# Translation of Prusa-Firmware into Slovak. # msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: sk\n" "Project-Id-Version: Prusa-Firmware\n" "POT-Creation-Date: Sat 12 Mar 2022 08:43:44 AM CET\n" "PO-Revision-Date: Sat 12 Mar 2022 08:43:44 AM CET\n" "Language-Team: \n" "X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.7\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" # MSG_IR_03_OR_OLDER c=18 #: messages.c:166 msgid " 0.3 or older" msgstr " 0.3 a starsie" # MSG_FS_V_03_OR_OLDER c=18 #: Marlin_main.cpp:9896 msgid "FS v0.3 or older" msgstr "FS 0.3 a starsie" # MSG_IR_04_OR_NEWER c=18 #: messages.c:165 msgid " 0.4 or newer" msgstr " 0.4 a novsie" # MSG_FS_V_04_OR_NEWER c=18 #: Marlin_main.cpp:9895 msgid "FS v0.4 or newer" msgstr "FS 0.4 a novsie" # MSG_IR_UNKNOWN c=18 #: messages.c:167 msgid "unknown state" msgstr "neznamy stav" # MSG_MEASURED_OFFSET c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2903 msgid "[0;0] point offset" msgstr "[0;0] odsadenie bodu" # MSG_CRASH_DET_ONLY_IN_NORMAL c=20 r=4 #: msgid "Crash detection can\x0abe turned on only in\x0aNormal mode" msgstr "Crash detekcia moze\x0abyt zapnuta len v\x0aNormal mode" # MSG_CRASH_DET_STEALTH_FORCE_OFF c=20 r=4 #: msgid "WARNING:\x0aCrash detection\x0adisabled in\x0aStealth mode" msgstr "POZOR:\x0aCrash detekcia\x0adeaktivovana v\x0aStealth mode" # MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z c=15 #: ultralcd.cpp:3024 msgid "Adjusting Z:" msgstr "Doladenie Z:" # MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_ALLCORRECT c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8393 msgid "All correct" msgstr "Vsetko OK" # MSG_WIZARD_DONE c=20 r=3 #: messages.c:120 msgid "All is done. Happy printing!" msgstr "Vsetko je hotove!" # MSG_AMBIENT c=14 #: ultralcd.cpp:1717 msgid "Ambient" msgstr "Okolie" # MSG_AUTO c=6 #: messages.c:162 msgid "Auto" msgstr "" # MSG_PRESS c=20 r=2 #: ultralcd.cpp:2475 msgid "and press the knob" msgstr "a stlacte tlacidlo" # MSG_CONFIRM_CARRIAGE_AT_THE_TOP c=20 r=2 #: ultralcd.cpp:3345 msgid "Are left and right Z~carriages all up?" msgstr "Dosli oba Z voziky k hornemu dorazu?" # MSG_AUTO_HOME c=18 #: messages.c:11 msgid "Auto home" msgstr "" # MSG_AUTOLOAD_FILAMENT c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:6635 msgid "AutoLoad filament" msgstr "Autozav. filamentu" # MSG_AUTOLOADING_ONLY_IF_FSENS_ON c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:4307 msgid "Autoloading filament available only when filament sensor is turned on..." msgstr "Autom. zavedenie filamentu je mozne len pri zapnutom senzore filamentu..." # MSG_AUTOLOADING_ENABLED c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:2638 msgid "Autoloading filament is active, just press the knob and insert filament..." msgstr "Autom. zavedenie filamentu aktivne, stlacte tlacidlo a vlozte filament..." # MSG_SELFTEST_AXIS_LENGTH c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8076 msgid "Axis length" msgstr "Dlzka osi" # MSG_SELFTEST_AXIS c=16 #: ultralcd.cpp:8077 msgid "Axis" msgstr "Os" # MSG_SELFTEST_BEDHEATER c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8034 msgid "Bed/Heater" msgstr "Podlozka/Zohrievanie" # MSG_BED_DONE c=20 #: messages.c:15 msgid "Bed done" msgstr "Podlozka OK." # MSG_BED_HEATING c=20 #: messages.c:16 msgid "Bed Heating" msgstr "Zahrievanie podlozky" # MSG_BED_CORRECTION_MENU c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:5780 msgid "Bed level correct" msgstr "Korekcie podlozky" # MSG_BELTTEST c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:5760 msgid "Belt test" msgstr "Test remena" # MSG_BED_LEVELING_FAILED_POINT_LOW c=20 r=6 #: messages.c:17 msgid "Bed leveling failed. Sensor didn't trigger. Debris on nozzle? Waiting for reset." msgstr "Kalibracia Z zlyhala. Sensor nezopol. Znecistena tryska? Cakam na reset." # MSG_BRIGHT c=6 #: messages.c:160 msgid "Bright" msgstr "Jasne" # MSG_BRIGHTNESS c=18 #: messages.c:156 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Podsvietenie" # MSG_BED c=13 #: messages.c:14 msgid "Bed" msgstr "Podlozka" # MSG_BELT_STATUS c=18 #: messages.c:19 msgid "Belt status" msgstr "Stav remena" # MSG_RECOVER_PRINT c=20 r=2 #: messages.c:84 msgid "Blackout occurred. Recover print?" msgstr "Nastal vypadok prudu. Obnovit tlac?" # MSG_CALIBRATING_HOME c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8395 msgid "Calibrating home" msgstr "Kalibr. vychodziu p." # MSG_CALIBRATE_BED c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:5769 msgid "Calibrate XYZ" msgstr "Kalibracia XYZ" # MSG_HOMEYZ c=18 #: messages.c:54 msgid "Calibrate Z" msgstr "Kalibrovat Z" # MSG_CANCEL2 c=10 #: messages.c:20 msgid ">Cancel" msgstr ">Zrusit" # MSG_MOVE_CARRIAGE_TO_THE_TOP c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3308 msgid "Calibrating XYZ. Rotate the knob to move the Z carriage up to the end stoppers. Click when done." msgstr "Kalibracia XYZ. Otacanim tlacidla posunte Z os az k hornemu dorazu. Potvrdte tlacidlom." # MSG_CALIBRATE_Z_AUTO c=20 r=2 #: messages.c:21 msgid "Calibrating Z" msgstr "Kalibrujem Z" # MSG_MOVE_CARRIAGE_TO_THE_TOP_Z c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3308 msgid "Calibrating Z. Rotate the knob to move the Z carriage up to the end stoppers. Click when done." msgstr "Kalibracia Z. Otacanim tlacidla posunte Z os az k hornemu dorazu. Potvrdte tlacidlom." # MSG_HOMEYZ_DONE c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:656 msgid "Calibration done" msgstr "Kalibracia OK" # MSG_MENU_CALIBRATION c=18 #: messages.c:70 msgid "Calibration" msgstr "Kalibracia" # MSG_SD_REMOVED c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8842 msgid "Card removed" msgstr "Karta vysunuta" # MSG_CHECKING_FILE c=17 #: ultralcd.cpp:8483 msgid "Checking file" msgstr "Kontrolujem subor" # MSG_NOT_COLOR c=19 #: ultralcd.cpp:2555 msgid "Color not correct" msgstr "Nespravna farba" # MSG_COOLDOWN c=18 #: messages.c:27 msgid "Cooldown" msgstr "Schladit" # MSG_COPY_SEL_LANG c=20 r=3 #: ultralcd.cpp:4425 msgid "Copy selected language?" msgstr "Kopirovat vybrany jazyk?" # MSG_CRASHDETECT c=13 #: messages.c:30 msgid "Crash det." msgstr "Det. narazu" # MSG_SELECT_FIL_1ST_LAYERCAL c=20 r=7 #: ultralcd.cpp:4824 msgid "Select a filament for the First Layer Calibration and select it in the on-screen menu." msgstr "Zvolte filament pre kalibraciu prvej vrstvy z nasledujuceho menu" # MSG_CRASH_DETECTED c=20 #: messages.c:29 msgid "Crash detected." msgstr "Zisteny naraz." # MSG_CRASH_RESUME c=20 r=3 #: Marlin_main.cpp:653 msgid "Crash detected. Resume print?" msgstr "Zisteny naraz. Obnovit tlac?" # MSG_CRASH c=7 #: messages.c:28 msgid "Crash" msgstr "Naraz" # MSG_DATE c=17 #: ultralcd.cpp:1975 msgid "Date:" msgstr "Datum:" # MSG_COMMUNITY_MADE c=18 #: messages.c:25 msgid "Community made" msgstr "Komunitny prekl." # MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:5660 msgid "Disable steppers" msgstr "Vypnut motory" # MSG_BABYSTEP_Z_NOT_SET c=20 r=12 #: messages.c:13 msgid "Distance between tip of the nozzle and the bed surface has not been set yet. Please follow the manual, chapter First steps, section First layer calibration." msgstr "Nie je skalibrovana vzdialenost trysky od podlozky. Postupujte prosim podla manualu, kapitola Zaciname, odstavec Nastavenie prvej vrstvy." # MSG_FS_CONTINUE c=5 #: messages.c:154 msgid "Cont." msgstr "Pokr." # MSG_WIZARD_REPEAT_V2_CAL c=20 r=7 #: ultralcd.cpp:5003 msgid "Do you want to repeat last step to readjust distance between nozzle and heatbed?" msgstr "Chcete opakovat posledny krok a pozmenit vzdialenost medzi tryskou a podlozkou?" # MSG_EXTRUDER_CORRECTION c=13 #: ultralcd.cpp:5072 msgid "E-correct:" msgstr "Korekcia E:" # MSG_EJECT_FILAMENT c=16 #: messages.c:62 msgid "Eject filament" msgstr "Vysunut fil." # MSG_EJECTING_FILAMENT c=20 #: mmu.cpp:1415 msgid "Ejecting filament" msgstr "Vysuvam filament" # MSG_SELFTEST_ENDSTOP_NOTHIT c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8052 msgid "Endstop not hit" msgstr "Kon. spinac nezopol" # MSG_SELFTEST_ENDSTOP c=16 #: ultralcd.cpp:8047 msgid "Endstop" msgstr "Koncovy spinac" # MSG_SELFTEST_ENDSTOPS c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8038 msgid "Endstops" msgstr "Konc. spinace" # MSG_CUT_FILAMENT c=16 #: messages.c:63 msgid "Cut filament" msgstr "Odstrihnut" # MSG_CUTTER c=9 #: messages.c:130 msgid "Cutter" msgstr "Strihanie" # MSG_MMU_CUTTING_FIL c=18 #: mmu.cpp:1387 msgid "Cutting filament" msgstr "Strihanie filam." # MSG_FSENS_NOT_RESPONDING c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:4320 msgid "ERROR: Filament sensor is not responding, please check connection." msgstr "CHYBA: Filament senzor nereaguje, skontrolujte prosim zapojenie." # MSG_DIM c=6 #: messages.c:161 msgid "Dim" msgstr "Temny" # MSG_ERROR c=10 #: messages.c:31 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "CHYBA:" # MSG_EXTRUDER_FAN_SPEED c=16 #: messages.c:37 msgid "Extruder fan:" msgstr "Lavy vent.:" # MSG_INFO_EXTRUDER c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:2030 msgid "Extruder info" msgstr "" # MSG_EXTRUDER c=17 #: messages.c:32 msgid "Extruder" msgstr "" # MSG_MMU_FAIL_STATS c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:6657 msgid "Fail stats MMU" msgstr "Zlyhanie MMU" # MSG_FSENSOR_AUTOLOAD c=13 #: messages.c:50 msgid "F. autoload" msgstr "F. autozav." # MSG_FAIL_STATS c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:6654 msgid "Fail stats" msgstr "Zlyhanie" # MSG_FAN_SPEED c=14 #: messages.c:36 msgid "Fan speed" msgstr "Rychlost vent." # MSG_SELFTEST_FAN c=20 #: messages.c:93 msgid "Fan test" msgstr "Test ventilatora" # MSG_FANS_CHECK c=13 #: messages.c:33 msgid "Fans check" msgstr "Kontr. vent." # MSG_FSENSOR c=12 #: messages.c:51 msgid "Fil. sensor" msgstr "Fil. senzor" # MSG_FIL_RUNOUTS c=15 #: messages.c:34 msgid "Fil. runouts" msgstr "Vypadky filam." # MSG_FILAMENT_CLEAN c=20 r=2 #: messages.c:39 msgid "Filament extruding & with correct color?" msgstr "Filament vytlaceny a spravnej farby?" # MSG_NOT_LOADED c=19 #: ultralcd.cpp:2554 msgid "Filament not loaded" msgstr "Filament nezavedeny" # MSG_SELFTEST_FILAMENT_SENSOR c=17 #: messages.c:99 msgid "Filament sensor" msgstr "Senzor filamentu" # MSG_FILAMENT_USED c=19 #: ultralcd.cpp:2703 msgid "Filament used" msgstr "Spotrebovany filam." # MSG_PRINT_TIME c=19 #: ultralcd.cpp:2704 msgid "Print time" msgstr "Cas tlace" # MSG_FS_ACTION c=10 #: messages.c:153 msgid "FS Action" msgstr "FS reakcia" # MSG_FILE_INCOMPLETE c=20 r=3 #: ultralcd.cpp:8537 msgid "File incomplete. Continue anyway?" msgstr "Subor nekompletny. Pokracovat?" # MSG_FINISHING_MOVEMENTS c=20 #: messages.c:47 msgid "Finishing movements" msgstr "Dokoncovanie pohybu" # MSG_V2_CALIBRATION c=18 #: messages.c:126 msgid "First layer cal." msgstr "Kal. prvej vrstvy" # MSG_WIZARD_SELFTEST c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:4924 msgid "First, I will run the selftest to check most common assembly problems." msgstr "Najskor pomocou selftestu skontolujem nejcastejsie chyby vznikajuce pri zostaveni tlaciarne." # MSG_MMU_FIX_ISSUE c=20 r=4 #: mmu.cpp:727 msgid "Fix the issue and then press button on MMU unit." msgstr "Opravte chybu a potom stlacte tlacidlo na jednotke MMU." # MSG_FLOW c=15 #: ultralcd.cpp:6791 msgid "Flow" msgstr "Prietok" # MSG_SELFTEST_COOLING_FAN c=20 #: messages.c:90 msgid "Front print fan?" msgstr "Predny tlacovy vent?" # MSG_BED_CORRECTION_FRONT c=14 #: ultralcd.cpp:3106 msgid "Front side[μm]" msgstr "Vpredu [μm]" # MSG_SELFTEST_FANS c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8082 msgid "Front/left fans" msgstr "Predny/lavy vent." # MSG_SELFTEST_HEATERTHERMISTOR c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8030 msgid "Heater/Thermistor" msgstr "Zohr./Termistor" # MSG_BED_HEATING_SAFETY_DISABLED c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:9886 msgid "Heating disabled by safety timer." msgstr "Zohrievanie prerusene bezpecnostnym casovacom." # MSG_HEATING_COMPLETE c=20 #: messages.c:53 msgid "Heating done." msgstr "Zahrievanie OK." # MSG_HEATING c=20 #: messages.c:52 msgid "Heating" msgstr "Zahrievanie" # MSG_WIZARD_WELCOME c=20 r=7 #: messages.c:123 msgid "Hi, I am your Original Prusa i3 printer. Would you like me to guide you through the setup process?" msgstr "Dobry den, som vasa tlaciaren Original Prusa i3. Chcete aby som Vas previedla kalibracnym procesom?" # MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE c=18 #: messages.c:45 msgid "Change filament" msgstr "Vymenit filament" # MSG_CHANGE_SUCCESS c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2484 msgid "Change success!" msgstr "Zmena uspesna!" # MSG_CORRECTLY c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2552 msgid "Changed correctly?" msgstr "Vymena ok?" # MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_BED c=20 #: messages.c:96 msgid "Checking bed" msgstr "Kontrola podlozky" # MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_ENDSTOPS c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8384 msgid "Checking endstops" msgstr "Kontrola endstopu" # MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_HOTEND c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8390 msgid "Checking hotend" msgstr "Kontrola hotend" # MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_FSENSOR c=20 #: messages.c:97 msgid "Checking sensors" msgstr "Kontrola senzorov" # MSG_CHECKING_X c=20 #: messages.c:23 msgid "Checking X axis" msgstr "Kontrola osi X" # MSG_CHECKING_Y c=20 #: messages.c:24 msgid "Checking Y axis" msgstr "Kontrola osi Y" # MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_Z c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8387 msgid "Checking Z axis" msgstr "Kontrola osi Z" # MSG_SELECT_EXTRUDER c=20 #: messages.c:56 msgid "Select extruder:" msgstr "Vyberte extruder:" # MSG_FILAMENT c=17 #: messages.c:35 msgid "Filament" msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_XYZ_CAL c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:4933 msgid "I will run xyz calibration now. It will take approx. 12 mins." msgstr "Teraz urobim XYZ kalibraciu. Zaberie to priblizne 12 min." # MSG_WIZARD_Z_CAL c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:4941 msgid "I will run z calibration now." msgstr "Teraz urobim kalibraciu Z." # MSG_WATCH c=18 #: messages.c:118 msgid "Info screen" msgstr "Informacie" # MSG_INSERT_FILAMENT c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2472 msgid "Insert filament" msgstr "Vlozte filament" # MSG_FILAMENT_LOADED c=20 r=2 #: messages.c:40 msgid "Is filament loaded?" msgstr "Je filament zavedeny?" # MSG_STEEL_SHEET_CHECK c=20 r=2 #: messages.c:111 msgid "Is steel sheet on heatbed?" msgstr "Je platna na podlozke?" # MSG_LAST_PRINT_FAILURES c=20 #: messages.c:59 msgid "Last print failures" msgstr "Zlyhanie posl. tlace" # MSG_WIZARD_WELCOME_SHIPPING c=20 r=16 #: messages.c:124 msgid "Hi, I am your Original Prusa i3 printer. I will guide you through a short setup process, in which the Z-axis will be calibrated. Then, you will be ready to print." msgstr "Ahoj, som vasa tlaciaren Original Prusa i3. Prevediem vas kratkym procesom nastavenia, v ktorom skalibrujem os Z. Potom budete moct zacat tlacit." # MSG_ADDITIONAL_SHEETS c=20 r=9 #: ultralcd.cpp:5011 msgid "If you have additional steel sheets, calibrate their presets in Settings - HW Setup - Steel sheets." msgstr "Ak mate viac platni, kalibrujte ich v menu Nastavenie - HW nastavenie - Platne" # MSG_LAST_PRINT c=18 #: messages.c:58 msgid "Last print" msgstr "Posledna tlac" # MSG_SELFTEST_EXTRUDER_FAN c=20 #: messages.c:91 msgid "Left hotend fan?" msgstr "Lavy vent na tryske?" # MSG_LEFT c=10 #: ultralcd.cpp:2834 msgid "Left" msgstr "Vlavo" # MSG_BED_CORRECTION_LEFT c=14 #: ultralcd.cpp:3104 msgid "Left side [μm]" msgstr "Vlavo [μm]" # MSG_LIN_CORRECTION c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:5684 msgid "Lin. correction" msgstr "Korekcia lin." # MSG_BABYSTEP_Z c=18 #: messages.c:12 msgid "Live adjust Z" msgstr "Doladenie osi Z" # MSG_INSERT_FIL c=20 r=6 #: ultralcd.cpp:7283 msgid "Insert the filament (do not load it) into the extruder and then press the knob." msgstr "Vlozte filament (nezavadzajte) do extruderu a stlacte tlacidlo" # MSG_LOAD_FILAMENT c=17 #: messages.c:60 msgid "Load filament" msgstr "Zaviest filament" # MSG_LOADING_COLOR c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2506 msgid "Loading color" msgstr "Cistenie farby" # MSG_LOADING_FILAMENT c=20 #: messages.c:61 msgid "Loading filament" msgstr "Zavedenie filamentu" # MSG_ITERATION c=12 #: messages.c:55 msgid "Iteration" msgstr "Opakovanie" # MSG_LOOSE_PULLEY c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8070 msgid "Loose pulley" msgstr "Uvolnena remenica" # MSG_LOAD_TO_NOZZLE c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:6620 msgid "Load to nozzle" msgstr "Zaved. do trysky" # MSG_M117_V2_CALIBRATION c=25 #: messages.c:64 msgid "M117 First layer cal." msgstr "M117 Kal. prvej vrstvy" # MSG_MAIN c=18 #: messages.c:65 msgid "Main" msgstr "Hlavna ponuka" # MSG_BL_HIGH c=12 #: messages.c:157 msgid "Level Bright" msgstr "Normalne" # MSG_BL_LOW c=12 #: messages.c:158 msgid "Level Dimmed" msgstr "Stlmene" # MSG_MEASURE_BED_REFERENCE_HEIGHT_LINE1 c=20 r=3 #: messages.c:69 msgid "Measuring reference height of calibration point" msgstr "Meriam referencnu vysku kalibracneho bodu" # MSG_MESH_BED_LEVELING c=18 #: messages.c:150 msgid "Mesh Bed Leveling" msgstr "" # MSG_MMU_OK_RESUMING_POSITION c=20 r=4 #: mmu.cpp:765 msgid "MMU OK. Resuming position..." msgstr "MMU OK. Pokracujem v tlaci..." # MSG_MMU_OK_RESUMING_TEMPERATURE c=20 r=4 #: mmu.cpp:758 msgid "MMU OK. Resuming temperature..." msgstr "MMU OK. Pokracujem v nahrievani..." # MSG_MEASURED_SKEW c=14 #: ultralcd.cpp:2875 msgid "Measured skew" msgstr "Merane skos." # MSG_MMU_FAILS c=15 #: messages.c:71 msgid "MMU fails" msgstr "Zlyhanie MMU" # MSG_MMU_LOAD_FAILED c=20 #: mmu.cpp:1587 msgid "MMU load failed" msgstr "MMU zaved. zlyhalo" # MSG_MMU_LOAD_FAILS c=15 #: messages.c:72 msgid "MMU load fails" msgstr "MMU zlyhalo" # MSG_MMU_OK_RESUMING c=20 r=4 #: mmu.cpp:776 msgid "MMU OK. Resuming..." msgstr "MMU OK. Pokracujem..." # MSG_MODE c=6 #: messages.c:105 msgid "Mode" msgstr "Mod" # MSG_MK3_FIRMWARE_ON_MK3S c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:884 msgid "MK3 firmware detected on MK3S printer" msgstr "MK3 firmware na MK3S tlaciarni" # MSG_NORMAL c=7 #: messages.c:109 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" # MSG_SILENT c=7 #: messages.c:108 msgid "Silent" msgstr "Tichy" # MSG_MMU_USER_ATTENTION c=20 r=3 #: mmu.cpp:722 msgid "MMU needs user attention." msgstr "MMU potrebuje zasah uzivatela." # MSG_MMU_POWER_FAILS c=15 #: ultralcd.cpp:1507 msgid "MMU power fails" msgstr "MMU vyp. prudu" # MSG_STEALTH c=7 #: messages.c:110 msgid "Stealth" msgstr "Tichy" # MSG_AUTO_POWER c=10 #: messages.c:107 msgid "Auto power" msgstr "Automat." # MSG_HIGH_POWER c=10 #: messages.c:106 msgid "High power" msgstr "Vys. vykon" # MSG_MMU_CONNECTED c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:1987 msgid "MMU2 connected" msgstr "MMU2 pripojene" # MSG_SELFTEST_MOTOR c=18 #: messages.c:98 msgid "Motor" msgstr "" # MSG_MOVE_AXIS c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:5659 msgid "Move axis" msgstr "Posunut os" # MSG_MOVE_X c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:4223 msgid "Move X" msgstr "Posunut X" # MSG_MOVE_Y c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:4224 msgid "Move Y" msgstr "Posunut Y" # MSG_MOVE_Z c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:4225 msgid "Move Z" msgstr "Posunut Z" # MSG_NO_MOVE c=20 #: Marlin_main.cpp:5861 msgid "No move." msgstr "Bez pohybu." # MSG_NO_CARD c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:6600 msgid "No SD card" msgstr "Ziadna SD karta" # MSG_NA c=3 #: messages.c:129 msgid "N/A" msgstr "" # MSG_NO c=4 #: messages.c:73 msgid "No" msgstr "Nie" # MSG_SELFTEST_NOTCONNECTED c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8031 msgid "Not connected" msgstr "Nezapojene" # MSG_NEW_FIRMWARE_AVAILABLE c=20 r=2 #: util.cpp:195 msgid "New firmware version available:" msgstr "Vysla nova verzia firmware:" # MSG_SELFTEST_FAN_NO c=19 #: messages.c:94 msgid "Not spinning" msgstr "Netoci sa" # MSG_WIZARD_V2_CAL c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:4820 msgid "Now I will calibrate distance between tip of the nozzle and heatbed surface." msgstr "Teraz skalibrujem vzdialenost medzi koncom trysky a povrchom podlozky." # MSG_WIZARD_WILL_PREHEAT c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:4949 msgid "Now I will preheat nozzle for PLA." msgstr "Teraz predhrejem trysku pre PLA." # MSG_NOZZLE c=12 #: messages.c:74 msgid "Nozzle" msgstr "Tryska" # MSG_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_LOADED c=20 r=6 #: Marlin_main.cpp:1609 msgid "Old settings found. Default PID, Esteps etc. will be set." msgstr "Neplatne hodnoty nastavenia. Bude pouzite predvolene PID, Esteps atd." # MSG_REMOVE_TEST_PRINT c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:4940 msgid "Now remove the test print from steel sheet." msgstr "Teraz odstrante testovaci vytlacok z platne." # MSG_PAUSE_PRINT c=18 #: messages.c:76 msgid "Pause print" msgstr "Pozastavit tlac" # MSG_PID_RUNNING c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:1322 msgid "PID cal." msgstr "PID kal." # MSG_PID_FINISHED c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:1328 msgid "PID cal. finished" msgstr "PID kal. ukoncena" # MSG_PID_EXTRUDER c=17 #: ultralcd.cpp:5781 msgid "PID calibration" msgstr "PID kalibracia" # MSG_PINDA_PREHEAT c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:678 msgid "PINDA Heating" msgstr "Nahrievanie PINDA" # MSG_PAPER c=20 r=10 #: messages.c:75 msgid "Place a sheet of paper under the nozzle during the calibration of first 4 points. If the nozzle catches the paper, power off the printer immediately." msgstr "Umiestnite list papiera na podlozku a udrzujte ho pod tryskou behom merania prvych 4 bodov. Pokial tryska zachyti papier, okamzite vypnite tlaciaren tlacidlom X." # MSG_WIZARD_CLEAN_HEATBED c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:5006 msgid "Please clean heatbed and then press the knob." msgstr "Prosim ocistite podlozku a stlacte tlacidlo." # MSG_CONFIRM_NOZZLE_CLEAN c=20 r=8 #: messages.c:26 msgid "Please clean the nozzle for calibration. Click when done." msgstr "Pre uspesnu kalibraciu ocistite prosim tlacovu trysku. Potvrdte tlacidlom." # MSG_SELFTEST_PLEASECHECK c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8025 msgid "Please check:" msgstr "Skontrolujte:" # MSG_WIZARD_CALIBRATION_FAILED c=20 r=8 #: messages.c:119 msgid "Please check our handbook and fix the problem. Then resume the Wizard by rebooting the printer." msgstr "Prosim pozrite sa do prirucky a opravte problem. Potom obnovte Sprievodcu restartovanim tlaciarne." # MSG_CHECK_IDLER c=20 r=5 #: Marlin_main.cpp:3802 msgid "Please open idler and remove filament manually." msgstr "Prosim otvorte idler a manualne odstrante filament." # MSG_PLACE_STEEL_SHEET c=20 r=5 #: messages.c:77 msgid "Please place steel sheet on heatbed." msgstr "Umiestnite prosim platnu na podlozku" # MSG_PRESS_TO_UNLOAD c=20 r=4 #: messages.c:81 msgid "Please press the knob to unload filament" msgstr "Pre vysunutie filamentu stlacte prosim tlacidlo" # MSG_PULL_OUT_FILAMENT c=20 r=4 #: messages.c:83 msgid "Please pull out filament immediately" msgstr "Prosim vyberte urychlene filament" # MSG_EJECT_REMOVE c=20 r=4 #: mmu.cpp:1421 msgid "Please remove filament and then press the knob." msgstr "Prosim vyberte filament a potom stlacte tlacidlo." # MSG_REMOVE_STEEL_SHEET c=20 r=4 #: messages.c:86 msgid "Please remove steel sheet from heatbed." msgstr "Odstrante prosim platnu z pozdlozky." # MSG_RUN_XYZ c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:5347 msgid "Please run XYZ calibration first." msgstr "Nejskor spustte kalibraciu XYZ." # MSG_UPDATE_MMU2_FW c=20 r=4 #: mmu.cpp:1341 msgid "Please update firmware in your MMU2. Waiting for reset." msgstr "Prosim aktualizujte firmware v vasej MMU2 jednotke. Cakam na reset." # MSG_PLEASE_WAIT c=20 #: messages.c:78 msgid "Please wait" msgstr "Cakajte prosim" # MSG_REMOVE_SHIPPING_HELPERS c=20 r=3 #: ultralcd.cpp:4939 msgid "Please remove shipping helpers first." msgstr "Najskor prosim odstrante prevozne suciastky." # MSG_PREHEAT_NOZZLE c=20 #: messages.c:80 msgid "Preheat the nozzle!" msgstr "Predhrejte trysku!" # MSG_PREHEAT c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:6558 msgid "Preheat" msgstr "Predohrev" # MSG_WIZARD_HEATING c=20 r=3 #: messages.c:121 msgid "Preheating nozzle. Please wait." msgstr "Predhrev trysky. Prosim cakajte." # MSG_NEW_FIRMWARE_PLEASE_UPGRADE c=20 #: util.cpp:199 msgid "Please upgrade." msgstr "Aktualizujte prosim." # MSG_PRESS_TO_PREHEAT c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:12061 msgid "Press the knob to preheat nozzle and continue." msgstr "Pre nahriatie trysky a pokracovanie stlacte tlacidlo." # MSG_FS_PAUSE c=5 #: fsensor.cpp:730 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Pauza" # MSG_POWER_FAILURES c=15 #: messages.c:79 msgid "Power failures" msgstr "Vypadky prudu" # MSG_PRINT_ABORTED c=20 #: messages.c:82 msgid "Print aborted" msgstr "Tlac prerusena" # MSG_PREHEATING_TO_LOAD c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2287 msgid "Preheating to load" msgstr "Predhrev k zavedeniu" # MSG_PREHEATING_TO_UNLOAD c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2292 msgid "Preheating to unload" msgstr "Predhrev k vybratiu" # MSG_PRINT_FAN_SPEED c=16 #: messages.c:38 msgid "Print fan:" msgstr "Tlacovy vent.:" # MSG_CARD_MENU c=18 #: messages.c:22 msgid "Print from SD" msgstr "Tlac z SD" # MSG_PRESS_KNOB c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2120 msgid "Press the knob" msgstr "Stlacte tlacidlo" # MSG_PRINT_PAUSED c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:902 msgid "Print paused" msgstr "Tlac pozastavena" # MSG_RESUME_NOZZLE_TEMP c=20 r=4 #: mmu.cpp:726 msgid "Press the knob to resume nozzle temperature." msgstr "Pre pokracovanie nahrievania trysky stlacte tlacidlo." # MSG_FOLLOW_CALIBRATION_FLOW c=20 r=8 #: messages.c:48 msgid "Printer has not been calibrated yet. Please follow the manual, chapter First steps, section Calibration flow." msgstr "Tlaciaren nebola este skalibrovana. Postupujte prosim podla manualu, kapitola Zaciname, odstavec Postup kalibracie." # MSG_WIZARD_LOAD_FILAMENT c=20 r=6 #: ultralcd.cpp:4800 msgid "Please insert filament into the extruder, then press the knob to load it." msgstr "Prosim vlozte filament do extruderu a stlacte tlacidlo k jeho zavedeniu" # MSG_MMU_INSERT_FILAMENT_FIRST_TUBE c=20 r=6 #: ultralcd.cpp:4795 msgid "Please insert filament into the first tube of the MMU, then press the knob to load it." msgstr "Prosim vlozte filament do prvej trubicky MMU a stlacte tlacidlo k jeho zavedeniu" # MSG_PLEASE_LOAD_PLA c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:4717 msgid "Please load filament first." msgstr "Prosim najskor zavedte filament" # MSG_BED_CORRECTION_REAR c=14 #: ultralcd.cpp:3107 msgid "Rear side [μm]" msgstr "Vzadu [μm]" # MSG_UNLOAD_FILAMENT_REPEAT c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:7307 msgid "Please unload the filament first, then repeat this action." msgstr "Prosim vyberte filament a zopakujte tuto akciu" # MSG_CHECK_IR_CONNECTION c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:7310 msgid "Please check the IR sensor connection, unload filament if present." msgstr "Prosim skontrolujte zapojenie IR senzoru a vyberte filament" # MSG_RECOVERING_PRINT c=20 #: Marlin_main.cpp:11405 msgid "Recovering print" msgstr "Obnovovanie tlace" # MSG_REMOVE_OLD_FILAMENT c=20 r=5 #: mmu.cpp:833 msgid "Remove old filament and press the knob to start loading new filament." msgstr "Vyberte stary filament a stlacte tlacidlo pre zavedenie noveho." # MSG_CALIBRATE_BED_RESET c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:5786 msgid "Reset XYZ calibr." msgstr "Reset XYZ kalibr." # MSG_RESET c=14 #: messages.c:87 msgid "Reset" msgstr "" # MSG_RESUME_PRINT c=18 #: messages.c:88 msgid "Resume print" msgstr "Pokracovat" # MSG_RESUMING_PRINT c=20 #: messages.c:89 msgid "Resuming print" msgstr "Obnovenie tlace" # MSG_BED_CORRECTION_RIGHT c=14 #: ultralcd.cpp:3105 msgid "Right side[μm]" msgstr "Vpravo [μm]" # MSG_RPI_PORT c=13 #: messages.c:144 msgid "RPi port" msgstr "" # MSG_WIZARD_RERUN c=20 r=7 #: ultralcd.cpp:4738 msgid "Running Wizard will delete current calibration results and start from the beginning. Continue?" msgstr "Spustenie Sprievodcu vymaze ulozene vysledky vsetkych kalibracii a spusti kalibracny proces od zaciatku. Pokracovat?" # MSG_SD_CARD c=8 #: messages.c:140 msgid "SD card" msgstr "SD karta" # MSG_RIGHT c=10 #: ultralcd.cpp:2835 msgid "Right" msgstr "Vpravo" # MSG_FIND_BED_OFFSET_AND_SKEW_LINE1 c=20 r=3 #: messages.c:46 msgid "Searching bed calibration point" msgstr "Hladam kalibracny bod podlozky" # MSG_LANGUAGE_SELECT c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:4441 msgid "Select language" msgstr "Vyber jazyka" # MSG_SELFTEST_OK c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:7582 msgid "Self test OK" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_START c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:7350 msgid "Self test start" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:5762 msgid "Selftest" msgstr "" # MSG_SELFTEST_ERROR c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8024 msgid "Selftest error!" msgstr "Chyba Selftestu!" # MSG_SELFTEST_FAILED c=20 #: messages.c:92 msgid "Selftest failed" msgstr "Selftest zlyhal" # MSG_FORCE_SELFTEST c=20 r=8 #: Marlin_main.cpp:1641 msgid "Selftest will be run to calibrate accurate sensorless rehoming." msgstr "Pre kalibraciu presneho rehomovania bude teraz spusteny selftest." # MSG_SEL_PREHEAT_TEMP c=20 r=6 #: ultralcd.cpp:4980 msgid "Select nozzle preheat temperature which matches your material." msgstr "Vyberte teplotu predohrevu trysky ktora zodpoveda vasmu materialu." # MSG_SET_TEMPERATURE c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:3125 msgid "Set temperature:" msgstr "Nastavte teplotu:" # MSG_SETTINGS c=18 #: messages.c:101 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Nastavenie" # MSG_SHOW_END_STOPS c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:5783 msgid "Show end stops" msgstr "Stav konc. spin." # MSG_FILE_CNT c=20 r=6 #: cardreader.cpp:817 msgid "Some files will not be sorted. Max. No. of files in 1 folder for sorting is 100." msgstr "Niektore subory nebudu zoradene. Maximalny pocet suborov v zlozke pre zoradenie je 100." # MSG_SORT c=7 #: messages.c:141 msgid "Sort" msgstr "Triedit" # MSG_NONE c=8 #: messages.c:131 msgid "None" msgstr "Ziadne" # MSG_SORT_TIME c=8 #: messages.c:142 msgid "Time" msgstr "Cas" # MSG_SEVERE_SKEW c=14 #: ultralcd.cpp:2878 msgid "Severe skew" msgstr "Tazke skos." # MSG_SORT_ALPHA c=8 #: messages.c:143 msgid "Alphabet" msgstr "Abeceda" # MSG_SORTING c=20 #: cardreader.cpp:880 msgid "Sorting files" msgstr "Triedenie suborov" # MSG_SOUND_LOUD c=7 #: messages.c:146 msgid "Loud" msgstr "Hlasny" # MSG_SLIGHT_SKEW c=14 #: ultralcd.cpp:2877 msgid "Slight skew" msgstr "Lahke skos." # MSG_SOUND c=7 #: messages.c:145 msgid "Sound" msgstr "Zvuk" # MSG_RUNOUTS c=7 #: ultralcd.cpp:1583 msgid "Runouts" msgstr "" # MSG_Z-LEVELING_ENFORCED c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:3307 msgid "Some problem encountered, Z-leveling enforced ..." msgstr "Vyskytol sa problem, zarovnam os Z ..." # MSG_SOUND_ONCE c=7 #: messages.c:147 msgid "Once" msgstr "Raz" # MSG_SPEED c=15 #: ultralcd.cpp:6785 msgid "Speed" msgstr "Rychlost" # MSG_SELFTEST_FAN_YES c=19 #: messages.c:95 msgid "Spinning" msgstr "Toci sa" # MSG_TEMP_CAL_WARNING c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:5360 msgid "Stable ambient temperature 21-26C is needed a rigid stand is required." msgstr "Je vyzadovana stabilna izbova teplota 21-26C a pevna podlozka." # MSG_STATISTICS c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:6063 msgid "Statistics" msgstr "Statistika" # MSG_STOP_PRINT c=18 #: messages.c:112 msgid "Stop print" msgstr "Zastavit tlac" # MSG_STOPPED c=20 #: messages.c:113 msgid "STOPPED." msgstr "ZASTAVENE." # MSG_SUPPORT c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:6659 msgid "Support" msgstr "Podpora" # MSG_SELFTEST_SWAPPED c=16 #: ultralcd.cpp:8083 msgid "Swapped" msgstr "Prehodene" # MSG_SELECT_FILAMENT c=20 #: messages.c:57 msgid "Select filament:" msgstr "Zvolte filament:" # MSG_PINDA_CALIBRATION c=13 #: messages.c:114 msgid "PINDA cal." msgstr "PINDA kal." # MSG_SELECT_TEMP_MATCHES_MATERIAL c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:4829 msgid "Select temperature which matches your material." msgstr "Zvolte teplotu, ktora odpoveda vasmu materialu." # MSG_PINDA_CAL_FAILED c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:3761 msgid "PINDA calibration failed" msgstr "Teplotna kalibracia zlyhala" # MSG_PINDA_CALIBRATION_DONE c=20 r=8 #: messages.c:115 msgid "PINDA calibration is finished and active. It can be disabled in menu Settings->PINDA cal." msgstr "PINDA kalibracia dokoncena a je teraz aktivna. Da je mozno deaktivovat v menu Nastavenie->PINDA kal." # MSG_FS_VERIFIED c=20 r=3 #: ultralcd.cpp:7314 msgid "Sensor verified, remove the filament now." msgstr "Senzor overeny, vyberte filament." # MSG_TEMPERATURE c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:5655 msgid "Temperature" msgstr "Teplota" # MSG_MENU_TEMPERATURES c=15 #: ultralcd.cpp:2037 msgid "Temperatures" msgstr "Teploty" # MSG_FOLLOW_Z_CALIBRATION_FLOW c=20 r=9 #: messages.c:49 msgid "There is still a need to make Z calibration. Please follow the manual, chapter First steps, section Calibration flow." msgstr "Je potrebne skalibrovat os Z. Prosim postupujte podla prirucky, kapitola Zaciname, sekcia Postup kalibracie." # MSG_TOTAL_FILAMENT c=19 #: ultralcd.cpp:2725 msgid "Total filament" msgstr "Filament celkom" # MSG_TOTAL_PRINT_TIME c=19 #: ultralcd.cpp:2726 msgid "Total print time" msgstr "Celkovy cas tlace" # MSG_TUNE c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:6556 msgid "Tune" msgstr "Ladit" # MSG_TOTAL_FAILURES c=20 #: messages.c:103 msgid "Total failures" msgstr "Celkom zlyhani" # MSG_TO_LOAD_FIL c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2127 msgid "to load filament" msgstr "k zavedeniu filam." # MSG_TO_UNLOAD_FIL c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2131 msgid "to unload filament" msgstr "k vybraniu filamentu" # MSG_UNLOAD_FILAMENT c=18 #: messages.c:116 msgid "Unload filament" msgstr "Vybrat filament" # MSG_UNLOADING_FILAMENT c=20 #: messages.c:117 msgid "Unloading filament" msgstr "Vysuvam filament" # MSG_TOTAL c=6 #: messages.c:102 msgid "Total" msgstr "Celkom" # MSG_MENU_VOLTAGES c=15 #: ultralcd.cpp:2040 msgid "Voltages" msgstr "Napatie" # MSG_UNKNOWN c=13 #: ultralcd.cpp:1995 msgid "unknown" msgstr "neznamy" # MSG_USERWAIT c=20 #: Marlin_main.cpp:4354 msgid "Wait for user..." msgstr "Caka sa na uzivatela" # MSG_WAITING_TEMP c=20 r=4 #: ultralcd.cpp:3273 msgid "Waiting for nozzle and bed cooling" msgstr "Cakanie na schladenie trysky a podlozky." # MSG_WAITING_TEMP_PINDA c=20 r=3 #: ultralcd.cpp:3234 msgid "Waiting for PINDA probe cooling" msgstr "Cakanie na schladnutie PINDA" # MSG_CHANGED_BOTH c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:1601 msgid "Warning: both printer type and motherboard type changed." msgstr "Varovanie: doslo k zmene typu tlaciarne a motherboardu." # MSG_CHANGED_MOTHERBOARD c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:1593 msgid "Warning: motherboard type changed." msgstr "Varovanie: doslo k zmene typu motherboardu." # MSG_CHANGED_PRINTER c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:1597 msgid "Warning: printer type changed." msgstr "Varovanie: doslo k zmene typu tlaciarne." # MSG_UNLOAD_SUCCESSFUL c=20 r=2 #: Marlin_main.cpp:3793 msgid "Was filament unload successful?" msgstr "Bolo vysunutie filamentu uspesne?" # MSG_SELFTEST_WIRINGERROR c=18 #: messages.c:100 msgid "Wiring error" msgstr "Chyba zapojenia" # MSG_WIZARD c=17 #: ultralcd.cpp:5753 msgid "Wizard" msgstr "Sprievodca" # MSG_XYZ_DETAILS c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:2029 msgid "XYZ cal. details" msgstr "Detaily XYZ kal." # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_FITTING_FAILED c=20 r=8 #: messages.c:18 msgid "XYZ calibration failed. Please consult the manual." msgstr "Kalibracia XYZ zlyhala. Nahliadnite do manualu." # MSG_YES c=4 #: messages.c:125 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Ano" # MSG_WIZARD_QUIT c=20 r=8 #: messages.c:122 msgid "You can always resume the Wizard from Calibration -> Wizard." msgstr "Sprievodcu mozete kedykolvek znovu spustit z menu Kalibracia -> Sprievodca" # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_SKEW_EXTREME c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3733 msgid "XYZ calibration all right. Skew will be corrected automatically." msgstr "Kalibracia XYZ v poradku. Skosenie bude automaticky vyrovnane pri tlaci." # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_SKEW_MILD c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3730 msgid "XYZ calibration all right. X/Y axes are slightly skewed. Good job!" msgstr "Kalibracia XYZ v poriadku. X/Y osi mierne skosene. Dobra praca!" # MSG_TIMEOUT c=12 #: messages.c:159 msgid "Timeout" msgstr "" # MSG_X_CORRECTION c=13 #: ultralcd.cpp:5068 msgid "X-correct:" msgstr "Korekcia X:" # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_PERFECT c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3727 msgid "XYZ calibration ok. X/Y axes are perpendicular. Congratulations!" msgstr "Kalibracia XYZ v poradku. X/Y osi su kolme. Gratulujem!" # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_WARNING_FRONT_BOTH_FAR c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3711 msgid "XYZ calibration compromised. Front calibration points not reachable." msgstr "Kalibracia XYZ nepresna. Predne kalibracne body su velmi vpredu." # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_WARNING_FRONT_RIGHT_FAR c=20 r=8 #: ultralcd.cpp:3714 msgid "XYZ calibration compromised. Right front calibration point not reachable." msgstr "Kalibracia XYZ nepresna. Pravy predny bod je velmi vpredu." # MSG_LOAD_ALL c=17 #: ultralcd.cpp:6149 msgid "Load all" msgstr "Zaviest vsetko" # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_POINT_NOT_FOUND c=20 r=6 #: ultralcd.cpp:3693 msgid "XYZ calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found." msgstr "Kalibracia XYZ zlyhala. Kalibracny bod podlozky nenajdeny." # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_FAILED_FRONT_BOTH_FAR c=20 r=6 #: ultralcd.cpp:3699 msgid "XYZ calibration failed. Front calibration points not reachable." msgstr "Kalibracia XYZ zlyhala. Predne kalibracne body velmi vpredu. Zrovnajte tlaciaren." # MSG_BED_SKEW_OFFSET_DETECTION_FAILED_FRONT_RIGHT_FAR c=20 r=6 #: ultralcd.cpp:3702 msgid "XYZ calibration failed. Right front calibration point not reachable." msgstr "Kalibracia XYZ zlyhala. Pravy predny bod velmi vpredu. Zrovnajte tlaciaren." # MSG_Y_DIST_FROM_MIN c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2832 msgid "Y distance from min" msgstr "Y vzdialenost od min" # MSG_WIZARD_V2_CAL_2 c=20 r=12 #: ultralcd.cpp:4832 msgid "The printer will start printing a zig-zag line. Rotate the knob until you reach the optimal height. Check the pictures in the handbook (Calibration chapter)." msgstr "Tlaciaren zacne tlacit lomenu ciaru. Otacanim tlacidla nastavte optimalnu vysku. Postupujte podla obrazku v handbooku (kapitola Kalibracia)." # MSG_FIL_FAILED c=20 r=5 #: ultralcd.cpp:7318 msgid "Verification failed, remove the filament and try again." msgstr "Overenie zlyhalo, vyberte filament a skuste znovu." # MSG_Y_CORRECTION c=13 #: ultralcd.cpp:5069 msgid "Y-correct:" msgstr "Korekcia Y:" # MSG_OFF c=3 #: messages.c:127 msgid "Off" msgstr "Vyp" # MSG_ON c=3 #: messages.c:128 msgid "On" msgstr "Zap" # MSG_BACK c=18 #: messages.c:66 msgid "Back" msgstr "Spat" # MSG_CHECKS c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:5623 msgid "Checks" msgstr "Kontrola" # MSG_FALSE_TRIGGERING c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8093 msgid "False triggering" msgstr "Falosne spustenie" # MSG_STRICT c=8 #: messages.c:133 msgid "Strict" msgstr "Prisne" # MSG_WARN c=8 #: messages.c:132 msgid "Warn" msgstr "Varovat" # MSG_HW_SETUP c=18 #: messages.c:104 msgid "HW Setup" msgstr "HW nastavenie" # MSG_MAGNETS_COMP c=13 #: messages.c:152 msgid "Magnets comp." msgstr "Komp. magnetu" # MSG_MESH c=12 #: messages.c:149 msgid "Mesh" msgstr "" # MSG_MK3S_FIRMWARE_ON_MK3 c=20 r=4 #: Marlin_main.cpp:877 msgid "MK3S firmware detected on MK3 printer" msgstr "MK3S firmware na MK3 tlaciarni" # MSG_MMU_MODE c=8 #: messages.c:139 msgid "MMU Mode" msgstr "MMU mod" # MSG_MODE_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS c=20 r=3 #: ultralcd.cpp:4356 msgid "Mode change in progress..." msgstr "Prebieha zmena modu..." # MSG_MODEL c=8 #: messages.c:134 msgid "Model" msgstr "" # MSG_NOZZLE_DIAMETER c=10 #: messages.c:138 msgid "Nozzle d." msgstr "Tryska" # MSG_GCODE_DIFF_CONTINUE c=20 r=4 #: util.cpp:414 msgid "G-code sliced for a different level. Continue?" msgstr "G-code pripraveny pre inu uroven. Pokracovat?" # MSG_GCODE_DIFF_CANCELLED c=20 r=7 #: util.cpp:420 msgid "G-code sliced for a different level. Please re-slice the model again. Print cancelled." msgstr "G-code pripraveny pre inu verziu. Vygenerujte G-code znova. Tlac zrusena." # MSG_GCODE_DIFF_PRINTER_CONTINUE c=20 r=5 #: messages.c:136 msgid "G-code sliced for a different printer type. Continue?" msgstr "G-code je pripraveny pre iny typ tlaciarne. Pokracovat?" # MSG_GCODE_DIFF_PRINTER_CANCELLED c=20 r=8 #: messages.c:137 msgid "G-code sliced for a different printer type. Please re-slice the model again. Print cancelled." msgstr "G-code je pripraveny pre iny typ tlaciarne. Vygenerujte G-code znova. Tlac zrusena." # MSG_GCODE_NEWER_FIRMWARE_CONTINUE c=20 r=5 #: util.cpp:381 msgid "G-code sliced for a newer firmware. Continue?" msgstr "G-code je pripraveny pre novsi firmware. Pokracovat?" # MSG_GCODE_NEWER_FIRMWARE_CANCELLED c=20 r=8 #: util.cpp:387 msgid "G-code sliced for a newer firmware. Please update the firmware. Print cancelled." msgstr "G-code je pripraveny pre novsi firmware. Prosim aktualizujte firmware. Tlac zrusena." # MSG_PREHEATING_TO_CUT c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2299 msgid "Preheating to cut" msgstr "Predhrev k strihu" # MSG_PREHEATING_TO_EJECT c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:2296 msgid "Preheating to eject" msgstr "Predhrev k vysunutiu" # MSG_NOZZLE_DIFFERS_CONTINUE c=20 r=5 #: util.cpp:294 msgid "Printer nozzle diameter differs from the G-code. Continue?" msgstr "Priemer trysky tlaciarne sa lisi od G-code. Pokracovat?" # MSG_NOZZLE_DIFFERS_CANCELLED c=20 r=9 #: util.cpp:301 msgid "Printer nozzle diameter differs from the G-code. Please check the value in settings. Print cancelled." msgstr "Priemer trysky tlaciarne sa lisi od G-code. Prosim skontrolujte nastavenie. Tlac zrusena." # MSG_SELFTEST_FS_LEVEL c=20 #: ultralcd.cpp:8098 msgid "%s level expected" msgstr "Ocakavana verzia %s" # MSG_RENAME c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:6482 msgid "Rename" msgstr "Premenovat" # MSG_SELECT c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:6475 msgid "Select" msgstr "Vybrat" # MSG_INFO_SENSORS c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:2031 msgid "Sensor info" msgstr "Senzor info" # MSG_SHEET c=10 #: messages.c:67 msgid "Sheet" msgstr "Platna" # MSG_SOUND_BLIND c=7 #: messages.c:148 msgid "Assist" msgstr "Asist." # MSG_STEEL_SHEET c=18 #: messages.c:68 msgid "Steel sheets" msgstr "Platne" # MSG_Z_CORRECTION c=13 #: ultralcd.cpp:5070 msgid "Z-correct:" msgstr "Korekcia Z:" # MSG_Z_PROBE_NR c=14 #: messages.c:151 msgid "Z-probe nr." msgstr "Pocet merani Z" # MSG_PRINTER_IP c=18 #: ultralcd.cpp:2018 msgid "Printer IP Addr:" msgstr "IP adr. tlaciarne:"