mmu2_reporting.cpp 11 KB

  1. #include "mmu2.h"
  2. #include "mmu2_reporting.h"
  3. #include "mmu2_error_converter.h"
  4. #include "mmu2/error_codes.h"
  5. #include "mmu2/buttons.h"
  6. #include "ultralcd.h"
  7. #include "Filament_sensor.h"
  8. #include "language.h"
  9. #include "temperature.h"
  10. #include "sound.h"
  11. namespace MMU2 {
  12. const char * ProgressCodeToText(uint16_t pc); // we may join progress convertor and reporter together
  13. void BeginReport(CommandInProgress /*cip*/, uint16_t ec) {
  14. custom_message_type = CustomMsg::MMUProgress;
  15. lcd_setstatuspgm( _T(ProgressCodeToText(ec)) );
  16. }
  17. void EndReport(CommandInProgress /*cip*/, uint16_t /*ec*/) {
  18. // clear the status msg line - let the printed filename get visible again
  19. custom_message_type = CustomMsg::Status;
  20. }
  21. /**
  22. * @brief Renders any characters that will be updated live on the MMU error screen.
  23. *Currently, this is FINDA and Filament Sensor status and Extruder temperature.
  24. */
  25. extern void ReportErrorHookDynamicRender(void){
  26. // beware - this optimization abuses the fact, that FindaDetectsFilament returns 0 or 1 and '0' is followed by '1' in the ASCII table
  27. lcd_putc_at(3, 2, mmu2.FindaDetectsFilament() + '0');
  28. lcd_putc_at(8, 2, fsensor.getFilamentPresent() + '0');
  29. // print active/changing filament slot
  30. lcd_set_cursor(10, 2);
  31. lcdui_print_extruder();
  32. // Print active extruder temperature
  33. lcd_set_cursor(16, 2);
  34. lcd_printf_P(PSTR("%3d"), (int)(degHotend(0) + 0.5));
  35. }
  36. /**
  37. * @brief Renders any characters that are static on the MMU error screen i.e. they don't change.
  38. * @param[in] ei Error code index
  39. */
  40. static void ReportErrorHookStaticRender(uint8_t ei) {
  41. //! Show an error screen
  42. //! When an MMU error occurs, the LCD content will look like this:
  43. //! |01234567890123456789|
  44. //! |MMU FW update needed| <- title/header of the error: max 20 characters
  45. //! || <- URL 20 characters
  46. //! |FI:1 FS:1 5>3 t201°| <- status line, t is thermometer symbol
  47. //! |>Retry >Done >W| <- buttons
  48. bool two_choices = false;
  49. // Read and determine what operations should be shown on the menu
  50. const uint8_t button_operation = PrusaErrorButtons(ei);
  51. const uint8_t button_op_right = BUTTON_OP_RIGHT(button_operation);
  52. const uint8_t button_op_middle = BUTTON_OP_MIDDLE(button_operation);
  53. // Check if the menu should have three or two choices
  54. if (button_op_right == (uint8_t)ButtonOperations::NoOperation){
  55. // Two operations not specified, the error menu should only show two choices
  56. two_choices = true;
  57. }
  58. lcd_set_custom_characters_nextpage();
  59. lcd_update_enable(false);
  60. lcd_clear();
  61. // Print title and header
  62. lcd_printf_P(PSTR("%.20S\"), _T(PrusaErrorTitle(ei)), PrusaErrorCode(ei) );
  63. ReportErrorHookSensorLineRender();
  64. // Render the choices
  65. //@todo convert MSG_BTN_MORE to PROGMEM_N1
  66. lcd_show_choices_prompt_P(two_choices ? LCD_LEFT_BUTTON_CHOICE : LCD_MIDDLE_BUTTON_CHOICE, _T(PrusaErrorButtonTitle(button_op_middle)), _T(two_choices ? PrusaErrorButtonMore() : PrusaErrorButtonTitle(button_op_right)), two_choices ? 18 : 9, two_choices ? nullptr : _T(PrusaErrorButtonMore()));
  67. }
  68. extern void ReportErrorHookSensorLineRender()
  69. {
  70. // Render static characters in third line
  71. lcd_set_cursor(0, 2);
  72. lcd_printf_P(PSTR("FI: FS: > %c %c"), LCD_STR_THERMOMETER[0], LCD_STR_DEGREE[0]);
  73. }
  74. /**
  75. * @brief Monitors the LCD button selection without blocking MMU communication
  76. * @param[in] ei Error code index
  77. * @return 0 if there is no knob click --
  78. * 1 if user clicked 'More' and firmware should render
  79. * the error screen when ReportErrorHook is called next --
  80. * 2 if the user selects an operation and we would like
  81. * to exit the error screen. The MMU will raise the menu
  82. * again if the error is not solved.
  83. */
  84. static uint8_t ReportErrorHookMonitor(uint8_t ei) {
  85. uint8_t ret = 0;
  86. bool two_choices = false;
  87. static int8_t enc_dif = lcd_encoder_diff;
  88. if (lcd_encoder_diff == 0)
  89. {
  90. // lcd_update_enable(true) was called outside ReportErrorHookMonitor
  91. // It will set lcd_encoder_diff to 0, sync enc_dif
  92. enc_dif = 0;
  93. }
  94. // Read and determine what operations should be shown on the menu
  95. const uint8_t button_operation = PrusaErrorButtons(ei);
  96. const uint8_t button_op_right = BUTTON_OP_RIGHT(button_operation);
  97. const uint8_t button_op_middle = BUTTON_OP_MIDDLE(button_operation);
  98. // Check if the menu should have three or two choices
  99. if (button_op_right == (uint8_t)ButtonOperations::NoOperation){
  100. // Two operations not specified, the error menu should only show two choices
  101. two_choices = true;
  102. }
  103. static int8_t current_selection = two_choices ? LCD_LEFT_BUTTON_CHOICE : LCD_MIDDLE_BUTTON_CHOICE;
  104. static int8_t choice_selected = -1;
  105. // Check if knob was rotated
  106. if (abs(enc_dif - lcd_encoder_diff) >= ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP) {
  107. if (two_choices == false) { // third_choice is not nullptr, safe to dereference
  108. if (enc_dif > lcd_encoder_diff && current_selection != LCD_LEFT_BUTTON_CHOICE) {
  109. // Rotating knob counter clockwise
  110. current_selection--;
  111. } else if (enc_dif < lcd_encoder_diff && current_selection != LCD_RIGHT_BUTTON_CHOICE) {
  112. // Rotating knob clockwise
  113. current_selection++;
  114. }
  115. } else {
  116. if (enc_dif > lcd_encoder_diff && current_selection != LCD_LEFT_BUTTON_CHOICE) {
  117. // Rotating knob counter clockwise
  118. current_selection = LCD_LEFT_BUTTON_CHOICE;
  119. } else if (enc_dif < lcd_encoder_diff && current_selection != LCD_MIDDLE_BUTTON_CHOICE) {
  120. // Rotating knob clockwise
  121. current_selection = LCD_MIDDLE_BUTTON_CHOICE;
  122. }
  123. }
  124. // Update '>' render only
  125. //! @brief Button menu
  126. //!
  127. //! @code{.unparsed}
  128. //! |01234567890123456789|
  129. //! | |
  130. //! | |
  131. //! | |
  132. //! |>(left) |
  133. //! ----------------------
  134. //! Three choices
  135. //! |>(left)>(mid)>(righ)|
  136. //! ----------------------
  137. //! Two choices
  138. //! ----------------------
  139. //! |>(left) >(mid) |
  140. //! ----------------------
  141. //! @endcode
  142. //
  143. lcd_set_cursor(0, 3);
  144. lcd_print(current_selection == LCD_LEFT_BUTTON_CHOICE ? '>': ' ');
  145. if (two_choices == false)
  146. {
  147. lcd_set_cursor(9, 3);
  148. lcd_print(current_selection == LCD_MIDDLE_BUTTON_CHOICE ? '>': ' ');
  149. lcd_set_cursor(18, 3);
  150. lcd_print(current_selection == LCD_RIGHT_BUTTON_CHOICE ? '>': ' ');
  151. } else {
  152. // More button for two button screen
  153. lcd_set_cursor(18, 3);
  154. lcd_print(current_selection == LCD_MIDDLE_BUTTON_CHOICE ? '>': ' ');
  155. }
  156. // Consume rotation event and make feedback sound
  157. enc_dif = lcd_encoder_diff;
  158. Sound_MakeSound(e_SOUND_TYPE_EncoderMove);
  159. }
  160. // Check if knob was clicked and consume the event
  161. if (lcd_clicked()) {
  162. Sound_MakeSound(e_SOUND_TYPE_ButtonEcho);
  163. choice_selected = current_selection;
  164. } else {
  165. // continue monitoring
  166. return ret;
  167. }
  168. if ((two_choices && choice_selected == LCD_MIDDLE_BUTTON_CHOICE) // Two choices and middle button selected
  169. || (!two_choices && choice_selected == LCD_RIGHT_BUTTON_CHOICE)) // Three choices and right most button selected
  170. {
  171. // 'More' show error description
  172. lcd_show_fullscreen_message_and_wait_P(_T(PrusaErrorDesc(ei)));
  173. ret = 1;
  174. } else if(choice_selected == LCD_MIDDLE_BUTTON_CHOICE) {
  175. SetButtonResponse((ButtonOperations)button_op_right);
  176. ret = 2;
  177. } else {
  178. SetButtonResponse((ButtonOperations)button_op_middle);
  179. ret = 2;
  180. }
  181. // Reset static variables to their default value
  182. current_selection = two_choices ? LCD_LEFT_BUTTON_CHOICE : LCD_MIDDLE_BUTTON_CHOICE;
  183. choice_selected = -1;
  184. return ret;
  185. }
  186. enum class ReportErrorHookStates : uint8_t {
  190. };
  191. enum ReportErrorHookStates ReportErrorHookState = ReportErrorHookStates::RENDER_ERROR_SCREEN;
  192. void ReportErrorHook(uint16_t ec) {
  193. if (mmu2.MMUCurrentErrorCode() == ErrorCode::OK && mmu2.MMULastErrorSource() == MMU2::ErrorSourceMMU)
  194. {
  195. // If the error code suddenly changes to OK, that means
  196. // a button was pushed on the MMU and the LCD should
  197. // dismiss the error screen until MMU raises a new error
  198. ReportErrorHookState = ReportErrorHookStates::DISMISS_ERROR_SCREEN;
  199. }
  200. const uint8_t ei = PrusaErrorCodeIndex(ec);
  201. switch ((uint8_t)ReportErrorHookState)
  202. {
  203. case (uint8_t)ReportErrorHookStates::RENDER_ERROR_SCREEN:
  204. ReportErrorHookStaticRender(ei);
  205. ReportErrorHookState = ReportErrorHookStates::MONITOR_SELECTION;
  206. // Fall through
  207. case (uint8_t)ReportErrorHookStates::MONITOR_SELECTION:
  208. mmu2.is_mmu_error_monitor_active = true;
  209. ReportErrorHookDynamicRender(); // Render dynamic characters
  210. switch (ReportErrorHookMonitor(ei))
  211. {
  212. case 0:
  213. // No choice selected, return to loop()
  214. break;
  215. case 1:
  216. // More button selected, change state
  217. ReportErrorHookState = ReportErrorHookStates::RENDER_ERROR_SCREEN;
  218. break;
  219. case 2:
  220. // Exit error screen and enable lcd updates
  221. lcd_set_custom_characters();
  222. lcd_update_enable(true);
  223. lcd_return_to_status();
  224. // Reset the state in case a new error is reported
  225. mmu2.is_mmu_error_monitor_active = false;
  226. ReportErrorHookState = ReportErrorHookStates::RENDER_ERROR_SCREEN;
  227. break;
  228. default:
  229. break;
  230. }
  231. return; // Always return to loop() to let MMU trigger a call to ReportErrorHook again
  232. break;
  233. case (uint8_t)ReportErrorHookStates::DISMISS_ERROR_SCREEN:
  234. lcd_set_custom_characters();
  235. lcd_update_enable(true);
  236. lcd_return_to_status();
  237. // Reset the state in case a new error is reported
  238. mmu2.is_mmu_error_monitor_active = false;
  239. ReportErrorHookState = ReportErrorHookStates::RENDER_ERROR_SCREEN;
  240. break;
  241. default:
  242. break;
  243. }
  244. }
  245. void ReportProgressHook(CommandInProgress cip, uint16_t ec) {
  246. if (cip != CommandInProgress::NoCommand)
  247. {
  248. custom_message_type = CustomMsg::MMUProgress;
  249. lcd_setstatuspgm( _T(ProgressCodeToText(ec)) );
  250. } else {
  251. // If there is no command in progress we can display other
  252. // useful information such as the name of the SD file
  253. // being printed
  254. custom_message_type = CustomMsg::Status;
  255. }
  256. }
  257. } // namespace MMU2