123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351 |
- #pragma once
- #include <stdint.h>
- // #include <array> //@@TODO Don't we have STL for AVR somewhere?
- template<typename T, uint8_t N>
- class array {
- T data[N];
- public:
- array() = default;
- inline constexpr T* begin()const { return data; }
- inline constexpr T* end()const { return data + N; }
- constexpr uint8_t size()const { return N; }
- inline T &operator[](uint8_t i){
- return data[i];
- }
- };
- #include "mmu2/error_codes.h"
- #include "mmu2/progress_codes.h"
- #include "mmu2/buttons.h"
- #include "mmu2_protocol.h"
- #include "mmu2_serial.h"
- /// New MMU2 protocol logic
- namespace MMU2 {
- using namespace modules::protocol;
- class ProtocolLogic;
- /// ProtocolLogic stepping statuses
- enum StepStatus : uint_fast8_t {
- Processing = 0,
- MessageReady, ///< a message has been successfully decoded from the received bytes
- Finished,
- CommunicationTimeout, ///< the MMU failed to respond to a request within a specified time frame
- ProtocolError, ///< bytes read from the MMU didn't form a valid response
- CommandRejected, ///< the MMU rejected the command due to some other command in progress, may be the user is operating the MMU locally (button commands)
- CommandError, ///< the command in progress stopped due to unrecoverable error, user interaction required
- VersionMismatch, ///< the MMU reports its firmware version incompatible with our implementation
- CommunicationRecovered,
- ButtonPushed, ///< The MMU reported the user pushed one of its three buttons.
- };
- static constexpr uint32_t linkLayerTimeout = 2000; ///< default link layer communication timeout
- static constexpr uint32_t dataLayerTimeout = linkLayerTimeout * 3; ///< data layer communication timeout
- static constexpr uint32_t heartBeatPeriod = linkLayerTimeout / 2; ///< period of heart beat messages (Q0)
- static_assert( heartBeatPeriod < linkLayerTimeout && linkLayerTimeout < dataLayerTimeout, "Incorrect ordering of timeouts");
- /// Base class for sub-automata of the ProtocolLogic class.
- /// Their operation should never block (wait inside).
- class ProtocolLogicPartBase {
- public:
- inline ProtocolLogicPartBase(ProtocolLogic *logic)
- : logic(logic)
- , state(State::Ready) {}
- /// Restarts the sub-automaton
- virtual void Restart() = 0;
- /// Makes one step in the sub-automaton
- /// @returns StepStatus
- virtual StepStatus Step() = 0;
- /// @returns true if the state machine is waiting for a response from the MMU
- bool ExpectsResponse()const { return state != State::Ready && state != State::Wait; }
- protected:
- ProtocolLogic *logic; ///< pointer to parent ProtocolLogic layer
- friend class ProtocolLogic;
- /// Common internal states of the derived sub-automata
- /// General rule of thumb: *Sent states are waiting for a response from the MMU
- enum class State : uint_fast8_t {
- Ready,
- Wait,
- S0Sent, // beware - due to optimization reasons these SxSent must be kept one after another
- S1Sent,
- S2Sent,
- QuerySent,
- CommandSent,
- FilamentSensorStateSent,
- FINDAReqSent,
- ButtonSent,
- ContinueFromIdle,
- RecoveringProtocolError
- };
- State state; ///< internal state of the sub-automaton
- /// @returns the status of processing of the FINDA query response
- /// @param finishedRV returned value in case the message was successfully received and processed
- /// @param nextState is a state where the state machine should transfer to after the message was successfully received and processed
- StepStatus ProcessFINDAReqSent(StepStatus finishedRV, State nextState);
- /// Called repeatedly while waiting for a query (Q0) period.
- /// All event checks to report immediately from the printer to the MMU shall be done in this method.
- /// So far, the only such a case is the filament sensor, but there can be more like this in the future.
- void CheckAndReportAsyncEvents();
- void SendQuery();
- void SendFINDAQuery();
- void SendAndUpdateFilamentSensor();
- void SendButton(uint8_t btn);
- void SendVersion(uint8_t stage);
- };
- /// Starting sequence of the communication with the MMU.
- /// The printer shall ask for MMU's version numbers.
- /// If everything goes well and the MMU's version is good enough,
- /// the ProtocolLogic layer may continue talking to the MMU
- class StartSeq : public ProtocolLogicPartBase {
- public:
- inline StartSeq(ProtocolLogic *logic)
- : ProtocolLogicPartBase(logic)
- , retries(maxRetries) {}
- void Restart() override;
- StepStatus Step() override;
- private:
- static constexpr uint8_t maxRetries = 6;
- uint8_t retries;
- };
- class DelayedRestart : public ProtocolLogicPartBase {
- public:
- inline DelayedRestart(ProtocolLogic *logic)
- : ProtocolLogicPartBase(logic) {}
- void Restart() override;
- StepStatus Step() override;
- };
- /// A command and its lifecycle.
- /// CommandSent:
- /// - the command was placed into the UART TX buffer, awaiting response from the MMU
- /// - if the MMU confirms the command, we'll wait for it to finish
- /// - if the MMU refuses the command, we report an error (should normally not happen unless someone is hacking the communication without waiting for the previous command to finish)
- /// Wait:
- /// - waiting for the MMU to process the command - may take several seconds, for example Tool change operation
- /// - meawhile, every 300ms we send a Q0 query to obtain the current state of the command being processed
- /// - as soon as we receive a response to Q0 from the MMU, we process it in the next state
- /// QuerySent - check the reply from the MMU - can be any of the following:
- /// - Processing: the MMU is still working
- /// - Error: the command failed on the MMU, we'll have the exact error report in the response message
- /// - Finished: the MMU finished the command successfully, another command may be issued now
- class Command : public ProtocolLogicPartBase {
- public:
- inline Command(ProtocolLogic *logic)
- : ProtocolLogicPartBase(logic)
- , rq(RequestMsgCodes::unknown, 0) {}
- void Restart() override;
- StepStatus Step() override;
- inline void SetRequestMsg(RequestMsg msg) {
- rq = msg;
- }
- void ContinueFromIdle(){
- state = State::ContinueFromIdle;
- }
- inline const RequestMsg &ReqMsg()const { return rq; }
- private:
- RequestMsg rq;
- };
- /// Idle state - we have no command for the MMU, so we are only regularly querying its state with Q0 messages.
- /// The idle state can be interrupted any time to issue a command into the MMU
- class Idle : public ProtocolLogicPartBase {
- public:
- inline Idle(ProtocolLogic *logic)
- : ProtocolLogicPartBase(logic) {}
- void Restart() override;
- StepStatus Step() override;
- };
- /// The communication with the MMU is stopped/disabled (for whatever reason).
- /// Nothing is being put onto the UART.
- class Stopped : public ProtocolLogicPartBase {
- public:
- inline Stopped(ProtocolLogic *logic)
- : ProtocolLogicPartBase(logic) {}
- void Restart() override {}
- StepStatus Step() override { return Processing; }
- };
- ///< Filter of short consecutive drop outs which are recovered instantly
- class DropOutFilter {
- StepStatus cause;
- uint8_t occurrences;
- public:
- static constexpr uint8_t maxOccurrences = 10; // ideally set this to >8 seconds -> 12x heartBeatPeriod
- static_assert (maxOccurrences > 1, "we should really silently ignore at least 1 comm drop out if recovered immediately afterwards");
- DropOutFilter() = default;
- /// @returns true if the error should be reported to higher levels (max. number of consecutive occurrences reached)
- bool Record(StepStatus ss);
- /// @returns the initial cause which started this drop out event
- inline StepStatus InitialCause()const { return cause; }
- /// Rearms the object for further processing - basically call this once the MMU responds with something meaningful (e.g. S0 A2)
- inline void Reset(){ occurrences = maxOccurrences; }
- };
- /// Logic layer of the MMU vs. printer communication protocol
- class ProtocolLogic {
- public:
- ProtocolLogic(MMU2Serial *uart);
- /// Start/Enable communication with the MMU
- void Start();
- /// Stop/Disable communication with the MMU
- void Stop();
- // Issue commands to the MMU
- void ToolChange(uint8_t slot);
- void UnloadFilament();
- void LoadFilament(uint8_t slot);
- void EjectFilament(uint8_t slot);
- void CutFilament(uint8_t slot);
- void ResetMMU();
- void Button(uint8_t index);
- void Home(uint8_t mode);
- /// Step the state machine
- StepStatus Step();
- /// @returns the current/latest error code as reported by the MMU
- ErrorCode Error() const { return errorCode; }
- /// @returns the current/latest process code as reported by the MMU
- ProgressCode Progress() const { return progressCode; }
- /// @returns the current/latest button code as reported by the MMU
- Buttons Button() const { return buttonCode; }
- uint8_t CommandInProgress()const;
- inline bool Running()const {
- return state == State::Running;
- }
- inline bool FindaPressed() const {
- return findaPressed;
- }
- inline uint8_t MmuFwVersionMajor() const {
- return mmuFwVersionMajor;
- }
- inline uint8_t MmuFwVersionMinor() const {
- return mmuFwVersionMinor;
- }
- inline uint8_t MmuFwVersionBuild() const {
- return mmuFwVersionBuild;
- }
- #ifndef UNITTEST
- private:
- #endif
- StepStatus ExpectingMessage(uint32_t timeout);
- void SendMsg(RequestMsg rq);
- void SwitchToIdle();
- StepStatus SuppressShortDropOuts(const char *msg, StepStatus ss);
- StepStatus HandleCommunicationTimeout();
- StepStatus HandleProtocolError();
- bool Elapsed(uint32_t timeout) const;
- void RecordUARTActivity();
- void RecordReceivedByte(uint8_t c);
- void FormatLastReceivedBytes(char *dst);
- void FormatLastResponseMsgAndClearLRB(char *dst);
- void LogRequestMsg(const uint8_t *txbuff, uint8_t size);
- void LogError(const char *reason);
- void LogResponse();
- void SwitchFromIdleToCommand();
- void SwitchFromStartToIdle();
- enum class State : uint_fast8_t {
- Stopped, ///< stopped for whatever reason
- InitSequence, ///< initial sequence running
- Running ///< normal operation - Idle + Command processing
- };
- // individual sub-state machines - may be they can be combined into a union since only one is active at once
- Stopped stopped;
- StartSeq startSeq;
- DelayedRestart delayedRestart;
- Idle idle;
- Command command;
- ProtocolLogicPartBase *currentState; ///< command currently being processed
- /// Records the next planned state, "unknown" msg code if no command is planned.
- /// This is not intended to be a queue of commands to process, protocol_logic must not queue commands.
- /// It exists solely to prevent breaking the Request-Response protocol handshake -
- /// - during tests it turned out, that the commands from Marlin are coming in such an asynchronnous way, that
- /// we could accidentally send T2 immediately after Q0 without waiting for reception of response to Q0.
- ///
- /// Beware, if Marlin manages to call PlanGenericCommand multiple times before a response comes,
- /// these variables will get overwritten by the last call.
- /// However, that should not happen under normal circumstances as Marlin should wait for the Command to finish,
- /// which includes all responses (and error recovery if any).
- RequestMsg plannedRq;
- /// Plan a command to be processed once the immediate response to a sent request arrives
- void PlanGenericRequest(RequestMsg rq);
- /// Activate the planned state once the immediate response to a sent request arrived
- bool ActivatePlannedRequest();
- uint32_t lastUARTActivityMs; ///< timestamp - last ms when something occurred on the UART
- DropOutFilter dataTO; ///< Filter of short consecutive drop outs which are recovered instantly
- ResponseMsg rsp; ///< decoded response message from the MMU protocol
- State state; ///< internal state of ProtocolLogic
- Protocol protocol; ///< protocol codec
- array<uint8_t, 16> lastReceivedBytes; ///< remembers the last few bytes of incoming communication for diagnostic purposes
- uint8_t lrb;
- MMU2Serial *uart; ///< UART interface
- ErrorCode errorCode; ///< last received error code from the MMU
- ProgressCode progressCode; ///< last received progress code from the MMU
- Buttons buttonCode; ///< Last received button from the MMU.
- uint8_t lastFSensor; ///< last state of filament sensor
- bool findaPressed;
- uint8_t mmuFwVersionMajor, mmuFwVersionMinor;
- uint8_t mmuFwVersionBuild;
- friend class ProtocolLogicPartBase;
- friend class Stopped;
- friend class Command;
- friend class Idle;
- friend class StartSeq;
- friend class DelayedRestart;
- friend class MMU2;
- };
- } // namespace MMU2