//mmu.cpp #include "mmu.h" #include "planner.h" #include "language.h" #include "lcd.h" #include "uart2.h" #include "temperature.h" #include "Configuration_prusa.h" #include "fsensor.h" #include "cardreader.h" #include "ultralcd.h" #include "sound.h" #include "printers.h" #include #include "io_atmega2560.h" #ifdef TMC2130 #include "tmc2130.h" #endif //TMC2130 #define CHECK_FINDA ((IS_SD_PRINTING || is_usb_printing) && (mcode_in_progress != 600) && !saved_printing && e_active()) #define MMU_TODELAY 100 #define MMU_TIMEOUT 10 #define MMU_CMD_TIMEOUT 300000ul //5min timeout for mmu commands (except P0) #define MMU_P0_TIMEOUT 3000ul //timeout for P0 command: 3seconds #ifdef MMU_HWRESET #define MMU_RST_PIN 76 #endif //MMU_HWRESET bool mmu_enabled = false; bool mmu_ready = false; bool mmu_fil_loaded = false; //if true: blocks execution of duplicit T-codes static int8_t mmu_state = 0; uint8_t mmu_cmd = 0; //idler ir sensor uint8_t mmu_idl_sens = 0; bool mmu_idler_sensor_detected = false; bool mmu_loading_flag = false; uint8_t mmu_extruder = MMU_FILAMENT_UNKNOWN; //! This variable probably has no meaning and is planed to be removed uint8_t tmp_extruder = MMU_FILAMENT_UNKNOWN; int8_t mmu_finda = -1; int16_t mmu_version = -1; int16_t mmu_buildnr = -1; uint32_t mmu_last_request = 0; uint32_t mmu_last_response = 0; uint8_t mmu_last_cmd = 0; uint16_t mmu_power_failures = 0; //clear rx buffer void mmu_clr_rx_buf(void) { while (fgetc(uart2io) >= 0); } //send command - puts int mmu_puts_P(const char* str) { mmu_clr_rx_buf(); //clear rx buffer int r = fputs_P(str, uart2io); //send command mmu_last_request = millis(); return r; } //send command - printf int mmu_printf_P(const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); mmu_clr_rx_buf(); //clear rx buffer int r = vfprintf_P(uart2io, format, args); //send command va_end(args); mmu_last_request = millis(); return r; } //check 'ok' response int8_t mmu_rx_ok(void) { int8_t res = uart2_rx_str_P(PSTR("ok\n")); if (res == 1) mmu_last_response = millis(); return res; } //check 'start' response int8_t mmu_rx_start(void) { int8_t res = uart2_rx_str_P(PSTR("start\n")); if (res == 1) mmu_last_response = millis(); return res; } //initialize mmu2 unit - first part - should be done at begining of startup process void mmu_init(void) { #ifdef MMU_HWRESET digitalWrite(MMU_RST_PIN, HIGH); pinMode(MMU_RST_PIN, OUTPUT); //setup reset pin #endif //MMU_HWRESET uart2_init(); //init uart2 _delay_ms(10); //wait 10ms for sure mmu_reset(); //reset mmu (HW or SW), do not wait for response mmu_state = -1; PIN_INP(MMU_IDLER_SENSOR_PIN); //input mode PIN_SET(MMU_IDLER_SENSOR_PIN); //pullup } //returns true if idler IR sensor was detected, otherwise returns false bool check_for_idler_sensor() { bool detected = false; //if MMU_IDLER_SENSOR_PIN input is low and pat9125sensor is not present we detected idler sensor if ((PIN_GET(MMU_IDLER_SENSOR_PIN) == 0) && fsensor_not_responding) { detected = true; //printf_P(PSTR("Idler IR sensor detected\n")); } else { //printf_P(PSTR("Idler IR sensor not detected\n")); } return detected; } //mmu main loop - state machine processing void mmu_loop(void) { int filament = 0; // printf_P(PSTR("MMU loop, state=%d\n"), mmu_state); switch (mmu_state) { case 0: return; case -1: if (mmu_rx_start() > 0) { #ifdef MMU_DEBUG puts_P(PSTR("MMU => 'start'")); puts_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'S1'")); #endif //MMU_DEBUG mmu_puts_P(PSTR("S1\n")); //send 'read version' request mmu_state = -2; } else if (millis() > 30000) //30sec after reset disable mmu { puts_P(PSTR("MMU not responding - DISABLED")); mmu_state = 0; } return; case -2: if (mmu_rx_ok() > 0) { fscanf_P(uart2io, PSTR("%u"), &mmu_version); //scan version from buffer #ifdef MMU_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU => '%dok'\n"), mmu_version); puts_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'S2'")); #endif //MMU_DEBUG mmu_puts_P(PSTR("S2\n")); //send 'read buildnr' request mmu_state = -3; } return; case -3: if (mmu_rx_ok() > 0) { fscanf_P(uart2io, PSTR("%u"), &mmu_buildnr); //scan buildnr from buffer #ifdef MMU_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU => '%dok'\n"), mmu_buildnr); #endif //MMU_DEBUG bool version_valid = mmu_check_version(); if (!version_valid) mmu_show_warning(); else puts_P(PSTR("MMU version valid")); if ((PRINTER_TYPE == PRINTER_MK3) || (PRINTER_TYPE == PRINTER_MK3_SNMM)) { #if defined MMU_DEBUG && defined MMU_FINDA_DEBUG puts_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'P0'")); #endif //MMU_DEBUG && MMU_FINDA_DEBUG mmu_puts_P(PSTR("P0\n")); //send 'read finda' request mmu_state = -4; } else { #ifdef MMU_DEBUG puts_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'M1'")); #endif //MMU_DEBUG mmu_puts_P(PSTR("M1\n")); //set mmu mode to stealth mmu_state = -5; } } return; case -5: if (mmu_rx_ok() > 0) { #if defined MMU_DEBUG && defined MMU_FINDA_DEBUG puts_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'P0'")); #endif //MMU_DEBUG && MMU_FINDA_DEBUG mmu_puts_P(PSTR("P0\n")); //send 'read finda' request mmu_state = -4; } return; case -4: if (mmu_rx_ok() > 0) { fscanf_P(uart2io, PSTR("%hhu"), &mmu_finda); //scan finda from buffer #if defined MMU_DEBUG && defined MMU_FINDA_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU => '%dok'\n"), mmu_finda); #endif //MMU_DEBUG && MMU_FINDA_DEBUG puts_P(PSTR("MMU - ENABLED")); mmu_enabled = true; //if we have filament loaded into the nozzle, we can decide if printer has idler sensor right now; otherwise we will will wait till start of T-code so it will be detected on beginning of second T-code if(check_for_idler_sensor()) mmu_idler_sensor_detected = true; mmu_state = 1; } return; case 1: if (mmu_cmd) //command request ? { if ((mmu_cmd >= MMU_CMD_T0) && (mmu_cmd <= MMU_CMD_T4)) { filament = mmu_cmd - MMU_CMD_T0; #ifdef MMU_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'T%d'\n"), filament); #endif //MMU_DEBUG mmu_printf_P(PSTR("T%d\n"), filament); mmu_state = 3; // wait for response mmu_fil_loaded = true; if(mmu_idler_sensor_detected) mmu_idl_sens = 1; //if idler sensor detected, use it for T-code } else if ((mmu_cmd >= MMU_CMD_L0) && (mmu_cmd <= MMU_CMD_L4)) { filament = mmu_cmd - MMU_CMD_L0; #ifdef MMU_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'L%d'\n"), filament); #endif //MMU_DEBUG mmu_printf_P(PSTR("L%d\n"), filament); mmu_state = 3; // wait for response } else if (mmu_cmd == MMU_CMD_C0) { #ifdef MMU_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'C0'\n")); #endif //MMU_DEBUG mmu_puts_P(PSTR("C0\n")); //send 'continue loading' mmu_state = 3; if(mmu_idler_sensor_detected) mmu_idl_sens = 1; //if idler sensor detected use it for C0 code } else if (mmu_cmd == MMU_CMD_U0) { #ifdef MMU_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'U0'\n")); #endif //MMU_DEBUG mmu_puts_P(PSTR("U0\n")); //send 'unload current filament' mmu_fil_loaded = false; mmu_state = 3; } else if ((mmu_cmd >= MMU_CMD_E0) && (mmu_cmd <= MMU_CMD_E4)) { int filament = mmu_cmd - MMU_CMD_E0; #ifdef MMU_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'E%d'\n"), filament); #endif //MMU_DEBUG mmu_printf_P(PSTR("E%d\n"), filament); //send eject filament mmu_fil_loaded = false; mmu_state = 3; // wait for response } else if (mmu_cmd == MMU_CMD_R0) { #ifdef MMU_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'R0'\n")); #endif //MMU_DEBUG mmu_puts_P(PSTR("R0\n")); //send recover after eject mmu_state = 3; // wait for response } else if (mmu_cmd == MMU_CMD_S3) { #ifdef MMU_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'S3'\n")); #endif //MMU_DEBUG mmu_puts_P(PSTR("S3\n")); //send power failures request mmu_state = 4; // power failures response } mmu_last_cmd = mmu_cmd; mmu_cmd = 0; } else if ((mmu_last_response + 300) < millis()) //request every 300ms { if(check_for_idler_sensor()) mmu_idler_sensor_detected = true; #if defined MMU_DEBUG && defined MMU_FINDA_DEBUG puts_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'P0'")); #endif //MMU_DEBUG && MMU_FINDA_DEBUG mmu_puts_P(PSTR("P0\n")); //send 'read finda' request mmu_state = 2; } return; case 2: //response to command P0 if (mmu_rx_ok() > 0) { fscanf_P(uart2io, PSTR("%hhu"), &mmu_finda); //scan finda from buffer #if defined MMU_DEBUG && MMU_FINDA_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU => '%dok'\n"), mmu_finda); #endif //MMU_DEBUG && MMU_FINDA_DEBUG //printf_P(PSTR("Eact: %d\n"), int(e_active())); if (!mmu_finda && CHECK_FINDA && fsensor_enabled) { fsensor_stop_and_save_print(); enquecommand_front_P(PSTR("FSENSOR_RECOVER")); //then recover if (lcd_autoDepleteEnabled()) enquecommand_front_P(PSTR("M600 AUTO")); //save print and run M600 command else enquecommand_front_P(PSTR("M600")); //save print and run M600 command } mmu_state = 1; if (mmu_cmd == 0) mmu_ready = true; } else if ((mmu_last_request + MMU_P0_TIMEOUT) < millis()) { //resend request after timeout (30s) mmu_state = 1; } return; case 3: //response to mmu commands if (mmu_idler_sensor_detected) { if (mmu_idl_sens) { if (PIN_GET(MMU_IDLER_SENSOR_PIN) == 0 && mmu_loading_flag) { #ifdef MMU_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'A'\n")); #endif //MMU_DEBUG mmu_puts_P(PSTR("A\n")); //send 'abort' request mmu_idl_sens = 0; //printf_P(PSTR("MMU IDLER_SENSOR = 0 - ABORT\n")); } //else //printf_P(PSTR("MMU IDLER_SENSOR = 1 - WAIT\n")); } } if (mmu_rx_ok() > 0) { #ifdef MMU_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU => 'ok'\n")); #endif //MMU_DEBUG mmu_last_cmd = 0; mmu_ready = true; mmu_state = 1; } else if ((mmu_last_request + MMU_CMD_TIMEOUT) < millis()) { //resend request after timeout (5 min) if (mmu_last_cmd) { #ifdef MMU_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU retry\n")); #endif //MMU_DEBUG mmu_cmd = mmu_last_cmd; // mmu_last_cmd = 0; //resend just once } mmu_state = 1; } return; case 4: if (mmu_rx_ok() > 0) { fscanf_P(uart2io, PSTR("%d"), &mmu_power_failures); //scan finda from buffer #ifdef MMU_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("MMU => 'ok'\n")); #endif //MMU_DEBUG mmu_last_cmd = 0; mmu_ready = true; mmu_state = 1; } else if ((mmu_last_request + MMU_CMD_TIMEOUT) < millis()) { //resend request after timeout (5 min) mmu_state = 1; } } } void mmu_reset(void) { #ifdef MMU_HWRESET //HW - pulse reset pin digitalWrite(MMU_RST_PIN, LOW); _delay_us(100); digitalWrite(MMU_RST_PIN, HIGH); #else //SW - send X0 command mmu_puts_P(PSTR("X0\n")); #endif } int8_t mmu_set_filament_type(uint8_t extruder, uint8_t filament) { printf_P(PSTR("MMU <= 'F%d %d'\n"), extruder, filament); mmu_printf_P(PSTR("F%d %d\n"), extruder, filament); unsigned char timeout = MMU_TIMEOUT; //10x100ms while ((mmu_rx_ok() <= 0) && (--timeout)) delay_keep_alive(MMU_TODELAY); return timeout?1:0; } void mmu_command(uint8_t cmd) { #ifdef TMC2130 if ((cmd >= MMU_CMD_T0) && (cmd <= MMU_CMD_T4)) { //disable extruder motor tmc2130_set_pwr(E_AXIS, 0); //printf_P(PSTR("E-axis disabled\n")); } #endif //TMC2130 mmu_cmd = cmd; mmu_ready = false; } void mmu_load_step() { current_position[E_AXIS] = current_position[E_AXIS] + MMU_LOAD_FEEDRATE * 0.1; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], MMU_LOAD_FEEDRATE, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); } bool mmu_get_response(uint8_t move) { mmu_loading_flag = false; if (!mmu_idler_sensor_detected) move = MMU_NO_MOVE; printf_P(PSTR("mmu_get_response - begin move:%d\n"), move); KEEPALIVE_STATE(IN_PROCESS); while (mmu_cmd != 0) { // mmu_loop(); delay_keep_alive(100); } while (!mmu_ready) { // mmu_loop(); if (mmu_state != 3) break; switch (move) { case MMU_LOAD_MOVE: mmu_loading_flag = true; mmu_load_step(); break; case MMU_UNLOAD_MOVE: if (PIN_GET(MMU_IDLER_SENSOR_PIN) == 0) //filament is still detected by idler sensor, printer helps with unlading { printf_P(PSTR("Unload 1\n")); current_position[E_AXIS] = current_position[E_AXIS] - MMU_LOAD_FEEDRATE * MMU_LOAD_TIME_MS*0.001; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], MMU_LOAD_FEEDRATE, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); } else //filament was unloaded from idler, no additional movements needed { printf_P(PSTR("Unloading finished 1\n")); disable_e0(); //turn off E-stepper to prevent overheating and alow filament pull-out if necessary move = MMU_NO_MOVE; } break; case MMU_TCODE_MOVE: //first do unload and then continue with infinite loading movements if (PIN_GET(MMU_IDLER_SENSOR_PIN) == 0) //filament detected by idler sensor, we must unload first { printf_P(PSTR("Unload 2\n")); current_position[E_AXIS] = current_position[E_AXIS] - MMU_LOAD_FEEDRATE * MMU_LOAD_TIME_MS*0.001; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], MMU_LOAD_FEEDRATE, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); } else //delay to allow mmu unit to pull out filament from bondtech gears and then start with infinite loading { printf_P(PSTR("Unloading finished 2\n")); disable_e0(); //turn off E-stepper to prevent overheating and alow filament pull-out if necessary delay_keep_alive(MMU_LOAD_TIME_MS); move = MMU_LOAD_MOVE; } break; case MMU_NO_MOVE: default: delay_keep_alive(100); break; } } bool ret = mmu_ready; mmu_ready = false; // printf_P(PSTR("mmu_get_response - end %d\n"), ret?1:0); return ret; /* //waits for "ok" from mmu //function returns true if "ok" was received //if timeout is set to true function return false if there is no "ok" received before timeout bool response = true; LongTimer mmu_get_reponse_timeout; KEEPALIVE_STATE(IN_PROCESS); mmu_get_reponse_timeout.start(); while (mmu_rx_ok() <= 0) { delay_keep_alive(100); if (timeout && mmu_get_reponse_timeout.expired(5 * 60 * 1000ul)) { //5 minutes timeout response = false; break; } } printf_P(PSTR("mmu_get_response - end %d\n"), response?1:0); return response;*/ } void manage_response(bool move_axes, bool turn_off_nozzle, uint8_t move) { bool response = false; mmu_print_saved = false; bool lcd_update_was_enabled = false; float hotend_temp_bckp = degTargetHotend(active_extruder); float z_position_bckp = current_position[Z_AXIS]; float x_position_bckp = current_position[X_AXIS]; float y_position_bckp = current_position[Y_AXIS]; uint8_t screen = 0; //used for showing multiscreen messages while(!response) { response = mmu_get_response(move); //wait for "ok" from mmu if (!response) { //no "ok" was received in reserved time frame, user will fix the issue on mmu unit if (!mmu_print_saved) { //first occurence, we are saving current position, park print head in certain position and disable nozzle heater eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_MMU_FAIL, eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_MMU_FAIL) + 1); eeprom_update_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_MMU_FAIL_TOT, eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_MMU_FAIL_TOT) + 1); if (lcd_update_enabled) { lcd_update_was_enabled = true; lcd_update_enable(false); } st_synchronize(); mmu_print_saved = true; printf_P(PSTR("MMU not responding\n")); hotend_temp_bckp = degTargetHotend(active_extruder); if (move_axes) { z_position_bckp = current_position[Z_AXIS]; x_position_bckp = current_position[X_AXIS]; y_position_bckp = current_position[Y_AXIS]; //lift z current_position[Z_AXIS] += Z_PAUSE_LIFT; if (current_position[Z_AXIS] > Z_MAX_POS) current_position[Z_AXIS] = Z_MAX_POS; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 15, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); //Move XY to side current_position[X_AXIS] = X_PAUSE_POS; current_position[Y_AXIS] = Y_PAUSE_POS; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 50, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); } if (turn_off_nozzle) { //set nozzle target temperature to 0 setAllTargetHotends(0); } } //first three lines are used for printing multiscreen message; last line contains measured and target nozzle temperature if (screen == 0) { //screen 0 lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_i("MMU needs user attention.")); screen++; } else { //screen 1 if((degTargetHotend(active_extruder) == 0) && turn_off_nozzle) lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_i("Press the knob to resume nozzle temperature.")); else lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_i("Fix the issue and then press button on MMU unit.")); screen=0; } lcd_set_degree(); lcd_set_cursor(0, 4); //line 4 //Print the hotend temperature (9 chars total) and fill rest of the line with space int chars = lcd_printf_P(_N("%c%3d/%d%c"), LCD_STR_THERMOMETER[0],(int)(degHotend(active_extruder) + 0.5), (int)(degTargetHotend(active_extruder) + 0.5), LCD_STR_DEGREE[0]); lcd_space(9 - chars); //5 seconds delay for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 50; i++) { if (lcd_clicked()) { setTargetHotend(hotend_temp_bckp, active_extruder); break; } delay_keep_alive(100); } } else if (mmu_print_saved) { printf_P(PSTR("MMU starts responding\n")); if (turn_off_nozzle) { lcd_clear(); setTargetHotend(hotend_temp_bckp, active_extruder); if (((degTargetHotend(active_extruder) - degHotend(active_extruder)) > 5)) { lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_i("MMU OK. Resuming temperature...")); delay_keep_alive(3000); } while ((degTargetHotend(active_extruder) - degHotend(active_extruder)) > 5) { delay_keep_alive(1000); lcd_wait_for_heater(); } } if (move_axes) { lcd_clear(); lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_i("MMU OK. Resuming position...")); current_position[X_AXIS] = x_position_bckp; current_position[Y_AXIS] = y_position_bckp; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 50, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); current_position[Z_AXIS] = z_position_bckp; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 15, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); } else { lcd_clear(); lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_i("MMU OK. Resuming...")); delay_keep_alive(1000); //delay just for showing MMU OK message for a while in case that there are no xyz movements } } } if (lcd_update_was_enabled) lcd_update_enable(true); #ifdef TMC2130 //enable extruder motor (disabled in mmu_command, start of T-code processing) tmc2130_set_pwr(E_AXIS, 1); //printf_P(PSTR("E-axis enabled\n")); #endif //TMC2130 } //! @brief load filament to nozzle of multimaterial printer //! //! This function is used only only after T? (user select filament) and M600 (change filament). //! It is not used after T0 .. T4 command (select filament), in such case, gcode is responsible for loading //! filament to nozzle. //! void mmu_load_to_nozzle() { st_synchronize(); bool saved_e_relative_mode = axis_relative_modes[E_AXIS]; if (!saved_e_relative_mode) axis_relative_modes[E_AXIS] = true; if (mmu_idler_sensor_detected) { current_position[E_AXIS] += 3.0f; } else { current_position[E_AXIS] += 7.2f; } float feedrate = 562; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], feedrate / 60, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); current_position[E_AXIS] += 14.4f; feedrate = 871; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], feedrate / 60, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); current_position[E_AXIS] += 36.0f; feedrate = 1393; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], feedrate / 60, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); current_position[E_AXIS] += 14.4f; feedrate = 871; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], feedrate / 60, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); if (!saved_e_relative_mode) axis_relative_modes[E_AXIS] = false; } void mmu_M600_wait_and_beep() { //Beep and wait for user to remove old filament and prepare new filament for load KEEPALIVE_STATE(PAUSED_FOR_USER); int counterBeep = 0; lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_i("Remove old filament and press the knob to start loading new filament.")); bool bFirst=true; while (!lcd_clicked()){ manage_heater(); manage_inactivity(true); #if BEEPER > 0 if (counterBeep == 500) { counterBeep = 0; } SET_OUTPUT(BEEPER); if (counterBeep == 0) { if((eSoundMode==e_SOUND_MODE_LOUD)||((eSoundMode==e_SOUND_MODE_ONCE)&&bFirst)) { bFirst=false; WRITE(BEEPER, HIGH); } } if (counterBeep == 20) { WRITE(BEEPER, LOW); } counterBeep++; #endif //BEEPER > 0 delay_keep_alive(4); } WRITE(BEEPER, LOW); } void mmu_M600_load_filament(bool automatic) { //load filament for mmu v2 tmp_extruder = mmu_extruder; if (!automatic) { #ifdef MMU_M600_SWITCH_EXTRUDER bool yes = lcd_show_fullscreen_message_yes_no_and_wait_P(_i("Do you want to switch extruder?"), false); if(yes) tmp_extruder = choose_extruder_menu(); #endif //MMU_M600_SWITCH_EXTRUDER } else { tmp_extruder = (tmp_extruder+1)%5; } lcd_update_enable(false); lcd_clear(); lcd_set_cursor(0, 1); lcd_puts_P(_T(MSG_LOADING_FILAMENT)); lcd_print(" "); lcd_print(tmp_extruder + 1); snmm_filaments_used |= (1 << tmp_extruder); //for stop print // printf_P(PSTR("T code: %d \n"), tmp_extruder); // mmu_printf_P(PSTR("T%d\n"), tmp_extruder); mmu_command(MMU_CMD_T0 + tmp_extruder); manage_response(false, true, MMU_LOAD_MOVE); mmu_continue_loading(); mmu_extruder = tmp_extruder; //filament change is finished mmu_load_to_nozzle(); load_filament_final_feed(); st_synchronize(); } #ifdef SNMM void extr_mov(float shift, float feed_rate) { //move extruder no matter what the current heater temperature is set_extrude_min_temp(.0); current_position[E_AXIS] += shift; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], feed_rate, active_extruder); set_extrude_min_temp(EXTRUDE_MINTEMP); } #endif //SNMM void change_extr(int #ifdef SNMM extr #endif //SNMM ) { //switches multiplexer for extruders #ifdef SNMM st_synchronize(); delay(100); disable_e0(); disable_e1(); disable_e2(); mmu_extruder = extr; pinMode(E_MUX0_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(E_MUX1_PIN, OUTPUT); switch (extr) { case 1: WRITE(E_MUX0_PIN, HIGH); WRITE(E_MUX1_PIN, LOW); break; case 2: WRITE(E_MUX0_PIN, LOW); WRITE(E_MUX1_PIN, HIGH); break; case 3: WRITE(E_MUX0_PIN, HIGH); WRITE(E_MUX1_PIN, HIGH); break; default: WRITE(E_MUX0_PIN, LOW); WRITE(E_MUX1_PIN, LOW); break; } delay(100); #endif } int get_ext_nr() { //reads multiplexer input pins and return current extruder number (counted from 0) #ifndef SNMM return(mmu_extruder); //update needed #else return(2 * READ(E_MUX1_PIN) + READ(E_MUX0_PIN)); #endif } void display_loading() { switch (mmu_extruder) { case 1: lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_T(MSG_FILAMENT_LOADING_T1)); break; case 2: lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_T(MSG_FILAMENT_LOADING_T2)); break; case 3: lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_T(MSG_FILAMENT_LOADING_T3)); break; default: lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_T(MSG_FILAMENT_LOADING_T0)); break; } } void extr_adj(int extruder) //loading filament for SNMM { #ifndef SNMM uint8_t cmd = MMU_CMD_L0 + extruder; if (cmd > MMU_CMD_L4) { printf_P(PSTR("Filament out of range %d \n"),extruder); return; } mmu_command(cmd); //show which filament is currently loaded lcd_update_enable(false); lcd_clear(); lcd_set_cursor(0, 1); lcd_puts_P(_T(MSG_LOADING_FILAMENT)); //if(strlen(_T(MSG_LOADING_FILAMENT))>18) lcd.setCursor(0, 1); //else lcd.print(" "); lcd_print(" "); lcd_print(extruder + 1); // get response manage_response(false, false); lcd_update_enable(true); //lcd_return_to_status(); #else bool correct; max_feedrate[E_AXIS] =80; //max_feedrate[E_AXIS] = 50; START: lcd_clear(); lcd_set_cursor(0, 0); switch (extruder) { case 1: lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_T(MSG_FILAMENT_LOADING_T1)); break; case 2: lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_T(MSG_FILAMENT_LOADING_T2)); break; case 3: lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_T(MSG_FILAMENT_LOADING_T3)); break; default: lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_T(MSG_FILAMENT_LOADING_T0)); break; } KEEPALIVE_STATE(PAUSED_FOR_USER); do{ extr_mov(0.001,1000); delay_keep_alive(2); } while (!lcd_clicked()); //delay_keep_alive(500); KEEPALIVE_STATE(IN_HANDLER); st_synchronize(); //correct = lcd_show_fullscreen_message_yes_no_and_wait_P(MSG_FIL_LOADED_CHECK, false); //if (!correct) goto START; //extr_mov(BOWDEN_LENGTH/2.f, 500); //dividing by 2 is there because of max. extrusion length limitation (x_max + y_max) //extr_mov(BOWDEN_LENGTH/2.f, 500); extr_mov(bowden_length[extruder], 500); lcd_clear(); lcd_set_cursor(0, 0); lcd_puts_P(_T(MSG_LOADING_FILAMENT)); if(strlen(_T(MSG_LOADING_FILAMENT))>18) lcd_set_cursor(0, 1); else lcd_print(" "); lcd_print(mmu_extruder + 1); lcd_set_cursor(0, 2); lcd_puts_P(_T(MSG_PLEASE_WAIT)); st_synchronize(); max_feedrate[E_AXIS] = 50; lcd_update_enable(true); lcd_return_to_status(); lcdDrawUpdate = 2; #endif } struct E_step { float extrude; //!< extrude distance in mm float feed_rate; //!< feed rate in mm/s }; static const E_step ramming_sequence[] PROGMEM = { {1.0, 1000.0/60}, {1.0, 1500.0/60}, {2.0, 2000.0/60}, {1.5, 3000.0/60}, {2.5, 4000.0/60}, {-15.0, 5000.0/60}, {-14.0, 1200.0/60}, {-6.0, 600.0/60}, {10.0, 700.0/60}, {-10.0, 400.0/60}, {-50.0, 2000.0/60}, }; //! @brief Unload sequence to optimize shape of the tip of the unloaded filament static void filament_ramming() { for(uint8_t i = 0; i < (sizeof(ramming_sequence)/sizeof(E_step));++i) { current_position[E_AXIS] += pgm_read_float(&(ramming_sequence[i].extrude)); plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], pgm_read_float(&(ramming_sequence[i].feed_rate)), active_extruder); st_synchronize(); } } void extr_unload() { //unload just current filament for multimaterial printers #ifdef SNMM float tmp_motor[3] = DEFAULT_PWM_MOTOR_CURRENT; float tmp_motor_loud[3] = DEFAULT_PWM_MOTOR_CURRENT_LOUD; uint8_t SilentMode = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_SILENT); #endif if (degHotend0() > EXTRUDE_MINTEMP) { #ifndef SNMM st_synchronize(); //show which filament is currently unloaded lcd_update_enable(false); lcd_clear(); lcd_set_cursor(0, 1); lcd_puts_P(_T(MSG_UNLOADING_FILAMENT)); lcd_print(" "); if (mmu_extruder == MMU_FILAMENT_UNKNOWN) lcd_print(" "); else lcd_print(mmu_extruder + 1); filament_ramming(); mmu_command(MMU_CMD_U0); // get response manage_response(false, true, MMU_UNLOAD_MOVE); lcd_update_enable(true); #else //SNMM lcd_clear(); lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(PSTR("")); max_feedrate[E_AXIS] = 50; lcd_set_cursor(0, 0); lcd_puts_P(_T(MSG_UNLOADING_FILAMENT)); lcd_print(" "); lcd_print(mmu_extruder + 1); lcd_set_cursor(0, 2); lcd_puts_P(_T(MSG_PLEASE_WAIT)); if (current_position[Z_AXIS] < 15) { current_position[Z_AXIS] += 15; //lifting in Z direction to make space for extrusion plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 25, active_extruder); } current_position[E_AXIS] += 10; //extrusion plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 10, active_extruder); st_current_set(2, E_MOTOR_HIGH_CURRENT); if (current_temperature[0] < 230) { //PLA & all other filaments current_position[E_AXIS] += 5.4; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 2800 / 60, active_extruder); current_position[E_AXIS] += 3.2; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 3000 / 60, active_extruder); current_position[E_AXIS] += 3; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 3400 / 60, active_extruder); } else { //ABS current_position[E_AXIS] += 3.1; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 2000 / 60, active_extruder); current_position[E_AXIS] += 3.1; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 2500 / 60, active_extruder); current_position[E_AXIS] += 4; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 3000 / 60, active_extruder); /*current_position[X_AXIS] += 23; //delay plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 600 / 60, active_extruder); //delay current_position[X_AXIS] -= 23; //delay plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 600 / 60, active_extruder); //delay*/ delay_keep_alive(4700); } max_feedrate[E_AXIS] = 80; current_position[E_AXIS] -= (bowden_length[mmu_extruder] + 60 + FIL_LOAD_LENGTH) / 2; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 500, active_extruder); current_position[E_AXIS] -= (bowden_length[mmu_extruder] + 60 + FIL_LOAD_LENGTH) / 2; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 500, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); //st_current_init(); if (SilentMode != SILENT_MODE_OFF) st_current_set(2, tmp_motor[2]); //set back to normal operation currents else st_current_set(2, tmp_motor_loud[2]); lcd_update_enable(true); lcd_return_to_status(); max_feedrate[E_AXIS] = 50; #endif //SNMM } else { show_preheat_nozzle_warning(); } //lcd_return_to_status(); } //wrapper functions for loading filament void extr_adj_0() { #ifndef SNMM enquecommand_P(PSTR("M701 E0")); #else change_extr(0); extr_adj(0); #endif } void extr_adj_1() { #ifndef SNMM enquecommand_P(PSTR("M701 E1")); #else change_extr(1); extr_adj(1); #endif } void extr_adj_2() { #ifndef SNMM enquecommand_P(PSTR("M701 E2")); #else change_extr(2); extr_adj(2); #endif } void extr_adj_3() { #ifndef SNMM enquecommand_P(PSTR("M701 E3")); #else change_extr(3); extr_adj(3); #endif } void extr_adj_4() { #ifndef SNMM enquecommand_P(PSTR("M701 E4")); #else change_extr(4); extr_adj(4); #endif } void mmu_load_to_nozzle_0() { lcd_mmu_load_to_nozzle(0); } void mmu_load_to_nozzle_1() { lcd_mmu_load_to_nozzle(1); } void mmu_load_to_nozzle_2() { lcd_mmu_load_to_nozzle(2); } void mmu_load_to_nozzle_3() { lcd_mmu_load_to_nozzle(3); } void mmu_load_to_nozzle_4() { lcd_mmu_load_to_nozzle(4); } void mmu_eject_fil_0() { mmu_eject_filament(0, true); } void mmu_eject_fil_1() { mmu_eject_filament(1, true); } void mmu_eject_fil_2() { mmu_eject_filament(2, true); } void mmu_eject_fil_3() { mmu_eject_filament(3, true); } void mmu_eject_fil_4() { mmu_eject_filament(4, true); } void load_all() { #ifndef SNMM enquecommand_P(PSTR("M701 E0")); enquecommand_P(PSTR("M701 E1")); enquecommand_P(PSTR("M701 E2")); enquecommand_P(PSTR("M701 E3")); enquecommand_P(PSTR("M701 E4")); #else for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { change_extr(i); extr_adj(i); } #endif } //wrapper functions for changing extruders void extr_change_0() { change_extr(0); lcd_return_to_status(); } void extr_change_1() { change_extr(1); lcd_return_to_status(); } void extr_change_2() { change_extr(2); lcd_return_to_status(); } void extr_change_3() { change_extr(3); lcd_return_to_status(); } #ifdef SNMM //wrapper functions for unloading filament void extr_unload_all() { if (degHotend0() > EXTRUDE_MINTEMP) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { change_extr(i); extr_unload(); } } else { show_preheat_nozzle_warning(); lcd_return_to_status(); } } //unloading just used filament (for snmm) void extr_unload_used() { if (degHotend0() > EXTRUDE_MINTEMP) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (snmm_filaments_used & (1 << i)) { change_extr(i); extr_unload(); } } snmm_filaments_used = 0; } else { show_preheat_nozzle_warning(); lcd_return_to_status(); } } #endif //SNMM void extr_unload_0() { change_extr(0); extr_unload(); } void extr_unload_1() { change_extr(1); extr_unload(); } void extr_unload_2() { change_extr(2); extr_unload(); } void extr_unload_3() { change_extr(3); extr_unload(); } void extr_unload_4() { change_extr(4); extr_unload(); } bool mmu_check_version() { return (mmu_buildnr >= MMU_REQUIRED_FW_BUILDNR); } void mmu_show_warning() { printf_P(PSTR("MMU2 firmware version invalid. Required version: build number %d or higher."), MMU_REQUIRED_FW_BUILDNR); kill(_i("Please update firmware in your MMU2. Waiting for reset.")); } void lcd_mmu_load_to_nozzle(uint8_t filament_nr) { if (degHotend0() > EXTRUDE_MINTEMP) { tmp_extruder = filament_nr; lcd_update_enable(false); lcd_clear(); lcd_set_cursor(0, 1); lcd_puts_P(_T(MSG_LOADING_FILAMENT)); lcd_print(" "); lcd_print(tmp_extruder + 1); mmu_command(MMU_CMD_T0 + tmp_extruder); manage_response(true, true, MMU_TCODE_MOVE); mmu_continue_loading(); mmu_extruder = tmp_extruder; //filament change is finished mmu_load_to_nozzle(); load_filament_final_feed(); st_synchronize(); custom_message_type = CUSTOM_MSG_TYPE_F_LOAD; lcd_setstatuspgm(_T(MSG_LOADING_FILAMENT)); lcd_return_to_status(); lcd_update_enable(true); lcd_load_filament_color_check(); lcd_setstatuspgm(_T(WELCOME_MSG)); custom_message_type = CUSTOM_MSG_TYPE_STATUS; } else { show_preheat_nozzle_warning(); } } void mmu_eject_filament(uint8_t filament, bool recover) { if (filament < 5) { if (degHotend0() > EXTRUDE_MINTEMP) { st_synchronize(); { LcdUpdateDisabler disableLcdUpdate; lcd_clear(); lcd_set_cursor(0, 1); lcd_puts_P(_i("Ejecting filament")); current_position[E_AXIS] -= 80; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 2500 / 60, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); mmu_command(MMU_CMD_E0 + filament); manage_response(false, false, MMU_UNLOAD_MOVE); if (recover) { lcd_show_fullscreen_message_and_wait_P(_i("Please remove filament and then press the knob.")); mmu_command(MMU_CMD_R0); manage_response(false, false); } } } else { show_preheat_nozzle_warning(); } } else { puts_P(PSTR("Filament nr out of range!")); } } void mmu_continue_loading() { if (mmu_idler_sensor_detected) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MMU_IDLER_SENSOR_ATTEMPTS_NR; i++) { if (PIN_GET(MMU_IDLER_SENSOR_PIN) == 0) return; #ifdef MMU_DEBUG printf_P(PSTR("Additional load attempt nr. %d\n"), i); #endif // MMU_DEBUG mmu_command(MMU_CMD_C0); manage_response(true, true, MMU_LOAD_MOVE); } if (PIN_GET(MMU_IDLER_SENSOR_PIN) != 0) { eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_MMU_LOAD_FAIL, eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_MMU_LOAD_FAIL) + 1); eeprom_update_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_MMU_LOAD_FAIL_TOT, eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_MMU_LOAD_FAIL_TOT) + 1); char cmd[3]; //pause print, show error message and then repeat last T-code stop_and_save_print_to_ram(0, 0); //lift z current_position[Z_AXIS] += Z_PAUSE_LIFT; if (current_position[Z_AXIS] > Z_MAX_POS) current_position[Z_AXIS] = Z_MAX_POS; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 15, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); //Move XY to side current_position[X_AXIS] = X_PAUSE_POS; current_position[Y_AXIS] = Y_PAUSE_POS; plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], 50, active_extruder); st_synchronize(); //set nozzle target temperature to 0 setAllTargetHotends(0); lcd_show_fullscreen_message_and_wait_P(_i("MMU load failed, fix the issue and press the knob.")); mmu_fil_loaded = false; //so we can retry same T-code again restore_print_from_ram_and_continue(0); } } else { //mmu_idler_sensor_detected == false mmu_command(MMU_CMD_C0); } }