@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-//sm4.h - simple 4-axis stepper control
-#ifndef _SM4_H
-#define _SM4_H
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-#endif //defined(__cplusplus)
-// callback prototype for stop condition (return 0 - continue, return 1 - stop)
-typedef uint8_t (*sm4_stop_cb_t)();
-// callback prototype for updating position counters
-typedef void (*sm4_update_pos_cb_t)(uint16_t dx, uint16_t dy, uint16_t dz, uint16_t de);
-// callback prototype for calculating delay
-typedef uint16_t (*sm4_calc_delay_cb_t)(uint16_t nd, uint16_t dd);
-// callback pointer - stop
-extern sm4_stop_cb_t sm4_stop_cb;
-// callback pointer - update_pos
-extern sm4_update_pos_cb_t sm4_update_pos_cb;
-// callback pointer - calc_delay
-extern sm4_calc_delay_cb_t sm4_calc_delay_cb;
-// returns direction for single axis (0 - positive, 1 - negative)
-extern uint8_t sm4_get_dir(uint8_t axis);
-// set direction for single axis (0 - positive, 1 - negative)
-extern void sm4_set_dir(uint8_t axis, uint8_t dir);
-// returns direction of all axes as bitmask (0 - positive, 1 - negative)
-extern uint8_t sm4_get_dir_bits(void);
-// set direction for all axes as bitmask (0 - positive, 1 - negative)
-extern void sm4_set_dir_bits(uint8_t dir_bits);
-// step axes by bitmask
-extern void sm4_do_step(uint8_t axes_mask);
-// xyze linear-interpolated relative move, returns remaining diagonal steps (>0 means stoped)
-extern uint16_t sm4_line_xyze_ui(uint16_t dx, uint16_t dy, uint16_t dz, uint16_t de);
-extern uint16_t sm4_line_xyz_ui(uint16_t dx, uint16_t dy, uint16_t dz);
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-#endif //defined(__cplusplus)
-#endif //_SM4_H
+//sm4.h - simple 4-axis stepper control
+#ifndef _SM4_H
+#define _SM4_H
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+#endif //defined(__cplusplus)
+// callback prototype for stop condition (return 0 - continue, return 1 - stop)
+typedef uint8_t (*sm4_stop_cb_t)();
+// callback prototype for updating position counters
+typedef void (*sm4_update_pos_cb_t)(uint16_t dx, uint16_t dy, uint16_t dz, uint16_t de);
+// callback prototype for calculating delay
+typedef uint16_t (*sm4_calc_delay_cb_t)(uint16_t nd, uint16_t dd);
+// callback pointer - stop
+extern sm4_stop_cb_t sm4_stop_cb;
+// callback pointer - update_pos
+extern sm4_update_pos_cb_t sm4_update_pos_cb;
+// callback pointer - calc_delay
+extern sm4_calc_delay_cb_t sm4_calc_delay_cb;
+// returns direction for single axis (0 - positive, 1 - negative)
+extern uint8_t sm4_get_dir(uint8_t axis);
+// set direction for single axis (0 - positive, 1 - negative)
+extern void sm4_set_dir(uint8_t axis, uint8_t dir);
+// returns direction of all axes as bitmask (0 - positive, 1 - negative)
+extern uint8_t sm4_get_dir_bits(void);
+// set direction for all axes as bitmask (0 - positive, 1 - negative)
+extern void sm4_set_dir_bits(uint8_t dir_bits);
+// step axes by bitmask
+extern void sm4_do_step(uint8_t axes_mask);
+// xyze linear-interpolated relative move, returns remaining diagonal steps (>0 means stoped)
+extern uint16_t sm4_line_xyze_ui(uint16_t dx, uint16_t dy, uint16_t dz, uint16_t de);
+extern uint16_t sm4_line_xyz_ui(uint16_t dx, uint16_t dy, uint16_t dz);
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#endif //defined(__cplusplus)
+#endif //_SM4_H