# Translation of Prusa-Firmware into English. # msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: en\n" "Project-Id-Version: Prusa-Firmware\n" "POT-Creation-Date: pá 9. lis 2018 14:29:32\n" "PO-Revision-Date: pá 9. lis 2018 14:29:32\n" "Language-Team: \n" "X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.7\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" # MSG_PLANNER_BUFFER_BYTES #: Marlin_main.cpp:1184 msgid " PlannerBufferBytes: " msgstr "" # MSG_ERR_COLD_EXTRUDE_STOP #: planner.cpp:761 msgid " cold extrusion prevented" msgstr "" # MSG_FREE_MEMORY #: Marlin_main.cpp:1182 msgid " Free Memory: " msgstr "" # MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER #: Marlin_main.cpp:1172 msgid " Last Updated: " msgstr "" # MSG_IMPROVE_BED_OFFSET_AND_SKEW_LINE2 c=14 #: messages.c:44 msgid " of 4" msgstr "" # MSG_MEASURE_BED_REFERENCE_HEIGHT_LINE2 c=14 #: messages.c:61 msgid " of 9" msgstr "" # MSG_MEASURED_OFFSET #: ultralcd.cpp:2701 msgid "[0;0] point offset" msgstr "" # MSG_CRASH_DET_ONLY_IN_NORMAL c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:3967 msgid "\x1b[2JCrash detection can\x1b[1;0Hbe turned on only in\x1b[2;0HNormal mode" msgstr "" # MSG_CRASH_DET_STEALTH_FORCE_OFF c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:3979 msgid "\x1b[2JWARNING:\x1b[1;0HCrash detection\x1b[2;0Hdisabled in\x1b[3;0HStealth mode" msgstr "" # MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2830 msgid "Adjusting Z" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_ALLCORRECT c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:7072 msgid "All correct " msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_DONE c=20 r=8 #: messages.c:104 msgid "All is done. Happy printing!" msgstr "" # MSG_PRESS c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2241 msgid "and press the knob" msgstr "" # MSG_CONFIRM_CARRIAGE_AT_THE_TOP c=20 r=2 #: ultralcd.cpp:3119 msgid "Are left and right Z~carriages all up?" msgstr "" # MSG_AUTO_DEPLETE_ON c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4706 msgid "Auto deplete [on]" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4702 msgid "Auto deplete[N/A]" msgstr "" # MSG_AUTO_DEPLETE_OFF c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4710 msgid "Auto deplete[off]" msgstr "" # MSG_AUTO_HOME #: messages.c:11 msgid "Auto home" msgstr "" # MSG_AUTOLOAD_FILAMENT c=17 #: ultralcd.cpp:5834 msgid "AutoLoad filament" msgstr "" # MSG_AUTOLOADING_ONLY_IF_FSENS_ON c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:3994 msgid "Autoloading filament available only when filament sensor is turned on..." msgstr "" # MSG_AUTOLOADING_ENABLED c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:2438 msgid "Autoloading filament is active, just press the knob and insert filament..." msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_AXIS_LENGTH #: ultralcd.cpp:6845 msgid "Axis length" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_AXIS #: ultralcd.cpp:6847 msgid "Axis" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_BEDHEATER #: ultralcd.cpp:6789 msgid "Bed / Heater" msgstr "" # MSG_BED_DONE #: messages.c:16 msgid "Bed done" msgstr "" # MSG_BED_HEATING #: messages.c:17 msgid "Bed Heating" msgstr "" # MSG_BED_CORRECTION_MENU #: ultralcd.cpp:4944 msgid "Bed level correct" msgstr "" # MSG_BED_LEVELING_FAILED_POINT_LOW c=20 r=4 #: messages.c:18 msgid "Bed leveling failed. Sensor didnt trigger. Debris on nozzle? Waiting for reset." msgstr "" # MSG_BED_LEVELING_FAILED_PROBE_DISCONNECTED c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:4467 msgid "Bed leveling failed. Sensor disconnected or cable broken. Waiting for reset." msgstr "" # MSG_BED_LEVELING_FAILED_POINT_HIGH c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:4471 msgid "Bed leveling failed. Sensor triggered too high. Waiting for reset." msgstr "" # MSG_BED #: messages.c:15 msgid "Bed" msgstr "" # MSG_MENU_BELT_STATUS c=15 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:2048 msgid "Belt status" msgstr "" # MSG_RECOVER_PRINT c=20 r=2 #: messages.c:74 msgid "Blackout occurred. Recover print?" msgstr "" # MSG_CALIBRATE_BED #: ultralcd.cpp:4933 msgid "Calibrate XYZ" msgstr "" # MSG_HOMEYZ #: messages.c:53 msgid "Calibrate Z" msgstr "" # MSG_CALIBRATE_PINDA c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4175 msgid "Calibrate" msgstr "" # MSG_MOVE_CARRIAGE_TO_THE_TOP c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3079 msgid "Calibrating XYZ. Rotate the knob to move the Z carriage up to the end stoppers. Click when done." msgstr "" # MSG_CALIBRATE_Z_AUTO c=20 r=2 #: messages.c:20 msgid "Calibrating Z" msgstr "" # MSG_MOVE_CARRIAGE_TO_THE_TOP_Z c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3079 msgid "Calibrating Z. Rotate the knob to move the Z carriage up to the end stoppers. Click when done." msgstr "" # MSG_HOMEYZ_DONE #: ultralcd.cpp:740 msgid "Calibration done" msgstr "" # MSG_MENU_CALIBRATION #: messages.c:62 msgid "Calibration" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4300 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" # MSG_SD_CANT_ENTER_SUBDIR #: cardreader.cpp:662 msgid "Cannot enter subdir: " msgstr "" # MSG_SD_INSERTED #: ultralcd.cpp:7423 msgid "Card inserted" msgstr "" # MSG_SD_REMOVED #: ultralcd.cpp:7429 msgid "Card removed" msgstr "" # MSG_NOT_COLOR #: ultralcd.cpp:2345 msgid "Color not correct" msgstr "" # MSG_COOLDOWN #: messages.c:23 msgid "Cooldown" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4108 msgid "Copy selected language from XFLASH?" msgstr "" # MSG_CRASHDETECT_ON #: messages.c:27 msgid "Crash det. [on]" msgstr "" # MSG_CRASHDETECT_NA #: messages.c:25 msgid "Crash det. [N/A]" msgstr "" # MSG_CRASHDETECT_OFF #: messages.c:26 msgid "Crash det. [off]" msgstr "" # MSG_CRASH_DETECTED c=20 r=1 #: messages.c:24 msgid "Crash detected." msgstr "" # #: Marlin_main.cpp:604 msgid "Crash detected. Resume print?" msgstr "" # MSG_CURRENT c=19 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:5084 msgid "Current" msgstr "" # MSG_DATE c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:2148 msgid "Date:" msgstr "" # MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS #: ultralcd.cpp:4840 msgid "Disable steppers" msgstr "" # MSG_BABYSTEP_Z_NOT_SET c=20 r=12 #: messages.c:14 msgid "Distance between tip of the nozzle and the bed surface has not been set yet. Please follow the manual, chapter First steps, section First layer calibration." msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_REPEAT_V2_CAL c=20 r=7 #: ultralcd.cpp:4575 msgid "Do you want to repeat last step to readjust distance between nozzle and heatbed?" msgstr "" # MSG_EXTRUDER_CORRECTION c=9 #: ultralcd.cpp:4636 msgid "E-correct" msgstr "" # MSG_EJECT_FILAMENT c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:5823 msgid "Eject filament" msgstr "" # MSG_EJECT_FILAMENT1 c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:5351 msgid "Eject filament 1" msgstr "" # MSG_EJECT_FILAMENT2 c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:5352 msgid "Eject filament 2" msgstr "" # MSG_EJECT_FILAMENT3 c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:5353 msgid "Eject filament 3" msgstr "" # MSG_EJECT_FILAMENT4 c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:5354 msgid "Eject filament 4" msgstr "" # MSG_EJECT_FILAMENT5 c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:5355 msgid "Eject filament 5" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4387 msgid "Eject" msgstr "" # MSG_EJECTING_FILAMENT c=20 r=1 #: mmu.cpp:1106 msgid "Ejecting filament" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_ENDSTOP_NOTHIT c=20 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:6813 msgid "Endstop not hit" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_ENDSTOP #: ultralcd.cpp:6807 msgid "Endstop" msgstr "" # MSG_ENDSTOPS_HIT #: messages.c:30 msgid "endstops hit: " msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_ENDSTOPS #: ultralcd.cpp:6795 msgid "Endstops" msgstr "" # MSG_Enqueing #: msgid "enqueing \x22" msgstr "" # MSG_STACK_ERROR c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:5869 msgid "Error - static memory has been overwritten" msgstr "" # MSG_SD_ERR_WRITE_TO_FILE #: messages.c:78 msgid "error writing to file" msgstr "" # MSG_FSENS_NOT_RESPONDING c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:4007 msgid "ERROR: Filament sensor is not responding, please check connection." msgstr "" # MSG_ERROR #: messages.c:33 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "" # #: Marlin_main.cpp:985 msgid "External SPI flash W25X20CL not responding." msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:5381 msgid "Extruder 1" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:5382 msgid "Extruder 2" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:5383 msgid "Extruder 3" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:5384 msgid "Extruder 4" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_EXTRUDER_FAN_SPEED c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:7081 msgid "Extruder fan:" msgstr "" # MSG_INFO_EXTRUDER c=15 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:2179 msgid "Extruder info" msgstr "" # MSG_MOVE_E #: messages.c:34 msgid "Extruder" msgstr "" # MSG_FSENS_AUTOLOAD_ON c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4674 msgid "F. autoload [on]" msgstr "" # MSG_FSENS_AUTOLOAD_NA c=17 r=1 #: messages.c:48 msgid "F. autoload [N/A]" msgstr "" # MSG_FSENS_AUTOLOAD_OFF c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4676 msgid "F. autoload [off]" msgstr "" # MSG_FAN_SPEED c=14 #: messages.c:36 msgid "Fan speed" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_FAN c=20 #: messages.c:83 msgid "Fan test" msgstr "" # MSG_FANS_CHECK_ON c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4847 msgid "Fans check [on]" msgstr "" # MSG_FANS_CHECK_OFF c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4849 msgid "Fans check [off]" msgstr "" # MSG_FSENSOR_ON #: messages.c:50 msgid "Fil. sensor [on]" msgstr "" # MSG_RESPONSE_POOR c=20 r=2 #: Marlin_main.cpp:3105 msgid "Fil. sensor response is poor, disable it?" msgstr "" # MSG_FSENSOR_NA #: ultralcd.cpp:4654 msgid "Fil. sensor [N/A]" msgstr "" # MSG_FSENSOR_OFF #: messages.c:49 msgid "Fil. sensor [off]" msgstr "" # MSG_FILAMENT_CLEAN c=20 r=2 #: messages.c:37 msgid "Filament extruding & with correct color?" msgstr "" # MSG_NOT_LOADED c=19 #: ultralcd.cpp:2341 msgid "Filament not loaded" msgstr "" # MSG_FILAMENT_SENSOR c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:6861 msgid "Filament sensor" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_FILAMENT_SENSOR c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:7090 msgid "Filament sensor:" msgstr "" # MSG_FILAMENT_USED c=19 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:2512 msgid "Filament used" msgstr "" # MSG_PRINT_TIME c=19 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:2514 msgid "Print time" msgstr "" # MSG_FILE_INCOMPLETE c=20 r=2 #: ultralcd.cpp:7207 msgid "File incomplete. Continue anyway?" msgstr "" # MSG_FINISHING_MOVEMENTS c=20 r=1 #: messages.c:45 msgid "Finishing movements" msgstr "" # MSG_V2_CALIBRATION c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4924 msgid "First layer cal." msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_SELFTEST c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:4487 msgid "First, I will run the selftest to check most common assembly problems." msgstr "" # #: mmu.cpp:423 msgid "Fix the issue and then press button on MMU unit." msgstr "" # MSG_FLOW #: ultralcd.cpp:5942 msgid "Flow" msgstr "" # MSG_PRUSA3D_FORUM #: ultralcd.cpp:2141 msgid "forum.prusa3d.com" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_COOLING_FAN c=20 #: messages.c:80 msgid "Front print fan?" msgstr "" # MSG_BED_CORRECTION_FRONT c=14 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:2890 msgid "Front side[um]" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_FANS #: ultralcd.cpp:6853 msgid "Front/left fans" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_HEATERTHERMISTOR #: ultralcd.cpp:6783 msgid "Heater/Thermistor" msgstr "" # MSG_BED_HEATING_SAFETY_DISABLED #: Marlin_main.cpp:7395 msgid "Heating disabled by safety timer." msgstr "" # MSG_HEATING_COMPLETE c=20 #: messages.c:52 msgid "Heating done." msgstr "" # MSG_HEATING #: messages.c:51 msgid "Heating" msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_WELCOME c=20 r=7 #: ultralcd.cpp:4466 msgid "Hi, I am your Original Prusa i3 printer. Would you like me to guide you through the setup process?" msgstr "" # MSG_PRUSA3D_HOWTO #: ultralcd.cpp:2142 msgid "howto.prusa3d.com" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:5830 msgid "Change extruder" msgstr "" # MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE #: messages.c:42 msgid "Change filament" msgstr "" # MSG_CHANGE_SUCCESS #: ultralcd.cpp:2252 msgid "Change success!" msgstr "" # MSG_CORRECTLY c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2333 msgid "Changed correctly?" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_BED c=20 #: messages.c:86 msgid "Checking bed " msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_ENDSTOPS c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:7063 msgid "Checking endstops" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_HOTEND c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:7064 msgid "Checking hotend " msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_FSENSOR c=20 #: messages.c:87 msgid "Checking sensors " msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_X c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:7065 msgid "Checking X axis " msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_Y c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:7066 msgid "Checking Y axis " msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_Z c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:7067 msgid "Checking Z axis " msgstr "" # MSG_ERR_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH #: cmdqueue.cpp:444 msgid "checksum mismatch, Last Line: " msgstr "" # MSG_CHOOSE_EXTRUDER c=20 r=1 #: messages.c:54 msgid "Choose extruder:" msgstr "" # MSG_CHOOSE_FILAMENT c=20 r=1 #: messages.c:55 msgid "Choose filament:" msgstr "" # MSG_FILAMENT c=17 r=1 #: messages.c:35 msgid "Filament" msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_XYZ_CAL c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:4496 msgid "I will run xyz calibration now. It will take approx. 12 mins." msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_Z_CAL c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:4504 msgid "I will run z calibration now." msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_V2_CAL_2 c=20 r=12 #: ultralcd.cpp:4569 msgid "I will start to print line and you will gradually lower the nozzle by rotating the knob, until you reach optimal height. Check the pictures in our handbook in chapter Calibration." msgstr "" # MSG_IMPROVE_BED_OFFSET_AND_SKEW_LINE1 c=60 #: mesh_bed_calibration.cpp:2481 msgid "Improving bed calibration point" msgstr "" # MSG_WATCH #: messages.c:102 msgid "Info screen" msgstr "" # MSG_FILAMENT_LOADING_T0 c=20 r=4 #: messages.c:38 msgid "Insert filament into extruder 1. Click when done." msgstr "" # MSG_FILAMENT_LOADING_T1 c=20 r=4 #: messages.c:39 msgid "Insert filament into extruder 2. Click when done." msgstr "" # MSG_FILAMENT_LOADING_T2 c=20 r=4 #: messages.c:40 msgid "Insert filament into extruder 3. Click when done." msgstr "" # MSG_FILAMENT_LOADING_T3 c=20 r=4 #: messages.c:41 msgid "Insert filament into extruder 4. Click when done." msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4529 msgid "Is filament 1 loaded?" msgstr "" # MSG_INSERT_FILAMENT c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2238 msgid "Insert filament" msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_FILAMENT_LOADED c=20 r=2 #: ultralcd.cpp:4532 msgid "Is filament loaded?" msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_PLA_FILAMENT c=20 r=2 #: ultralcd.cpp:4563 msgid "Is it PLA filament?" msgstr "" # MSG_PLA_FILAMENT_LOADED c=20 r=2 #: ultralcd.cpp:4309 msgid "Is PLA filament loaded?" msgstr "" # MSG_STEEL_SHEET_CHECK c=20 r=2 #: messages.c:95 msgid "Is steel sheet on heatbed?" msgstr "" # MSG_FIND_BED_OFFSET_AND_SKEW_ITERATION c=20 #: mesh_bed_calibration.cpp:2223 msgid "Iteration " msgstr "" # MSG_KILLED #: Marlin_main.cpp:7552 msgid "KILLED. " msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_EXTRUDER_FAN c=20 #: messages.c:81 msgid "Left hotend fan?" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:2648 msgid "Left" msgstr "" # MSG_BED_CORRECTION_LEFT c=14 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:2888 msgid "Left side [um]" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4854 msgid "Lin. correction" msgstr "" # MSG_BABYSTEP_Z #: messages.c:13 msgid "Live adjust Z" msgstr "" # MSG_LOAD_FILAMENT c=17 #: messages.c:56 msgid "Load filament" msgstr "" # MSG_LOADING_COLOR #: ultralcd.cpp:2265 msgid "Loading color" msgstr "" # MSG_LOADING_FILAMENT c=20 #: messages.c:57 msgid "Loading filament" msgstr "" # MSG_LOOSE_PULLEY c=20 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:6837 msgid "Loose pulley" msgstr "" # MSG_M104_INVALID_EXTRUDER #: Marlin_main.cpp:7675 msgid "M104 Invalid extruder " msgstr "" # MSG_M105_INVALID_EXTRUDER #: Marlin_main.cpp:7678 msgid "M105 Invalid extruder " msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:5822 msgid "Load to nozzle" msgstr "" # MSG_M109_INVALID_EXTRUDER #: Marlin_main.cpp:7681 msgid "M109 Invalid extruder " msgstr "" # MSG_M117_V2_CALIBRATION c=25 r=1 #: messages.c:58 msgid "M117 First layer cal." msgstr "" # MSG_M200_INVALID_EXTRUDER #: Marlin_main.cpp:5857 msgid "M200 Invalid extruder " msgstr "" # MSG_M218_INVALID_EXTRUDER #: Marlin_main.cpp:7684 msgid "M218 Invalid extruder " msgstr "" # MSG_M221_INVALID_EXTRUDER #: Marlin_main.cpp:7687 msgid "M221 Invalid extruder " msgstr "" # MSG_MAIN #: messages.c:59 msgid "Main" msgstr "" # MSG_MEASURE_BED_REFERENCE_HEIGHT_LINE1 c=60 #: messages.c:60 msgid "Measuring reference height of calibration point" msgstr "" # MSG_MESH_BED_LEVELING #: ultralcd.cpp:4939 msgid "Mesh Bed Leveling" msgstr "" # MSG_MMU_OK_RESUMING_POSITION c=20 r=4 #: mmu.cpp:461 msgid "MMU OK. Resuming position..." msgstr "" # MSG_MMU_OK_RESUMING_TEMPERATURE c=20 r=4 #: mmu.cpp:450 msgid "MMU OK. Resuming temperature..." msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:2683 msgid "Measured skew" msgstr "" # MSG_MMU_OK_RESUMING c=20 r=4 #: mmu.cpp:472 msgid "MMU OK. Resuming..." msgstr "" # MSG_STEALTH_MODE_OFF #: messages.c:93 msgid "Mode [Normal]" msgstr "" # MSG_SILENT_MODE_ON #: messages.c:92 msgid "Mode [silent]" msgstr "" # #: mmu.cpp:418 msgid "MMU needs user attention." msgstr "" # MSG_STEALTH_MODE_ON #: messages.c:94 msgid "Mode [Stealth]" msgstr "" # MSG_AUTO_MODE_ON #: messages.c:12 msgid "Mode [auto power]" msgstr "" # MSG_SILENT_MODE_OFF #: messages.c:91 msgid "Mode [high power]" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_MOTOR #: messages.c:88 msgid "Motor" msgstr "" # MSG_MOVE_AXIS #: ultralcd.cpp:4838 msgid "Move axis" msgstr "" # MSG_MOVE_X #: ultralcd.cpp:3912 msgid "Move X" msgstr "" # MSG_MOVE_Y #: ultralcd.cpp:3913 msgid "Move Y" msgstr "" # MSG_MOVE_Z #: ultralcd.cpp:3914 msgid "Move Z" msgstr "" # MSG_ERR_NO_CHECKSUM #: cmdqueue.cpp:456 msgid "No Checksum with line number, Last Line: " msgstr "" # MSG_NO_MOVE #: Marlin_main.cpp:4855 msgid "No move." msgstr "" # MSG_NO_CARD #: ultralcd.cpp:5802 msgid "No SD card" msgstr "" # MSG_NO #: messages.c:63 msgid "No" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_NOTCONNECTED #: ultralcd.cpp:6785 msgid "Not connected" msgstr "" # #: util.cpp:293 msgid "New firmware version available:" msgstr "" # #: msgid "No " msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_FAN_NO c=19 #: messages.c:84 msgid "Not spinning" msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_V2_CAL c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:4568 msgid "Now I will calibrate distance between tip of the nozzle and heatbed surface." msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_WILL_PREHEAT c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:4512 msgid "Now I will preheat nozzle for PLA." msgstr "" # MSG_NOZZLE #: messages.c:64 msgid "Nozzle" msgstr "" # MSG_OK #: Marlin_main.cpp:6333 msgid "ok" msgstr "" # MSG_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_LOADED c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:1489 msgid "Old settings found. Default PID, Esteps etc. will be set." msgstr "" # MSG_SD_OPEN_FILE_FAIL #: messages.c:79 msgid "open failed, File: " msgstr "" # MSG_ENDSTOP_OPEN #: messages.c:29 msgid "open" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4503 msgid "Now remove the test print from steel sheet." msgstr "" # MSG_SD_OPENROOT_FAIL #: cardreader.cpp:196 msgid "openRoot failed" msgstr "" # MSG_PAUSE_PRINT #: ultralcd.cpp:5776 msgid "Pause print" msgstr "" # MSG_PID_RUNNING c=20 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:1703 msgid "PID cal. " msgstr "" # MSG_PID_FINISHED c=20 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:1709 msgid "PID cal. finished" msgstr "" # MSG_PID_EXTRUDER c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4945 msgid "PID calibration" msgstr "" # MSG_PINDA_PREHEAT c=20 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:770 msgid "PINDA Heating" msgstr "" # MSG_PAPER c=20 r=8 #: messages.c:66 msgid "Place a sheet of paper under the nozzle during the calibration of first 4 points. If the nozzle catches the paper, power off the printer immediately." msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_CLEAN_HEATBED c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:4577 msgid "Please clean heatbed and then press the knob." msgstr "" # MSG_CONFIRM_NOZZLE_CLEAN c=20 r=8 #: messages.c:22 msgid "Please clean the nozzle for calibration. Click when done." msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_PLEASECHECK #: ultralcd.cpp:6777 msgid "Please check :" msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_CALIBRATION_FAILED c=20 r=8 #: messages.c:103 msgid "Please check our handbook and fix the problem. Then resume the Wizard by rebooting the printer." msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_LOAD_FILAMENT c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:4411 msgid "Please insert PLA filament to the extruder, then press knob to load it." msgstr "" # MSG_PLEASE_LOAD_PLA c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:4314 msgid "Please load PLA filament first." msgstr "" # MSG_CHECK_IDLER c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:2989 msgid "Please open idler and remove filament manually." msgstr "" # MSG_PLACE_STEEL_SHEET c=20 r=4 #: messages.c:67 msgid "Please place steel sheet on heatbed." msgstr "" # MSG_PRESS_TO_UNLOAD c=20 r=4 #: messages.c:71 msgid "Please press the knob to unload filament" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4407 msgid "Please insert PLA filament to the first tube of MMU, then press the knob to load it." msgstr "" # MSG_PULL_OUT_FILAMENT c=20 r=4 #: messages.c:73 msgid "Please pull out filament immediately" msgstr "" # MSG_EJECT_REMOVE c=20 r=4 #: mmu.cpp:1114 msgid "Please remove filament and then press the knob." msgstr "" # MSG_REMOVE_STEEL_SHEET c=20 r=4 #: messages.c:77 msgid "Please remove steel sheet from heatbed." msgstr "" # MSG_RUN_XYZ c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:4011 msgid "Please run XYZ calibration first." msgstr "" # MSG_UPDATE_MMU2_FW c=20 r=4 #: mmu.cpp:1061 msgid "Please update firmware in your MMU2. Waiting for reset." msgstr "" # MSG_PLEASE_WAIT c=20 #: messages.c:68 msgid "Please wait" msgstr "" # MSG_POWERUP #: messages.c:69 msgid "PowerUp" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4502 msgid "Please remove shipping helpers first." msgstr "" # MSG_PREHEAT_NOZZLE c=20 #: messages.c:70 msgid "Preheat the nozzle!" msgstr "" # MSG_PREHEAT #: ultralcd.cpp:5765 msgid "Preheat" msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_HEATING c=20 r=3 #: messages.c:105 msgid "Preheating nozzle. Please wait." msgstr "" # #: util.cpp:297 msgid "Please upgrade." msgstr "" # MSG_PRESS_TO_PREHEAT c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:9052 msgid "Press knob to preheat nozzle and continue." msgstr "" # MSG_PRINT_ABORTED c=20 #: messages.c:72 msgid "Print aborted" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_PRINT_FAN_SPEED c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:7084 msgid "Print fan:" msgstr "" # MSG_CARD_MENU #: messages.c:21 msgid "Print from SD" msgstr "" # MSG_PRINT_PAUSED c=20 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:984 msgid "Print paused" msgstr "" # MSG_ERR_KILLED #: Marlin_main.cpp:7547 msgid "Printer halted. kill() called!" msgstr "" # #: mmu.cpp:422 msgid "Press the knob to resume nozzle temperature." msgstr "" # MSG_FOLLOW_CALIBRATION_FLOW c=20 r=8 #: messages.c:46 msgid "Printer has not been calibrated yet. Please follow the manual, chapter First steps, section Calibration flow." msgstr "" # MSG_ERR_STOPPED #: messages.c:32 msgid "Printer stopped due to errors. Fix the error and use M999 to restart. (Temperature is reset. Set it after restarting)" msgstr "" # WELCOME_MSG c=20 #: msgid "Prusa i3 MK2.5 ready." msgstr "" # WELCOME_MSG c=20 #: msgid "Prusa i3 MK3 ready." msgstr "" # MSG_PRUSA3D #: ultralcd.cpp:2140 msgid "prusa3d.com" msgstr "" # MSG_BED_CORRECTION_REAR c=14 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:2891 msgid "Rear side [um]" msgstr "" # MSG_RECOVERING_PRINT c=20 r=1 #: Marlin_main.cpp:8477 msgid "Recovering print " msgstr "" # MSG_REMOVE_OLD_FILAMENT c=20 r=4 #: mmu.cpp:517 msgid "Remove old filament and press the knob to start loading new filament." msgstr "" # #: msgid "Prusa i3 MK2 ready." msgstr "" # MSG_CALIBRATE_BED_RESET #: ultralcd.cpp:4952 msgid "Reset XYZ calibr." msgstr "" # MSG_BED_CORRECTION_RESET #: ultralcd.cpp:2892 msgid "Reset" msgstr "" # MSG_RESUME_PRINT #: ultralcd.cpp:5780 msgid "Resume print" msgstr "" # MSG_RESUMING_PRINT c=20 r=1 #: messages.c:76 msgid "Resuming print" msgstr "" # MSG_BED_CORRECTION_RIGHT c=14 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:2889 msgid "Right side[um]" msgstr "" # MSG_SECOND_SERIAL_ON c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4866 msgid "RPi port [on]" msgstr "" # #: Marlin_main.cpp:7076 msgid "Resend" msgstr "" # MSG_SECOND_SERIAL_OFF c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4864 msgid "RPi port [off]" msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_RERUN c=20 r=7 #: ultralcd.cpp:4330 msgid "Running Wizard will delete current calibration results and start from the beginning. Continue?" msgstr "" # MSG_TOSHIBA_FLASH_AIR_COMPATIBILITY_OFF c=19 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4780 msgid "SD card [normal]" msgstr "" # MSG_TOSHIBA_FLASH_AIR_COMPATIBILITY_ON c=19 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4778 msgid "SD card [flshAir]" msgstr "" # MSG_SD_CARD_OK #: cardreader.cpp:202 msgid "SD card ok" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:2649 msgid "Right" msgstr "" # MSG_SD_INIT_FAIL #: cardreader.cpp:186 msgid "SD init fail" msgstr "" # MSG_FIND_BED_OFFSET_AND_SKEW_LINE1 c=60 #: messages.c:43 msgid "Searching bed calibration point" msgstr "" # MSG_LANGUAGE_SELECT #: ultralcd.cpp:4873 msgid "Select language" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_OK #: ultralcd.cpp:6349 msgid "Self test OK" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_START c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:6182 msgid "Self test start " msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST #: ultralcd.cpp:4926 msgid "Selftest " msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_ERROR #: ultralcd.cpp:6775 msgid "Selftest error !" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_FAILED c=20 #: messages.c:82 msgid "Selftest failed " msgstr "" # MSG_FORCE_SELFTEST c=20 r=8 #: Marlin_main.cpp:1521 msgid "Selftest will be run to calibrate accurate sensorless rehoming." msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4550 msgid "Select nozzle preheat temperature which matches your material." msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4300 msgid "Select PLA filament:" msgstr "" # MSG_SET_TEMPERATURE c=19 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:2900 msgid "Set temperature:" msgstr "" # MSG_SETTINGS #: messages.c:90 msgid "Settings" msgstr "" # MSG_SHOW_END_STOPS c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4949 msgid "Show end stops" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4947 msgid "Show pinda state" msgstr "" # MSG_DWELL #: Marlin_main.cpp:3752 msgid "Sleep..." msgstr "" # MSG_FILE_CNT c=20 r=4 #: cardreader.cpp:738 msgid "Some files will not be sorted. Max. No. of files in 1 folder for sorting is 100." msgstr "" # MSG_SORT_NONE c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4790 msgid "Sort: [none]" msgstr "" # MSG_SORT_TIME c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4788 msgid "Sort: [time]" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:2686 msgid "Severe skew" msgstr "" # MSG_SORT_ALPHA c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4789 msgid "Sort: [alphabet]" msgstr "" # MSG_SORTING c=20 r=1 #: cardreader.cpp:745 msgid "Sorting files" msgstr "" # MSG_SOUND_LOUD c=17 r=1 #: sound.h:5 msgid "Sound [loud]" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:2685 msgid "Slight skew" msgstr "" # MSG_SOUND_MUTE c=17 r=1 #: sound.h:8 msgid "Sound [mute]" msgstr "" # #: Marlin_main.cpp:335 msgid "Some problem encountered, Z-leveling enforced ..." msgstr "" # MSG_SOUND_ONCE c=17 r=1 #: sound.h:6 msgid "Sound [once]" msgstr "" # MSG_SOUND_SILENT c=17 r=1 #: sound.h:7 msgid "Sound [silent]" msgstr "" # MSG_SPEED #: ultralcd.cpp:5936 msgid "Speed" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_FAN_YES c=19 #: messages.c:85 msgid "Spinning" msgstr "" # MSG_TEMP_CAL_WARNING c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:4024 msgid "Stable ambient temperature 21-26C is needed a rigid stand is required." msgstr "" # MSG_STATISTICS #: ultralcd.cpp:5847 msgid "Statistics " msgstr "" # MSG_STOP_PRINT #: messages.c:96 msgid "Stop print" msgstr "" # MSG_STOPPED #: messages.c:97 msgid "STOPPED. " msgstr "" # MSG_SUPPORT #: ultralcd.cpp:5854 msgid "Support" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_SWAPPED #: ultralcd.cpp:6855 msgid "Swapped" msgstr "" # MSG_TEMP_CALIBRATION c=20 r=1 #: messages.c:98 msgid "Temp. cal. " msgstr "" # MSG_TEMP_CALIBRATION_ON c=20 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4860 msgid "Temp. cal. [on]" msgstr "" # MSG_TEMP_CALIBRATION_OFF c=20 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4858 msgid "Temp. cal. [off]" msgstr "" # MSG_CALIBRATION_PINDA_MENU c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4958 msgid "Temp. calibration" msgstr "" # MSG_TEMP_CAL_FAILED c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3525 msgid "Temperature calibration failed" msgstr "" # MSG_TEMP_CALIBRATION_DONE c=20 r=12 #: messages.c:99 msgid "Temperature calibration is finished and active. Temp. calibration can be disabled in menu Settings->Temp. cal." msgstr "" # MSG_TEMPERATURE #: ultralcd.cpp:4836 msgid "Temperature" msgstr "" # MSG_MENU_TEMPERATURES c=15 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:2185 msgid "Temperatures" msgstr "" # MSG_FOLLOW_Z_CALIBRATION_FLOW c=20 r=4 #: messages.c:47 msgid "There is still a need to make Z calibration. Please follow the manual, chapter First steps, section Calibration flow." msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:2539 msgid "Total filament" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:2541 msgid "Total print time" msgstr "" # MSG_ENDSTOP_HIT #: messages.c:28 msgid "TRIGGERED" msgstr "" # MSG_TUNE #: ultralcd.cpp:5762 msgid "Tune" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4387 msgid "Unload" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:5365 msgid "Unload all" msgstr "" # MSG_UNLOAD_FILAMENT c=17 #: messages.c:100 msgid "Unload filament" msgstr "" # MSG_UNLOADING_FILAMENT c=20 r=1 #: messages.c:101 msgid "Unloading filament" msgstr "" # MSG_USED c=19 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:5083 msgid "Used during print" msgstr "" # MSG_MENU_VOLTAGES c=15 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:2188 msgid "Voltages" msgstr "" # MSG_SD_VOL_INIT_FAIL #: cardreader.cpp:191 msgid "volume.init failed" msgstr "" # MSG_USERWAIT #: Marlin_main.cpp:4823 msgid "Wait for user..." msgstr "" # MSG_WAITING_TEMP c=20 r=3 #: ultralcd.cpp:3044 msgid "Waiting for nozzle and bed cooling" msgstr "" # MSG_WAITING_TEMP_PINDA c=20 r=3 #: ultralcd.cpp:3008 msgid "Waiting for PINDA probe cooling" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4386 msgid "Use unload to remove filament 1 if it protrudes outside of the rear MMU tube. Use eject if it is hidden in tube." msgstr "" # MSG_CHANGED_BOTH c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:1481 msgid "Warning: both printer type and motherboard type changed." msgstr "" # MSG_CHANGED_MOTHERBOARD c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:1473 msgid "Warning: motherboard type changed." msgstr "" # MSG_CHANGED_PRINTER c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:1477 msgid "Warning: printer type changed." msgstr "" # MSG_UNLOAD_SUCCESSFUL c=20 r=2 #: Marlin_main.cpp:2978 msgid "Was filament unload successful?" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_WIRINGERROR #: messages.c:89 msgid "Wiring error" msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD c=17 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:4923 msgid "Wizard" msgstr "" # MSG_XYZ_DETAILS c=19 r=1 #: ultralcd.cpp:2178 msgid "XYZ cal. details" msgstr "" # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_FITTING_FAILED c=20 r=8 #: messages.c:19 msgid "XYZ calibration failed. Please consult the manual." msgstr "" # MSG_YES #: messages.c:107 msgid "Yes" msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_QUIT c=20 r=8 #: messages.c:106 msgid "You can always resume the Wizard from Calibration -> Wizard." msgstr "" # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_SKEW_EXTREME c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3496 msgid "XYZ calibration all right. Skew will be corrected automatically." msgstr "" # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_SKEW_MILD c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3493 msgid "XYZ calibration all right. X/Y axes are slightly skewed. Good job!" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4632 msgid "X-correct" msgstr "" # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_PERFECT c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3490 msgid "XYZ calibration ok. X/Y axes are perpendicular. Congratulations!" msgstr "" # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_WARNING_FRONT_BOTH_FAR c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3474 msgid "XYZ calibration compromised. Front calibration points not reachable." msgstr "" # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_WARNING_FRONT_RIGHT_FAR c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3477 msgid "XYZ calibration compromised. Right front calibration point not reachable." msgstr "" # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_WARNING_FRONT_LEFT_FAR c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3480 msgid "XYZ calibration compromised. Left front calibration point not reachable." msgstr "" # MSG_LOAD_ALL c=17 #: ultralcd.cpp:5323 msgid "Load all" msgstr "" # MSG_LOAD_FILAMENT_1 c=17 #: ultralcd.cpp:5324 msgid "Load filament 1" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:3456 msgid "XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found." msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:3462 msgid "XYZ calibration failed. Front calibration points not reachable." msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:3468 msgid "XYZ calibration failed. Left front calibration point not reachable." msgstr "" # MSG_LOAD_FILAMENT_2 c=17 #: ultralcd.cpp:5325 msgid "Load filament 2" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:3465 msgid "XYZ calibration failed. Right front calibration point not reachable." msgstr "" # MSG_LOAD_FILAMENT_3 c=17 #: ultralcd.cpp:5326 msgid "Load filament 3" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:2646 msgid "Y distance from min" msgstr "" # #: ultralcd.cpp:4633 msgid "Y-correct" msgstr "" # MSG_LOAD_FILAMENT_4 c=17 #: ultralcd.cpp:5327 msgid "Load filament 4" msgstr "" # MSG_LOAD_FILAMENT_5 c=17 #: ultralcd.cpp:5330 msgid "Load filament 5" msgstr ""