Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Lang - import script

Robert Pelnar 6 gadi atpakaļ
1 mainītis faili ar 130 papildinājumiem un 0 dzēšanām
  1. 130 0

+ 130 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# lang-import.sh - multi-language support script
+#  for importing translated xx.po
+if [ -z "$LNG" ]; then exit -1; fi
+# language code (iso639-1) is equal to LNG
+# exception for 'cz' (code='cs')
+if [ "$LNG" = "cz" ]; then LNGISO=cs; fi
+# cd to input folder
+cd po/new
+# check if input file exists
+if ! [ -e $LNGISO.po ]; then
+ echo "Input file $LNGISO.po not found!" >&2
+ exit -1
+#convert '\\e' sequencies to 'x1b' and '\\' to '\'
+cat $LNGISO.po | sed 's/\\e/\\x1b/g;s/\\\\/\\/g' > $LNG'_filtered.po'
+#replace in czech translation
+if [ "$LNG" = "cz" ]; then
+ #replace 'ž' with 'z'
+ sed -i 's/\xc5\xbe/z/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'ì' with 'e'
+ sed -i 's/\xc4\x9b/e/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'í' with 'i'
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xad/i/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'ø' with 'r'
+ sed -i 's/\xc5\x99/r/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'è' with 'c'
+ sed -i 's/\xc4\x8d/c/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'á' with 'a'
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xa1/a/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'é' with 'e'
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xa9/e/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+#replace in german translation
+if [ "$LNG" = "de" ]; then
+ #replace '\n' with ' ' (single space)
+ sed -i 's/ \\n/ /g;s/\\n/ /g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'ä' with 'ae'
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xa4/ae/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'ü' with 'ue'
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xbc/ue/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'ö' with 'oe'
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xb6/oe/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+#replace in spain translation
+if [ "$LNG" = "es" ]; then
+ #replace 'á' with 'a'
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xa1/a/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace '?' with '?'
+ sed -i 's/\xc2\xbf/?/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'ó' with 'o'
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xb3/o/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'é' with 'e'
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xa9/e/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'í' with 'i'
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xad/i/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace '!' with '!'
+ sed -i 's/\xc2\xa1/!/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'n~' with 'n'
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xb1/n/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+#replace in french translation
+if [ "$LNG" = "fr" ]; then
+ #replace '\n' with ' ' (single space)
+ sed -i 's/ \\n/ /g;s/\\n/ /g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'é' with 'e'
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xa9/e/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'É' with 'E'
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\x89/E/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'é' with 'e' (left)
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xa8/e/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'á' with 'a' (left)
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xa0/a/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+#replace in italian translation
+if [ "$LNG" = "it" ]; then
+ #replace 'é' with 'e' (left)
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xa8/e/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'á' with 'a' (left)
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xa0/a/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'ó' with 'o' (left)
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xb2/o/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'ú' with 'u' (left)
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xb9/u/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'é' with 'e'
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\xa9/e/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+ #replace 'É' with 'E' (left)
+ sed -i 's/\xc3\x88/E/g' $LNG'_filtered.po'
+#replace in polish translation
+#if [ "$LNG" = "pl" ]; then
+#check for nonasci characters
+if grep --color='auto' -P -n '[^\x00-\x7F]' $LNG'_filtered.po' >nonasci.txt; then
+ exit
+#join lines with multi-line string constants
+cat $LNG'_filtered.po' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\x22\n\x22//g' > $LNG'_new.po'
+#generate new dictionary
+cat ../../lang_en.txt | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g' | while read -r s; do
+ /bin/echo -e "$s"
+ if [ "${s:0:1}" = "\"" ]; then
+#  /bin/echo -e "$s"
+  s=$(/bin/echo -e "$s")
+  s2=$(grep -F -A1 -B0  "$s" "$LNG"_new.po | tail -n1 | sed 's/^msgstr //')
+  if [ -z "$s2" ]; then
+   echo '"\x00"'
+  else
+   echo "$s2"
+  fi
+#  echo
+ fi
+done > lang_en_$LNG.txt