/* * Created by Phil Nash on 04/03/2012. * Copyright (c) 2012 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef TWOBLUECUBES_CATCH_MATCHERS_HPP_INCLUDED #define TWOBLUECUBES_CATCH_MATCHERS_HPP_INCLUDED #include "catch_common.h" #include <string> #include <vector> namespace Catch { namespace Matchers { namespace Impl { template<typename ArgT> struct MatchAllOf; template<typename ArgT> struct MatchAnyOf; template<typename ArgT> struct MatchNotOf; class MatcherUntypedBase { public: MatcherUntypedBase() = default; MatcherUntypedBase ( MatcherUntypedBase const& ) = default; MatcherUntypedBase& operator = ( MatcherUntypedBase const& ) = delete; std::string toString() const; protected: virtual ~MatcherUntypedBase(); virtual std::string describe() const = 0; mutable std::string m_cachedToString; }; #ifdef __clang__ # pragma clang diagnostic push # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnon-virtual-dtor" #endif template<typename ObjectT> struct MatcherMethod { virtual bool match( ObjectT const& arg ) const = 0; }; #if defined(__OBJC__) // Hack to fix Catch GH issue #1661. Could use id for generic Object support. // use of const for Object pointers is very uncommon and under ARC it causes some kind of signature mismatch that breaks compilation template<> struct MatcherMethod<NSString*> { virtual bool match( NSString* arg ) const = 0; }; #endif #ifdef __clang__ # pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif template<typename T> struct MatcherBase : MatcherUntypedBase, MatcherMethod<T> { MatchAllOf<T> operator && ( MatcherBase const& other ) const; MatchAnyOf<T> operator || ( MatcherBase const& other ) const; MatchNotOf<T> operator ! () const; }; template<typename ArgT> struct MatchAllOf : MatcherBase<ArgT> { bool match( ArgT const& arg ) const override { for( auto matcher : m_matchers ) { if (!matcher->match(arg)) return false; } return true; } std::string describe() const override { std::string description; description.reserve( 4 + m_matchers.size()*32 ); description += "( "; bool first = true; for( auto matcher : m_matchers ) { if( first ) first = false; else description += " and "; description += matcher->toString(); } description += " )"; return description; } MatchAllOf<ArgT> operator && ( MatcherBase<ArgT> const& other ) { auto copy(*this); copy.m_matchers.push_back( &other ); return copy; } std::vector<MatcherBase<ArgT> const*> m_matchers; }; template<typename ArgT> struct MatchAnyOf : MatcherBase<ArgT> { bool match( ArgT const& arg ) const override { for( auto matcher : m_matchers ) { if (matcher->match(arg)) return true; } return false; } std::string describe() const override { std::string description; description.reserve( 4 + m_matchers.size()*32 ); description += "( "; bool first = true; for( auto matcher : m_matchers ) { if( first ) first = false; else description += " or "; description += matcher->toString(); } description += " )"; return description; } MatchAnyOf<ArgT> operator || ( MatcherBase<ArgT> const& other ) { auto copy(*this); copy.m_matchers.push_back( &other ); return copy; } std::vector<MatcherBase<ArgT> const*> m_matchers; }; template<typename ArgT> struct MatchNotOf : MatcherBase<ArgT> { MatchNotOf( MatcherBase<ArgT> const& underlyingMatcher ) : m_underlyingMatcher( underlyingMatcher ) {} bool match( ArgT const& arg ) const override { return !m_underlyingMatcher.match( arg ); } std::string describe() const override { return "not " + m_underlyingMatcher.toString(); } MatcherBase<ArgT> const& m_underlyingMatcher; }; template<typename T> MatchAllOf<T> MatcherBase<T>::operator && ( MatcherBase const& other ) const { return MatchAllOf<T>() && *this && other; } template<typename T> MatchAnyOf<T> MatcherBase<T>::operator || ( MatcherBase const& other ) const { return MatchAnyOf<T>() || *this || other; } template<typename T> MatchNotOf<T> MatcherBase<T>::operator ! () const { return MatchNotOf<T>( *this ); } } // namespace Impl } // namespace Matchers using namespace Matchers; using Matchers::Impl::MatcherBase; } // namespace Catch #endif // TWOBLUECUBES_CATCH_MATCHERS_HPP_INCLUDED