//tone04.c // use atmega timer4 as main tone timer instead of timer2 // timer2 is used for System timer. #include "system_timer.h" #include "Configuration_prusa.h" #ifdef SYSTEM_TIMER_2 #include #include #include "pins.h" #ifndef CRITICAL_SECTION_START #define CRITICAL_SECTION_START unsigned char _sreg = SREG; cli(); #define CRITICAL_SECTION_END SREG = _sreg; #endif //CRITICAL_SECTION_START #include "fastio.h" void timer4_init(void) { CRITICAL_SECTION_START; SET_OUTPUT(BEEPER); WRITE(BEEPER, LOW); SET_OUTPUT(EXTRUDER_0_AUTO_FAN_PIN); // Set timer mode 9 (PWM,Phase and Frequency Correct) // Prescaler is CLK/1024 // Output compare is disabled on all timer pins // Input capture is disabled // All interrupts are disabled TCCR4A = (1 << WGM40); TCCR4B = (1 << WGM43) | (1 << CS42) | (1 << CS40); OCR4A = 255; OCR4B = 255; OCR4C = 255; TIMSK4 = 0; CRITICAL_SECTION_END; } #ifdef EXTRUDER_0_AUTO_FAN_PIN void timer4_set_fan0(uint8_t duty) { if (duty == 0 || duty == 255) { // We use digital logic if the duty cycle is 0% or 100% TCCR4A &= ~(1 << COM4C1); OCR4C = 0; WRITE(EXTRUDER_0_AUTO_FAN_PIN, duty); } else { // Use the timer for fan speed. Enable the timer compare output and set the duty cycle. // This function also handles the impossible scenario of a fan speed change during a Tone. // Better be safe than sorry. CRITICAL_SECTION_START; // Enable the PWM output on the fan pin. TCCR4A |= (1 << COM4C1); OCR4C = (((uint32_t)duty) * ((uint32_t)((TIMSK4 & (1 << OCIE4A))?OCR4A:255))) / ((uint32_t)255); CRITICAL_SECTION_END; } } #endif //EXTRUDER_0_AUTO_FAN_PIN // Because of the timer mode change, we need two interrupts. We could also try to assume that the frequency is x2 // and use a TOGGLE(), but this seems to work well enough so I left it as it is now. ISR(TIMER4_COMPA_vect) { WRITE(BEEPER, 1); } ISR(TIMER4_OVF_vect) { WRITE(BEEPER, 0); } void tone4(__attribute__((unused)) uint8_t _pin, uint16_t frequency) { //this ocr and prescalarbits calculation is taken from the Arduino core and simplified for one type of timer only uint8_t prescalarbits = 0b001; uint32_t ocr = F_CPU / frequency / 2 - 1; if (ocr > 0xffff) { ocr = F_CPU / frequency / 2 / 64 - 1; prescalarbits = 0b011; } CRITICAL_SECTION_START; // Set calcualted prescaler TCCR4B = (TCCR4B & 0b11111000) | prescalarbits; #ifdef EXTRUDER_0_AUTO_FAN_PIN // Scale the fan PWM duty cycle so that it remains constant, but at the tone frequency OCR4C = (((uint32_t)OCR4C) * ocr) / (uint32_t)((TIMSK4 & (1 << OCIE4A))?OCR4A:255); #endif //EXTRUDER_0_AUTO_FAN_PIN // Set calcualted ocr OCR4A = ocr; // Enable Output compare A interrupt and timer overflow interrupt TIMSK4 |= (1 << OCIE4A) | (1 << TOIE4); CRITICAL_SECTION_END; } void noTone4(__attribute__((unused)) uint8_t _pin) { CRITICAL_SECTION_START; // Revert prescaler to CLK/1024 TCCR4B = (TCCR4B & 0b11111000) | (1 << CS42) | (1 << CS40); #ifdef EXTRUDER_0_AUTO_FAN_PIN // Scale the fan OCR back to the original value. OCR4C = (((uint32_t)OCR4C) * (uint32_t)255) / (uint32_t)((TIMSK4 & (1 << OCIE4A))?OCR4A:255); #endif //EXTRUDER_0_AUTO_FAN_PIN OCR4A = 255; // Disable Output compare A interrupt and timer overflow interrupt TIMSK4 &= ~((1 << OCIE4A) | (1 << TOIE4)); CRITICAL_SECTION_END; // Turn beeper off if it was on when noTone was called WRITE(BEEPER, 0); } #endif //SYSTEM_TIMER_2