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- name=LiquidCrystal
- version=1.0.1
- author=Arduino, Adafruit
- maintainer=Arduino <info@arduino.cc>
- sentence=Allows communication with alphanumerical liquid crystal displays (LCDs). For all Arduino boards.
- paragraph=This library allows an Arduino board to control LiquidCrystal displays (LCDs) based on the Hitachi HD44780 (or a compatible) chipset, which is found on most text-based LCDs. The library works with in either 4 or 8 bit mode (i.e. using 4 or 8 data lines in addition to the rs, enable, and, optionally, the rw control lines).
- category=Display
- url=http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/LiquidCrystal
- architectures=*