cardreader.h 4.9 KB

  1. #ifndef CARDREADER_H
  2. #define CARDREADER_H
  3. #define SDSUPPORT
  4. #ifdef SDSUPPORT
  5. #define MAX_DIR_DEPTH 6
  6. #include "SdFile.h"
  7. class CardReader
  8. {
  9. public:
  10. CardReader();
  11. enum LsAction : uint8_t
  12. {
  13. LS_SerialPrint,
  14. LS_Count,
  15. LS_GetFilename,
  16. };
  17. struct ls_param
  18. {
  19. bool LFN : 1;
  20. bool timestamp : 1;
  21. inline ls_param():LFN(0), timestamp(0) { }
  22. inline ls_param(bool LFN, bool timestamp):LFN(LFN), timestamp(timestamp) { }
  23. } __attribute__((packed));
  24. void initsd(bool doPresort = true);
  25. void write_command(char *buf);
  26. void write_command_no_newline(char *buf);
  27. //files auto[0-9].g on the sd card are performed in a row
  28. //this is to delay autostart and hence the initialisaiton of the sd card to some seconds after the normal init, so the device is available quick after a reset
  29. void checkautostart(bool x);
  30. void openFileWrite(const char* name);
  31. void openFileReadFilteredGcode(const char* name, bool replace_current = false);
  32. void openLogFile(const char* name);
  33. void removeFile(const char* name);
  34. void closefile(bool store_location=false);
  35. void release();
  36. void startFileprint();
  37. uint32_t getFileSize();
  38. void getStatus(bool arg_P);
  39. void printingHasFinished();
  40. void getfilename(uint16_t nr, const char* const match=NULL);
  41. void getfilename_simple(uint16_t entry, const char * const match = NULL);
  42. void getfilename_next(uint32_t position, const char * const match = NULL);
  43. uint16_t getnrfilenames();
  44. void getAbsFilename(char *t);
  45. void printAbsFilenameFast();
  46. void getDirName(char* name, uint8_t level);
  47. uint8_t getWorkDirDepth();
  48. void ls(ls_param params);
  49. bool chdir(const char * relpath, bool doPresort);
  50. void updir();
  51. void setroot(bool doPresort);
  52. #ifdef SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA
  53. void presort();
  54. void getfilename_sorted(const uint16_t nr, uint8_t sdSort);
  55. void getfilename_afterMaxSorting(uint16_t entry, const char * const match = NULL);
  56. #endif
  57. FORCE_INLINE bool isFileOpen() { return file.isOpen(); }
  58. bool eof() { return sdpos>=filesize; }
  59. FORCE_INLINE int16_t getFilteredGcodeChar()
  60. {
  61. int16_t c = (int16_t)file.readFilteredGcode();
  62. sdpos = file.curPosition();
  63. return c;
  64. };
  65. void setIndex(long index) {sdpos = index;file.seekSetFilteredGcode(index);};
  66. FORCE_INLINE uint8_t percentDone(){if(!isFileOpen()) return 0; if(filesize) return sdpos/((filesize+99)/100); else return 0;};
  67. FORCE_INLINE char* getWorkDirName(){workDir.getFilename(filename);return filename;};
  68. FORCE_INLINE uint32_t get_sdpos() { if (!isFileOpen()) return 0; else return(sdpos); };
  69. bool ToshibaFlashAir_isEnabled() const { return card.getFlashAirCompatible(); }
  70. void ToshibaFlashAir_enable(bool enable) { card.setFlashAirCompatible(enable); }
  71. bool ToshibaFlashAir_GetIP(uint8_t *ip);
  72. public:
  73. bool saving;
  74. bool logging;
  75. bool sdprinting ;
  76. bool cardOK ;
  77. char filename[13];
  78. // There are scenarios when simple modification time is not enough (on MS Windows)
  79. // Therefore these timestamps hold the most recent one of creation/modification date/times
  80. uint16_t crmodTime, crmodDate;
  81. uint32_t /* cluster, */ position;
  82. char longFilename[LONG_FILENAME_LENGTH];
  83. bool filenameIsDir;
  84. int lastnr; //last number of the autostart;
  85. #ifdef SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA
  86. bool presort_flag;
  87. #endif // SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA
  88. char dir_names[MAX_DIR_DEPTH][9];
  89. private:
  90. SdFile root,*curDir,workDir,workDirParents[MAX_DIR_DEPTH];
  91. uint8_t workDirDepth;
  92. // Sort files and folders alphabetically.
  93. #ifdef SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA
  94. uint16_t sort_count; // Count of sorted items in the current directory
  95. uint16_t sort_entries[SDSORT_LIMIT];
  96. uint16_t lastSortedFilePosition;
  97. #endif // SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA
  98. #ifdef DEBUG_SD_SPEED_TEST
  99. public:
  100. #endif //DEBUG_SD_SPEED_TEST
  101. Sd2Card card;
  102. private:
  103. SdVolume volume;
  104. SdFile file;
  105. #define SD_PROCEDURE_DEPTH 1
  107. uint8_t file_subcall_ctr;
  108. uint32_t filespos[SD_PROCEDURE_DEPTH];
  110. uint32_t filesize;
  111. //int16_t n;
  112. ShortTimer autostart_atmillis;
  113. uint32_t sdpos ;
  114. uint16_t nrFiles; //counter for the files in the current directory and recycled as position counter for getting the nrFiles'th name in the directory.
  115. bool diveSubfolder (const char *&fileName);
  116. void lsDive(const char *prepend, SdFile parent, const char * const match=NULL, LsAction lsAction = LS_GetFilename, ls_param lsParams = ls_param());
  117. #ifdef SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA
  118. void flush_presort();
  119. #endif
  120. };
  121. extern bool Stopped;
  122. extern CardReader card;
  123. #define IS_SD_PRINTING (card.sdprinting)
  124. #if (SDCARDDETECT > -1)
  127. # else
  130. #else
  131. //If we don't have a card detect line, aways asume the card is inserted
  132. # define IS_SD_INSERTED true
  133. #endif
  134. #else
  135. #define IS_SD_PRINTING (false)
  136. #endif //SDSUPPORT
  137. #endif