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Merge pull request #2850 from 3d-gussner/MK3_PF-build_Fix_EN_ONLY

🐛Fix: PF-build EN_ONLY argument
DRracer 3 years ago
1 changed files with 227 additions and 60 deletions
  1. 227 60

+ 227 - 60

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 # 3. Install zip with 'apt-get install zip'
 # 4. Install python3 with 'apt-get install python3'
 # 5. Add command 'ln -sf /usr/bin/python3.5 /usr/bin/python' to link python3 to python.
-#    Donnot istall 'python' as python 2.x has end of life see
+#    Do not install 'python' as python 2.x has end of life see
 # 6. Add at top of ~/.bashrc following lines by using 'sudo nano ~/.bashrc'
 #    export OS="Linux"
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 # 2. Another great tool to compare your custom mod and stock firmware is WinMerge
 # Example for MK3: open git bash and change to your Firmware directory 
-# <username>@<machinename> MINGW64 /<drive>/path
+# <username>@<machine name> MINGW64 /<drive>/path
 # bash 1_75mm_MK3-EINSy10a-E3Dv6full
 # Example for MK25: open git bash and change to your directory 
@@ -56,15 +56,15 @@
 #   Some may argue that this is only used by a script, BUT as soon someone accidentally or on purpose starts Arduino IDE
 #   it will use the default Arduino IDE folders and so can corrupt the build environment.
-# Version: 1.0.6-Build_18
+# Version: 1.0.6-Build_33
 # Change log:
 # 12 Jan 2019, 3d-gussner, Fixed "compiler.c.elf.flags=-w -Os -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm -Wl,--gc-sections" in 'platform.txt'
 # 16 Jan 2019, 3d-gussner, Build_2, Added development check to modify 'Configuration.h' to prevent unwanted LCD messages that Firmware is unknown
 # 17 Jan 2019, 3d-gussner, Build_3, Check for OS Windows or Linux and use the right build environment
 # 10 Feb 2019, ropaha, Pull Request, Select variant from list while using
 # 10 Feb 2019, ropaha, change FW_DEV_VERSION automatically depending on FW_VERSION RC/BETA/ALPHA
-# 10 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, 1st tests with english only 
-# 10 Feb 2019, ropaha, added compiling of all variants and english only
+# 10 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, 1st tests with English only 
+# 10 Feb 2019, ropaha, added compiling of all variants and English only
 # 10 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Set OUTPUT_FOLDER for hex files
 # 11 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner/ropaha, Minor changes and fixes
 # 11 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Ready for RC
@@ -80,50 +80,62 @@
 #                                              Configuration_prusa.h
 #                                              language build files
 #                                              multi language firmware files exist and clean them up
-# 15 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Fixed selction GOLD/UNKNOWN DEV_STATUS for ALL variants builds, so you have to choose only once
+# 15 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Fixed selection GOLD/UNKNOWN DEV_STATUS for ALL variants builds, so you have to choose only once
 # 15 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Added some colored output
 # 15 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, troubleshooting and minor fixes
 # 16 Feb 2019, 3d-gussner, Script can be run using arguments
 #                          $1 = variant, example "1_75mm_MK3-EINSy10a-E3Dv6full.h" at this moment it is not possible to use ALL
-#                          $2 = multi language OR english only [ALL/EN_ONLY]
+#                          $2 = multi language OR English only [ALL/EN_ONLY]
 #                          $3 = development status [GOLD/RC/BETA/ALPHA/DEVEL/DEBUG]
 #                          If one argument is wrong a list of valid one will be shown
-# 13 Mar 2019, 3d-gussner, MKbel updated the linux build environment to version 1.0.2 with an Fix maximum firmware flash size.
+# 13 Mar 2019, 3d-gussner, MKbel updated the Linux build environment to version 1.0.2 with an Fix maximum firmware flash size.
 #                          So did I
 # 11 Jul 2019, deliopoulos,Updated to v1.0.6 as Prusa needs a new board definition for Firmware 3.8.x86_64
-#						   - Splitted the Download of Windows Arduino IDE 1.8.5 and Prusa specific part
+#						   - Split the Download of Windows Arduino IDE 1.8.5 and Prusa specific part
 #                            --> less download volume needed and saves some time
-# 13 Jul 2019, deliopoulos,Splitting of Ardunio IDE and Prusa parts also for Linux64
+# 13 Jul 2019, deliopoulos,Splitting of Arduino IDE and Prusa parts also for Linux64
 # 13 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, Added Linux 32-bit version (untested yet)
 #                          MacOS could be added in future if needs
 # 14 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, Update preferences and make it really portable
-# 15 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, New PF-build-env gihub branch
-# 16 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, New Arduino_boards github fork
+# 15 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, New PF-build-env GitHub branch
+# 16 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, New Arduino_boards GitHub fork
 # 17 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, Final tests under Windows 10 and Linux Subsystem for Windows   
 # 18 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, Added python check
 # 18 Jul 2019, deliopoulos, No need more for changing 'platform.txt' file as it comes with the Arduino Boards.
 # 18 Jul 2019, deliopoulos, Modified 'PF_BUILD_FILE_URL' to use 'BUILD_ENV' variable
-# 22 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, Modiffied checks to check folder and/or installation output exists.
+# 22 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, Modified checks to check folder and/or installation output exists.
 # 22 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, Added check if Arduino IDE 1.8.5 boards have been updated
 # 22 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, Changed exit numbers 1-13 for prepare build env 21-28 for prepare compiling 31-36 compiling
-# 22 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, Changed BOARD_URL to DRracers respository after he pulled my PR
+# 22 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, Changed BOARD_URL to DRracers repository after he pulled my PR
 # 23 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, Changed Build-env path to "PF-build-dl" as requested in PR
 #                          Changed Hex-files folder to PF-build-hex as requested in PR
 # 23 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, Added Finding OS version routine so supporting new OS should get easier
 # 26 Jul 2019, 3d-gussner, Change JSON repository to prusa3d after PR was merged
-# 23 Sep 2019, 3d-gussner, Prepare for comming Prusa3d/Arduino_Boards version 1.0.2 Pull Request
-# 17 Oct 2019, 3d-gussner, Changed folder and check file names to have seperated build enviroments depening on Arduino IDE version and
+# 23 Sep 2019, 3d-gussner, Prepare for coming Prusa3d/Arduino_Boards version 1.0.2 Pull Request
+# 17 Oct 2019, 3d-gussner, Changed folder and check file names to have separated build environments depending on Arduino IDE version and
 #                          board-versions.
 # 15 Dec 2019, 3d-gussner, Prepare for switch to Prusa3d/PF-build-env repository
-# 15 Dec 2019, 3d-gussner, Fix Audrino user preferences for the chosen board.
+# 15 Dec 2019, 3d-gussner, Fix Arduino user preferences for the chosen board.
 # 17 Dec 2019, 3d-gussner, Fix "timer0_fract = 0" warning by using Arduino_boards v1.0.3
 # 28 Apr 2020, 3d-gussner, Added RC3 detection
 # 03 May 2020, deliopoulos, Accept all RCx as RC versions
 # 05 May 2020, 3d-gussner, Make a copy of `not_tran.txt`and `not_used.txt` as `not_tran_$VARIANT.txt`and `not_used_$VARIANT.txt`
-#                          After compiling All multilanguage vairants it makes it easier to find missing or unused transltions.
+#                          After compiling All multi-language variants it makes it easier to find missing or unused translations.
 # 12 May 2020, DRracer   , Cleanup double MK2/s MK25/s `not_tran` and `not_used` files
 # 13 May 2020, leptun    , If cleanup files do not exist don't try to.
+# 01 Oct 2020, 3d-gussner, Bug fix if using argument EN_ONLY. Thank to @leptun for pointing out.
+#                          Change Build number to script commits 'git rev-list --count HEAD'
+# 02 Oct 2020, 3d-gussner, Add UNKNOWN as argument option
+# 05 Oct 2020, 3d-gussner, Disable pause and warnings using command line with all needed arguments
+#                          Install needed apps under linux if needed.
+#                          Clean PF-Firmware build when changing git branch
+# 02 Nov 2020, 3d-gussner, Check for "gawk" on Linux
+#                          Add argument to change build number automatically to current commit or define own number
+#                          Update exit numbers 1-13 for prepare build env 21-29 for prepare compiling 30-36 compiling
+# 08 Jan 2021, 3d-gussner, Comment out 'sudo' auto installation
+#                          Add '-?' '-h' help option
 #### Start check if OSTYPE is supported
 OS_FOUND=$( command -v uname)
@@ -198,13 +210,14 @@ if ! type zip > /dev/null; then
 	elif [ $TARGET_OS == "linux" ]; then
 		echo "$(tput setaf 1)Missing 'zip' which is important to run this script"
 		echo "install it with the command $(tput setaf 2)'sudo apt-get install zip'$(tput sgr0)"
+		#sudo apt-get update && apt-get install zip
 		exit 3
 # Check python ... needed during language build
 if ! type python > /dev/null; then
 	if [ $TARGET_OS == "windows" ]; then
-		echo "$(tput setaf 1)Missing 'python' which is important to run this script"
+		echo "$(tput setaf 1)Missing 'python3' which is important to run this script"
 		exit 4
 	elif [ $TARGET_OS == "linux" ]; then
 		echo "$(tput setaf 1)Missing 'python' which is important to run this script"
@@ -212,6 +225,17 @@ if ! type python > /dev/null; then
 		echo "install it with the command $(tput setaf 2)'sudo apt-get install python3'."
 		echo "Check which version of Python3 has been installed using 'ls /usr/bin/python3*'"
 		echo "Use 'sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python3.x /usr/bin/python' (where 'x' is your version number) to make it default.$(tput sgr0)"
+		#sudo apt-get update && apt-get install python3 && ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
+		exit 4
+	fi
+# Check gawk ... needed during language build
+if ! type gawk > /dev/null; then
+	if [ $TARGET_OS == "linux" ]; then
+		echo "$(tput setaf 1)Missing 'gawk' which is important to run this script"
+		echo "install it with the command $(tput setaf 2)'sudo apt-get install gawk'."
+		#sudo apt-get update && apt-get install gawk
 		exit 4
@@ -241,7 +265,7 @@ echo "Script path :" $SCRIPT_PATH
 echo "OS          :" $OS
 echo "OS type     :" $TARGET_OS
 echo ""
-echo "Ardunio IDE :" $ARDUINO_ENV
+echo "Arduino IDE :" $ARDUINO_ENV
 echo "Build env   :" $BUILD_ENV
 echo "Board       :" $BOARD
 echo "Package name:" $BOARD_PACKAGE_NAME
@@ -422,8 +446,63 @@ fi
 #### Start 
-# First argument defines which variant of the Prusa Firmware will be compiled 
-if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
+# Check if git is available
+if type git > /dev/null; then
+	git_available="1"
+while getopts v:l:d:b:o:?h flag
+	do
+	    case "${flag}" in
+	        v) variant_flag=${OPTARG};;
+	        l) language_flag=${OPTARG};;
+	        d) devel_flag=${OPTARG};;
+			b) build_flag=${OPTARG};;
+			o) output_flag=${OPTARG};;
+			?) help_flag=1;;
+			h) help_flag=1;;
+	    esac
+	done
+#echo "variant_flag: $variant_flag";
+#echo "language_flag: $language_flag";
+#echo "devel_flag: $devel_flag";
+#echo "build_flag: $build_flag";
+#echo "output_flag: $output_flag";
+#echo "help_flag: $help_flag"
+# '?' 'h' argument usage and help
+if [ "$help_flag" == "1" ] ; then
+echo "***************************************"
+echo "* Version: 1.0.6-Build_33 *"
+echo "***************************************"
+echo "Arguments:"
+echo "$(tput setaf 2)-v$(tput sgr0) Variant '$(tput setaf 2)All$(tput sgr0)' or variant file name"
+echo "$(tput setaf 2)-l$(tput sgr0) Languages '$(tput setaf 2)ALL$(tput sgr0)' for multi language or '$(tput setaf 2)EN_ONLY$(tput sgr0)' for English only"
+echo "$(tput setaf 2)-d$(tput sgr0) Devel build '$(tput setaf 2)GOLD$(tput sgr0)', '$(tput setaf 2)RC$(tput sgr0)', '$(tput setaf 2)BETA$(tput sgr0)', '$(tput setaf 2)ALPHA$(tput sgr0)', '$(tput setaf 2)DEBUG$(tput sgr0)', '$(tput setaf 2)DEVEL$(tput sgr0)' and '$(tput setaf 2)UNKNOWN$(tput sgr0)'"
+echo "$(tput setaf 2)-b$(tput sgr0) Build/commit number '$(tput setaf 2)Auto$(tput sgr0)' needs git or a number"
+echo "$(tput setaf 2)-o$(tput sgr0) Output '$(tput setaf 2)1$(tput sgr0)' force or '$(tput setaf 2)0$(tput sgr0)' block output and delays"
+echo "$(tput setaf 2)-?$(tput sgr0) Help"
+echo "$(tput setaf 2)-h$(tput sgr0) Help"
+echo "Brief USAGE:"
+echo "  $(tput setaf 2)./$(tput sgr0)  [-v] [-l] [-d] [-b] [-o]"
+echo "Example:"
+echo "  $(tput setaf 2)./ -v All -l ALL -d GOLD$(tput sgr0)"
+echo "  Will build all variants as multi language and final GOLD version"
+echo "  $(tput setaf 2) ./ -v 1_75mm_MK3S-EINSy10a-E3Dv6full.h -b Auto -l ALL -d GOLD -o 1$(tput sgr0)"
+echo "  Will build MK3S multi language final GOLD firmware "
+echo "  with current commit count number and output extra information"
+# '-v' argument defines which variant of the Prusa Firmware will be compiled 
+if [ -z "$variant_flag" ] ; then
 	# Select which variant of the Prusa Firmware will be compiled, like
 	PS3="Select a variant: "
 	while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' f; do
@@ -443,7 +522,7 @@ if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
 				echo "You chose to stop"
-					exit
+					exit 20
 				echo "$(tput setaf 1)This is not a valid variant$(tput sgr0)"
@@ -451,21 +530,28 @@ if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
-	if [ -f "$SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/variants/$1" ] ; then 
+	if [ -f "$SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/variants/$variant_flag" ] ; then 
+		VARIANTS=$variant_flag
+	elif [ "$variant_flag" == "All" ] ; then
+		while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' f; do
+			options[i++]="$f"
+		done < <(find Firmware/variants/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.h" -print0 )
+		VARIANT="All"
+		VARIANTS=${options[*]}
-		echo "$(tput setaf 1)$1 could not be found in Firmware/variants please choose a valid one$(tput setaf 2)"
+		echo "$(tput setaf 1)Argument $variant_flag could not be found in Firmware/variants please choose a valid one.$(tput sgr0)"
+		echo "Only $(tput setaf 2)'All'$(tput sgr0) and file names below are allowed as variant '-v' argument.$(tput setaf 2)"
 		ls -1 $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/variants/*.h | xargs -n1 basename
 		echo "$(tput sgr0)"
 		exit 21
-#Second argument defines if it is an english only version. Known values EN_ONLY / ALL
+#'-l' argument defines if it is an English only version. Known values EN_ONLY / ALL
 #Check default language mode
 MULTI_LANGUAGE_CHECK=$(grep --max-count=1 "^#define LANG_MODE *" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/config.h|sed -e's/  */ /g'|cut -d ' ' -f3)
-if [ -z "$2" ] ; then
+if [ -z "$language_flag" ] ; then
 	PS3="Select a language: "
 	echo "Which lang-build do you want?"
@@ -473,12 +559,10 @@ if [ -z "$2" ] ; then
 		case $yn in
 			"Multi languages")
-				sed -i -- "s/^#define LANG_MODE *0/#define LANG_MODE              1/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/config.h
 			"English only") 
-				sed -i -- "s/^#define LANG_MODE *1/#define LANG_MODE              0/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/config.h
@@ -487,47 +571,106 @@ if [ -z "$2" ] ; then
-	if [[ "$2" == "ALL" || "$2" == "EN_ONLY" ]] ; then
+	if [[ "$language_flag" == "ALL" || "$language_flag" == "EN_ONLY" ]] ; then
+		LANGUAGES=$language_flag
 		echo "$(tput setaf 1)Language argument is wrong!$(tput sgr0)"
-		echo "Only $(tput setaf 2)'ALL'$(tput sgr0) or $(tput setaf 2)'EN_ONLY'$(tput sgr0) are allowed as 2nd argument!"
+		echo "Only $(tput setaf 2)'ALL'$(tput sgr0) or $(tput setaf 2)'EN_ONLY'$(tput sgr0) are allowed as language '-l' argument!"
 		exit 22
-#Check if DEV_STATUS is selected via argument 3
-if [ ! -z "$3" ] ; then
-	if [[ "$3" == "GOLD" || "$3" == "RC" || "$3" == "BETA" || "$3" == "ALPHA" || "$3" == "DEVEL" || "$3" == "DEBUG" ]] ; then
+#Check if DEV_STATUS is selected via argument '-d'
+if [ ! -z "$devel_flag" ] ; then
+	if [[ "$devel_flag" == "GOLD" || "$devel_flag" == "RC" || "$devel_flag" == "BETA" || "$devel_flag" == "ALPHA" || "$devel_flag" == "DEVEL" || "$devel_flag" == "DEBUG" || "$devel_flag" == "UNKNOWN" ]] ; then
+		DEV_STATUS_SELECTED=$devel_flag
 		echo "$(tput setaf 1)Development argument is wrong!$(tput sgr0)"
-		echo "Only $(tput setaf 2)'GOLD', 'RC', 'BETA', 'ALPHA', 'DEVEL' or 'DEBUG'$(tput sgr0) are allowed as 3rd argument!$(tput sgr0)"
+		echo "Only $(tput setaf 2)'GOLD', 'RC', 'BETA', 'ALPHA', 'DEVEL', 'DEBUG' or 'UNKNOWN' $(tput sgr0) are allowed as devel '-d' argument!$(tput sgr0)"
 		exit 23
+#Check if Build is selected via argument '-b'
+if [ ! -z "$build_flag" ] ; then
+	if [[ "$build_flag" == "Auto" && "$git_available" == "1" ]] ; then
+		echo "Build changed to $build_flag"
+		BUILD=$(git rev-list --count HEAD)
+	elif [[ $build_flag =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then
+		BUILD=$build_flag
+	else
+		echo "$(tput setaf 1)Build number argument is wrong!$(tput sgr0)"
+		echo "Only $(tput setaf 2)'Auto' (git needed) or numbers $(tput sgr0) are allowed as build '-b' argument!$(tput sgr0)"
+		exit 24
+	fi
+	echo "New Build number is: $BUILD"
+# check if script has been started with arguments 
+if [[ "$#" -eq  "0" || "$output_flag" == 1 ]] ; then
+#echo "Output is:" $OUTPUT
+#Check git branch has changed
+if [ ! -z "git_available" ]; then
+	BRANCH=$(git branch --show-current)
+	echo "Current branch is:" $BRANCH
+	if [ ! -f "$SCRIPT_PATH/../PF-build.branch" ]; then
+		echo "$BRANCH" >| $SCRIPT_PATH/../PF-build.branch
+		echo "created PF-build.branch file"
+	else
+		PRE_BRANCH=$(cat "$SCRIPT_PATH/../PF-build.branch")
+		echo "Previous branch was:" $PRE_BRANCH
+		if [ ! "$BRANCH" == "$PRE_BRANCH" ] ; then
+			echo "$BRANCH" >| $SCRIPT_PATH/../PF-build.branch
+		fi
+	fi
-cd ../PF-build-env-$BUILD_ENV/$ARDUINO_ENV-$BOARD_VERSION-$TARGET_OS-$Processor || exit 24
+cd ../PF-build-env-$BUILD_ENV/$ARDUINO_ENV-$BOARD_VERSION-$TARGET_OS-$Processor || exit 25
 BUILD_ENV_PATH="$( pwd -P )"
 cd ../..
 #Checkif BUILD_PATH exists and if not creates it
 if [ ! -d "Prusa-Firmware-build" ]; then
-    mkdir Prusa-Firmware-build  || exit 25
+    mkdir Prusa-Firmware-build  || exit 26
 #Set the BUILD_PATH for Arduino IDE
-cd Prusa-Firmware-build || exit 26
+cd Prusa-Firmware-build || exit 27
 BUILD_PATH="$( pwd -P )"
+#Check git branch has changed
+if [ "$CLEAN_PF_FW_BUILD" == "1" ]; then
+	read -t 10 -p "Branch changed, cleaning Prusa-Firmware-build folder"
+	rm -r *
+	echo "Nothing to clean up"
 for v in ${VARIANTS[*]}
 	VARIANT=$(basename "$v" ".h")
 	# Find firmware version in Configuration.h file and use it to generate the hex filename
 	FW=$(grep --max-count=1 "\bFW_VERSION\b" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h | sed -e's/  */ /g'|cut -d '"' -f2|sed 's/\.//g')
-	# Find build version in Configuration.h file and use it to generate the hex filename
-	BUILD=$(grep --max-count=1 "\bFW_COMMIT_NR\b" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h | sed -e's/  */ /g'|cut -d ' ' -f3)
+	if [ -z "$BUILD" ] ; then	
+		# Find build version in Configuration.h file and use it to generate the hex filename
+		BUILD=$(grep --max-count=1 "\bFW_COMMIT_NR\b" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h | sed -e's/  */ /g'|cut -d ' ' -f3)
+	else
+		# Find and replace build version in Configuration.h file
+		BUILD_ORG=$(grep --max-count=1 "\bFW_COMMIT_NR\b" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h | sed -e's/  */ /g'|cut -d ' ' -f3)
+		echo "Original build number: $BUILD_ORG"
+		sed -i -- "s/^#define FW_COMMIT_NR.*/#define FW_COMMIT_NR $BUILD/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h
+	fi
 	# Check if the motherboard is an EINSY and if so only one hex file will generated
 	MOTHERBOARD=$(grep --max-count=1 "\bMOTHERBOARD\b" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/variants/$VARIANT.h | sed -e's/  */ /g' |cut -d ' ' -f3)
 	# Check development status
@@ -571,7 +714,7 @@ do
 	#Prepare hex files folders
 	if [ ! -d "$SCRIPT_PATH/../PF-build-hex/FW$FW-Build$BUILD/$MOTHERBOARD" ]; then
-		mkdir -p $SCRIPT_PATH/../PF-build-hex/FW$FW-Build$BUILD/$MOTHERBOARD || exit 27
+		mkdir -p $SCRIPT_PATH/../PF-build-hex/FW$FW-Build$BUILD/$MOTHERBOARD || exit 28
@@ -580,18 +723,24 @@ do
 		echo ""
 		ls -1 $SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT.hex | xargs -n1 basename
 		echo "$(tput setaf 6)This hex file to be compiled already exists! To cancel this process press CRTL+C and rename existing hex file.$(tput sgr 0)"
-		read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+		if [ $OUTPUT == "1" ] ; then
+			read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+		fi
 	elif [[ -f "$SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT-EN_ONLY.hex"  &&  "$LANGUAGES" == "EN_ONLY" ]]; then
 		echo ""
 		ls -1 $SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$VARIANT-EN_ONLY.hex | xargs -n1 basename
 		echo "$(tput setaf 6)This hex file to be compiled already exists! To cancel this process press CRTL+C and rename existing hex file.$(tput sgr 0)"
-		read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+		if [ $OUTPUT == "1" ] ; then
+			read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+		fi
 	if [[ -f "$SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$"  &&  "$LANGUAGES" == "ALL" ]]; then
 		echo ""
 		ls -1 $SCRIPT_PATH/../$OUTPUT_FOLDER/FW$FW-Build$BUILD-$ | xargs -n1 basename
 		echo "$(tput setaf 6)This zip file to be compiled already exists! To cancel this process press CRTL+C and rename existing hex file.$(tput sgr 0)"
-		read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+		if [ $OUTPUT == "1" ] ; then
+			read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+		fi
 	#List some useful data
@@ -608,11 +757,13 @@ do
 	#Prepare Firmware to be compiled by copying variant as Configuration_prusa.h
 	if [ ! -f "$SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration_prusa.h" ]; then
-		cp -f $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/variants/$VARIANT.h $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration_prusa.h || exit 28
+		cp -f $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/variants/$VARIANT.h $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration_prusa.h || exit 29
 		echo "$(tput setaf 6)Configuration_prusa.h already exist it will be overwritten in 10 seconds by the chosen variant.$(tput sgr 0)"
-		read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
-		cp -f $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/variants/$VARIANT.h $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration_prusa.h || exit 28
+		if [ $OUTPUT == "1" ] ; then
+			read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+		fi
+		cp -f $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/variants/$VARIANT.h $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration_prusa.h || exit 29
 	#Prepare Configuration.h to use the correct FW_DEV_VERSION to prevent LCD messages when connecting with OctoPrint
@@ -621,14 +772,16 @@ do
 	sed -i -- 's/#define FW_REPOSITORY "Unknown"/#define FW_REPOSITORY "Prusa3d"/g' $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h
-	#Prepare english only or multilanguage version to be build
-	if [ $LANGUAGES == "ALL" ]; then
+	#Prepare English only or multi-language version to be build
+	if [ $LANGUAGES == "EN_ONLY" ]; then
 		echo " "
-		echo "Multi-language firmware will be built"
+		echo "English only language firmware will be built"
+		sed -i -- "s/^#define LANG_MODE *1/#define LANG_MODE              0/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/config.h
 		echo " "
 		echo " "
-		echo "English only language firmware will be built"
+		echo "Multi-language firmware will be built"
+		sed -i -- "s/^#define LANG_MODE *0/#define LANG_MODE              1/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/config.h
 		echo " "
@@ -651,9 +804,11 @@ do
 	echo "Start to build Prusa Firmware ..."
 	echo "Using variant $VARIANT$(tput setaf 3)"
-	sleep 2
+	if [ $OUTPUT == "1" ] ; then
+		sleep 2
+	fi
 	#$BUILD_ENV_PATH/arduino-builder -dump-prefs -debug-level 10 -compile -hardware $ARDUINO/hardware -hardware $ARDUINO/portable/packages -tools $ARDUINO/tools-builder -tools $ARDUINO/hardware/tools/avr -tools $ARDUINO/portable/packages -built-in-libraries $ARDUINO/libraries -libraries $ARDUINO/portable/sketchbook/libraries -fqbn=$BOARD_PACKAGE_NAME:avr:$BOARD -build-path=$BUILD_PATH -warnings=all $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Firmware.ino || exit 14
-	$BUILD_ENV_PATH/arduino-builder -compile -hardware $ARDUINO/hardware -hardware $ARDUINO/portable/packages -tools $ARDUINO/tools-builder -tools $ARDUINO/hardware/tools/avr -tools $ARDUINO/portable/packages -built-in-libraries $ARDUINO/libraries -libraries $ARDUINO/portable/sketchbook/libraries -fqbn=$BOARD_PACKAGE_NAME:avr:$BOARD -build-path=$BUILD_PATH -warnings=all $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Firmware.ino || exit 14
+	$BUILD_ENV_PATH/arduino-builder -compile -hardware $ARDUINO/hardware -hardware $ARDUINO/portable/packages -tools $ARDUINO/tools-builder -tools $ARDUINO/hardware/tools/avr -tools $ARDUINO/portable/packages -built-in-libraries $ARDUINO/libraries -libraries $ARDUINO/portable/sketchbook/libraries -fqbn=$BOARD_PACKAGE_NAME:avr:$BOARD -build-path=$BUILD_PATH -warnings=all $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Firmware.ino || exit 30
 	echo "$(tput sgr 0)"
 	if [ $LANGUAGES ==  "ALL" ]; then
@@ -661,7 +816,9 @@ do
 		echo "Building multi language firmware" $MULTI_LANGUAGE_CHECK
 		echo "$(tput sgr 0)"
-		sleep 2
+		if [ $OUTPUT == "1" ] ; then
+			sleep 2
+		fi
 		cd $SCRIPT_PATH/lang
 		echo "$(tput setaf 3)"
 		./ || exit 31
@@ -670,7 +827,9 @@ do
 		if [ -f "lang_en.tmp" ]; then
 			echo ""
 			echo "$(tput setaf 6)Previous lang build files already exist these will be cleaned up in 10 seconds.$(tput sgr 0)"
-			read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+			if [ $OUTPUT == "1" ] ; then
+				read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+			fi
 			echo "$(tput setaf 3)"
 			echo "$(tput sgr 0)"
@@ -678,7 +837,9 @@ do
 		if [ -f "progmem.out" ]; then
 			echo ""
 			echo "$(tput setaf 6)Previous firmware build files already exist these will be cleaned up in 10 seconds.$(tput sgr 0)"
-			read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+			if [ $OUTPUT == "1" ] ; then
+				read -t 10 -p "Press Enter to continue..."
+			fi
 			echo "$(tput setaf 3)"
 			echo "$(tput sgr 0)"
@@ -740,13 +901,19 @@ do
 		rm $SCRIPT_PATH/lang/not_used.txt
+	# Restore files to previous state
 	sed -i -- "s/^#define FW_DEV_VERSION FW_VERSION_$DEV_STATUS/#define FW_DEV_VERSION FW_VERSION_UNKNOWN/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h
 	sed -i -- 's/^#define FW_REPOSITORY "Prusa3d"/#define FW_REPOSITORY "Unknown"/g' $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h
+	if [ ! -z "$BUILD_ORG" ] ; then
+		sed -i -- "s/^#define FW_COMMIT_NR.*/#define FW_COMMIT_NR $BUILD_ORG/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/Configuration.h
+	fi
 	#sed -i -- "s/^#define LANG_MODE * /#define LANG_MODE              $MULTI_LANGUAGE_CHECK/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/config.h
 	sed -i -- "s/^#define LANG_MODE *1/#define LANG_MODE              ${MULTI_LANGUAGE_CHECK}/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/config.h
 	sed -i -- "s/^#define LANG_MODE *0/#define LANG_MODE              ${MULTI_LANGUAGE_CHECK}/g" $SCRIPT_PATH/Firmware/config.h
-	sleep 5
+	if [ $OUTPUT == "1" ] ; then
+		sleep 5
+	fi
 # Switch to hex path and list build files