123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214 |
- from __future__ import print_function
- import io
- import os
- import sys
- import subprocess
- import re
- import difflib
- import scriptCommon
- from scriptCommon import catchPath
- if os.name == 'nt':
- os.system('')
- rootPath = os.path.join(catchPath, 'projects/SelfTest/Baselines')
- langFilenameParser = re.compile(r'(.+\.[ch]pp)')
- filelocParser = re.compile(r'''
- .*/
- (.+\.[ch]pp) # filename
- (?::|\() # : is starting separator between filename and line number on Linux, ( on Windows
- ([0-9]*) # line number
- \)? # Windows also has an ending separator, )
- ''', re.VERBOSE)
- lineNumberParser = re.compile(r' line="[0-9]*"')
- hexParser = re.compile(r'\b(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+)\b')
- durationsParser = re.compile(r' time="[0-9]*\.[0-9]*"')
- sonarqubeDurationParser = re.compile(r' duration="[0-9]+"')
- timestampsParser = re.compile(r'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}Z')
- versionParser = re.compile(r'Catch v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(-develop\.[0-9]+)?')
- nullParser = re.compile(r'\b(__null|nullptr)\b')
- exeNameParser = re.compile(r'''
- \b
- (CatchSelfTest|SelfTest) # Expected executable name
- (?:.exe)? # Executable name contains .exe on Windows.
- \b
- ''', re.VERBOSE)
- specialCaseParser = re.compile(r'file\((\d+)\)')
- errnoParser = re.compile(r'''
- \(\*__errno_location\ \(\)\)
- |
- \(\*__error\(\)\)
- |
- \(\*_errno\(\)\)
- ''', re.VERBOSE)
- sinceEpochParser = re.compile(r'\d+ .+ since epoch')
- infParser = re.compile(r'''
- \(\(float\)\(1e\+300\ \*\ 1e\+300\)\) # MSVC INFINITY macro
- |
- \(__builtin_inff\(\)\) # Linux (ubuntu) INFINITY macro
- |
- \(__builtin_inff\ \(\)\) # Fedora INFINITY macro
- |
- __builtin_huge_valf\(\) # OSX macro
- ''', re.VERBOSE)
- nanParser = re.compile(r'''
- \(\(float\)\(\(\(float\)\(1e\+300\ \*\ 1e\+300\)\)\ \*\ 0\.0F\)\) # MSVC NAN macro
- |
- \(\(float\)\(INFINITY\ \*\ 0\.0F\)\) # Yet another MSVC NAN macro
- |
- \(__builtin_nanf\ \(""\)\) # Linux (ubuntu) NAN macro
- |
- __builtin_nanf\("0x<hex\ digits>"\) # The weird content of the brackets is there because a different parser has already ran before this one
- ''', re.VERBOSE)
- if len(sys.argv) == 2:
- cmdPath = sys.argv[1]
- else:
- cmdPath = os.path.join(catchPath, scriptCommon.getBuildExecutable())
- overallResult = 0
- def diffFiles(fileA, fileB):
- with io.open(fileA, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='surrogateescape') as file:
- aLines = [line.rstrip() for line in file.readlines()]
- with io.open(fileB, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='surrogateescape') as file:
- bLines = [line.rstrip() for line in file.readlines()]
- shortenedFilenameA = fileA.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[-1]
- shortenedFilenameB = fileB.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[-1]
- diff = difflib.unified_diff(aLines, bLines, fromfile=shortenedFilenameA, tofile=shortenedFilenameB, n=0)
- return [line for line in diff if line[0] in ('+', '-')]
- def normalizeFilepath(line):
- if catchPath in line:
- line = line.replace(catchPath + os.sep, '')
- m = langFilenameParser.match(line)
- if m:
- filepath = m.group(0)
- filepath = filepath.replace('\\', '/')
- filepath = filepath.replace('../', '')
- line = line[:m.start()] + filepath + line[m.end():]
- return line
- def filterLine(line, isCompact):
- line = normalizeFilepath(line)
- m = filelocParser.match(line)
- if m:
- filename, lnum = m.groups()
- lnum = ":<line number>" if lnum else ""
- line = filename + lnum + line[m.end():]
- else:
- line = lineNumberParser.sub(" ", line)
- if isCompact:
- line = line.replace(': FAILED', ': failed')
- line = line.replace(': PASSED', ': passed')
- line = versionParser.sub("<version>", line)
- line = nullParser.sub("0", line)
- line = exeNameParser.sub("<exe-name>", line)
- line = hexParser.sub("0x<hex digits>", line)
- line = durationsParser.sub(' time="{duration}"', line)
- line = sonarqubeDurationParser.sub(' duration="{duration}"', line)
- line = timestampsParser.sub('{iso8601-timestamp}', line)
- line = specialCaseParser.sub('file:\g<1>', line)
- line = errnoParser.sub('errno', line)
- line = sinceEpochParser.sub('{since-epoch-report}', line)
- line = infParser.sub('INFINITY', line)
- line = nanParser.sub('NAN', line)
- return line
- def approve(baseName, args):
- global overallResult
- args[0:0] = [cmdPath]
- if not os.path.exists(cmdPath):
- raise Exception("Executable doesn't exist at " + cmdPath)
- baselinesPath = os.path.join(rootPath, '{0}.approved.txt'.format(baseName))
- rawResultsPath = os.path.join(rootPath, '_{0}.tmp'.format(baseName))
- filteredResultsPath = os.path.join(rootPath, '{0}.unapproved.txt'.format(baseName))
- f = open(rawResultsPath, 'w')
- subprocess.call(args, stdout=f, stderr=f)
- f.close()
- rawFile = io.open(rawResultsPath, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='surrogateescape')
- filteredFile = io.open(filteredResultsPath, 'w', encoding='utf-8', errors='surrogateescape')
- for line in rawFile:
- filteredFile.write(filterLine(line, 'compact' in baseName).rstrip() + "\n")
- filteredFile.close()
- rawFile.close()
- os.remove(rawResultsPath)
- print()
- print(baseName + ":")
- if os.path.exists(baselinesPath):
- diffResult = diffFiles(baselinesPath, filteredResultsPath)
- if diffResult:
- print('\n'.join(diffResult))
- print(" \n****************************\n \033[91mResults differed")
- if len(diffResult) > overallResult:
- overallResult = len(diffResult)
- else:
- os.remove(filteredResultsPath)
- print(" \033[92mResults matched")
- print("\033[0m")
- else:
- print(" first approval")
- if overallResult == 0:
- overallResult = 1
- print("Running approvals against executable:")
- print(" " + cmdPath)
- approve("console.std", ["~[!nonportable]~[!benchmark]~[approvals]", "--order", "lex", "--rng-seed", "1"])
- approve("console.sw", ["~[!nonportable]~[!benchmark]~[approvals]", "-s", "-w", "NoAssertions", "--order", "lex", "--rng-seed", "1"])
- approve("console.swa4", ["~[!nonportable]~[!benchmark]~[approvals]", "-s", "-w", "NoAssertions", "-x", "4", "--order", "lex", "--rng-seed", "1"])
- approve("junit.sw", ["~[!nonportable]~[!benchmark]~[approvals]", "-s", "-w", "NoAssertions", "-r", "junit", "--order", "lex", "--rng-seed", "1"])
- approve("xml.sw", ["~[!nonportable]~[!benchmark]~[approvals]", "-s", "-w", "NoAssertions", "-r", "xml", "--order", "lex", "--rng-seed", "1"])
- approve('compact.sw', ['~[!nonportable]~[!benchmark]~[approvals]', '-s', '-w', 'NoAssertions', '-r', 'compact', '--order', 'lex', "--rng-seed", "1"])
- approve("sonarqube.sw", ["~[!nonportable]~[!benchmark]~[approvals]", "-s", "-w", "NoAssertions", "-r", "sonarqube", "--order", "lex", "--rng-seed", "1"])
- if overallResult != 0:
- print("If these differences are expected, run approve.py to approve new baselines.")
- exit(overallResult)