Configuration.h 23 KB

  1. #ifndef CONFIGURATION_H
  2. #define CONFIGURATION_H
  3. #include "boards.h"
  4. #define STR_HELPER(x) #x
  5. #define STR(x) STR_HELPER(x)
  6. //-//
  7. #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
  8. extern const uint16_t _nPrinterType;
  9. extern const char _sPrinterName[] PROGMEM;
  10. extern const uint16_t _nPrinterMmuType;
  11. extern const char _sPrinterMmuName[] PROGMEM;
  12. extern uint16_t nPrinterType;
  13. extern PGM_P sPrinterName;
  14. // Firmware version
  15. #define FW_MAJOR 3
  16. #define FW_MINOR 11
  17. #define FW_REVISION 1
  18. //#define FW_FLAVOR RC //uncomment if DEBUG, DEVEL, ALPHA, BETA or RC
  19. //#define FW_FLAVERSION 1 //uncomment if FW_FLAVOR is defined and versioning is needed.
  20. #ifndef FW_FLAVOR
  22. #else
  24. #endif
  25. #define FW_COMMIT_NR 4987
  26. // FW_VERSION_UNKNOWN means this is an unofficial build.
  27. // The firmware should only be checked into github with this symbol.
  29. #define FW_REPOSITORY "Unknown"
  31. // G-code language level
  32. #define GCODE_LEVEL 1
  33. // Debug version has debugging enabled (the symbol DEBUG_BUILD is set).
  34. // The debug build may be a bit slower than the non-debug build, therefore the debug build should
  35. // not be shipped to a customer.
  36. #define FW_VERSION_DEBUG 6
  37. // This is a development build. A development build is either built from an unofficial git repository,
  38. // or from an unofficial branch, or it does not have a label set. Only the build server should set this build type.
  39. #define FW_VERSION_DEVEL 5
  40. // This is an alpha release. Only the build server should set this build type.
  41. #define FW_VERSION_ALPHA 4
  42. // This is a beta release. Only the build server should set this build type.
  43. #define FW_VERSION_BETA 3
  44. // This is a release candidate build. Only the build server should set this build type.
  45. #define FW_VERSION_RC 2
  46. // This is a final release. Only the build server should set this build type.
  47. #define FW_VERSION_GOLD 1
  48. // This is an unofficial build. The firmware should only be checked into github with this symbol,
  49. // the build server shall never produce builds with this build type.
  50. #define FW_VERSION_UNKNOWN 0
  52. #define DEBUG_BUILD
  53. #else
  54. #undef DEBUG_BUILD
  55. #endif
  56. #include "Configuration_prusa.h"
  57. #define FW_PRUSA3D_MAGIC "PRUSA3DFW"
  58. #define FW_PRUSA3D_MAGIC_LEN 10
  59. #include "eeprom.h"
  60. // This configuration file contains the basic settings.
  61. // Advanced settings can be found in Configuration_adv.h
  62. // BASIC SETTINGS: select your board type, temperature sensor type, axis scaling, and endstop configuration
  63. // User-specified version info of this build to display in [Pronterface, etc] terminal window during
  64. // startup. Implementation of an idea by Prof Braino to inform user that any changes made to this
  65. // build by the user have been successfully uploaded into firmware.
  66. //#define STRING_VERSION "1.0.2"
  67. #define STRING_VERSION_CONFIG_H __DATE__ " " __TIME__ // build date and time
  68. #define STRING_CONFIG_H_AUTHOR "(none, default config)" // Who made the changes.
  69. // SERIAL_PORT selects which serial port should be used for communication with the host.
  70. // This allows the connection of wireless adapters (for instance) to non-default port pins.
  71. // Serial port 0 is still used by the Arduino bootloader regardless of this setting.
  72. #define SERIAL_PORT 0
  73. // This determines the communication speed of the printer
  74. #define BAUDRATE 115200
  75. // This enables the serial port associated to the Bluetooth interface
  76. //#define BTENABLED // Enable BT interface on AT90USB devices
  77. // The following define selects which electronics board you have.
  78. // Please choose the name from boards.h that matches your setup
  79. // Define this to set a unique identifier for this printer, (Used by some programs to differentiate between machines)
  80. // You can use an online service to generate a random UUID. (eg
  81. // #define MACHINE_UUID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  82. // This defines the number of extruders
  83. #define EXTRUDERS 1
  84. //// The following define selects which power supply you have. Please choose the one that matches your setup
  85. // 1 = ATX
  86. // 2 = X-Box 360 203Watts (the blue wire connected to PS_ON and the red wire to VCC)
  87. #define POWER_SUPPLY 1
  88. // Define this to have the electronics keep the power supply off on startup. If you don't know what this is leave it.
  89. // #define PS_DEFAULT_OFF
  90. // Actual temperature must be close to target for this long before M109 returns success
  91. #define TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME 3 // (seconds)
  92. #define TEMP_HYSTERESIS 5 // (degC) range of +/- temperatures considered "close" to the target one
  93. #define TEMP_WINDOW 1 // (degC) Window around target to start the residency timer x degC early.
  94. // If your bed has low resistance e.g. .6 ohm and throws the fuse you can duty cycle it to reduce the
  95. // average current. The value should be an integer and the heat bed will be turned on for 1 interval of
  98. // If you want the M105 heater power reported in watts, define the BED_WATTS, and (shared for all extruders) EXTRUDER_WATTS
  99. //#define EXTRUDER_WATTS (12.0*12.0/6.7) // P=I^2/R
  100. //#define BED_WATTS (12.0*12.0/1.1) // P=I^2/R
  101. // PID settings:
  102. // Comment the following line to disable PID and enable bang-bang.
  103. #define PIDTEMP
  104. #define BANG_MAX 255 // limits current to nozzle while in bang-bang mode; 255=full current
  105. #define PID_MAX BANG_MAX // limits current to nozzle while PID is active; 255=full current
  106. #ifdef PIDTEMP
  107. //#define PID_DEBUG // Sends debug data to the serial port.
  108. //#define PID_OPENLOOP 1 // Puts PID in open loop. M104/M140 sets the output power from 0 to PID_MAX
  109. //#define SLOW_PWM_HEATERS // PWM with very low frequency (roughly 0.125Hz=8s) and minimum state time of approximately 1s useful for heaters driven by a relay
  110. #define PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MAX PID_MAX //limit for the integral term
  111. #define PID_K1 0.95 //smoothing factor within the PID
  112. #define PID_dT ((OVERSAMPLENR * 10.0)/(F_CPU / 64.0 / 256.0)) //sampling period of the temperature routine
  113. // If you are using a pre-configured hotend then you can use one of the value sets by uncommenting it
  114. // Ultimaker
  115. // MakerGear
  116. // #define DEFAULT_Kp 7.0
  117. // #define DEFAULT_Ki 0.1
  118. // #define DEFAULT_Kd 12
  119. // Mendel Parts V9 on 12V
  120. // #define DEFAULT_Kp 63.0
  121. // #define DEFAULT_Ki 2.25
  122. // #define DEFAULT_Kd 440
  123. #endif // PIDTEMP
  124. //this prevents dangerous Extruder moves, i.e. if the temperature is under the limit
  125. //can be software-disabled for whatever purposes by
  127. //if PREVENT_DANGEROUS_EXTRUDE is on, you can still disable (uncomment) very long bits of extrusion separately.
  133. #define EXTRUDE_MAXLENGTH (X_MAX_LENGTH+Y_MAX_LENGTH) //prevent extrusion of very large distances.
  134. /*================== Thermal Runaway Protection ==============================
  135. This is a feature to protect your printer from burn up in flames if it has
  136. a thermistor coming off place (this happened to a friend of mine recently and
  137. motivated me writing this feature).
  138. The issue: If a thermistor come off, it will read a lower temperature than actual.
  139. The system will turn the heater on forever, burning up the filament and anything
  140. else around.
  141. After the temperature reaches the target for the first time, this feature will
  142. start measuring for how long the current temperature stays below the target
  144. If it stays longer than _PERIOD, it means the thermistor temperature
  145. cannot catch up with the target, so something *may be* wrong. Then, to be on the
  146. safe side, the system will he halt.
  147. Bear in mind the count down will just start AFTER the first time the
  148. thermistor temperature is over the target, so you will have no problem if
  149. your extruder heater takes 2 minutes to hit the target on heating.
  150. */
  151. // If you want to enable this feature for all your extruder heaters,
  152. // uncomment the 2 defines below:
  153. // Parameters for all extruder heaters
  154. //#define THERMAL_RUNAWAY_PROTECTION_PERIOD 40 //in seconds
  155. //#define THERMAL_RUNAWAY_PROTECTION_HYSTERESIS 4 // in degree Celsius
  156. // If you want to enable this feature for your bed heater,
  157. // uncomment the 2 defines below:
  158. // Parameters for the bed heater
  159. //#define THERMAL_RUNAWAY_PROTECTION_BED_PERIOD 20 //in seconds
  160. //#define THERMAL_RUNAWAY_PROTECTION_BED_HYSTERESIS 2 // in degree Celsius
  161. //===========================================================================
  162. //===========================================================================
  163. //=============================Mechanical Settings===========================
  164. //===========================================================================
  165. // Uncomment the following line to enable CoreXY kinematics
  166. // #define COREXY
  167. // coarse Endstop Settings
  168. #define ENDSTOPPULLUPS // Comment this out (using // at the start of the line) to disable the endstop pullup resistors
  169. #ifndef ENDSTOPPULLUPS
  170. // fine endstop settings: Individual pullups. will be ignored if ENDSTOPPULLUPS is defined
  171. // #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMAX
  172. // #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_YMAX
  173. // #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMAX
  174. // #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMIN
  175. // #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_YMIN
  176. // #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMIN
  177. #endif
  178. #ifdef ENDSTOPPULLUPS
  185. #endif
  186. // The pullups are needed if you directly connect a mechanical endswitch between the signal and ground pins.
  187. #define X_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING 0 // set to 1 to invert the logic of the endstop.
  188. #define Y_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING 0 // set to 1 to invert the logic of the endstop.
  189. #define Z_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING 1 // set to 1 to invert the logic of the endstop.
  190. //#define DISABLE_MAX_ENDSTOPS
  191. //#define DISABLE_MIN_ENDSTOPS
  192. // Disable max endstops for compatibility with endstop checking routine
  193. #if defined(COREXY) && !defined(DISABLE_MAX_ENDSTOPS)
  195. #endif
  196. // For Inverting Stepper Enable Pins (Active Low) use 0, Non Inverting (Active High) use 1
  197. #define X_ENABLE_ON 0
  198. #define Y_ENABLE_ON 0
  199. #define Z_ENABLE_ON 0
  200. #define E_ENABLE_ON 0 // For all extruders
  201. // Disables axis when it's not being used.
  202. #define DISABLE_X 0
  203. #define DISABLE_Y 0
  204. #define DISABLE_Z 0
  205. #define DISABLE_E 0// For all extruders
  206. #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_EXTRUDER 1 //disable only inactive extruders and keep active extruder enabled
  208. // Sets direction of endstops when homing; 1=MAX, -1=MIN
  209. #define X_HOME_DIR -1
  210. #define Y_HOME_DIR -1
  211. #define Z_HOME_DIR -1
  213. #define min_software_endstops 0
  214. #define max_software_endstops 0
  215. #else
  216. #define min_software_endstops 1 // If true, axis won't move to coordinates less than HOME_POS.
  217. #define max_software_endstops 1 // If true, axis won't move to coordinates greater than the defined lengths below.
  219. #define X_MAX_LENGTH (X_MAX_POS - X_MIN_POS)
  220. #define Y_MAX_LENGTH (Y_MAX_POS - Y_MIN_POS)
  221. #define Z_MAX_LENGTH (Z_MAX_POS - Z_MIN_POS)
  222. #define Z_HEIGHT_HIDE_LIVE_ADJUST_MENU 2.0f
  223. #define HOME_Z_SEARCH_THRESHOLD 0.15f // Threshold of the Z height in calibration
  224. //============================= Bed Auto Leveling ===========================
  225. //#define ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING // Delete the comment to enable (remove // at the start of the line)
  226. #define Z_PROBE_REPEATABILITY_TEST // If not commented out, Z-Probe Repeatability test will be included if Auto Bed Leveling is Enabled.
  228. // There are 2 different ways to pick the X and Y locations to probe:
  229. // - "grid" mode
  230. // Probe every point in a rectangular grid
  231. // You must specify the rectangle, and the density of sample points
  232. // This mode is preferred because there are more measurements.
  233. // It used to be called ACCURATE_BED_LEVELING but "grid" is more descriptive
  234. // - "3-point" mode
  235. // Probe 3 arbitrary points on the bed (that aren't colinear)
  236. // You must specify the X & Y coordinates of all 3 points
  238. // with AUTO_BED_LEVELING_GRID, the bed is sampled in a
  240. // and least squares solution is calculated
  241. // Note: this feature occupies 10'206 byte
  243. // set the rectangle in which to probe
  244. #define LEFT_PROBE_BED_POSITION 15
  245. #define RIGHT_PROBE_BED_POSITION 170
  246. #define BACK_PROBE_BED_POSITION 180
  247. #define FRONT_PROBE_BED_POSITION 20
  248. // set the number of grid points per dimension
  249. // I wouldn't see a reason to go above 3 (=9 probing points on the bed)
  251. #else // not AUTO_BED_LEVELING_GRID
  252. // with no grid, just probe 3 arbitrary points. A simple cross-product
  253. // is used to esimate the plane of the print bed
  254. #define ABL_PROBE_PT_1_X 15
  255. #define ABL_PROBE_PT_1_Y 180
  256. #define ABL_PROBE_PT_2_X 15
  257. #define ABL_PROBE_PT_2_Y 20
  258. #define ABL_PROBE_PT_3_X 170
  259. #define ABL_PROBE_PT_3_Y 20
  260. #endif // AUTO_BED_LEVELING_GRID
  261. // these are the offsets to the probe relative to the extruder tip (Hotend - Probe)
  262. // X and Y offsets must be integers
  265. #define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -12.35
  266. #define Z_RAISE_BEFORE_HOMING 5 // (in mm) Raise Z before homing (G28) for Probe Clearance.
  267. // Be sure you have this distance over your Z_MAX_POS in case
  268. #define XY_TRAVEL_SPEED 8000 // X and Y axis travel speed between probes, in mm/min
  269. #define Z_RAISE_BEFORE_PROBING 15 //How much the extruder will be raised before traveling to the first probing point.
  270. #define Z_RAISE_BETWEEN_PROBINGS 5 //How much the extruder will be raised when traveling from between next probing points
  271. //#define Z_PROBE_SLED // turn on if you have a z-probe mounted on a sled like those designed by Charles Bell
  272. //#define SLED_DOCKING_OFFSET 5 // the extra distance the X axis must travel to pickup the sled. 0 should be fine but you can push it further if you'd like.
  273. //If defined, the Probe servo will be turned on only during movement and then turned off to avoid jerk
  274. //The value is the delay to turn the servo off after powered on - depends on the servo speed; 300ms is good value, but you can try lower it.
  275. // You MUST HAVE the SERVO_ENDSTOPS defined to use here a value higher than zero otherwise your code will not compile.
  277. //If you have enabled the Bed Auto Leveling and are using the same Z Probe for Z Homing,
  278. //it is highly recommended you let this Z_SAFE_HOMING enabled!
  279. //#define Z_SAFE_HOMING // This feature is meant to avoid Z homing with probe outside the bed area.
  280. // When defined, it will:
  281. // - Allow Z homing only after X and Y homing AND stepper drivers still enabled
  282. // - If stepper drivers timeout, it will need X and Y homing again before Z homing
  283. // - Position the probe in a defined XY point before Z Homing when homing all axis (G28)
  284. // - Block Z homing only when the probe is outside bed area.
  285. #ifdef Z_SAFE_HOMING
  286. #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_X_POINT (X_MAX_LENGTH/2) // X point for Z homing when homing all axis (G28)
  287. #define Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT (Y_MAX_LENGTH/2) // Y point for Z homing when homing all axis (G28)
  288. #endif
  289. #ifdef AUTO_BED_LEVELING_GRID // Check if Probe_Offset * Grid Points is greater than Probing Range
  292. #error "The X axis probing range is not enough to fit all the points defined in AUTO_BED_LEVELING_GRID_POINTS"
  293. #endif
  294. #else
  296. #error "The X axis probing range is not enough to fit all the points defined in AUTO_BED_LEVELING_GRID_POINTS"
  297. #endif
  298. #endif
  301. #error "The Y axis probing range is not enough to fit all the points defined in AUTO_BED_LEVELING_GRID_POINTS"
  302. #endif
  303. #else
  305. #error "The Y axis probing range is not enough to fit all the points defined in AUTO_BED_LEVELING_GRID_POINTS"
  306. #endif
  307. #endif
  308. #endif
  310. // The position of the homing switches
  311. //#define MANUAL_HOME_POSITIONS // If defined, MANUAL_*_HOME_POS below will be used
  312. //#define BED_CENTER_AT_0_0 // If defined, the center of the bed is at (X=0, Y=0)
  313. //Manual homing switch locations:
  314. // For deltabots this means top and center of the Cartesian print volume.
  315. // Offset of the extruders (uncomment if using more than one and relying on firmware to position when changing).
  316. // The offset has to be X=0, Y=0 for the extruder 0 hotend (default extruder).
  317. // For the other hotends it is their distance from the extruder 0 hotend.
  318. // #define EXTRUDER_OFFSET_X {0.0, 20.00} // (in mm) for each extruder, offset of the hotend on the X axis
  319. // #define EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Y {0.0, 5.00} // (in mm) for each extruder, offset of the hotend on the Y axis
  320. // The speed change that does not require acceleration (i.e. the software might assume it can be done instantaneously)
  321. #define DEFAULT_XJERK 10 // (mm/sec)
  322. #define DEFAULT_YJERK 10 // (mm/sec)
  323. #define DEFAULT_ZJERK 0.4 // (mm/sec)
  324. #define DEFAULT_EJERK 4.5 // (mm/sec)
  325. //===========================================================================
  326. //=============================Additional Features===========================
  327. //===========================================================================
  328. // Custom M code points
  329. #define CUSTOM_M_CODES
  330. #ifdef CUSTOM_M_CODES
  333. #define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_RANGE_MIN -15
  334. #define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_RANGE_MAX -5
  336. #endif // CUSTOM_M_CODES
  337. // EEPROM
  338. // The microcontroller can store settings in the EEPROM, e.g. max velocity...
  339. // M500 - stores parameters in EEPROM
  340. // M501 - reads parameters from EEPROM (if you need reset them after you changed them temporarily).
  341. // M502 - reverts to the default "factory settings". You still need to store them in EEPROM afterwards if you want to.
  342. //define this to enable EEPROM support
  343. //#define EEPROM_SETTINGS
  344. //to disable EEPROM Serial responses and decrease program space by ~1700 byte: comment this out:
  345. // please keep turned on if you can.
  346. //#define EEPROM_CHITCHAT
  347. // Host Keepalive
  348. //
  349. // When enabled Marlin will send a busy status message to the host
  350. // every couple of seconds when it can't accept commands.
  351. //
  352. #ifndef HEATBED_ANALYSIS
  353. #define HOST_KEEPALIVE_FEATURE // Disable this if your host doesn't like keepalive messages
  354. #endif //HEATBED_ANALYSIS
  355. #define HOST_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL 2 // Number of seconds between "busy" messages. Set with M113.
  356. //LCD and SD support
  357. #define SDSUPPORT // Enable SD Card Support in Hardware Console
  358. //#define SDSLOW // Use slower SD transfer mode (not normally needed - uncomment if you're getting volume init error)
  359. #define SD_CHECK_AND_RETRY // Use CRC checks and retries on the SD communication
  360. #define ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP 4 // Increase if you have a high resolution encoder
  361. //#define ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM 1 // Set according to ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP or your liking
  362. // The RepRapDiscount Smart Controller (white PCB)
  363. //
  365. #define SDSUPPORT
  366. #define LCD_WIDTH 20
  367. #define LCD_HEIGHT 4
  368. // Increase the FAN pwm frequency. Removes the PWM noise but increases heating in the FET/Arduino
  369. //#define FAST_PWM_FAN
  370. // Use software PWM to drive the fan, as for the heaters. This uses a very low frequency
  371. // which is not ass annoying as with the hardware PWM. On the other hand, if this frequency
  372. // is too low, you should also increment SOFT_PWM_SCALE.
  373. #define FAN_SOFT_PWM
  374. #define FAN_SOFT_PWM_BITS 4 //PWM bit resolution = 4bits, freq = 62.5Hz
  375. // Bed soft pwm
  376. #define HEATER_BED_SOFT_PWM_BITS 5 //PWM bit resolution = 5bits, freq = 31.25Hz
  377. // Incrementing this by 1 will double the software PWM frequency,
  378. // affecting heaters, and the fan if FAN_SOFT_PWM is enabled.
  379. // However, control resolution will be halved for each increment;
  380. // at zero value, there are 128 effective control positions.
  381. #define SOFT_PWM_SCALE 0
  382. // M240 Triggers a camera by emulating a Canon RC-1 Remote
  383. // Data from:
  384. // #define PHOTOGRAPH_PIN 23
  385. // SF send wrong arc g-codes when using Arc Point as fillet procedure
  386. //#define SF_ARC_FIX
  387. //define BlinkM/CyzRgb Support
  388. //#define BLINKM
  389. /*********************************************************************\
  390. * R/C SERVO support
  391. * Sponsored by TrinityLabs, Reworked by codexmas
  392. **********************************************************************/
  393. // Number of servos
  394. //
  395. // If you select a configuration below, this will receive a default value and does not need to be set manually
  396. // set it manually if you have more servos than extruders and wish to manually control some
  397. // leaving it undefined or defining as 0 will disable the servo subsystem
  398. // If unsure, leave commented / disabled
  399. //
  400. //#define NUM_SERVOS 3 // Servo index starts with 0 for M280 command
  401. #define DEFAULT_NOMINAL_FILAMENT_DIA 1.75 //Enter the diameter (in mm) of the filament generally used (3.0 mm or 1.75 mm). Used by the volumetric extrusion.
  402. // Calibration status of the machine, to be stored into the EEPROM,
  403. // (unsigned char*)EEPROM_CALIBRATION_STATUS
  404. enum CalibrationStatus
  405. {
  406. // Freshly assembled, needs to peform a self-test and the XYZ calibration.
  408. // For the wizard: self test has been performed, now the XYZ calibration is needed.
  410. // For the wizard: factory assembled, needs to run Z calibration.
  412. // The XYZ calibration has been performed, now it remains to run the V2Calibration.gcode.
  414. // Calibrated, ready to print.
  416. // Legacy: resetted by issuing a G86 G-code.
  417. // This value can only be expected after an upgrade from the initial MK2 firmware releases.
  418. // Currently the G86 sets the calibration status to
  420. };
  421. // Try to maintain a minimum distance from the bed even when Z is
  422. // unknown when doing the following operations
  423. #define MIN_Z_FOR_LOAD 50 // lcd filament loading or autoload
  424. #define MIN_Z_FOR_UNLOAD 50 // lcd filament unloading
  425. #define MIN_Z_FOR_SWAP 27 // filament change (including M600)
  426. #define MIN_Z_FOR_PREHEAT 10 // lcd preheat
  427. #include "Configuration_adv.h"
  428. #include "thermistortables.h"
  429. // #define PRUSA_FARM
  430. #endif //__CONFIGURATION_H