//menu.cpp #include "menu.h" #include #include #include #include #include "lcd.h" #include "Configuration.h" #include "Marlin.h" extern int32_t lcd_encoder; menu_record_t menu_stack[MENU_DEPTH_MAX]; uint8_t menu_data[MENU_DATA_SIZE]; uint8_t menu_depth = 0; uint8_t menu_line = 0; uint8_t menu_item = 0; uint8_t menu_row = 0; uint8_t menu_top = 0; uint8_t menu_clicked = 0; menu_func_t menu_menu = 0; void menu_goto(menu_func_t menu, const uint32_t encoder, const bool feedback, bool reset_menu_state) { asm("cli"); if (menu_menu != menu) { menu_menu = menu; lcd_encoder = encoder; asm("sei"); if (reset_menu_state) { // Resets the global shared C union. // This ensures, that the menu entered will find out, that it shall initialize itself. memset(&menu_data, 0, sizeof(menu_data)); } if (feedback) lcd_quick_feedback(); } else asm("sei"); } void menu_start(void) { if (lcd_encoder > 0x8000) lcd_encoder = 0; if (lcd_encoder < 0) lcd_encoder = 0; if (lcd_encoder < menu_top) menu_top = lcd_encoder; menu_line = menu_top; menu_clicked = LCD_CLICKED; } void menu_end(void) { if (lcd_encoder >= menu_item) lcd_encoder = menu_item - 1; if (((uint8_t)lcd_encoder) >= menu_top + LCD_HEIGHT) { menu_top = lcd_encoder - LCD_HEIGHT + 1; lcd_draw_update = 1; menu_line = menu_top - 1; menu_row = -1; } } void menu_back(void) { if (menu_depth > 0) { menu_depth--; menu_goto(menu_stack[menu_depth].menu, menu_stack[menu_depth].position, true, true); } } void menu_back_if_clicked(void) { if (lcd_clicked()) menu_back(); } void menu_back_if_clicked_fb(void) { if (lcd_clicked()) { lcd_quick_feedback(); menu_back(); } } void menu_submenu(menu_func_t submenu) { if (menu_depth <= MENU_DEPTH_MAX) { menu_stack[menu_depth].menu = menu_menu; menu_stack[menu_depth++].position = lcd_encoder; menu_goto(submenu, 0, true, true); } } uint8_t menu_item_ret(void) { lcd_beeper_quick_feedback(); lcd_draw_update = 2; lcd_button_pressed = false; return 1; } /* int menu_item_printf_P(char type_char, const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); int ret = 0; lcd_set_cursor(0, menu_row); if (lcd_encoder == menu_item) lcd_print('>'); else lcd_print(' '); int cnt = vfprintf_P(lcdout, format, args); for (int i = cnt; i < 18; i++) lcd_print(' '); lcd_print(type_char); va_end(args); return ret; } */ int menu_draw_item_puts_P(char type_char, const char* str) { lcd_set_cursor(0, menu_row); int cnt = lcd_printf_P(PSTR("%c%-18S%c"), (lcd_encoder == menu_item)?'>':' ', str, type_char); return cnt; } /* int menu_draw_item_puts_P_int16(char type_char, const char* str, int16_t val, ) { lcd_set_cursor(0, menu_row); int cnt = lcd_printf_P(PSTR("%c%-18S%c"), (lcd_encoder == menu_item)?'>':' ', str, type_char); return cnt; } */ void menu_item_dummy(void) { menu_item++; } uint8_t menu_item_text_P(const char* str) { if (menu_item == menu_line) { if (lcd_draw_update) menu_draw_item_puts_P(' ', str); if (menu_clicked && (lcd_encoder == menu_item)) return menu_item_ret(); } menu_item++; return 0; } uint8_t menu_item_submenu_P(const char* str, menu_func_t submenu) { if (menu_item == menu_line) { if (lcd_draw_update) menu_draw_item_puts_P(LCD_STR_ARROW_RIGHT[0], str); if (menu_clicked && (lcd_encoder == menu_item)) { menu_submenu(submenu); return menu_item_ret(); } } menu_item++; return 0; } uint8_t menu_item_back_P(const char* str) { if (menu_item == menu_line) { if (lcd_draw_update) menu_draw_item_puts_P(LCD_STR_UPLEVEL[0], str); if (menu_clicked && (lcd_encoder == menu_item)) { menu_back(); return menu_item_ret(); } } menu_item++; return 0; } uint8_t menu_item_function_P(const char* str, menu_func_t func) { if (menu_item == menu_line) { if (lcd_draw_update) menu_draw_item_puts_P(' ', str); if (menu_clicked && (lcd_encoder == menu_item)) { menu_clicked = false; lcd_update_enabled = 0; if (func) func(); lcd_update_enabled = 1; return menu_item_ret(); } } menu_item++; return 0; } uint8_t menu_item_gcode_P(const char* str, const char* str_gcode) { if (menu_item == menu_line) { if (lcd_draw_update) menu_draw_item_puts_P(' ', str); if (menu_clicked && (lcd_encoder == menu_item)) { if (str_gcode) enquecommand_P(str_gcode); return menu_item_ret(); } } menu_item++; return 0; } const char menu_20x_space[] PROGMEM = " "; const char menu_fmt_int3[] PROGMEM = "%c%.15S:%s%3d"; const char menu_fmt_float31[] PROGMEM = "%c%.12S:%s%+06.1f"; const char menu_fmt_float13[] PROGMEM = "%c%.12S:%s%+06.3f"; void menu_draw_int3(char chr, const char* str, int16_t val) { int text_len = strlen_P(str); if (text_len > 15) text_len = 15; char spaces[21]; strcpy_P(spaces, menu_20x_space); spaces[15 - text_len] = 0; lcd_printf_P(menu_fmt_int3, chr, str, spaces, val); } //draw up to 12 chars of text, ':' and float number in format +123.0 void menu_draw_float31(char chr, const char* str, float val) { int text_len = strlen_P(str); if (text_len > 12) text_len = 12; char spaces[21]; strcpy_P(spaces, menu_20x_space); spaces[12 - text_len] = 0; lcd_printf_P(menu_fmt_float31, chr, str, spaces, val); } //draw up to 12 chars of text, ':' and float number in format +1.234 void menu_draw_float13(char chr, const char* str, float val) { int text_len = strlen_P(str); if (text_len > 12) text_len = 12; char spaces[21]; strcpy_P(spaces, menu_20x_space); spaces[12 - text_len] = 0; lcd_printf_P(menu_fmt_float13, chr, str, spaces, val); } #define _menu_data (*((menu_data_edit_t*)menu_data)) void _menu_edit_int3(void) { if (lcd_draw_update) { if (lcd_encoder < _menu_data.minEditValue) lcd_encoder = _menu_data.minEditValue; if (lcd_encoder > _menu_data.maxEditValue) lcd_encoder = _menu_data.maxEditValue; lcd_set_cursor(0, 1); menu_draw_int3(' ', _menu_data.editLabel, (int)lcd_encoder); } if (LCD_CLICKED) { *((int*)(_menu_data.editValue)) = (int)lcd_encoder; menu_back(); } } uint8_t menu_item_edit_int3(const char* str, int16_t* pval, int16_t min_val, int16_t max_val) { if (menu_item == menu_line) { if (lcd_draw_update) { lcd_set_cursor(0, menu_row); menu_draw_int3((lcd_encoder == menu_item)?'>':' ', str, *pval); } if (menu_clicked && (lcd_encoder == menu_item)) { menu_submenu(_menu_edit_int3); _menu_data.editLabel = str; _menu_data.editValue = pval; _menu_data.minEditValue = min_val; _menu_data.maxEditValue = max_val; lcd_encoder = *pval; return menu_item_ret(); } } menu_item++; return 0; } #undef _menu_data