# "[%.7s]Live adj. Z\x0avalue set, continue\x0aor start from zero?\x0a%cContinue%cReset" #MSG_IR_03_OR_OLDER c=18 " 0.3 or older" # c=18 "FS v0.3 or older" #MSG_IR_04_OR_NEWER c=18 " 0.4 or newer" # c=18 "FS v0.4 or newer" #MSG_IR_UNKNOWN c=18 "unknown state" #MSG_IMPROVE_BED_OFFSET_AND_SKEW_LINE2 c=14 " of 4" #MSG_MEASURE_BED_REFERENCE_HEIGHT_LINE2 c=14 " of 9" #MSG_MEASURED_OFFSET "[0;0] point offset" #MSG_CRASH_DET_ONLY_IN_NORMAL c=20 r=4 "Crash detection can\x0abe turned on only in\x0aNormal mode" #MSG_CRASH_DET_STEALTH_FORCE_OFF c=20 r=4 "WARNING:\x0aCrash detection\x0adisabled in\x0aStealth mode" # ">Cancel" #MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z c=15 "Adjusting Z:" #MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_ALLCORRECT c=20 "All correct " #MSG_WIZARD_DONE c=20 r=8 "All is done. Happy printing!" # "Ambient" #MSG_AUTO c=6 "Auto" #MSG_PRESS c=20 r=2 "and press the knob" #MSG_CONFIRM_CARRIAGE_AT_THE_TOP c=20 r=2 "Are left and right Z~carriages all up?" #MSG_AUTO_DEPLETE c=17 r=1 "SpoolJoin" #MSG_AUTO_HOME "Auto home" #MSG_AUTOLOAD_FILAMENT c=18 "AutoLoad filament" #MSG_AUTOLOADING_ONLY_IF_FSENS_ON c=20 r=4 "Autoloading filament available only when filament sensor is turned on..." #MSG_AUTOLOADING_ENABLED c=20 r=4 "Autoloading filament is active, just press the knob and insert filament..." #MSG_SELFTEST_AXIS_LENGTH "Axis length" #MSG_SELFTEST_AXIS "Axis" #MSG_SELFTEST_BEDHEATER "Bed / Heater" #MSG_BED_DONE "Bed done" #MSG_BED_HEATING "Bed Heating" #MSG_BED_CORRECTION_MENU "Bed level correct" #MSG_BELTTEST c=17 "Belt test " #MSG_BED_LEVELING_FAILED_POINT_LOW c=20 r=5 "Bed leveling failed. Sensor didnt trigger. Debris on nozzle? Waiting for reset." #MSG_BRIGHT c=6 "Bright" #MSG_BRIGHTNESS c=18 "Brightness" #MSG_BED "Bed" #MSG_BELT_STATUS c=18 "Belt status" #MSG_RECOVER_PRINT c=20 r=2 "Blackout occurred. Recover print?" # "Calibrating home" #MSG_CALIBRATE_BED "Calibrate XYZ" #MSG_HOMEYZ "Calibrate Z" #MSG_CALIBRATE_PINDA c=17 r=1 "Calibrate" #MSG_MOVE_CARRIAGE_TO_THE_TOP c=20 r=8 "Calibrating XYZ. Rotate the knob to move the Z carriage up to the end stoppers. Click when done." #MSG_CALIBRATE_Z_AUTO c=20 r=2 "Calibrating Z" #MSG_MOVE_CARRIAGE_TO_THE_TOP_Z c=20 r=8 "Calibrating Z. Rotate the knob to move the Z carriage up to the end stoppers. Click when done." #MSG_HOMEYZ_DONE "Calibration done" #MSG_MENU_CALIBRATION "Calibration" # "Cancel" #MSG_SD_REMOVED "Card removed" #MSG_NOT_COLOR "Color not correct" #MSG_COOLDOWN "Cooldown" # "Copy selected language?" #MSG_CRASHDETECT c=13 "Crash det." # "Choose a filament for the First Layer Calibration and select it in the on-screen menu." #MSG_CRASH_DETECTED c=20 r=1 "Crash detected." # "Crash detected. Resume print?" # "Crash" #MSG_CURRENT c=19 r=1 "Current" #MSG_DATE c=17 r=1 "Date:" #MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Disable steppers" #MSG_BABYSTEP_Z_NOT_SET c=20 r=12 "Distance between tip of the nozzle and the bed surface has not been set yet. Please follow the manual, chapter First steps, section First layer calibration." #MSG_FS_CONTINUE c=5 "Cont." #MSG_WIZARD_REPEAT_V2_CAL c=20 r=7 "Do you want to repeat last step to readjust distance between nozzle and heatbed?" #MSG_EXTRUDER_CORRECTION c=13 "E-correct:" #MSG_EJECT_FILAMENT c=17 r=1 "Eject filament" #MSG_EJECTING_FILAMENT c=20 r=1 "Ejecting filament" #MSG_SELFTEST_ENDSTOP_NOTHIT c=20 "Endstop not hit" #MSG_SELFTEST_ENDSTOP "Endstop" #MSG_SELFTEST_ENDSTOPS "Endstops" #MSG_STACK_ERROR c=20 r=4 "Error - static memory has been overwritten" #MSG_CUT_FILAMENT c=16 "Cut filament" #MSG_CUTTER c=9 "Cutter" # c=18 "Cutting filament" #MSG_FSENS_NOT_RESPONDING c=20 r=4 "ERROR: Filament sensor is not responding, please check connection." #MSG_DIM c=6 "Dim" #MSG_ERROR "ERROR:" #MSG_SELFTEST_EXTRUDER_FAN_SPEED c=18 "Extruder fan:" #MSG_INFO_EXTRUDER c=18 "Extruder info" #MSG_MOVE_E "Extruder" # "Fail stats MMU" #MSG_FSENSOR_AUTOLOAD c=13 "F. autoload" # "Fail stats" #MSG_FAN_SPEED c=14 "Fan speed" #MSG_SELFTEST_FAN c=20 "Fan test" #MSG_FANS_CHECK "Fans check" #MSG_FSENSOR "Fil. sensor" # c=14 "Filam. runouts" #MSG_FILAMENT_CLEAN c=20 r=2 "Filament extruding & with correct color?" #MSG_NOT_LOADED c=19 "Filament not loaded" #MSG_FILAMENT_SENSOR c=20 "Filament sensor" #MSG_FILAMENT_USED c=19 "Filament used" #MSG_PRINT_TIME c=19 r=1 "Print time" #MSG_FS_ACTION c=10 "FS Action" #MSG_FILE_INCOMPLETE c=20 r=3 "File incomplete. Continue anyway?" #MSG_FINISHING_MOVEMENTS c=20 "Finishing movements" #MSG_V2_CALIBRATION c=18 "First layer cal." #MSG_WIZARD_SELFTEST c=20 r=8 "First, I will run the selftest to check most common assembly problems." # "Fix the issue and then press button on MMU unit." #MSG_FLOW "Flow" #MSG_PRUSA3D_FORUM "forum.prusa3d.com" #MSG_SELFTEST_COOLING_FAN c=20 "Front print fan?" #MSG_BED_CORRECTION_FRONT c=14 r=1 "Front side[um]" #MSG_SELFTEST_FANS "Front/left fans" #MSG_SELFTEST_HEATERTHERMISTOR "Heater/Thermistor" #MSG_BED_HEATING_SAFETY_DISABLED "Heating disabled by safety timer." #MSG_HEATING_COMPLETE c=20 "Heating done." #MSG_HEATING "Heating" #MSG_WIZARD_WELCOME c=20 r=7 "Hi, I am your Original Prusa i3 printer. Would you like me to guide you through the setup process?" #MSG_PRUSA3D_HOWTO "howto.prusa3d.com" #MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Change filament" #MSG_CHANGE_SUCCESS "Change success!" #MSG_CORRECTLY c=20 "Changed correctly?" #MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_BED c=20 "Checking bed " #MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_ENDSTOPS c=20 "Checking endstops" #MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_HOTEND c=20 "Checking hotend " #MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_FSENSOR c=20 "Checking sensors " #MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_X c=20 "Checking X axis " #MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_Y c=20 "Checking Y axis " #MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_Z c=20 "Checking Z axis " #MSG_CHOOSE_EXTRUDER c=20 r=1 "Choose extruder:" #MSG_CHOOSE_FILAMENT c=20 r=1 "Choose filament:" #MSG_FILAMENT c=17 r=1 "Filament" #MSG_WIZARD_XYZ_CAL c=20 r=8 "I will run xyz calibration now. It will take approx. 12 mins." #MSG_WIZARD_Z_CAL c=20 r=8 "I will run z calibration now." #MSG_WATCH "Info screen" #MSG_INSERT_FILAMENT c=20 "Insert filament" #MSG_WIZARD_FILAMENT_LOADED c=20 r=2 "Is filament loaded?" #MSG_STEEL_SHEET_CHECK c=20 r=2 "Is steel sheet on heatbed?" # "Last print failures" # "If you have additional steel sheets, calibrate their presets in Settings - HW Setup - Steel sheets." # "Last print" #MSG_SELFTEST_EXTRUDER_FAN c=20 "Left hotend fan?" # "Left" #MSG_BED_CORRECTION_LEFT c=14 r=1 "Left side [um]" # "Lin. correction" #MSG_BABYSTEP_Z "Live adjust Z" # c=20 r=6 "Insert the filament (do not load it) into the extruder and then press the knob." #MSG_LOAD_FILAMENT c=17 "Load filament" #MSG_LOADING_COLOR "Loading color" #MSG_LOADING_FILAMENT c=20 "Loading filament" #MSG_LOOSE_PULLEY c=20 r=1 "Loose pulley" # "Load to nozzle" #MSG_M117_V2_CALIBRATION c=25 "M117 First layer cal." #MSG_MAIN "Main" #MSG_BL_HIGH c=12 "Level Bright" #MSG_BL_LOW c=12 "Level Dimmed" #MSG_MEASURE_BED_REFERENCE_HEIGHT_LINE1 c=60 "Measuring reference height of calibration point" #MSG_MESH_BED_LEVELING "Mesh Bed Leveling" #MSG_MMU_OK_RESUMING_POSITION c=20 r=4 "MMU OK. Resuming position..." #MSG_MMU_OK_RESUMING_TEMPERATURE c=20 r=4 "MMU OK. Resuming temperature..." # "Measured skew" # "MMU fails" # "MMU load failed " # "MMU load fails" #MSG_MMU_OK_RESUMING c=20 r=4 "MMU OK. Resuming..." #MSG_MODE "Mode" # c=20 r=3 "MK3 firmware detected on MK3S printer" #MSG_NORMAL "Normal" #MSG_SILENT "Silent" # "MMU needs user attention." # "MMU power fails" #MSG_STEALTH "Stealth" #MSG_AUTO_POWER "Auto power" #MSG_HIGH_POWER "High power" # "MMU2 connected" #MSG_SELFTEST_MOTOR "Motor" #MSG_MOVE_AXIS "Move axis" #MSG_MOVE_X "Move X" #MSG_MOVE_Y "Move Y" #MSG_MOVE_Z "Move Z" #MSG_NO_MOVE "No move." #MSG_NO_CARD "No SD card" #MSG_NA "N/A" #MSG_NO "No" #MSG_SELFTEST_NOTCONNECTED "Not connected" # "New firmware version available:" #MSG_SELFTEST_FAN_NO c=19 "Not spinning" #MSG_WIZARD_V2_CAL c=20 r=8 "Now I will calibrate distance between tip of the nozzle and heatbed surface." #MSG_WIZARD_WILL_PREHEAT c=20 r=4 "Now I will preheat nozzle for PLA." #MSG_NOZZLE "Nozzle" #MSG_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_LOADED c=20 r=5 "Old settings found. Default PID, Esteps etc. will be set." # "Now remove the test print from steel sheet." # "Nozzle FAN" #MSG_PAUSE_PRINT "Pause print" #MSG_PID_RUNNING c=20 r=1 "PID cal. " #MSG_PID_FINISHED c=20 r=1 "PID cal. finished" #MSG_PID_EXTRUDER c=17 r=1 "PID calibration" #MSG_PINDA_PREHEAT c=20 r=1 "PINDA Heating" #MSG_PAPER c=20 r=10 "Place a sheet of paper under the nozzle during the calibration of first 4 points. If the nozzle catches the paper, power off the printer immediately." #MSG_WIZARD_CLEAN_HEATBED c=20 r=8 "Please clean heatbed and then press the knob." #MSG_CONFIRM_NOZZLE_CLEAN c=20 r=8 "Please clean the nozzle for calibration. Click when done." #MSG_SELFTEST_PLEASECHECK "Please check :" #MSG_WIZARD_CALIBRATION_FAILED c=20 r=8 "Please check our handbook and fix the problem. Then resume the Wizard by rebooting the printer." #MSG_CHECK_IDLER c=20 r=4 "Please open idler and remove filament manually." #MSG_PLACE_STEEL_SHEET c=20 r=4 "Please place steel sheet on heatbed." #MSG_PRESS_TO_UNLOAD c=20 r=4 "Please press the knob to unload filament" #MSG_PULL_OUT_FILAMENT c=20 r=4 "Please pull out filament immediately" #MSG_EJECT_REMOVE c=20 r=4 "Please remove filament and then press the knob." #MSG_REMOVE_STEEL_SHEET c=20 r=4 "Please remove steel sheet from heatbed." #MSG_RUN_XYZ c=20 r=4 "Please run XYZ calibration first." #MSG_UPDATE_MMU2_FW c=20 r=4 "Please update firmware in your MMU2. Waiting for reset." #MSG_PLEASE_WAIT c=20 "Please wait" # "Please remove shipping helpers first." #MSG_PREHEAT_NOZZLE c=20 "Preheat the nozzle!" #MSG_PREHEAT "Preheat" #MSG_WIZARD_HEATING c=20 r=3 "Preheating nozzle. Please wait." # c=14 "PINDA" # "Please upgrade." #MSG_PRESS_TO_PREHEAT c=20 r=4 "Press knob to preheat nozzle and continue." #MSG_FS_PAUSE c=5 "Pause" # "Power failures" #MSG_PRINT_ABORTED c=20 "Print aborted" # c=20 "Preheating to load" # c=20 "Preheating to unload" #MSG_SELFTEST_PRINT_FAN_SPEED c=18 "Print fan:" #MSG_CARD_MENU "Print from SD" # "Press the knob" #MSG_PRINT_PAUSED c=20 r=1 "Print paused" # "Press the knob to resume nozzle temperature." #MSG_FOLLOW_CALIBRATION_FLOW c=20 r=8 "Printer has not been calibrated yet. Please follow the manual, chapter First steps, section Calibration flow." # "Print FAN" # "Please insert filament into the extruder, then press the knob to load it." # "Please insert filament into the first tube of the MMU, then press the knob to load it." # "Please load filament first." #MSG_PRUSA3D "prusa3d.com" #MSG_BED_CORRECTION_REAR c=14 r=1 "Rear side [um]" # c=20 r=4 "Please unload the filament first, then repeat this action." # c=20 r=4 "Please check the IR sensor connection, unload filament if present." #MSG_RECOVERING_PRINT c=20 "Recovering print " #MSG_REMOVE_OLD_FILAMENT c=20 r=5 "Remove old filament and press the knob to start loading new filament." # c=20 "Prusa i3 MK3S OK." #MSG_CALIBRATE_BED_RESET "Reset XYZ calibr." #MSG_BED_CORRECTION_RESET "Reset" #MSG_RESUME_PRINT "Resume print" #MSG_RESUMING_PRINT c=20 "Resuming print" #MSG_BED_CORRECTION_RIGHT c=14 r=1 "Right side[um]" #MSG_RPI_PORT "RPi port" #MSG_WIZARD_RERUN c=20 r=7 "Running Wizard will delete current calibration results and start from the beginning. Continue?" #MSG_SD_CARD "SD card" #MSG_TOSHIBA_FLASH_AIR_COMPATIBILITY "FlashAir" # "Right" #MSG_FIND_BED_OFFSET_AND_SKEW_LINE1 c=60 "Searching bed calibration point" #MSG_LANGUAGE_SELECT "Select language" #MSG_SELFTEST_OK "Self test OK" #MSG_SELFTEST_START c=20 "Self test start " #MSG_SELFTEST "Selftest " #MSG_SELFTEST_ERROR "Selftest error !" #MSG_SELFTEST_FAILED c=20 "Selftest failed " #MSG_FORCE_SELFTEST c=20 r=8 "Selftest will be run to calibrate accurate sensorless rehoming." # "Select nozzle preheat temperature which matches your material." #MSG_SET_TEMPERATURE c=19 r=1 "Set temperature:" # c=20 "Prusa i3 MK2.5 OK." # c=20 "Prusa i3 MK2.5S OK." # c=20 "Prusa i3 MK3 OK." #MSG_SETTINGS "Settings" #MSG_SHOW_END_STOPS c=18 "Show end stops" # "Sensor state" #MSG_FILE_CNT c=20 r=6 "Some files will not be sorted. Max. No. of files in 1 folder for sorting is 100." #MSG_SORT "Sort" #MSG_NONE "None" #MSG_SORT_TIME "Time" # "Severe skew:" #MSG_SORT_ALPHA "Alphabet" #MSG_SORTING c=20 r=1 "Sorting files" #MSG_SOUND_LOUD "Loud" # "Slight skew:" #MSG_SOUND "Sound" # c=7 "Runouts" # "Some problem encountered, Z-leveling enforced ..." #MSG_SOUND_ONCE "Once" #MSG_SPEED "Speed" #MSG_SELFTEST_FAN_YES c=19 "Spinning" #MSG_TEMP_CAL_WARNING c=20 r=4 "Stable ambient temperature 21-26C is needed a rigid stand is required." #MSG_STATISTICS "Statistics " #MSG_STOP_PRINT "Stop print" #MSG_STOPPED "STOPPED. " #MSG_SUPPORT "Support" #MSG_SELFTEST_SWAPPED "Swapped" # "Select filament:" #MSG_TEMP_CALIBRATION c=14 "Temp. cal." # "Select temperature which matches your material." #MSG_CALIBRATION_PINDA_MENU c=17 r=1 "Temp. calibration" #MSG_TEMP_CAL_FAILED c=20 r=8 "Temperature calibration failed" #MSG_TEMP_CALIBRATION_DONE c=20 r=12 "Temperature calibration is finished and active. Temp. calibration can be disabled in menu Settings->Temp. cal." # c=20 r=3 "Sensor verified, remove the filament now." #MSG_TEMPERATURE "Temperature" #MSG_MENU_TEMPERATURES c=15 r=1 "Temperatures" #MSG_FOLLOW_Z_CALIBRATION_FLOW c=20 r=9 "There is still a need to make Z calibration. Please follow the manual, chapter First steps, section Calibration flow." # "Total filament" # "Total print time" #MSG_TUNE "Tune" # "Unload" # "Total failures" # "to load filament" # "to unload filament" #MSG_UNLOAD_FILAMENT c=17 "Unload filament" #MSG_UNLOADING_FILAMENT c=20 r=1 "Unloading filament" # "Total" #MSG_USED c=19 r=1 "Used during print" #MSG_MENU_VOLTAGES c=15 r=1 "Voltages" # "unknown" #MSG_USERWAIT "Wait for user..." #MSG_WAITING_TEMP c=20 r=3 "Waiting for nozzle and bed cooling" #MSG_WAITING_TEMP_PINDA c=20 r=3 "Waiting for PINDA probe cooling" # "Use unload to remove filament 1 if it protrudes outside of the rear MMU tube. Use eject if it is hidden in tube." #MSG_CHANGED_BOTH c=20 r=4 "Warning: both printer type and motherboard type changed." #MSG_CHANGED_MOTHERBOARD c=20 r=4 "Warning: motherboard type changed." #MSG_CHANGED_PRINTER c=20 r=4 "Warning: printer type changed." #MSG_UNLOAD_SUCCESSFUL c=20 r=2 "Was filament unload successful?" #MSG_SELFTEST_WIRINGERROR "Wiring error" #MSG_WIZARD c=17 r=1 "Wizard" #MSG_XYZ_DETAILS c=18 "XYZ cal. details" #MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_FITTING_FAILED c=20 r=8 "XYZ calibration failed. Please consult the manual." #MSG_YES "Yes" #MSG_WIZARD_QUIT c=20 r=8 "You can always resume the Wizard from Calibration -> Wizard." #MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_SKEW_EXTREME c=20 r=8 "XYZ calibration all right. Skew will be corrected automatically." #MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_SKEW_MILD c=20 r=8 "XYZ calibration all right. X/Y axes are slightly skewed. Good job!" #MSG_TIMEOUT c=12 "Timeout" #MSG_X_CORRECTION c=13 "X-correct:" #MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_PERFECT c=20 r=8 "XYZ calibration ok. X/Y axes are perpendicular. Congratulations!" #MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_WARNING_FRONT_BOTH_FAR c=20 r=8 "XYZ calibration compromised. Front calibration points not reachable." #MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_WARNING_FRONT_RIGHT_FAR c=20 r=8 "XYZ calibration compromised. Right front calibration point not reachable." #MSG_LOAD_ALL c=17 "Load all" # "XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found." # "XYZ calibration failed. Front calibration points not reachable." # "XYZ calibration failed. Right front calibration point not reachable." # "Y distance from min" # "The printer will start printing a zig-zag line. Rotate the knob until you reach the optimal height. Check the pictures in the handbook (Calibration chapter)." # c=20 r=5 "Verification failed, remove the filament and try again." #MSG_Y_CORRECTION c=13 "Y-correct:" #MSG_OFF "Off" #MSG_ON "On" # "Back" # "Checks" # "False triggering" # "FINDA:" #MSG_FIRMWARE "Firmware" #MSG_STRICT "Strict" #MSG_WARN "Warn" # "HW Setup" # "IR:" #MSG_MAGNETS_COMP "Magnets comp." #MSG_MESH "Mesh" # "Mesh bed leveling" # "MK3S firmware detected on MK3 printer" #MSG_MMU_MODE "MMU Mode" # "Mode change in progress ..." #MSG_MODEL "Model" #MSG_NOZZLE_DIAMETER "Nozzle d." # "G-code sliced for a different level. Continue?" # "G-code sliced for a different level. Please re-slice the model again. Print cancelled." # "G-code sliced for a different printer type. Continue?" # "G-code sliced for a different printer type. Please re-slice the model again. Print cancelled." # "G-code sliced for a newer firmware. Continue?" # "G-code sliced for a newer firmware. Please update the firmware. Print cancelled." # "PINDA:" # c=20 "Preheating to cut" # c=20 "Preheating to eject" # "Printer nozzle diameter differs from the G-code. Continue?" # "Printer nozzle diameter differs from the G-code. Please check the value in settings. Print cancelled." # c=20 "%s level expected" # "Rename" # "Select" # "Sensor info" #MSG_SHEET c=10 "Sheet" #MSG_SOUND_BLIND "Assist" # c=18 "Steel sheets" #MSG_Z_CORRECTION c=13 "Z-correct:" #MSG_Z_PROBE_NR "Z-probe nr."