/// @file #include "mmu2_protocol.h" // protocol definition // command: Q0 // meaning: query operation status // Query/command: query // Expected reply from the MMU: // any of the running operation statuses: OID: [T|L|U|E|C|W|K][0-4] // P[0-9] : command being processed i.e. operation running, may contain a state number // E[0-9][0-9] : error 1-9 while doing a tool change // F[0-9] : operation finished - will be repeated to "Q" messages until a new command is issued namespace modules { namespace protocol { // decoding automaton // states: input -> transition into state // Code QTLMUXPSBEWK -> msgcode // \n ->start // * ->error // error \n ->start // * ->error // msgcode 0-9 ->msgvalue // * ->error // msgvalue 0-9 ->msgvalue // \n ->start successfully accepted command DecodeStatus Protocol::DecodeRequest(uint8_t c) { switch (rqState) { case RequestStates::Code: switch (c) { case 'Q': case 'T': case 'L': case 'M': case 'U': case 'X': case 'P': case 'S': case 'B': case 'E': case 'W': // write is gonna be a special one case 'K': case 'F': case 'f': case 'H': case 'R': requestMsg.code = (RequestMsgCodes)c; requestMsg.value = 0; requestMsg.value2 = 0; requestMsg.crc8 = 0; rqState = (c == 'W') ? RequestStates::Address : RequestStates::Value; // prepare special automaton path for Write commands return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; default: requestMsg.code = RequestMsgCodes::unknown; rqState = RequestStates::Error; return DecodeStatus::Error; } case RequestStates::Value: if (IsHexDigit(c)) { requestMsg.value <<= 4U; requestMsg.value |= Char2Nibble(c); return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; } else if (IsCRCSeparator(c)) { rqState = RequestStates::CRC; return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; } else { requestMsg.code = RequestMsgCodes::unknown; rqState = RequestStates::Error; return DecodeStatus::Error; } case RequestStates::Address: if (IsHexDigit(c)) { requestMsg.value <<= 4U; requestMsg.value |= Char2Nibble(c); return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; } else if (c == ' ') { // end of address, value coming rqState = RequestStates::WriteValue; return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; } else { requestMsg.code = RequestMsgCodes::unknown; rqState = RequestStates::Error; return DecodeStatus::Error; } case RequestStates::WriteValue: if (IsHexDigit(c)) { requestMsg.value2 <<= 4U; requestMsg.value2 |= Char2Nibble(c); return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; } else if (IsCRCSeparator(c)) { rqState = RequestStates::CRC; return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; } else { requestMsg.code = RequestMsgCodes::unknown; rqState = RequestStates::Error; return DecodeStatus::Error; } case RequestStates::CRC: if (IsHexDigit(c)) { requestMsg.crc8 <<= 4U; requestMsg.crc8 |= Char2Nibble(c); return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; } else if (IsNewLine(c)) { // check CRC at this spot if (requestMsg.crc8 != requestMsg.ComputeCRC8()) { // CRC mismatch requestMsg.code = RequestMsgCodes::unknown; rqState = RequestStates::Error; return DecodeStatus::Error; } else { rqState = RequestStates::Code; return DecodeStatus::MessageCompleted; } } default: //case error: if (IsNewLine(c)) { rqState = RequestStates::Code; return DecodeStatus::MessageCompleted; } else { requestMsg.code = RequestMsgCodes::unknown; rqState = RequestStates::Error; return DecodeStatus::Error; } } } uint8_t Protocol::EncodeRequest(const RequestMsg &msg, uint8_t *txbuff) { txbuff[0] = (uint8_t)msg.code; uint8_t i = 1 + UInt8ToHex(msg.value, txbuff + 1); i += AppendCRC(msg.CRC(), txbuff + i); txbuff[i] = '\n'; ++i; return i; static_assert(7 <= MaxRequestSize(), "Request message length exceeded the maximum size, increase the magic constant in MaxRequestSize()"); } uint8_t Protocol::EncodeWriteRequest(uint8_t address, uint16_t value, uint8_t *txbuff) { const RequestMsg msg(RequestMsgCodes::Write, address, value); uint8_t i = BeginEncodeRequest(msg, txbuff); // dump the value i += UInt16ToHex(value, txbuff + i); i += AppendCRC(msg.CRC(), txbuff + i); txbuff[i] = '\n'; ++i; return i; } DecodeStatus Protocol::DecodeResponse(uint8_t c) { switch (rspState) { case ResponseStates::RequestCode: switch (c) { case 'Q': case 'T': case 'L': case 'M': case 'U': case 'X': case 'P': case 'S': case 'B': case 'E': case 'W': case 'K': case 'F': case 'f': case 'H': case 'R': responseMsg.request.code = (RequestMsgCodes)c; responseMsg.request.value = 0; responseMsg.request.value2 = 0; responseMsg.request.crc8 = 0; rspState = ResponseStates::RequestValue; return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; case 0x0a: case 0x0d: // skip leading whitespace if any (makes integration with other SW easier/tolerant) return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; default: rspState = ResponseStates::Error; return DecodeStatus::Error; } case ResponseStates::RequestValue: if (IsHexDigit(c)) { responseMsg.request.value <<= 4U; responseMsg.request.value += Char2Nibble(c); return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; } else if (c == ' ') { rspState = ResponseStates::ParamCode; return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; } else { rspState = ResponseStates::Error; return DecodeStatus::Error; } case ResponseStates::ParamCode: switch (c) { case 'P': case 'E': case 'F': case 'A': case 'R': case 'B': rspState = ResponseStates::ParamValue; responseMsg.paramCode = (ResponseMsgParamCodes)c; responseMsg.paramValue = 0; return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; default: responseMsg.paramCode = ResponseMsgParamCodes::unknown; rspState = ResponseStates::Error; return DecodeStatus::Error; } case ResponseStates::ParamValue: if (IsHexDigit(c)) { responseMsg.paramValue <<= 4U; responseMsg.paramValue += Char2Nibble(c); return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; } else if (IsCRCSeparator(c)) { rspState = ResponseStates::CRC; return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; } else { responseMsg.paramCode = ResponseMsgParamCodes::unknown; rspState = ResponseStates::Error; return DecodeStatus::Error; } case ResponseStates::CRC: if (IsHexDigit(c)) { responseMsg.request.crc8 <<= 4U; responseMsg.request.crc8 += Char2Nibble(c); return DecodeStatus::NeedMoreData; } else if (IsNewLine(c)) { // check CRC at this spot if (responseMsg.request.crc8 != responseMsg.ComputeCRC8()) { // CRC mismatch responseMsg.paramCode = ResponseMsgParamCodes::unknown; rspState = ResponseStates::Error; return DecodeStatus::Error; } else { rspState = ResponseStates::RequestCode; return DecodeStatus::MessageCompleted; } } else { responseMsg.paramCode = ResponseMsgParamCodes::unknown; rspState = ResponseStates::Error; return DecodeStatus::Error; } default: //case error: if (IsNewLine(c)) { rspState = ResponseStates::RequestCode; return DecodeStatus::MessageCompleted; } else { responseMsg.paramCode = ResponseMsgParamCodes::unknown; return DecodeStatus::Error; } } } uint8_t Protocol::EncodeResponseCmdAR(const RequestMsg &msg, ResponseMsgParamCodes ar, uint8_t *txbuff) { // BEWARE: // ResponseMsg rsp(RequestMsg(msg.code, msg.value), ar, 0); // ... is NOT the same as: // ResponseMsg rsp(msg, ar, 0); // ... because of the usually unused parameter value2 (which only comes non-zero in write requests). // It took me a few hours to find out why the CRC from the MMU never matched all the other sides (unit tests and the MK3S) // It is because this was the only place where the original request kept its value2 non-zero. // In the response, we must make sure value2 is actually zero unless being sent along with it (which is not right now) const ResponseMsg rsp(RequestMsg(msg.code, msg.value), ar, 0); // this needs some cleanup @@TODO - check assembly how bad is it uint8_t i = BeginEncodeRequest(rsp.request, txbuff); txbuff[i] = (uint8_t)ar; ++i; i += AppendCRC(rsp.CRC(), txbuff + i); txbuff[i] = '\n'; ++i; return i; } uint8_t Protocol::EncodeResponseReadFINDA(const RequestMsg &msg, uint8_t findaValue, uint8_t *txbuff) { return EncodeResponseRead(msg, true, findaValue, txbuff); } uint8_t Protocol::EncodeResponseQueryOperation(const RequestMsg &msg, ResponseCommandStatus rcs, uint8_t *txbuff) { const ResponseMsg rsp(msg, rcs.code, rcs.value); uint8_t i = BeginEncodeRequest(msg, txbuff); txbuff[i] = (uint8_t)rsp.paramCode; ++i; i += UInt16ToHex(rsp.paramValue, txbuff + i); i += AppendCRC(rsp.CRC(), txbuff + i); txbuff[i] = '\n'; return i + 1; } uint8_t Protocol::EncodeResponseRead(const RequestMsg &msg, bool accepted, uint16_t value2, uint8_t *txbuff) { const ResponseMsg rsp(msg, accepted ? ResponseMsgParamCodes::Accepted : ResponseMsgParamCodes::Rejected, accepted ? value2 : 0 // be careful about this value for CRC computation - rejected status doesn't have any meaningful value which could be reconstructed from the textual form of the message ); uint8_t i = BeginEncodeRequest(msg, txbuff); txbuff[i] = (uint8_t)rsp.paramCode; ++i; if (accepted) { // dump the value i += UInt16ToHex(value2, txbuff + i); } i += AppendCRC(rsp.CRC(), txbuff + i); txbuff[i] = '\n'; return i + 1; } uint8_t Protocol::UInt8ToHex(uint8_t value, uint8_t *dst) { if (value == 0) { *dst = '0'; return 1; } uint8_t v = value >> 4U; uint8_t charsOut = 1; if (v != 0) { // skip the first '0' if any *dst = Nibble2Char(v); ++dst; charsOut = 2; } v = value & 0xfU; *dst = Nibble2Char(v); return charsOut; } uint8_t Protocol::UInt16ToHex(uint16_t value, uint8_t *dst) { constexpr uint16_t topNibbleMask = 0xf000; if (value == 0) { *dst = '0'; return 1; } // skip initial zeros uint8_t charsOut = 4; while ((value & topNibbleMask) == 0) { value <<= 4U; --charsOut; } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < charsOut; ++i) { uint8_t n = (value & topNibbleMask) >> (8U + 4U); value <<= 4U; *dst = Nibble2Char(n); ++dst; } return charsOut; } uint8_t Protocol::BeginEncodeRequest(const RequestMsg &msg, uint8_t *dst) { dst[0] = (uint8_t)msg.code; uint8_t i = 1 + UInt8ToHex(msg.value, dst + 1); dst[i] = ' '; return i + 1; } uint8_t Protocol::AppendCRC(uint8_t crc, uint8_t *dst) { dst[0] = '*'; // reprap-style separator of CRC return 1 + UInt8ToHex(crc, dst + 1); } } // namespace protocol } // namespace modules