/// @file error_codes.h #pragma once #include /// A complete set of error codes which may be a result of a high-level command/operation. /// This header file shall be included in the printer's firmware as well as a reference, /// therefore the error codes have been extracted to one place. /// /// Please note the errors are intentionally coded as "negative" values (highest bit set), /// becase they are a complement to reporting the state of the high-level state machines - /// positive values are considered as normal progress, negative values are errors. /// /// Please note, that multiple TMC errors can occur at once, thus they are defined as a bitmask of the higher byte. /// Also, as there are 3 TMC drivers on the board, each error is added a bit for the corresponding TMC - /// TMC_PULLEY_BIT, TMC_SELECTOR_BIT, TMC_IDLER_BIT, /// The resulting error is a bitwise OR over 3 TMC drivers and their status, which should cover most of the situations correctly. enum class ErrorCode : uint_fast16_t { RUNNING = 0x0000, ///< the operation is still running - keep this value as ZERO as it is used for initialization of error codes as well OK = 0x0001, ///< the operation finished OK // TMC bit masks TMC_PULLEY_BIT = 0x0040, ///< +64 TMC Pulley bit TMC_SELECTOR_BIT = 0x0080, ///< +128 TMC Pulley bit TMC_IDLER_BIT = 0x0100, ///< +256 TMC Pulley bit /// Unload Filament related error codes FINDA_DIDNT_SWITCH_ON = 0x8001, ///< E32769 FINDA didn't switch on while loading filament - either there is something blocking the metal ball or a cable is broken/disconnected FINDA_DIDNT_SWITCH_OFF = 0x8002, ///< E32770 FINDA didn't switch off while unloading filament FSENSOR_DIDNT_SWITCH_ON = 0x8003, ///< E32771 Filament sensor didn't switch on while performing LoadFilament FSENSOR_DIDNT_SWITCH_OFF = 0x8004, ///< E32772 Filament sensor didn't switch off while performing UnloadFilament FILAMENT_ALREADY_LOADED = 0x8005, ///< E32773 cannot perform operation LoadFilament or move the selector as the filament is already loaded INVALID_TOOL = 0x8006, ///< E32774 tool/slot index out of range (typically issuing T5 into an MMU with just 5 slots - valid range 0-4) HOMING_FAILED = 0x8007, ///< generic homing failed error - always reported with the corresponding axis bit set (Idler or Selector) as follows: HOMING_SELECTOR_FAILED = HOMING_FAILED | TMC_SELECTOR_BIT, ///< E32903 the Selector was unable to home properly - that means something is blocking its movement HOMING_IDLER_FAILED = HOMING_FAILED | TMC_IDLER_BIT, ///< E33031 the Idler was unable to home properly - that means something is blocking its movement STALLED_PULLEY = HOMING_FAILED | TMC_PULLEY_BIT, ///< E32839 for the Pulley "homing" means just stallguard detected during Pulley's operation (Pulley doesn't home) FINDA_VS_EEPROM_DISREPANCY = 0x8008, ///< E32776 FINDA is pressed but we have no such record in EEPROM - this can only happen at the start of the MMU and can be resolved by issuing an Unload command FSENSOR_TOO_EARLY = 0x8009, ///< E32777 FSensor triggered while doing FastFeedToExtruder - that means either: ///< - the PTFE is too short ///< - a piece of filament was left inside - pushed in front of the loaded filament causing the fsensor trigger too early ///< - fsensor is faulty producing bogus triggers MOVE_FAILED = 0x800a, ///< generic move failed error - always reported with the corresponding axis bit set (Idler or Selector) as follows: MOVE_SELECTOR_FAILED = MOVE_FAILED | TMC_SELECTOR_BIT, ///< E32905 the Selector was unable to move to desired position properly - that means something is blocking its movement, e.g. a piece of filament got out of pulley body MOVE_IDLER_FAILED = MOVE_FAILED | TMC_IDLER_BIT, ///< E33033 the Idler was unable to move - unused at the time of creation, but added for completeness MOVE_PULLEY_FAILED = MOVE_FAILED | TMC_PULLEY_BIT, ///< E32841 the Pulley was unable to move - unused at the time of creation, but added for completeness QUEUE_FULL = 0x802b, ///< E32811 internal logic error - attempt to move with a full queue VERSION_MISMATCH = 0x802c, ///< E32812 internal error of the printer - incompatible version of the MMU FW PROTOCOL_ERROR = 0x802d, ///< E32813 internal error of the printer - communication with the MMU got garbled - protocol decoder couldn't decode the incoming messages MMU_NOT_RESPONDING = 0x802e, ///< E32814 internal error of the printer - communication with the MMU is not working INTERNAL = 0x802f, ///< E32815 internal runtime error (software) /// TMC driver init error - TMC dead or bad communication /// - E33344 Pulley TMC driver /// - E33404 Selector TMC driver /// - E33536 Idler TMC driver /// - E33728 All 3 TMC driver TMC_IOIN_MISMATCH = 0x8200, /// TMC driver reset - recoverable, we just need to rehome the axis /// Idler: can be rehomed any time /// Selector: if there is a filament, remove it and rehome, if there is no filament, just rehome /// Pulley: do nothing - for the loading sequence - just restart and move slowly, for the unload sequence just restart /// - E33856 Pulley TMC driver /// - E33920 Selector TMC driver /// - E34048 Idler TMC driver /// - E34240 All 3 TMC driver TMC_RESET = 0x8400, /// not enough current for the TMC, NOT RECOVERABLE /// - E34880 Pulley TMC driver /// - E34944 Selector TMC driver /// - E35072 Idler TMC driver /// - E35264 All 3 TMC driver TMC_UNDERVOLTAGE_ON_CHARGE_PUMP = 0x8800, /// TMC driver serious error - short to ground on coil A or coil B - dangerous to recover /// - E36928 Pulley TMC driver /// - E36992 Selector TMC driver /// - E37120 Idler TMC driver /// - E37312 All 3 TMC driver TMC_SHORT_TO_GROUND = 0x9000, /// TMC driver over temperature warning - can be recovered by restarting the driver. /// If this error happens, we should probably go into the error state as soon as the current command is finished. /// The driver technically still works at this point. /// - E41024 Pulley TMC driver /// - E41088 Selector TMC driver /// - E41216 Idler TMC driver /// - E41408 All 3 TMC driver TMC_OVER_TEMPERATURE_WARN = 0xA000, /// TMC driver over temperature error - we really shouldn't ever reach this error. /// It can still be recovered if the driver cools down below 120C. /// The driver needs to be disabled and enabled again for operation to resume after this error is cleared. /// - E49216 Pulley TMC driver /// - E49280 Selector TMC driver /// - E49408 Idler TMC driver /// - E49600 All 3 TMC driver TMC_OVER_TEMPERATURE_ERROR = 0xC000 };