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New ML support - script lang-check.sh - check integrity of binary language files

Robert Pelnar преди 6 години
променени са 1 файла, в които са добавени 75 реда и са изтрити 0 реда
  1. 75 0

+ 75 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# lang_check.sh - multi-language support script
+#  check lang_xx.bin (language binary file)
+# Input files:
+#  lang_$1.bin
+#  lang_en.txt or lang_en_$1.txt
+#set 'cz'
+#dictionary txt file
+if [ "$1" = "en" ]; then fn_t=lang_en.txt; fi
+#binary file to check
+#check txt dictionary file
+echo -n "dictionary file: $fn_t"
+if [ -e $fn_t ]; then echo " - OK"; else echo " - Not found!"; exit 1; fi
+#create lang_xx.tmp - different processing for 'en' language
+if [ "$1" = "en" ]; then
+ #remove comments and empty lines
+ cat lang_en.txt | sed '/^$/d;/^#/d'
+ #remove comments and empty lines, print lines with translated text only
+ cat lang_en_$1.txt | sed '/^$/d;/^#/d' | sed -n 'n;p'
+fi | sed 's/^\"\\x00\"$/\"\"/' > lang_$1.tmp
+count_txt=$(grep -c '^"' lang_$1.tmp)
+echo -n "language bin file: $fn_b"
+if [ -e $fn_b ]; then echo " - OK"; else echo " - Not found!"; exit 1; fi
+#read header and convert to hex
+header=$(dd if=$fn_b bs=1 count=16 2>/dev/null | xxd | cut -c11-49 | sed 's/\([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]\)[\ ]*/\1 /g')
+echo "header='$header'"
+magic=0x$(echo $header | tr -d ' ' | cut -c1-8)
+echo "magic='$magic'"
+size=$(echo $header | tr -d ' ' | cut -c9-12)
+echo "size='$size' ($(($size)))"
+count=$(echo $header | tr -d ' ' | cut -c13-16)
+echo "count='$count' ($(($count)))"
+#create lang_xx_1.tmp (temporary text file from binary data)
+(dd if=$fn_b bs=1 count=$((2*$count)) skip=16 2>/dev/null | xxd | cut -c11-49 | tr ' ' "\n" |\
+ sed 's/\([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]\)\([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]\)/\2\1 /g;/^$/d'; printf "%04x\n" $(($size)) ) |\
+ while read offs; do
+  if [ $o -ne 0 ]; then
+   l=$((0x$offs - $o))
+   echo -n '"'
+   dd if=$fn_b bs=1 count=$((l-1)) skip=$o 2>/dev/null
+   echo '"'
+  fi
+  o=$((0x$offs))
+ done > lang_$1_1.tmp
+#create lang_xx_2.tmp (temporary text file from dictionary)
+cat lang_$1.tmp | sed 's/^\"/printf \"\\x22/;s/"$/\\x22\\x0a\"/' | sh >lang_$1_2.tmp
+#compare temporary files
+diff lang_$1_2.tmp lang_$1_2.tmp >lang_$1_check.dif
+dif=$(cat lang_$1_check.dif)
+if [ -z "$dif" ]; then
+ echo 'binary data OK'
+ echo 'binary data NG!'