# version string format -- This will be overwritten later anyway version: "{build}" # We need a more up to date pip because Python 2.7 is EOL soon init: - set PATH=C:\Python35\Scripts;%PATH% branches: except: - /dev-travis.+/ os: - Visual Studio 2017 - Visual Studio 2015 environment: matrix: - additional_flags: "/permissive- /std:c++latest" wmain: 0 - additional_flags: "" wmain: 0 - additional_flags: "/D_UNICODE /DUNICODE" wmain: 1 coverage: 0 # Have a coverage dimension - additional_flags: "" wmain: 0 coverage: 1 # Have an examples dimension - additional_flags: "" wmain: 0 examples: 1 matrix: exclude: - os: Visual Studio 2015 additional_flags: "/permissive- /std:c++latest" - os: Visual Studio 2015 additional_flags: "/D_UNICODE /DUNICODE" # Exclude unwanted coverage configurations - coverage: 1 platform: Win32 - coverage: 1 os: Visual Studio 2015 - coverage: 1 configuration: Release # Exclude unwanted examples configurations - examples: 1 platform: Win32 - examples: 1 os: Visual Studio 2015 - examples: 1 configuration: Release install: - ps: if (($env:CONFIGURATION) -eq "Debug" -And ($env:coverage) -eq "1" ) { pip --disable-pip-version-check install codecov } - ps: if (($env:CONFIGURATION) -eq "Debug" -And ($env:coverage) -eq "1" ) { .\misc\installOpenCppCoverage.ps1 } # Win32 and x64 are CMake-compatible solution platform names. # This allows us to pass %PLATFORM% to CMake -A. platform: - Win32 - x64 # build Configurations, i.e. Debug, Release, etc. configuration: - Debug - Release #Cmake will autodetect the compiler, but we set the arch before_build: - set CXXFLAGS=%additional_flags% # Indirection because appveyor doesn't handle multiline batch scripts properly # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37627248/how-to-split-a-command-over-multiple-lines-in-appveyor-yml/37647169#37647169 # https://help.appveyor.com/discussions/questions/3888-multi-line-cmd-or-powershell-warning-ignore - cmd: .\misc\appveyorBuildConfigurationScript.bat # build with MSBuild build: project: Build\Catch2.sln # path to Visual Studio solution or project parallel: true # enable MSBuild parallel builds verbosity: normal # MSBuild verbosity level {quiet|minimal|normal|detailed} test_script: - set CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 - cmd: .\misc\appveyorTestRunScript.bat