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Merge branch 'MK3' into PFW-795

MRprusa3d 6 years ago
4 changed files with 595 additions and 4 deletions
  1. 5 1
  2. 527 0
  3. 57 3
  4. 6 0

+ 5 - 1

@@ -94,7 +94,11 @@ void cmdqueue_reset()
     bufindr = 0;
     bufindr = 0;
     bufindw = 0;
     bufindw = 0;
     buflen = 0;
     buflen = 0;
-    cmdbuffer_front_already_processed = false;
+	//commands are removed from command queue after process_command() function is finished
+	//reseting command queue and enqueing new commands during some (usually long running) command processing would cause that new commands are immediately removed from queue (or damaged)
+	//this will ensure that all new commands which are enqueued after cmdqueue reset, will be always executed
+    cmdbuffer_front_already_processed = true; 
 // How long a string could be pushed to the front of the command queue?
 // How long a string could be pushed to the front of the command queue?

+ 527 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+# This bash script is used to compile automatically the Prusa firmware with a dedecated build enviroment and settings
+# Supported OS: Windows 10, Linux64 bit
+# Linux:
+# Windows:
+# To excecute this sciprt you gonna need few things on your Windows machine
+# Linux Subsystem Ubuntu
+# 1. Follow these instructions
+# 2. Open Ubuntu bash and get latest updates with 'apt-get upgate'
+# 3. Install zip with 'apt-get install zip'
+# 4. Add at top of ~/.bashrc following lines by using 'sudo nano ~/.bashrc'
+#    export OS="Linux"
+#    export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=""
+#    export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
+#    and confirm them. Restart Ubuntu bash
+# 1. Download and install the correct (64bit or 32bit) Git version
+# 2. Also follow these instructions
+# 3. Download and install 7z-zip from its official website.
+#    By default, it is installed under the directory /c/Program Files/7-Zip in Windows 10 as my case.
+# 4. Run git Bash under Administrator privilege and navigate to the directory /c/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin,
+#    you can run the command ln -s /c/Program Files/7-Zip/7z.exe zip.exe
+# Usefull things to edit and compare your custom Firmware
+# 1. Download and install current and correct (64bit or 32bit) Notepad++ version
+# 2. Another great tool to compare your custom mod and stock firmware is WinMerge
+# Example for MK3: open git bash and chage to your Firmware directory 
+# <username>@<machinename> MINGW64 /<drive>/path
+# bash 1_75mm_MK3-EINSy10a-E3Dv6full
+# Example for MK25: open git bash and chage to your directory 
+# gussner@WIN01 MINGW64 /d/Data/Prusa-Firmware/MK3
+# bash 1_75mm_MK25-RAMBo13a-E3Dv6full
+# The compiled hex files can be found in the folder above like from the example
+# gussner@WIN01 MINGW64 /d/Data/Prusa-Firmware
+# FW351-Build1778-1_75mm_MK25-RAMBo13a-E3Dv6full.hex
+# Version: 1.0.1-Build_8
+# Change log:
+# 12 Jan 2019, 3d-gussner, Fixed "compiler.c.elf.flags=-w -Os -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm -Wl,--gc-sections" in 'platform.txt'
+# 16 Jan 2019, 3d-gussner, Build_2, Added development check to modify 'Configuration.h' to prevent unwanted LCD messages that Firmware is uknown
+# 17 Jan 2019, 3d-gussner, Build_3, Check for OS Windows or Linux and use the right build enviroment
+# 10 Feb 2019, ropaha, Pull Request, Select variant from list while using
+# 10 Feb 2019, ropaha, change FW_DEV_VERSION automatically depending on FW_VERSION RC/BETA/ALPHA
+# 10 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, 1st tests with english only 
+# 10 Feb 2019, ropaha, added compiling of all variants and english only
+# 10 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Set OUTPUT_FOLDER for hex files
+# 11 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner/ropaha, Minor changes and fixes
+# 11 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Ready for RC
+# 12 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Check if wget and zip are installed. Thanks to Bernd to point it out
+# 12 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Changed OS check to OSTYPE as it is not supported on Ubuntu
+#                          Also added different BUILD_ENV folders depending on OS used so Windows
+#                          Users can use git-bash AND Windows Linux Subsystems at the same time
+#                          Cleanup compiler flags is only depends on OS version.
+# 12 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Added additional OSTYPE check
+# 15 feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Added zip files for miniRAMbo multi language hex files
+# 15 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Added more checks if
+#                                              Compiled Hex-files
+#                                              Configuration_prusa.h
+#                                              language build files
+#                                              multi language firmware files exist and clean them up
+# 15 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Fixed selction GOLD/UNKNOWN DEV_STATUS for ALL variants builds, so you have to choose only once
+# 15 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Added some colored output
+# 15 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, troubleshooting and minor fixes
+# 16 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Script can be run using arguments
+#                          $1 = variant, example "1_75mm_MK3-EINSy10a-E3Dv6full.h" at this moment it is not possible to use ALL
+#                          $2 = multi language OR english only [ALL/EN_ONLY]
+#                          $3 = development status [GOLD/RC/BETA/ALPHA/DEVEL/DEBUG]
+#                          If one argument is wrong a list of valid one will be shown
+###Check if OSTYPE is supported
+if [ $OSTYPE == "msys" ]; then
+	if [ $(uname -m) == "x86_64" ]; then
+		echo "$(tput setaf 2)Windows 64-bit found$(tput sgr0)"
+	fi
+elif [ $OSTYPE == "linux-gnu" ]; then
+	if [ $(uname -m) == "x86_64" ]; then
+		echo "$(tput setaf 2)Linux 64-bit found$(tput sgr0)"
+	fi
+	echo "$(tput setaf 1)This script doesn't support your Operating system!"
+	echo "Please use Linux 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit with Linux subsystem / git-bash"
+	echo "Read the notes of$(tput sgr0)"
+	exit
+sleep 2
+###Prepare bash enviroment and check if wget and zip are availible
+if ! type wget > /dev/null; then
+	echo "$(tput setaf 1)Missing 'wget' which is important to run this script"
+	echo "Please follow these instructions to install wget$(tput sgr0)"
+	exit
+if ! type zip > /dev/null; then
+	if [ $OSTYPE == "msys" ]; then
+		echo "$(tput setaf 1)Missing 'zip' which is important to run this script"
+		echo "Download and install 7z-zip from its official website"
+		echo "By default, it is installed under the directory /c/Program Files/7-Zip in Windows 10 as my case."
+		echo "Run git Bash under Administrator privilege and"
+		echo "navigate to the directory /c/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin,"
+		echo "you can run the command $(tput setaf 2)ln -s /c/Program Files/7-Zip/7z.exe zip.exe$(tput sgr0)"
+		exit
+	elif [ $OSTYPE == "linux-gnu" ]; then
+		echo "$(tput setaf 1)Missing 'zip' which is important to run this script"
+		echo "install it with the command $(tput setaf 2)'sudo apt-get install zip'$(tput sgr0)"
+		exit
+	fi
+###End prepare bash enviroment
+SCRIPT_PATH="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )"
+# List few useful data
+echo "Script path:" $SCRIPT_PATH
+echo "OS         :" $OS
+echo "OS type    :" $OSTYPE
+echo ""
+#### Start prepare building
+#Check if build exists and creates it if not
+if [ ! -d "../build-env" ]; then
+    mkdir ../build-env || exit 2
+cd ../build-env || exit 3
+# Check if PF-build-env-<version> exists and downloads + creates it if not
+# The build enviroment is based on the Arduino IDE 1.8.5 portal vesion with some changes
+if [ ! -d "../PF-build-env-$BUILD_ENV" ]; then
+	echo "$(tput setaf 6)PF-build-env-$BUILD_ENV is missing ... creating it now for you$(tput sgr 0)"
+	mkdir ../PF-build-env-$BUILD_ENV
+	sleep 5
+if [ $OSTYPE == "msys" ]; then
+	if [ ! -f "PF-build-env-Win-$" ]; then
+		echo "$(tput setaf 6)Downloding Windows build enviroment...$(tput setaf 2)"
+		sleep 2
+		wget$BUILD_ENV/PF-build-env-Win-$ || exit 4
+		#cp -f ../../PF-build-env/PF-build-env-Win-$ PF-build-env-Win-$ || exit4
+		echo "$(tput sgr 0)"
+	fi
+	if [ ! -d "../PF-build-env-$BUILD_ENV/$OSTYPE" ]; then
+		echo "$(tput setaf 6)Unzipping Windows build enviroment...$(tput setaf 2)"
+		sleep 2
+		unzip PF-build-env-Win-$ -d ../PF-build-env-$BUILD_ENV/$OSTYPE || exit 4
+		echo "$(tput sgr0)"
+	fi
+if [ $OSTYPE == "linux-gnu" ]; then
+	if [ ! -f "PF-build-env-Linux64-$" ]; then
+		echo "$(tput setaf 6)Downloading Linux 64 build enviroment...$(tput setaf 2)"
+		sleep 2
+		wget$BUILD_ENV/PF-build-env-Linux64-$ || exit 3
+		echo "$(tput sgr0)"
+	fi
+	if [ ! -d "../PF-build-env-$BUILD_ENV/$OSTYPE" ]; then
+		echo "$(tput setaf 6)Unzipping Linux build enviroment...$(tput setaf 2)"
+		sleep 2
+		unzip PF-build-env-Linux64-$ -d ../PF-build-env-$BUILD_ENV/$OSTYPE || exit 4
+		echo "$(tput sgr0)"
+	fi
+# First argument defines which varaint of the Prusa Firmware will be compiled 
+if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
+	# Select which varaint of the Prusa Firmware will be compiled, like
+	PS3="Select a variant: "
+	while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' f; do
+		options[i++]="$f"
+	done < <(find Firmware/variants/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.h" -print0 )
+	select opt in "${options[@]}" "All" "Quit"; do
+		case $opt in
+			*.h)
+				VARIANT=$(basename "$opt" ".h")
+				VARIANTS[i++]="$opt"
+				break
+				;;
+			"All")
+				VARIANT="All"
+				VARIANTS=${options[*]}
+				break
+				;;
+			"Quit")
+				echo "You chose to stop"
+					exit 1
+					;;
+			*)
+				echo "$(tput setaf 1)This is not a valid variant$(tput sgr0)"
+				;;
+		esac
+	done
+	if [ -f "$SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/variants/$1" ] ; then 
+	else
+		echo "$(tput setaf 1)$1 could not be found in Firmware/variants please choose a valid one$(tput setaf 2)"
+		ls -1 $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/variants/*.h | xargs -n1 basename
+		echo "$(tput sgr0)"
+		exit
+	fi
+#Second argument defines if it is an english only version. Known values EN_ONLY / ALL
+#Check default language mode
+MULTI_LANGUAGE_CHECK=$(grep --max-count=1 "^#define LANG_MODE *" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/config.h|sed -e's/  */ /g'|cut -d ' ' -f3)
+if [ -z "$2" ] ; then
+	PS3="Select a language: "
+	echo
+	echo "Which lang-build do you want?"
+	select yn in "Multi languages" "English only"; do
+		case $yn in
+			"Multi languages")
+				sed -i -- "s/^#define LANG_MODE *0/#define LANG_MODE              1/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/config.h
+				break
+				;;
+			"English only") 
+				sed -i -- "s/^#define LANG_MODE *1/#define LANG_MODE              0/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/config.h
+				break
+				;;
+			*)
+				echo "$(tput setaf 1)This is not a valid language$(tput sgr0)"
+				;;
+		esac
+	done
+	if [[ "$2" == "ALL" || "$2" == "EN_ONLY" ]] ; then
+	else
+		echo "$(tput setaf 1)Language agrument is wrong!$(tput sgr0)"
+		echo "Only $(tput setaf 2)'ALL'$(tput sgr0) or $(tput setaf 2)'EN_ONLY'$(tput sgr0) are allowed as 2nd argument!"
+		exit
+	fi
+#Check if DEV_STATUS is selected via argument 3
+if [ ! -z "$3" ] ; then
+	if [[ "$3" == "GOLD" || "$3" == "RC" || "$3" == "BETA" || "$3" == "ALPHA" || "$3" == "DEVEL" || "$3" == "DEBUG" ]] ; then
+	else
+		echo "$(tput setaf 1)Development argument is wrong!$(tput sgr0)"
+		echo "Only $(tput setaf 2)'GOLD', 'RC', 'BETA', 'ALPHA', 'DEVEL' or 'DEBUG'$(tput sgr0) are allowed as 3rd argument!$(tput sgr0)"
+		exit
+	fi
+cd ../PF-build-env-$BUILD_ENV/$OSTYPE || exit 5
+BUILD_ENV_PATH="$( pwd -P )"
+cd ../..
+#Checkif BUILD_PATH exisits and if not creates it
+if [ ! -d "Prusa-Firmware-build" ]; then
+    mkdir Prusa-Firmware-build  || exit 6
+#Set the BUILD_PATH for Arduino IDE
+cd Prusa-Firmware-build || exit 7
+BUILD_PATH="$( pwd -P )"
+for v in ${VARIANTS[*]}
+	VARIANT=$(basename "$v" ".h")
+	# Find firmware version in Configuration.h file and use it to generate the hex filename
+	FW=$(grep --max-count=1 "\bFW_VERSION\b" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h | sed -e's/  */ /g'|cut -d '"' -f2|sed 's/\.//g')
+	# Find build version in Configuration.h file and use it to generate the hex filename
+	BUILD=$(grep --max-count=1 "\bFW_COMMIT_NR\b" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h | sed -e's/  */ /g'|cut -d ' ' -f3)
+	# Check if the motherboard is an EINSY and if so the only one hex file will generated
+	MOTHERBOARD=$(grep --max-count=1 "\bMOTHERBOARD\b" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/variants/$VARIANT.h | sed -e's/  */ /g' |cut -d ' ' -f3)
+	# Check development status
+	DEV_CHECK=$(grep --max-count=1 "\bFW_VERSION\b" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h | sed -e's/  */ /g'|cut -d '"' -f2|sed 's/\.//g'|cut -d '-' -f2)
+	if [ -z "$DEV_STATUS_SELECTED" ] ; then
+		if [[ "$DEV_CHECK" == "RC1"  ||  "$DEV_CHECK" == "RC2" ]] ; then
+		elif [[ "$DEV_CHECK" == "ALPHA" ]]; then
+		elif [[ "$DEV_CHECK" == "BETA" ]]; then
+		elif [[ "$DEV_CHECK" == "DEVEL" ]]; then
+		elif [[ "$DEV_CHECK" == "DEBUG" ]]; then
+		else
+			echo
+			echo "$(tput setaf 5)DEV_STATUS is UNKNOWN. Do you wish to set DEV_STATUS to GOLD?$(tput sgr0)"
+			PS3="Select YES only if source code is tested and trusted: "
+			select yn in "Yes" "No"; do
+				case $yn in
+					Yes)
+						break
+						;;
+					No) 
+						break
+						;;
+					*)
+						echo "$(tput setaf 1)This is not a valid DEV_STATUS$(tput sgr0)"
+						;;
+				esac
+			done
+		fi
+	else
+	fi
+	#Prepare hex files folders
+	if [ ! -d "$SCRIPT_PATH/../Hex-files/FW$FW-Build$BUILD/$MOTHERBOARD" ]; then
+		mkdir -p $SCRIPT_PATH/../Hex-files/FW$FW-Build$BUILD/$MOTHERBOARD || exit 10
+	fi
+	#Check if exacly the same hexfile already exsits
+	if [[ -f "$SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT.hex"  &&  "$LANGUAGES" == "ALL" ]]; then
+		echo ""
+		ls -1 $SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT.hex | xargs -n1 basename
+		echo "$(tput setaf 6)This hex file to be comiled already exsits! To cancle this process press CRTL+C and rename existing hex file.$(tput sgr 0)"
+		read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+	elif [[ -f "$SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT-EN_ONLY.hex"  &&  "$LANGUAGES" == "EN_ONLY" ]]; then
+		echo ""
+		ls -1 $SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT-EN_ONLY.hex | xargs -n1 basename
+		echo "$(tput setaf 6)This hex file to be comiled already exsits! To cancle this process press CRTL+C and rename existing hex file.$(tput sgr 0)"
+		read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+	fi
+	if [[ -f "$SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$"  &&  "$LANGUAGES" == "ALL" ]]; then
+		echo ""
+		ls -1 $SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$ | xargs -n1 basename
+		echo "$(tput setaf 6)This zip file to be comiled already exsits! To cancle this process press CRTL+C and rename existing hex file.$(tput sgr 0)"
+		read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+	fi
+	#List some useful data
+	echo "$(tput setaf 2)$(tput setab 7) "
+	echo "Variant    :" $VARIANT
+	echo "Firmware   :" $FW
+	echo "Build #    :" $BUILD
+	echo "Dev Check  :" $DEV_CHECK
+	echo "DEV Status :" $DEV_STATUS
+	echo "Motherboard:" $MOTHERBOARD
+	echo "Languages  :" $LANGUAGES
+	echo "Hex-file Folder:" $OUTPUT_FOLDER
+	echo "$(tput sgr0)"
+	#Prepare Firmware to be compiled by copying variant as Configuration_prusa.h
+	if [ ! -f "$SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration_prusa.h" ]; then
+		cp -f $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/variants/$VARIANT.h $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration_prusa.h || exit 11
+	else
+		echo "$(tput setaf 6)Configuration_prusa.h already exist it will be overwritten in 10 seconds by the chosen variant.$(tput sgr 0)"
+		read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+		cp -f $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/variants/$VARIANT.h $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration_prusa.h || exit 11
+	fi
+	#Prepare Configuration.h to use the correct FW_DEV_VERSION to prevent LCD messages when connecting with OctoPrint
+	sed -i -- "s/#define FW_DEV_VERSION FW_VERSION_UNKNOWN/#define FW_DEV_VERSION FW_VERSION_$DEV_STATUS/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h
+	sed -i -- 's/#define FW_REPOSITORY "Unknown"/#define FW_REPOSITORY "Prusa3d"/g' $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h
+	#Prepare english only or multilanguage version to be build
+	if [ $LANGUAGES == "ALL" ]; then
+		echo " "
+		echo "Multi-language firmware will be build"
+		echo " "
+	else
+		echo " "
+		echo "English only language firmware will be build"
+		echo " "
+	fi
+	#Check if compiler flags are set to Prusa specific needs for the rambo board.
+	if [ $OSTYPE == "msys" ]; then
+		RAMBO_PLATFORM_FILE="rambo/hardware/avr/1.0.1/platform.txt"
+		COMP_FLAGS="compiler.c.elf.flags={compiler.warning_flags} -Os -g -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm -Wl,--gc-sections"
+		CHECK_FLAGS=$(grep --max-count=1 "$COMP_FLAGS" $BUILD_ENV_PATH/portable/packages/$RAMBO_PLATFORM_FILE)
+		if [ -z "$CHECK_FLAGS" ]; then
+			echo "Compiler flags not found, adding flags"
+			if [ ! -f $BUILD_ENV_PATH/portable/packages/$RAMBO_PLATFORM_FILE.bck ]; then
+				echo "making a backup"
+				ls -1 $BUILD_ENV_PATH/portable/packages/rambo/hardware/avr/1.0.1/
+				cp -f $BUILD_ENV_PATH/portable/packages/$RAMBO_PLATFORM_FILE $BUILD_ENV_PATH/portable/packages/$RAMBO_PLATFORM_FILE.bck
+			fi
+			echo $COMP_FLAGS >> $BUILD_ENV_PATH/portable/packages/$RAMBO_PLATFORM_FILE
+		else
+			echo "Compiler flags are set in rambo platform.txt" $CHECK_FLAGS
+		fi
+	fi	
+	#### End of Prepare building
+	#### Start building
+	export BUILDER=$ARDUINO/arduino-builder
+	echo
+	#read -t 5 -p "Press Enter..."
+	echo 
+	if [ $OSTYPE == "msys" ]; then
+		echo "Start to build Prusa Firmware under Windows..."
+		echo "Using variant $VARIANT$(tput setaf 3)"
+		sleep 2
+		#$BUILDER -dump-prefs -logger=machine -hardware $ARDUINO/hardware -hardware $ARDUINO/portable/packages -tools $ARDUINO/tools-builder -tools $ARDUINO/hardware/tools/avr -tools $ARDUINO/portable/packages -built-in-libraries $ARDUINO/libraries -libraries $ARDUINO/portable/sketchbook/libraries -fqbn=rambo:avr:rambo -ide-version=10805 -build-path=$BUILD_PATH -warnings=none -quiet $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Firmware.ino || exit 12
+		#$BUILDER -compile -logger=machine -hardware $ARDUINO/hardware -hardware $ARDUINO/portable/packages -tools $ARDUINO/tools-builder -tools $ARDUINO/hardware/tools/avr -tools $ARDUINO/portable/packages -built-in-libraries $ARDUINO/libraries -libraries $ARDUINO/portable/sketchbook/libraries -fqbn=rambo:avr:rambo -ide-version=10805 -build-path=$BUILD_PATH -warnings=none -quiet $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Firmware.ino || exit 13
+		$BUILDER -compile -hardware $ARDUINO/hardware -hardware $ARDUINO/portable/packages -tools $ARDUINO/tools-builder -tools $ARDUINO/hardware/tools/avr -tools $ARDUINO/portable/packages -built-in-libraries $ARDUINO/libraries -libraries $ARDUINO/portable/sketchbook/libraries -fqbn=rambo:avr:rambo -ide-version=10805 -build-path=$BUILD_PATH -warnings=default $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Firmware.ino || exit 14
+		echo "$(tput sgr 0)"
+	fi
+	if [ $OSTYPE == "linux-gnu" ] ; then
+		echo "Start to build Prusa Firmware under Linux 64..."
+		echo "Using variant $VARIANT$(tput setaf 3)"
+		sleep 2
+		$BUILD_ENV_PATH/arduino $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Firmware.ino --verify --board rambo:avr:rambo --pref build.path=$BUILD_PATH || exit 14
+		echo "$(tput sgr 0)"
+	fi
+	if [ $LANGUAGES ==  "ALL" ]; then
+		echo "$(tput setaf 2)"
+		echo "Building mutli language firmware" $MULTI_LANGUAGE_CHECK
+		echo "$(tput sgr 0)"
+		sleep 2
+		cd $SCRIPT_PATH/lang
+		echo "$(tput setaf 3)"
+		./ || exit 15
+		echo "$(tput sgr 0)"
+		# Check if privious languages and firmware build exist and if so clean them up
+		if [ -f "lang_en.tmp" ]; then
+			echo ""
+			echo "$(tput setaf 6)Previous lang build files already exist these will be cleaned up in 10 seconds.$(tput sgr 0)"
+			read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+			echo "$(tput setaf 3)"
+			./
+			echo "$(tput sgr 0)"
+		fi
+		if [ -f "progmem.out" ]; then
+			echo ""
+			echo "$(tput setaf 6)Previous firmware build files already exist these will be cleaned up in 10 seconds.$(tput sgr 0)"
+			read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+			echo "$(tput setaf 3)"
+			./
+			echo "$(tput sgr 0)"
+		fi
+		# build languages
+		echo "$(tput setaf 3)"
+		./ || exit 16
+		# Combine compiled firmware with languages 
+		./ || exit 17
+		echo "$(tput sgr 0)"
+		# Check if the motherboard is an EINSY and if so the only one hex file will generated
+		MOTHERBOARD=$(grep --max-count=1 "\bMOTHERBOARD\b" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/variants/$VARIANT.h | sed -e's/  */ /g' |cut -d ' ' -f3)
+		# If the motherboard is an EINSY just copy one hexfile
+		if [ "$MOTHERBOARD" = "BOARD_EINSY_1_0a" ]; then
+			echo "$(tput setaf 2)Copying multi language firmware for MK3/Einsy board to Hex-files folder$(tput sgr 0)"
+			cp -f firmware.hex $SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT.hex
+		else
+			echo "$(tput setaf 2)Zip multi language firmware for MK2.5/miniRAMbo board to Hex-files folder$(tput sgr 0)"
+			cp -f firmware_cz.hex $SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT-cz.hex
+			cp -f firmware_de.hex $SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT-de.hex
+			cp -f firmware_es.hex $SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT-es.hex
+			cp -f firmware_fr.hex $SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT-fr.hex
+			cp -f firmware_it.hex $SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT-it.hex
+			cp -f firmware_pl.hex $SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT-pl.hex
+			if [ $OSTYPE == "msys" ]; then 
+			elif [ $OSTYPE == "linux-gnu" ]; then
+				zip -m -j ../../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$ ../../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT-??.hex
+			fi
+		fi
+		# Cleanup after build
+		echo "$(tput setaf 3)"
+		./ || exit 18
+		./ || exit 19
+		echo "$(tput sgr 0)"
+	else
+		echo "$(tput setaf 2)Copying English only firmware to Hex-files folder$(tput sgr 0)"
+		cp -f $BUILD_PATH/Firmware.ino.hex $SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT-EN_ONLY.hex || exit 20
+	fi
+	# Cleanup Firmware
+	rm $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration_prusa.h || exit 17
+	sed -i -- "s/^#define FW_DEV_VERSION FW_VERSION_$DEV_STATUS/#define FW_DEV_VERSION FW_VERSION_UNKNOWN/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h
+	sed -i -- 's/^#define FW_REPOSITORY "Prusa3d"/#define FW_REPOSITORY "Unknown"/g' $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h
+	#sed -i -- "s/^#define LANG_MODE * /#define LANG_MODE              $MULTI_LANGUAGE_CHECK/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/config.h
+	sed -i -- "s/^#define LANG_MODE *1/#define LANG_MODE              ${MULTI_LANGUAGE_CHECK}/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/config.h
+	sed -i -- "s/^#define LANG_MODE *0/#define LANG_MODE              ${MULTI_LANGUAGE_CHECK}/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/config.h
+	sleep 5
+# Cleanup compiler flags are set to Prusa specific needs for the rambo board.
+#if [ $OSTYPE == "msys" ]; then
+#	echo " "
+#	echo "Restore Windows platform.txt"
+#	echo " "
+#	cp -f $BUILD_ENV_PATH/portable/packages/$RAMBO_PLATFORM_FILE.bck $BUILD_ENV_PATH/portable/packages/$RAMBO_PLATFORM_FILE
+# Switch to hex path and list build files
+cd ..
+echo "$(tput setaf 2) "
+echo " "
+echo "Build done, please use Slic3rPE > 1.41.0 to upload the firmware"
+echo "more information how to flash firmware $(tput sgr 0)"
+#### End building

+ 57 - 3

@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
    * [Linux build](#linux)
    * [Linux build](#linux)
-   * [Windows build](#windows)
+   * Windows build
+     * [Using Arduino](#using-arduino)
+     * [Using Linux subsystem](#using-linux-subsystem-under-windows-10-64-bit)
+     * [Using Git-bash](#using-git-bash-under-windows-10-64-bit)
    * [Automated tests](#3-automated-tests)
    * [Automated tests](#3-automated-tests)
    * [Documentation](#4-documentation)
    * [Documentation](#4-documentation)
@@ -16,7 +19,9 @@ If you wish to flash from Arduino, follow step [2.c](#2c) from Windows build fir
 The script downloads Arduino with our modifications and Rambo board support installed, unpacks it into folder PF-build-env-\<version\> on the same level, as your Prusa-Firmware folder is located, builds firmware for MK3 using that Arduino in Prusa-Firmware-build folder on the same level as Prusa-Firmware, runs secondary language support scripts. Firmware with secondary language support is generated in lang subfolder. Use firmware.hex for MK3 variant. Use firmware_\<lang\>.hex for other printers. Don't forget to follow step [2.b](#2b) first for non-MK3 printers.
 The script downloads Arduino with our modifications and Rambo board support installed, unpacks it into folder PF-build-env-\<version\> on the same level, as your Prusa-Firmware folder is located, builds firmware for MK3 using that Arduino in Prusa-Firmware-build folder on the same level as Prusa-Firmware, runs secondary language support scripts. Firmware with secondary language support is generated in lang subfolder. Use firmware.hex for MK3 variant. Use firmware_\<lang\>.hex for other printers. Don't forget to follow step [2.b](#2b) first for non-MK3 printers.
 ## Windows
 ## Windows
-### 1. Development environment preparation
+### Using Arduino
+note: Multi language build is not supported.
+#### 1. Development environment preparation
    a. install `"Arduino Software IDE"` for your preferred operating system  
    a. install `"Arduino Software IDE"` for your preferred operating system  
 ` -> Software->Downloads`  
 ` -> Software->Downloads`  
@@ -48,7 +53,7 @@ add "-Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm" to "compiler.c.elf.flags=" before existin
 `"compiler.c.elf.flags=-w -Os -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm -Wl,--gc-sections"`
 `"compiler.c.elf.flags=-w -Os -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm -Wl,--gc-sections"`
-### 2. Source code compilation
+#### 2. Source code compilation
 a. place the source codes corresponding to your printer model obtained from the repository into the selected directory on your disk  
 a. place the source codes corresponding to your printer model obtained from the repository into the selected directory on your disk  
@@ -76,6 +81,55 @@ or you can also save the output code to the file (in so called `HEX`-format) `"F
 and then upload it to the printer using the program `"FirmwareUpdater"`  
 and then upload it to the printer using the program `"FirmwareUpdater"`  
 _note: this file is created in the directory `"Firmware/"`_  
 _note: this file is created in the directory `"Firmware/"`_  
+### Using Linux subsystem under Windows 10 64-bit
+_notes: Script and instructions contributed by 3d-gussner. Use at your own risk. Script downloads Arduino executables outside of Prusa control. Report problems [there.]( Multi language build is supported._
+- follow the Microsoft guide
+  You can also use the 'prepare_winbuild.ps1' powershell script with Administrator rights
+- Tested versions are at this moment
+  - Ubuntu other may different
+  - After the installation and reboot please open your Ubuntu bash and do following steps
+  - run command `apt-get update`
+  - to install zip run `apt-get install zip`
+  - add few lines at the top of `~/.bashrc` by running `sudo nano ~/.bashrc`
+	export OS="Linux"
+	export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
+	use `CRTL-X` to close nano and confirm to write the new entries
+  - restart Ubuntu bash
+Now your Ubuntu subsystem is ready to use the automatic `` script and compile your firmware correctly
+#### Some Tips for Ubuntu
+- Linux is case sensetive so please don't forget to use capital letters where needed, like changing to a directory
+- To change the path to your Prusa-Firmware location you downloaded and unzipped
+  - Example: You files are under `C:\Users\<your-username>\Downloads\Prusa-Firmware-MK3`
+  - use under Ubuntu the following command `cd /mnt/c/Users/<your-username>/Downloads/Prusa-Firmware-MK3`
+    to change to the right folder
+#### Compile Prusa-firmware with Ubuntu Linux subsystem installed
+- open Ubuntu bash
+- change to your source code folder (case sensitive)
+- run `./`
+- follow the instructions
+### Using Git-bash under Windows 10 64-bit
+_notes: Script and instructions contributed by 3d-gussner. Use at your own risk. Script downloads Arduino executables outside of Prusa control. Report problems [there.]( Multi language build is supported._
+- Download and install the 64bit Git version
+- Also follow these instructions
+- Download and install 7z-zip from its official website
+  By default, it is installed under the directory /c/Program Files/7-Zip in Windows 10
+- Run `Git-Bash` under Administrator privilege
+- navigate to the directory /c/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin
+- run `ln -s /c/Program Files/7-Zip/7z.exe zip.exe`
+#### Compile Prusa-firmware with Git-bash installed
+- open Git-bash
+- change to your source code folder
+- run `bash`
+- follow the instructions
 # 3. Automated tests
 # 3. Automated tests
 ## Prerequisites
 ## Prerequisites
 c++11 compiler e.g. g++ 6.3.1
 c++11 compiler e.g. g++ 6.3.1

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#This powershell script prepares your Windows 10 64-bit computer to be able to compile your
+#Prusa Firmware by installing a Linux Subsystem
+#Please run it as administrator
+Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
+Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile Ubuntu.appx -UseBasicParsing