#!/bin/bash # # clean.sh - multi-language support script # Remove all language output files from lang folder. # # Config: echo "CONFIG: $CONFIG_OK" if [ -z "$CONFIG_OK" ]; then eval "$(cat config.sh)"; fi if [ -z "$CONFIG_OK" ] | [ $CONFIG_OK -eq 0 ]; then echo 'Config NG!' >&2; exit 1; fi if [ ! -z "$COMMUNITY_LANGUAGES" ]; then LANGUAGES+=" $COMMUNITY_LANGUAGES" fi result=0 rm_if_exists() { if [ -e $1 ]; then echo -n " removing '$1'..." >&2 if rm $1; then echo "OK" >&2 else echo "NG!" >&2 result=1 fi fi } clean_lang() { if [ "$1" = "en" ]; then rm_if_exists lang_$1.tmp else rm_if_exists lang_$1.tmp rm_if_exists lang_en_$1.tmp rm_if_exists lang_en_$1.dif rm_if_exists lang_$1.ofs rm_if_exists lang_$1.txt fi rm_if_exists lang_$1_check.dif rm_if_exists lang_$1.bin rm_if_exists lang_$1.dat rm_if_exists lang_$1_1.tmp rm_if_exists lang_$1_2.tmp } #Clean English clean_lang en #Clean languages echo "lang-clean.sh started" >&2 echo "lang-clean languages:$LANGUAGES" >&2 for lang in $LANGUAGES; do clean_lang $lang done #Use the 2 lines below as a template and replace 'qr' ##New language #clean_lang_qr echo -n "lang-clean.sh finished" >&2 if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then echo " with success" >&2 else echo " with errors!" >&2 fi case "$-" in *i*) echo "press enter key" >&2; read ;; esac exit $result