language_es.h 15 KB

  1. /**
  2. * Spanish
  3. *
  4. * LCD Menu Messages
  5. * Please note these are limited to 17 characters!
  6. *
  7. */
  8. #ifndef LANGUAGE_ES_H
  9. #define LANGUAGE_ES_H
  10. #define WELCOME_MSG CUSTOM_MENDEL_NAME " lista"
  11. #define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Tarjeta colocada"
  12. #define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Tarjeta retirada"
  13. #define MSG_MAIN "Menu principal"
  14. #define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Apagar motores"
  15. #define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Llevar al origen"
  16. #define MSG_COOLDOWN "Enfriar"
  17. #define MSG_MOVE_AXIS "Mover ejes"
  18. #define MSG_MOVE_X "Mover X"
  19. #define MSG_MOVE_Y "Mover Y"
  20. #define MSG_MOVE_Z "Mover Z"
  21. #define MSG_MOVE_E "Extrusor"
  22. #define MSG_SPEED "Velocidad"
  23. #define MSG_NOZZLE "Fusor"
  24. #define MSG_BED "Base"
  25. #define MSG_FAN_SPEED "Ventilador"
  26. #define MSG_FLOW "Flujo"
  27. #define MSG_TEMPERATURE "Temperatura"
  28. #define MSG_WATCH "Monitorizar"
  29. #define MSG_TUNE "Ajustar"
  30. #define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT "Pausar impresion"
  31. #define MSG_RESUME_PRINT "Reanudar impres."
  32. #define MSG_STOP_PRINT "Detener impresion"
  33. #define MSG_CARD_MENU "Menu de SD"
  34. #define MSG_NO_CARD "No hay tarjeta SD"
  35. #define MSG_DWELL "Reposo..."
  36. #define MSG_USERWAIT "Esperando ordenes"
  37. #define MSG_RESUMING "Resumiendo impre."
  38. #define MSG_PRINT_ABORTED "Print aborted"
  39. #define MSG_NO_MOVE "Sin movimiento"
  41. #define MSG_STOPPED "PARADA"
  42. #define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Cambiar filamento"
  43. #define MSG_BABYSTEP_Z "Micropaso Z"
  44. #define MSG_ADJUSTZ "Auto Micropaso Z?"
  45. #define MSG_PICK_Z "Vyberte vytisk"
  46. #define MSG_SETTINGS "Ajuste"
  47. #define MSG_PREHEAT "Precalentar"
  48. #define MSG_UNLOAD_FILAMENT "Sacar filamento"
  49. #define MSG_LOAD_FILAMENT "Introducir filamento"
  50. #define MSG_ERROR "ERROR:"
  51. #define MSG_PREHEAT_NOZZLE "Precal. extrusor!"
  52. #define MSG_SUPPORT "Support"
  53. #define MSG_CORRECTLY "Cambiado correc.?"
  54. #define MSG_YES "Si"
  55. #define MSG_NO "No"
  56. #define MSG_NOT_LOADED "Fil. no cargado"
  57. #define MSG_NOT_COLOR "Color no claro"
  58. #define MSG_LOADING_FILAMENT "Cargando fil."
  59. #define MSG_PLEASE_WAIT "Espera"
  60. #define MSG_LOADING_COLOR "Cargando color"
  61. #define MSG_CHANGE_SUCCESS "Cambiar bien!"
  62. #define MSG_PRESS "Y pulse el mando"
  63. #define MSG_INSERT_FILAMENT "Inserta filamento"
  64. #define MSG_CHANGING_FILAMENT "Cambiando fil.!"
  65. #define MSG_SILENT_MODE_ON "Modo [silencio]"
  66. #define MSG_SILENT_MODE_OFF "Modo [mas fuerza]"
  67. #define MSG_REBOOT "Reiniciar la imp."
  68. #define MSG_TAKE_EFFECT "para tomar efecto"
  69. #define MSG_HEATING "Calentando..."
  70. #define MSG_HEATING_COMPLETE "Calentando listo."
  71. #define MSG_BED_HEATING "Base Calentando"
  72. #define MSG_BED_DONE "Base listo."
  73. #define MSG_LANGUAGE_NAME "Espanol"
  74. #define MSG_LANGUAGE_SELECT "Cambia la lengua "
  75. #define MSG_PRUSA3D ""
  76. #define MSG_PRUSA3D_FORUM ""
  77. #define MSG_PRUSA3D_HOWTO ""
  78. // Do not translate those!
  79. #define MSG_Enqueing "enqueing \""
  80. #define MSG_POWERUP "PowerUp"
  81. #define MSG_EXTERNAL_RESET " External Reset"
  82. #define MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET " Brown out Reset"
  83. #define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " Watchdog Reset"
  84. #define MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET " Software Reset"
  85. #define MSG_AUTHOR " | Author: "
  86. #define MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER " Last Updated: "
  87. #define MSG_FREE_MEMORY " Free Memory: "
  88. #define MSG_PLANNER_BUFFER_BYTES " PlannerBufferBytes: "
  89. #define MSG_OK "ok"
  90. #define MSG_FILE_SAVED "Done saving file."
  91. #define MSG_ERR_LINE_NO "Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: "
  92. #define MSG_ERR_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH "checksum mismatch, Last Line: "
  93. #define MSG_ERR_NO_CHECKSUM "No Checksum with line number, Last Line: "
  94. #define MSG_ERR_NO_LINENUMBER_WITH_CHECKSUM "No Line Number with checksum, Last Line: "
  95. #define MSG_FILE_PRINTED "Done printing file"
  96. #define MSG_BEGIN_FILE_LIST "Begin file list"
  97. #define MSG_END_FILE_LIST "End file list"
  98. #define MSG_M104_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M104 Invalid extruder "
  99. #define MSG_M105_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M105 Invalid extruder "
  100. #define MSG_M200_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M200 Invalid extruder "
  101. #define MSG_M218_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M218 Invalid extruder "
  102. #define MSG_M221_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M221 Invalid extruder "
  103. #define MSG_ERR_NO_THERMISTORS "No thermistors - no temperature"
  104. #define MSG_M109_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M109 Invalid extruder "
  106. #define MSG_COUNT_X " Count X: "
  107. #define MSG_ERR_KILLED "Printer halted. kill() called!"
  108. #define MSG_ERR_STOPPED "Printer stopped due to errors. Fix the error and use M999 to restart. (Temperature is reset. Set it after restarting)"
  109. #define MSG_RESEND "Resend: "
  110. #define MSG_UNKNOWN_COMMAND "Unknown command: \""
  111. #define MSG_ACTIVE_EXTRUDER "Active Extruder: "
  112. #define MSG_INVALID_EXTRUDER "Invalid extruder"
  113. #define MSG_X_MIN "x_min: "
  114. #define MSG_X_MAX "x_max: "
  115. #define MSG_Y_MIN "y_min: "
  116. #define MSG_Y_MAX "y_max: "
  117. #define MSG_Z_MIN "z_min: "
  118. #define MSG_Z_MAX "z_max: "
  119. #define MSG_M119_REPORT "Reporting endstop status"
  121. #define MSG_ENDSTOP_OPEN "open"
  122. #define MSG_HOTEND_OFFSET "Hotend offsets:"
  123. #define MSG_SD_CANT_OPEN_SUBDIR "Cannot open subdir"
  124. #define MSG_SD_INIT_FAIL "SD init fail"
  125. #define MSG_SD_VOL_INIT_FAIL "volume.init failed"
  126. #define MSG_SD_OPENROOT_FAIL "openRoot failed"
  127. #define MSG_SD_CARD_OK "SD card ok"
  128. #define MSG_SD_WORKDIR_FAIL "workDir open failed"
  129. #define MSG_SD_OPEN_FILE_FAIL "open failed, File: "
  130. #define MSG_SD_FILE_OPENED "File opened: "
  131. #define MSG_SD_SIZE " Size: "
  132. #define MSG_SD_FILE_SELECTED "File selected"
  133. #define MSG_SD_WRITE_TO_FILE "Writing to file: "
  134. #define MSG_SD_PRINTING_BYTE "SD printing byte "
  135. #define MSG_SD_NOT_PRINTING "Not SD printing"
  136. #define MSG_SD_ERR_WRITE_TO_FILE "error writing to file"
  137. #define MSG_SD_CANT_ENTER_SUBDIR "Cannot enter subdir: "
  138. #define MSG_STEPPER_TOO_HIGH "Steprate too high: "
  139. #define MSG_ENDSTOPS_HIT "endstops hit: "
  140. #define MSG_ERR_COLD_EXTRUDE_STOP " cold extrusion prevented"
  141. #define MSG_ERR_LONG_EXTRUDE_STOP " too long extrusion prevented"
  142. #define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_X "Babystepping X"
  143. #define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Y "Babystepping Y"
  144. #define MSG_BABYSTEPPING_Z "Adjusting Z"
  145. #define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Error in menu structure"
  146. #define MSG_SET_HOME_OFFSETS "Set home offsets"
  147. #define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Set origin"
  148. #define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA "Preheat PLA"
  149. #define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA0 "Preheat PLA 1"
  150. #define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA1 "Preheat PLA 2"
  151. #define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA2 "Preheat PLA 3"
  152. #define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA012 "Preheat PLA All"
  153. #define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_BEDONLY "Preheat PLA Bed"
  154. #define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Preheat PLA conf"
  155. #define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS "Preheat ABS"
  156. #define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS0 "Preheat ABS 1"
  157. #define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS1 "Preheat ABS 2"
  158. #define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS2 "Preheat ABS 3"
  159. #define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS012 "Preheat ABS All"
  160. #define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_BEDONLY "Preheat ABS Bed"
  161. #define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Preheat ABS conf"
  162. #define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Switch power on"
  163. #define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Switch power off"
  164. #define MSG_AUTOTEMP "Autotemp"
  165. #define MSG_ON "On "
  166. #define MSG_OFF "Off"
  167. #define MSG_PID_P "PID-P"
  168. #define MSG_PID_I "PID-I"
  169. #define MSG_PID_D "PID-D"
  170. #define MSG_PID_C "PID-C"
  171. #define MSG_ACC "Accel"
  172. #define MSG_VXY_JERK "Vxy-jerk"
  173. #define MSG_VZ_JERK "Vz-jerk"
  174. #define MSG_VE_JERK "Ve-jerk"
  175. #define MSG_VMAX "Vmax "
  176. #define MSG_X "x"
  177. #define MSG_Y "y"
  178. #define MSG_Z "z"
  179. #define MSG_E "e"
  180. #define MSG_VMIN "Vmin"
  181. #define MSG_VTRAV_MIN "VTrav min"
  182. #define MSG_AMAX "Amax "
  183. #define MSG_A_RETRACT "A-retract"
  184. #define MSG_XSTEPS "Xsteps/mm"
  185. #define MSG_YSTEPS "Ysteps/mm"
  186. #define MSG_ZSTEPS "Zsteps/mm"
  187. #define MSG_ESTEPS "Esteps/mm"
  188. #define MSG_RETRACT "Retract"
  189. #define MSG_EXTRUDE "Extrude"
  190. #define MSG_AUTOSTART "Autostart"
  191. #define MSG_MOVE_E1 "Extruder2"
  192. #define MSG_MOVE_E2 "Extruder3"
  193. #define MSG_MOVE_01MM "Move 0.1mm"
  194. #define MSG_MOVE_1MM "Move 1mm"
  195. #define MSG_MOVE_10MM "Move 10mm"
  196. #define MSG_NOZZLE1 "Nozzle2"
  197. #define MSG_NOZZLE2 "Nozzle3"
  198. #define MSG_FLOW0 "Flow 0"
  199. #define MSG_FLOW1 "Flow 1"
  200. #define MSG_FLOW2 "Flow 2"
  201. #define MSG_CONTROL "Control"
  202. #define MSG_MIN " \002 Min"
  203. #define MSG_MAX " \002 Max"
  204. #define MSG_FACTOR " \002 Fact"
  205. #define MSG_MOTION "Motion"
  206. #define MSG_VOLUMETRIC "Filament"
  207. #define MSG_VOLUMETRIC_ENABLED "E in mm3"
  208. #define MSG_FILAMENT_SIZE_EXTRUDER_0 "Fil. Dia. 1"
  209. #define MSG_FILAMENT_SIZE_EXTRUDER_1 "Fil. Dia. 2"
  210. #define MSG_FILAMENT_SIZE_EXTRUDER_2 "Fil. Dia. 3"
  211. #define MSG_CONTRAST "LCD contrast"
  212. #define MSG_STORE_EPROM "Store memory"
  213. #define MSG_LOAD_EPROM "Load memory"
  214. #define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE "Restore failsafe"
  215. #define MSG_REFRESH "Refresh"
  216. #define MSG_PREPARE "Prepare"
  217. #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT "Retract mm"
  218. #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_SWAP "Swap"
  219. #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF "Retract V"
  220. #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_ZLIFT "Hop mm"
  221. #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER "UnRet +mm"
  224. #define MSG_AUTORETRACT "AutoRetr."
  225. #define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Init. SD card"
  226. #define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Change SD card"
  227. #define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "Z probe out. bed"
  228. #define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN "Home X/Y before Z"
  229. #define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET "Z Offset"
  230. #define MSG_BABYSTEP_X "Babystep X"
  231. #define MSG_BABYSTEP_Y "Babystep Y"
  232. #define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT "Endstop abort"
  233. #define MSG_RECTRACT "Rectract"
  234. #define MSG_HOMEYZ "Calibrar Z"
  235. #define MSG_HOMEYZ_PROGRESS "Calibrando Z"
  236. #define MSG_HOMEYZ_DONE "Calibracion OK"
  237. #define MSG_SELFTEST_ERROR "Autotest error!"
  238. #define MSG_SELFTEST_PLEASECHECK "Controla :"
  239. #define MSG_SELFTEST_NOTCONNECTED "No hay conexion "
  240. #define MSG_SELFTEST_HEATERTHERMISTOR "Calent./Termistor"
  241. #define MSG_SELFTEST_BEDHEATER "Cama/Calentador"
  242. #define MSG_SELFTEST_WIRINGERROR "Error de conexión"
  243. #define MSG_SELFTEST_ENDSTOPS "Topes final"
  244. #define MSG_SELFTEST_MOTOR "Motor"
  245. #define MSG_SELFTEST_ENDSTOP "Tope final"
  246. #define MSG_SELFTEST_ENDSTOP_NOTHIT "Tope fin. no toc."
  247. #define MSG_SELFTEST_OK "Self test OK"
  248. #define MSG_STATS_TOTALFILAMENT "Filamento total:"
  249. #define MSG_STATS_TOTALPRINTTIME "Tiempo total :"
  250. #define MSG_STATS_FILAMENTUSED "Filamento : "
  251. #define MSG_STATS_PRINTTIME "Tiempo de imp.:"
  252. #define MSG_SELFTEST_START "Autotest salida"
  253. #define MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_ENDSTOPS "Cont. topes final"
  254. #define MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_HOTEND "Control hotend "
  255. #define MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_X "Control del eje X"
  256. #define MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_Y "Control del eje Y"
  257. #define MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_Z "Control del eje Z"
  258. #define MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_BED "Control de cama"
  259. #define MSG_SELFTEST_CHECK_ALLCORRECT "Todo bie "
  260. #define MSG_SELFTEST "Autotest"
  261. #define MSG_SELFTEST_FAILED "Autotest fallado"
  262. #define MSG_STATISTICS "Estadistica "
  263. #define MSG_USB_PRINTING "Impresion de USB "
  264. #endif // LANGUAGE_EN_H