#!/bin/sh # # update_lang.sh - multi-language support script # Update secondary language in binary file. # # Config: if [ -z "$CONFIG_OK" ]; then eval "$(cat config.sh)"; fi if [ -z "$OBJCOPY" ]; then echo 'variable OBJCOPY not set!' >&2; exit 1; fi if [ -z "$CONFIG_OK" ] | [ $CONFIG_OK -eq 0 ]; then echo 'Config NG!' >&2; exit 1; fi # # Selected language: LANG=$1 if [ -z "$LANG" ]; then LANG='cz'; fi # finish() { echo if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then echo "update_lang.sh finished with success" >&2 else echo "update_lang.sh finished with errors!" >&2 fi case "$-" in *i*) echo "press enter key" >&2; read ;; esac exit $1 } echo "update_lang.sh started" >&2 echo " selected language=$LANG" >&2 echo -n " checking files..." >&2 if [ ! -e text.sym ]; then echo "NG! file text.sym not found!" >&2; finish 1; fi if [ ! -e lang_$LANG.bin ]; then echo "NG! file lang_$LANG.bin not found!" >&2; finish 1; fi if [ ! -e firmware.bin ]; then echo "NG! file firmware.bin not found!" >&2; finish 1; fi echo "OK" >&2 echo -n " checking symbols..." >&2 #find symbol _SEC_LANG in section '.text' sec_lang=$(cat text.sym | grep -E "\b_SEC_LANG\b") if [ -z "$sec_lang" ]; then echo "NG!\n symbol _SEC_LANG not found!" >&2; finish 1; fi echo "OK" >&2 echo " calculating vars:" >&2 #get addres and size sec_lang_addr='0x'$(echo $sec_lang | cut -f1 -d' ') sec_lang_size='0x'$(echo $sec_lang | cut -f2 -d' ') echo " sec_lang_addr =$sec_lang_addr" >&2 echo " sec_lang_size =$sec_lang_size" >&2 #calculate lang_table_addr (aligned to 256byte page) lang_table_addr=$((256*$((($sec_lang_addr + 255) / 256)))) printf " lang_table_addr =0x%04x\n" $lang_table_addr >&2 #calculate lang_table_size lang_table_size=$((256*$((($sec_lang_size - ($lang_table_addr - $sec_lang_addr))/256)))) printf " lang_table_size =0x%04x (=%d bytes)\n" $lang_table_size $lang_table_size >&2 #get lang_xx.bin file size lang_file_size=$(wc -c lang_$LANG.bin | cut -f1 -d' ') printf " lang_file_size =0x%04x (=%d bytes)\n" $lang_file_size $lang_file_size >&2 if [ $lang_file_size -gt $lang_table_size ]; then echo "Lanaguage binary file size too big!" >&2; finish 1; fi echo "updating 'firmware.bin'..." >&2 dd if=lang_$LANG.bin of=firmware.bin bs=1 seek=$lang_table_addr conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null #convert bin to hex echo "converting to hex..." >&2 $OBJCOPY -I binary -O ihex ./firmware.bin ./firmware_$LANG.hex finish 0