#include "mmu2_protocol_logic.h" #include "mmu2_log.h" #include "mmu2_fsensor.h" #include "system_timer.h" #include namespace MMU2 { StepStatus ProtocolLogicPartBase::ProcessFINDAReqSent(StepStatus finishedRV, State nextState){ auto expmsg = logic->ExpectingMessage(linkLayerTimeout); if (expmsg != MessageReady) return expmsg; logic->findaPressed = logic->rsp.paramValue; state = nextState; return finishedRV; } void ProtocolLogicPartBase::CheckAndReportAsyncEvents(){ // even when waiting for a query period, we need to report a change in filament sensor's state // - it is vital for a precise synchronization of moves of the printer and the MMU uint8_t fs = (uint8_t)WhereIsFilament(); if( fs != logic->lastFSensor ){ SendAndUpdateFilamentSensor(); } } void ProtocolLogicPartBase::SendQuery(){ logic->SendMsg(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Query, 0)); state = State::QuerySent; } void ProtocolLogicPartBase::SendFINDAQuery(){ logic->SendMsg(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Finda, 0 ) ); state = State::FINDAReqSent; } void ProtocolLogicPartBase::SendAndUpdateFilamentSensor(){ logic->SendMsg(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::FilamentSensor, logic->lastFSensor = (uint8_t)WhereIsFilament() ) ); state = State::FilamentSensorStateSent; } void ProtocolLogicPartBase::SendButton(uint8_t btn){ logic->SendMsg(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Button, btn)); state = State::ButtonSent; } StepStatus ProtocolLogic::ProcessUARTByte(uint8_t c) { switch (protocol.DecodeResponse(c)) { case DecodeStatus::MessageCompleted: return MessageReady; case DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData: return Processing; case DecodeStatus::Error: default: return ProtocolError; } } StepStatus ProtocolLogic::ExpectingMessage(uint32_t timeout) { int bytesConsumed = 0; int c = -1; // try to consume as many rx bytes as possible (until a message has been completed) while((c = uart->read()) >= 0){ ++bytesConsumed; RecordReceivedByte(c); switch (protocol.DecodeResponse(c)) { case DecodeStatus::MessageCompleted: rsp = protocol.GetResponseMsg(); LogResponse(); RecordUARTActivity(); // something has happened on the UART, update the timeout record return MessageReady; case DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData: break; case DecodeStatus::Error: default: RecordUARTActivity(); // something has happened on the UART, update the timeout record return ProtocolError; } } if( bytesConsumed != 0 ){ RecordUARTActivity(); // something has happened on the UART, update the timeout record return Processing; // consumed some bytes, but message still not ready } else if (Elapsed(timeout)) { return CommunicationTimeout; } return Processing; } void ProtocolLogic::SendMsg(RequestMsg rq) { uint8_t txbuff[Protocol::MaxRequestSize()]; uint8_t len = Protocol::EncodeRequest(rq, txbuff); uart->write(txbuff, len); LogRequestMsg(txbuff, len); RecordUARTActivity(); } void StartSeq::Restart() { state = State::S0Sent; logic->SendMsg(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Version, 0)); } StepStatus StartSeq::Step() { auto expmsg = logic->ExpectingMessage(linkLayerTimeout); if (expmsg != MessageReady) return expmsg; // solve initial handshake switch (state) { case State::S0Sent: // received response to S0 - major if (logic->rsp.paramValue != 2) { return VersionMismatch; } logic->dataTO.Reset(); // got meaningful response from the MMU, stop data layer timeout tracking logic->SendMsg(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Version, 1)); state = State::S1Sent; break; case State::S1Sent: // received response to S1 - minor if (logic->rsp.paramValue != 0) { return VersionMismatch; } logic->SendMsg(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Version, 2)); state = State::S2Sent; break; case State::S2Sent: // received response to S2 - revision if (logic->rsp.paramValue != 0) { return VersionMismatch; } // Start General Interrogation after line up. // For now we just send the state of the filament sensor, but we may request // data point states from the MMU as well. TBD in the future, especially with another protocol SendAndUpdateFilamentSensor(); break; case State::FilamentSensorStateSent: state = State::Ready; return Finished; break; default: return VersionMismatch; } return Processing; } void Command::Restart() { state = State::CommandSent; logic->SendMsg(logic->command.rq); } StepStatus Command::Step() { switch (state) { case State::CommandSent: { auto expmsg = logic->ExpectingMessage(linkLayerTimeout); if (expmsg != MessageReady) return expmsg; switch (logic->rsp.paramCode) { // the response should be either accepted or rejected case ResponseMsgParamCodes::Accepted: logic->progressCode = ProgressCode::OK; logic->errorCode = ErrorCode::RUNNING; state = State::Wait; break; case ResponseMsgParamCodes::Rejected: // rejected - should normally not happen, but report the error up logic->progressCode = ProgressCode::OK; logic->errorCode = ErrorCode::PROTOCOL_ERROR; return CommandRejected; default: return ProtocolError; } } break; case State::Wait: if (logic->Elapsed(heartBeatPeriod)) { SendQuery(); } else { // even when waiting for a query period, we need to report a change in filament sensor's state // - it is vital for a precise synchronization of moves of the printer and the MMU CheckAndReportAsyncEvents(); } break; case State::QuerySent: { auto expmsg = logic->ExpectingMessage(linkLayerTimeout); if (expmsg != MessageReady) return expmsg; } // [[fallthrough]]; case State::ContinueFromIdle: switch (logic->rsp.paramCode) { case ResponseMsgParamCodes::Processing: logic->progressCode = static_cast(logic->rsp.paramValue); logic->errorCode = ErrorCode::OK; SendAndUpdateFilamentSensor(); // keep on reporting the state of fsensor regularly break; case ResponseMsgParamCodes::Error: // in case of an error the progress code remains as it has been before logic->errorCode = static_cast(logic->rsp.paramValue); // keep on reporting the state of fsensor regularly even in command error state // - the MMU checks FINDA and fsensor even while recovering from errors SendAndUpdateFilamentSensor(); return CommandError; case ResponseMsgParamCodes::Finished: logic->progressCode = ProgressCode::OK; state = State::Ready; return Finished; default: return ProtocolError; } break; case State::FilamentSensorStateSent:{ auto expmsg = logic->ExpectingMessage(linkLayerTimeout); if (expmsg != MessageReady) return expmsg; SendFINDAQuery(); } break; case State::FINDAReqSent: return ProcessFINDAReqSent(Processing, State::Wait); case State::ButtonSent:{ // button is never confirmed ... may be it should be // auto expmsg = logic->ExpectingMessage(linkLayerTimeout); // if (expmsg != MessageReady) // return expmsg; SendQuery(); } break; default: return ProtocolError; } return Processing; } void Idle::Restart() { state = State::Ready; } StepStatus Idle::Step() { switch (state) { case State::Ready: // check timeout if (logic->Elapsed(heartBeatPeriod)) { logic->SendMsg(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Query, 0)); state = State::QuerySent; return Processing; } break; case State::QuerySent: { // check UART auto expmsg = logic->ExpectingMessage(linkLayerTimeout); if (expmsg != MessageReady) return expmsg; // If we are accidentally in Idle and we receive something like "T0 P1" - that means the communication dropped out while a command was in progress. // That causes no issues here, we just need to switch to Command processing and continue there from now on. // The usual response in this case should be some command and "F" - finished - that confirms we are in an Idle state even on the MMU side. switch( logic->rsp.request.code ){ case RequestMsgCodes::Cut: case RequestMsgCodes::Eject: case RequestMsgCodes::Load: case RequestMsgCodes::Mode: case RequestMsgCodes::Tool: case RequestMsgCodes::Unload: if( logic->rsp.paramCode != ResponseMsgParamCodes::Finished ){ logic->SwitchFromIdleToCommand(); return Processing; } default: break; } SendFINDAQuery(); return Processing; } break; case State::FINDAReqSent: return ProcessFINDAReqSent(Finished, State::Ready); default: return ProtocolError; } // The "return Finished" in this state machine requires a bit of explanation: // The Idle state either did nothing (still waiting for the heartbeat timeout) // or just successfully received the answer to Q0, whatever that was. // In both cases, it is ready to hand over work to a command or something else, // therefore we are returning Finished (also to exit mmu_loop() and unblock Marlin's loop!). // If there is no work, we'll end up in the Idle state again // and we'll send the heartbeat message after the specified timeout. return Finished; } ProtocolLogic::ProtocolLogic(MMU2Serial *uart) : stopped(this) , startSeq(this) , idle(this) , command(this) , currentState(&stopped) , plannedRq(RequestMsgCodes::unknown, 0) , lastUARTActivityMs(0) , rsp(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::unknown, 0), ResponseMsgParamCodes::unknown, 0) , state(State::Stopped) , lrb(0) , uart(uart) , lastFSensor((uint8_t)WhereIsFilament()) {} void ProtocolLogic::Start() { state = State::InitSequence; currentState = &startSeq; startSeq.Restart(); } void ProtocolLogic::Stop() { state = State::Stopped; currentState = &stopped; } void ProtocolLogic::ToolChange(uint8_t slot) { PlanGenericRequest(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Tool, slot)); } void ProtocolLogic::UnloadFilament() { PlanGenericRequest(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Unload, 0)); } void ProtocolLogic::LoadFilament(uint8_t slot) { PlanGenericRequest(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Load, slot)); } void ProtocolLogic::EjectFilament(uint8_t slot) { PlanGenericRequest(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Eject, slot)); } void ProtocolLogic::CutFilament(uint8_t slot){ PlanGenericRequest(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Cut, slot)); } void ProtocolLogic::ResetMMU() { PlanGenericRequest(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Reset, 0)); } void ProtocolLogic::Button(uint8_t index){ PlanGenericRequest(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Button, index)); } void ProtocolLogic::Home(uint8_t mode){ PlanGenericRequest(RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::Home, mode)); } void ProtocolLogic::PlanGenericRequest(RequestMsg rq) { plannedRq = rq; if( ! currentState->ExpectsResponse() ){ ActivatePlannedRequest(); } // otherwise wait for an empty window to activate the request } bool MMU2::ProtocolLogic::ActivatePlannedRequest(){ if( plannedRq.code == RequestMsgCodes::Button ){ // only issue the button to the MMU and do not restart the state machines command.SendButton(plannedRq.value); plannedRq = RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::unknown, 0); return true; } else if( plannedRq.code != RequestMsgCodes::unknown ){ currentState = &command; command.SetRequestMsg(plannedRq); plannedRq = RequestMsg(RequestMsgCodes::unknown, 0); command.Restart(); return true; } return false; } void ProtocolLogic::SwitchFromIdleToCommand(){ currentState = &command; command.SetRequestMsg(rsp.request); // we are recovering from a communication drop out, the command is already running // and we have just received a response to a Q0 message about a command progress command.ContinueFromIdle(); } void ProtocolLogic::SwitchToIdle() { state = State::Running; currentState = &idle; idle.Restart(); } void ProtocolLogic::HandleCommunicationTimeout() { uart->flush(); // clear the output buffer currentState = &startSeq; state = State::InitSequence; startSeq.Restart(); } bool ProtocolLogic::Elapsed(uint32_t timeout) const { return _millis() >= (lastUARTActivityMs + timeout); } void ProtocolLogic::RecordUARTActivity() { lastUARTActivityMs = _millis(); } void ProtocolLogic::RecordReceivedByte(uint8_t c){ lastReceivedBytes[lrb] = c; lrb = (lrb+1) % lastReceivedBytes.size(); } char NibbleToChar(uint8_t c){ switch (c) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: return c + '0'; case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: return (c - 10) + 'a'; default: return 0; } } void ProtocolLogic::FormatLastReceivedBytes(char *dst){ for(uint8_t i = 0; i < lastReceivedBytes.size(); ++i){ uint8_t b = lastReceivedBytes[ (lrb-i-1) % lastReceivedBytes.size() ]; dst[i*3] = NibbleToChar(b >> 4); dst[i*3+1] = NibbleToChar(b & 0xf); dst[i*3+2] = ' '; } dst[ (lastReceivedBytes.size() - 1) * 3 + 2] = 0; // terminate properly } void ProtocolLogic::FormatLastResponseMsgAndClearLRB(char *dst){ *dst++ = '<'; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < lrb; ++i){ uint8_t b = lastReceivedBytes[ i ]; if( b < 32 )b = '.'; if( b > 127 )b = '.'; *dst++ = b; } *dst = 0; // terminate properly lrb = 0; // reset the input buffer index in case of a clean message } void ProtocolLogic::LogRequestMsg(const uint8_t *txbuff, uint8_t size){ constexpr uint_fast8_t rqs = modules::protocol::Protocol::MaxRequestSize() + 2; char tmp[rqs] = ">"; static char lastMsg[rqs] = ""; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < size; ++i){ uint8_t b = txbuff[i]; if( b < 32 )b = '.'; if( b > 127 )b = '.'; tmp[i+1] = b; } tmp[size+1] = '\n'; tmp[size+2] = 0; if( !strncmp(tmp, ">S0.\n", rqs) && !strncmp(lastMsg, tmp, rqs) ){ // @@TODO we skip the repeated request msgs for now // to avoid spoiling the whole log just with ">S0" messages // especially when the MMU is not connected. // We'll lose the ability to see if the printer is actually // trying to find the MMU, but since it has been reliable in the past // we can live without it for now. } else { MMU2_ECHO_MSG(tmp); } memcpy(lastMsg, tmp, rqs); } void MMU2::ProtocolLogic::LogError(const char *reason){ char lrb[lastReceivedBytes.size() * 3]; FormatLastReceivedBytes(lrb); MMU2_ERROR_MSG(reason); SERIAL_ECHO(", last bytes: "); SERIAL_ECHOLN(lrb); } void ProtocolLogic::LogResponse(){ char lrb[lastReceivedBytes.size()]; FormatLastResponseMsgAndClearLRB(lrb); MMU2_ECHO_MSG(lrb); SERIAL_ECHOLN(); } StepStatus MMU2::ProtocolLogic::HandleCommError(const char *msg, StepStatus ss){ protocol.ResetResponseDecoder(); HandleCommunicationTimeout(); if( dataTO.Record(ss) ){ LogError(msg); return dataTO.InitialCause(); } else { return Processing; // suppress short drop outs of communication } } StepStatus ProtocolLogic::Step() { if( ! currentState->ExpectsResponse() ){ // if not waiting for a response, activate a planned request immediately ActivatePlannedRequest(); } auto currentStatus = currentState->Step(); switch (currentStatus) { case Processing: // we are ok, the state machine continues correctly break; case Finished: { // We are ok, switching to Idle if there is no potential next request planned. // But the trouble is we must report a finished command if the previous command has just been finished // i.e. only try to find some planned command if we just finished the Idle cycle bool previousCommandFinished = currentState == &command; // @@TODO this is a nasty hack :( if( ! ActivatePlannedRequest() ){ // if nothing is planned, switch to Idle SwitchToIdle(); } else { // if the previous cycle was Idle and now we have planned a new command -> avoid returning Finished if( ! previousCommandFinished && currentState == &command){ currentStatus = Processing; } } } break; case CommandRejected: // we have to repeat it - that's the only thing we can do // no change in state // @@TODO wait until Q0 returns command in progress finished, then we can send this one LogError("Command rejected"); command.Restart(); break; case CommandError: LogError("Command Error"); // we shall probably transfer into the Idle state and await further instructions from the upper layer // Idle state may solve the problem of keeping up the heart beat running break; case VersionMismatch: LogError("Version mismatch"); Stop(); // cannot continue break; case ProtocolError: currentStatus = HandleCommError("Protocol error", ProtocolError); break; case CommunicationTimeout: currentStatus = HandleCommError("Communication timeout", CommunicationTimeout); break; default: break; } return currentStatus; } uint8_t ProtocolLogic::CommandInProgress() const { if( currentState != &command ) return 0; return (uint8_t)command.ReqMsg().code; } bool DropOutFilter::Record(StepStatus ss){ if( occurrences == maxOccurrences ){ cause = ss; } --occurrences; return occurrences == 0; } } // namespace MMU2