
+            current_position[Z_AXIS] = MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH;
+            plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(Z_LIFT_FEEDRATE);
+            st_synchronize();
+            if (!find_bed_induction_sensor_point_z((has_z && mesh_point > 0) ? z0 - Z_CALIBRATION_THRESHOLD : -10.f, nProbeRetry)) { //if we have data from z calibration max allowed difference is 1mm for each point, if we dont have data max difference is 10mm from initial point
+                printf_P(_T(MSG_BED_LEVELING_FAILED_POINT_LOW));
+                break;
+            }
+            if (MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH - current_position[Z_AXIS] < 0.1f) {
+                puts_P(PSTR("Bed leveling failed. Sensor disconnected or cable broken."));
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (has_z && fabs(z0 - current_position[Z_AXIS]) > Z_CALIBRATION_THRESHOLD) { //if we have data from z calibration, max. allowed difference is 1mm for each point
+            puts_P(PSTR("Bed leveling failed. Sensor triggered too high."));
+            break;
+        }
+        if (verbosity_level >= 10) {
+            SERIAL_ECHOPGM("X: ");
+            MYSERIAL.print(current_position[X_AXIS], 5);
+            SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("");
+            SERIAL_ECHOPGM("Y: ");
+            MYSERIAL.print(current_position[Y_AXIS], 5);
+            SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("\n");
+        }
+        float offset_z = 0;
+        offset_z = temp_compensation_pinda_thermistor_offset(current_temperature_pinda);
+        //			#ifdef SUPPORT_VERBOSITY
+        /*			if (verbosity_level >= 1)
+                    {
+                    SERIAL_ECHOPGM("mesh bed leveling: ");
+                    MYSERIAL.print(current_position[Z_AXIS], 5);
+                    SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" offset: ");
+                    MYSERIAL.print(offset_z, 5);
+                    SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("");
+                    }*/
+        //			#endif // SUPPORT_VERBOSITY
+        mbl.set_z(ix, iy, current_position[Z_AXIS] - offset_z); //store measured z values z_values[iy][ix] = z - offset_z;
+        custom_message_state--;
+        mesh_point++;
+        lcd_update(1);
+    }
+    current_position[Z_AXIS] = MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH;
+    if (verbosity_level >= 20) {
+        SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Mesh bed leveling while loop finished.");
+        MYSERIAL.print(current_position[Z_AXIS], 5);
+    }
+    plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(Z_LIFT_FEEDRATE);
+    st_synchronize();
+    if (mesh_point != nMeasPoints * nMeasPoints) {
+        Sound_MakeSound(e_SOUND_TYPE_StandardAlert);
+        bool bState;
+        do   {                             // repeat until Z-leveling o.k.
+            lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_i("Some problem encountered, Z-leveling enforced ..."));
+#ifdef TMC2130
+            lcd_wait_for_click_delay(MSG_BED_LEVELING_FAILED_TIMEOUT);
+            calibrate_z_auto();           // Z-leveling (X-assembly stay up!!!)
+#else // TMC2130
+            lcd_wait_for_click_delay(0);  // ~ no timeout
+            lcd_calibrate_z_end_stop_manual(true); // Z-leveling (X-assembly stay up!!!)
+#endif // TMC2130
+            // ~ Z-homing (can not be used "G28", because X & Y-homing would have been done before (Z-homing))
+            bState=enable_z_endstop(false);
+            current_position[Z_AXIS] -= 1;
+            plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(homing_feedrate[Z_AXIS] / 40);
+            st_synchronize();
+            enable_z_endstop(true);
+#ifdef TMC2130
+            tmc2130_home_enter(Z_AXIS_MASK);
+#endif // TMC2130
+            current_position[Z_AXIS] = MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH;
+            plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(homing_feedrate[Z_AXIS] / 40);
+            st_synchronize();
+#ifdef TMC2130
+            tmc2130_home_exit();
+#endif // TMC2130
+            enable_z_endstop(bState);
+        } while (st_get_position_mm(Z_AXIS) > MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH); // i.e. Z-leveling not o.k.
+        //               plan_set_z_position(MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH); // is not necessary ('do-while' loop always ends at the expected Z-position)
+        custom_message_type=CustomMsg::Status; // display / status-line recovery
+        lcd_update_enable(true);           // display / status-line recovery
+        gcode_G28(true, true, true);       // X & Y & Z-homing (must be after individual Z-homing (problem with spool-holder)!)
+        repeatcommand_front();             // re-run (i.e. of "G80")
+        return;
+    }
+    clean_up_after_endstop_move(l_feedmultiply);
+    //		SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("clean up finished ");
+    if(temp_cal_active == true && calibration_status_pinda() == true) temp_compensation_apply(); //apply PINDA temperature compensation
+    babystep_apply(); // Apply Z height correction aka baby stepping before mesh bed leveing gets activated.
+    //		SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("babystep applied");
+    bool eeprom_bed_correction_valid = eeprom_read_byte((unsigned char*)EEPROM_BED_CORRECTION_VALID) == 1;
+    if (verbosity_level >= 1) {
+        eeprom_bed_correction_valid ? SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Bed correction data valid\n") : SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Bed correction data not valid\n");
+    }
+    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+        unsigned char codes[4] = { 'L', 'R', 'F', 'B' };
+        long correction = 0;
+        if (code_seen(codes[i]))
+            correction = code_value_long();
+        else if (eeprom_bed_correction_valid) {
+            unsigned char *addr = (i < 2) ?
+                                  ((i == 0) ? (unsigned char*)EEPROM_BED_CORRECTION_LEFT : (unsigned char*)EEPROM_BED_CORRECTION_RIGHT) :
+                                  ((i == 2) ? (unsigned char*)EEPROM_BED_CORRECTION_FRONT : (unsigned char*)EEPROM_BED_CORRECTION_REAR);
+            correction = eeprom_read_int8(addr);
+        }
+        if (correction == 0)
+            continue;
+        if (labs(correction) > BED_ADJUSTMENT_UM_MAX) {
+            SERIAL_ERROR_START;
+            SERIAL_ECHOPGM("Excessive bed leveling correction: ");
+            SERIAL_ECHO(correction);
+            SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(" microns");
+        }
+        else {
+            float offset = float(correction) * 0.001f;
+            switch (i) {
+            case 0:
+                for (uint8_t row = 0; row < nMeasPoints; ++row) {
+                    for (uint8_t col = 0; col < nMeasPoints - 1; ++col) {
+                        mbl.z_values[row][col] += offset * (nMeasPoints - 1 - col) / (nMeasPoints - 1);
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case 1:
+                for (uint8_t row = 0; row < nMeasPoints; ++row) {
+                    for (uint8_t col = 1; col < nMeasPoints; ++col) {
+                        mbl.z_values[row][col] += offset * col / (nMeasPoints - 1);
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                for (uint8_t col = 0; col < nMeasPoints; ++col) {
+                    for (uint8_t row = 0; row < nMeasPoints; ++row) {
+                        mbl.z_values[row][col] += offset * (nMeasPoints - 1 - row) / (nMeasPoints - 1);
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case 3:
+                for (uint8_t col = 0; col < nMeasPoints; ++col) {
+                    for (uint8_t row = 1; row < nMeasPoints; ++row) {
+                        mbl.z_values[row][col] += offset * row / (nMeasPoints - 1);
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    //		SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Bed leveling correction finished");
+    if (nMeasPoints == 3) {
+        mbl.upsample_3x3(); //interpolation from 3x3 to 7x7 points using largrangian polynomials while using the same array z_values[iy][ix] for storing (just coppying measured data to new destination and interpolating between them)
+    }
+    /*
+      SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("\nZ search height: ");
+      SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM("\nMeasured points:");
+      for (int y = MESH_NUM_Y_POINTS-1; y >= 0; y--) {
+      for (int x = 0; x < MESH_NUM_X_POINTS; x++) {
+      SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(mbl.z_values[y][x], 5);
+      }
+      }
+    */
+    if (nMeasPoints == 7 && magnet_elimination) {
+        mbl_interpolation(nMeasPoints);
+    }
+    /*
+      SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("\nZ search height: ");
+      SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM("\nMeasured points:");
+      for (int y = MESH_NUM_Y_POINTS-1; y >= 0; y--) {
+      for (int x = 0; x < MESH_NUM_X_POINTS; x++) {
+      SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(mbl.z_values[y][x], 5);
+      }
+      }
+    */
+    //		SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Upsample finished");
+ = 1; //activate mesh bed leveling
+    //		SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Mesh bed leveling activated");
+    go_home_with_z_lift();
+    //		SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Go home finished");
+    //unretract (after PINDA preheat retraction)
+    if ((degHotend(active_extruder) > EXTRUDE_MINTEMP) && eeprom_read_byte((unsigned char *)EEPROM_TEMP_CAL_ACTIVE) && calibration_status_pinda() && (target_temperature_bed >= 50)) {
+        current_position[E_AXIS] += default_retraction;
+        plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(400);
+    }
+    // Restore custom message state
+    lcd_setstatuspgm(_T(WELCOME_MSG));
+    custom_message_type = custom_message_type_old;
+    custom_message_state = custom_message_state_old;
+    mesh_bed_leveling_flag = false;
+    mesh_bed_run_from_menu = false;
+    lcd_update(2);
 void adjust_bed_reset()
 	eeprom_update_byte((unsigned char*)EEPROM_BED_CORRECTION_VALID, 1);
@@ -4517,9 +4914,7 @@ if(eSoundMode!=e_SOUND_MODE_SILENT)
       gcode_G28(home_x, home_x_value, home_y, home_y_value, home_z, home_z_value, without_mbl);
 #endif //TMC2130
       if ((home_x || home_y || without_mbl || home_z) == false) {
-         // Push the commands to the front of the message queue in the reverse order!
-         // There shall be always enough space reserved for these commands.
-         goto case_G80;
+          gcode_G80();
@@ -5071,404 +5466,11 @@ if(eSoundMode!=e_SOUND_MODE_SILENT)
 	*  v Y-axis
-	case 80:
+	case 80: {
 #ifdef MK1BP
 #endif //MK1BP
-	case_G80:
-	{
-		mesh_bed_leveling_flag = true;
-        static bool run = false; // thermistor-less PINDA temperature compensation is running
-#endif // ndef PINDA_THERMISTOR
-		int8_t verbosity_level = 0;
-		if (code_seen('V')) {
-			// Just 'V' without a number counts as V1.
-			char c = strchr_pointer[1];
-			verbosity_level = (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == 0) ? 1 : code_value_short();
-		}
-		// Firstly check if we know where we are
-		if (!(axis_known_position[X_AXIS] && axis_known_position[Y_AXIS] && axis_known_position[Z_AXIS])) {
-			// We don't know where we are! HOME!
-			// Push the commands to the front of the message queue in the reverse order!
-			// There shall be always enough space reserved for these commands.
-			repeatcommand_front(); // repeat G80 with all its parameters
-			enquecommand_front_P(G28W0);
-			break;
-		} 
-		uint8_t nMeasPoints = MESH_MEAS_NUM_X_POINTS;
-		if (code_seen('N')) {
-			nMeasPoints = code_value_uint8();
-			if (nMeasPoints != 7) {
-				nMeasPoints = 3;
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			nMeasPoints = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_MBL_POINTS_NR);
-		}
-		uint8_t nProbeRetry = 3;
-		if (code_seen('R')) {
-			nProbeRetry = code_value_uint8();
-			if (nProbeRetry > 10) {
-				nProbeRetry = 10;
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			nProbeRetry = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_MBL_PROBE_NR);
-		}
-		bool magnet_elimination = (eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_MBL_MAGNET_ELIMINATION) > 0);
-		if (run == false && temp_cal_active == true && calibration_status_pinda() == true && target_temperature_bed >= 50)
-		{
-			temp_compensation_start();
-			run = true;
-			repeatcommand_front(); // repeat G80 with all its parameters
-			enquecommand_front_P(G28W0);
-			break;
-		}
-        run = false;
-		// Save custom message state, set a new custom message state to display: Calibrating point 9.
-		CustomMsg custom_message_type_old = custom_message_type;
-		unsigned int custom_message_state_old = custom_message_state;
-		custom_message_type = CustomMsg::MeshBedLeveling;
-		custom_message_state = (nMeasPoints * nMeasPoints) + 10;
-		lcd_update(1);
-		mbl.reset(); //reset mesh bed leveling
-		// Reset baby stepping to zero, if the babystepping has already been loaded before.
-		babystep_undo();
-		// Cycle through all points and probe them
-		// First move up. During this first movement, the babystepping will be reverted.
-		current_position[Z_AXIS] = MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH;
-		plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(homing_feedrate[Z_AXIS] / 60);
-		// The move to the first calibration point.
-		current_position[X_AXIS] = BED_X0;
-		current_position[Y_AXIS] = BED_Y0;
-		if (verbosity_level >= 1)
-		{
-		    bool clamped = world2machine_clamp(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS]);
-			clamped ? SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("First calibration point clamped.\n") : SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("No clamping for first calibration point.\n");
-		}
-			world2machine_clamp(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS]);
-		plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(homing_feedrate[X_AXIS] / 30);
-		// Wait until the move is finished.
-		st_synchronize();
-		uint8_t mesh_point = 0; //index number of calibration point
-		int XY_AXIS_FEEDRATE = homing_feedrate[X_AXIS] / 20;
-		int Z_LIFT_FEEDRATE = homing_feedrate[Z_AXIS] / 40;
-		bool has_z = is_bed_z_jitter_data_valid(); //checks if we have data from Z calibration (offsets of the Z heiths of the 8 calibration points from the first point)
-		if (verbosity_level >= 1) {
-			has_z ? SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Z jitter data from Z cal. valid.\n") : SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Z jitter data from Z cal. not valid.\n");
-		}
-		int l_feedmultiply = setup_for_endstop_move(false); //save feedrate and feedmultiply, sets feedmultiply to 100
-		while (mesh_point != nMeasPoints * nMeasPoints) {
-			// Get coords of a measuring point.
-			uint8_t ix = mesh_point % nMeasPoints; // from 0 to MESH_NUM_X_POINTS - 1
-			uint8_t iy = mesh_point / nMeasPoints;
-			/*if (!mbl_point_measurement_valid(ix, iy, nMeasPoints, true)) {
-				printf_P(PSTR("Skipping point [%d;%d] \n"), ix, iy);
-				custom_message_state--;
-				mesh_point++;
-				continue; //skip
-			}*/
-			if (iy & 1) ix = (nMeasPoints - 1) - ix; // Zig zag
-			if (nMeasPoints == 7) //if we have 7x7 mesh, compare with Z-calibration for points which are in 3x3 mesh
-			{
-				has_z = ((ix % 3 == 0) && (iy % 3 == 0)) && is_bed_z_jitter_data_valid(); 
-			}
-			float z0 = 0.f;
-			if (has_z && (mesh_point > 0)) {
-				uint16_t z_offset_u = 0;
-				if (nMeasPoints == 7) {
-					z_offset_u = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)(EEPROM_BED_CALIBRATION_Z_JITTER + 2 * ((ix/3) + iy - 1)));
-				}
-				else {
-					z_offset_u = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)(EEPROM_BED_CALIBRATION_Z_JITTER + 2 * (ix + iy * 3 - 1)));
-				}
-				z0 = mbl.z_values[0][0] + *reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(&z_offset_u) * 0.01;
-				if (verbosity_level >= 1) {
-					printf_P(PSTR("Bed leveling, point: %d, calibration Z stored in eeprom: %d, calibration z: %f \n"), mesh_point, z_offset_u, z0);
-				}
-				#endif // SUPPORT_VERBOSITY
-			}
-			// Move Z up to MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH.
-			if((ix == 0) && (iy == 0)) current_position[Z_AXIS] = MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH;
-			else current_position[Z_AXIS] += 2.f / nMeasPoints; //use relative movement from Z coordinate where PINDa triggered on previous point. This makes calibration faster.
-			float init_z_bckp = current_position[Z_AXIS];
-			plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(Z_LIFT_FEEDRATE);
-			st_synchronize();
-			// Move to XY position of the sensor point.
-			current_position[X_AXIS] = BED_X(ix, nMeasPoints);
-			current_position[Y_AXIS] = BED_Y(iy, nMeasPoints);
-			//printf_P(PSTR("[%f;%f]\n"), current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS]);
-			if (verbosity_level >= 1) {
-				bool clamped = world2machine_clamp(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS]);
-				SERIAL_PROTOCOL(mesh_point);
-				clamped ? SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(": xy clamped.\n") : SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(": no xy clamping\n");
-			}
-				world2machine_clamp(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS]);
-			//printf_P(PSTR("after clamping: [%f;%f]\n"), current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS]);
-			plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(XY_AXIS_FEEDRATE);
-			st_synchronize();
-			// Go down until endstop is hit
-			const float Z_CALIBRATION_THRESHOLD = 1.f;
-			if (!find_bed_induction_sensor_point_z((has_z && mesh_point > 0) ? z0 - Z_CALIBRATION_THRESHOLD : -10.f, nProbeRetry)) { //if we have data from z calibration max allowed difference is 1mm for each point, if we dont have data max difference is 10mm from initial point  
-				break;
-			}
-			if (init_z_bckp - current_position[Z_AXIS] < 0.1f) { //broken cable or initial Z coordinate too low. Go to MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH and repeat last step (z-probe) again to distinguish between these two cases.
-				//printf_P(PSTR("Another attempt! Current Z position: %f\n"), current_position[Z_AXIS]);
-				current_position[Z_AXIS] = MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH;
-				plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(Z_LIFT_FEEDRATE);
-				st_synchronize();
-				if (!find_bed_induction_sensor_point_z((has_z && mesh_point > 0) ? z0 - Z_CALIBRATION_THRESHOLD : -10.f, nProbeRetry)) { //if we have data from z calibration max allowed difference is 1mm for each point, if we dont have data max difference is 10mm from initial point  
-					break;
-				}
-				if (MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH - current_position[Z_AXIS] < 0.1f) {
-					puts_P(PSTR("Bed leveling failed. Sensor disconnected or cable broken."));
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if (has_z && fabs(z0 - current_position[Z_AXIS]) > Z_CALIBRATION_THRESHOLD) { //if we have data from z calibration, max. allowed difference is 1mm for each point
-				puts_P(PSTR("Bed leveling failed. Sensor triggered too high."));
-				break;
-			}
-			if (verbosity_level >= 10) {
-				MYSERIAL.print(current_position[X_AXIS], 5);
-				MYSERIAL.print(current_position[Y_AXIS], 5);
-			}
-			float offset_z = 0;
-			offset_z = temp_compensation_pinda_thermistor_offset(current_temperature_pinda);
-/*			if (verbosity_level >= 1)
-			{
-				SERIAL_ECHOPGM("mesh bed leveling: ");
-				MYSERIAL.print(current_position[Z_AXIS], 5);
-				SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" offset: ");
-				MYSERIAL.print(offset_z, 5);
-			}*/
-//			#endif // SUPPORT_VERBOSITY
-			mbl.set_z(ix, iy, current_position[Z_AXIS] - offset_z); //store measured z values z_values[iy][ix] = z - offset_z;
-			custom_message_state--;
-			mesh_point++;
-			lcd_update(1);
-		}
-		current_position[Z_AXIS] = MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH;
-		if (verbosity_level >= 20) {
-			SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Mesh bed leveling while loop finished.");
-			MYSERIAL.print(current_position[Z_AXIS], 5);
-		}
-		plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(Z_LIFT_FEEDRATE);
-		st_synchronize();
-		if (mesh_point != nMeasPoints * nMeasPoints) {
-               Sound_MakeSound(e_SOUND_TYPE_StandardAlert);
-               bool bState;
-               do   {                             // repeat until Z-leveling o.k.
-                    lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_i("Some problem encountered, Z-leveling enforced ..."));
-#ifdef TMC2130
-                    lcd_wait_for_click_delay(MSG_BED_LEVELING_FAILED_TIMEOUT);
-                    calibrate_z_auto();           // Z-leveling (X-assembly stay up!!!)
-#else // TMC2130
-                    lcd_wait_for_click_delay(0);  // ~ no timeout
-                    lcd_calibrate_z_end_stop_manual(true); // Z-leveling (X-assembly stay up!!!)
-#endif // TMC2130
-                    // ~ Z-homing (can not be used "G28", because X & Y-homing would have been done before (Z-homing))
-                    bState=enable_z_endstop(false);
-                    current_position[Z_AXIS] -= 1;
-                    plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(homing_feedrate[Z_AXIS] / 40);
-                    st_synchronize();
-                    enable_z_endstop(true);
-#ifdef TMC2130
-                    tmc2130_home_enter(Z_AXIS_MASK);
-#endif // TMC2130
-                    current_position[Z_AXIS] = MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH;
-                    plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(homing_feedrate[Z_AXIS] / 40);
-                    st_synchronize();
-#ifdef TMC2130
-                    tmc2130_home_exit();
-#endif // TMC2130
-                    enable_z_endstop(bState);
-                    } while (st_get_position_mm(Z_AXIS) > MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH); // i.e. Z-leveling not o.k.
-//               plan_set_z_position(MESH_HOME_Z_SEARCH); // is not necessary ('do-while' loop always ends at the expected Z-position)
-               custom_message_type=CustomMsg::Status; // display / status-line recovery
-               lcd_update_enable(true);           // display / status-line recovery
-               gcode_G28(true, true, true);       // X & Y & Z-homing (must be after individual Z-homing (problem with spool-holder)!)
-               repeatcommand_front();             // re-run (i.e. of "G80")
-               break;
-		}
-		clean_up_after_endstop_move(l_feedmultiply);
-//		SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("clean up finished ");
-		if(temp_cal_active == true && calibration_status_pinda() == true) temp_compensation_apply(); //apply PINDA temperature compensation
-		babystep_apply(); // Apply Z height correction aka baby stepping before mesh bed leveing gets activated.
-//		SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("babystep applied");
-		bool eeprom_bed_correction_valid = eeprom_read_byte((unsigned char*)EEPROM_BED_CORRECTION_VALID) == 1;
-		if (verbosity_level >= 1) {
-			eeprom_bed_correction_valid ? SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Bed correction data valid\n") : SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Bed correction data not valid\n");
-		}
-		for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-			unsigned char codes[4] = { 'L', 'R', 'F', 'B' };
-			long correction = 0;
-			if (code_seen(codes[i]))
-				correction = code_value_long();
-			else if (eeprom_bed_correction_valid) {
-				unsigned char *addr = (i < 2) ?
-					((i == 0) ? (unsigned char*)EEPROM_BED_CORRECTION_LEFT : (unsigned char*)EEPROM_BED_CORRECTION_RIGHT) :
-					((i == 2) ? (unsigned char*)EEPROM_BED_CORRECTION_FRONT : (unsigned char*)EEPROM_BED_CORRECTION_REAR);
-				correction = eeprom_read_int8(addr);
-			}
-			if (correction == 0)
-				continue;
-			if (labs(correction) > BED_ADJUSTMENT_UM_MAX) {
-				SERIAL_ECHOPGM("Excessive bed leveling correction: ");
-				SERIAL_ECHO(correction);
-				SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(" microns");
-			}
-			else {
-				float offset = float(correction) * 0.001f;
-				switch (i) {
-				case 0:
-					for (uint8_t row = 0; row < nMeasPoints; ++row) {						
-						for (uint8_t col = 0; col < nMeasPoints - 1; ++col) {
-							mbl.z_values[row][col] += offset * (nMeasPoints - 1 - col) / (nMeasPoints - 1);
-						}
-					}
-					break;
-				case 1:
-					for (uint8_t row = 0; row < nMeasPoints; ++row) {					
-						for (uint8_t col = 1; col < nMeasPoints; ++col) {
-							mbl.z_values[row][col] += offset * col / (nMeasPoints - 1);
-						}
-					}
-					break;
-				case 2:
-					for (uint8_t col = 0; col < nMeasPoints; ++col) {						
-						for (uint8_t row = 0; row < nMeasPoints; ++row) {
-							mbl.z_values[row][col] += offset * (nMeasPoints - 1 - row) / (nMeasPoints - 1);
-						}
-					}
-					break;
-				case 3:
-					for (uint8_t col = 0; col < nMeasPoints; ++col) {						
-						for (uint8_t row = 1; row < nMeasPoints; ++row) {
-							mbl.z_values[row][col] += offset * row / (nMeasPoints - 1);
-						}
-					}
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-//		SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Bed leveling correction finished");
-		if (nMeasPoints == 3) {
-			mbl.upsample_3x3(); //interpolation from 3x3 to 7x7 points using largrangian polynomials while using the same array z_values[iy][ix] for storing (just coppying measured data to new destination and interpolating between them)
-		}
-		        SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Num X,Y: ");
-                SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(",");
-                SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("\nZ search height: ");
-                SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM("\nMeasured points:");
-                for (int y = MESH_NUM_Y_POINTS-1; y >= 0; y--) {
-                    for (int x = 0; x < MESH_NUM_X_POINTS; x++) {
-                        SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("  ");
-                        SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(mbl.z_values[y][x], 5);
-                    }
-                    SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("\n");
-                }
-		if (nMeasPoints == 7 && magnet_elimination) {
-			mbl_interpolation(nMeasPoints);
-		}
-		        SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Num X,Y: ");
-                SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM(",");
-                SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("\nZ search height: ");
-                SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM("\nMeasured points:");
-                for (int y = MESH_NUM_Y_POINTS-1; y >= 0; y--) {
-                    for (int x = 0; x < MESH_NUM_X_POINTS; x++) {
-                        SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("  ");
-                        SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F(mbl.z_values[y][x], 5);
-                    }
-                    SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("\n");
-                }
-//		SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Upsample finished");
- = 1; //activate mesh bed leveling
-//		SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Mesh bed leveling activated");
-		go_home_with_z_lift();
-//		SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Go home finished");
-		//unretract (after PINDA preheat retraction)
-		if ((degHotend(active_extruder) > EXTRUDE_MINTEMP) && eeprom_read_byte((unsigned char *)EEPROM_TEMP_CAL_ACTIVE) && calibration_status_pinda() && (target_temperature_bed >= 50)) {
-			current_position[E_AXIS] += default_retraction;
-			plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(400);
-		}
-		// Restore custom message state
-		lcd_setstatuspgm(_T(WELCOME_MSG));
-		custom_message_type = custom_message_type_old;
-		custom_message_state = custom_message_state_old;
-		mesh_bed_leveling_flag = false;
-		mesh_bed_run_from_menu = false;
-		lcd_update(2);
+        gcode_G80();