@@ -227,62 +227,6 @@ bool wait_for_unclick;
const char STR_SEPARATOR[] PROGMEM = "------------";
-static inline void lcd_print_percent_done() {
- if (is_usb_printing)
- {
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR("USB"));
- }
- else if(IS_SD_PRINTING)
- {
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR("SD"));
- }
- else
- {
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" "));
- }
- if (IS_SD_PRINTING || (PRINTER_ACTIVE && (print_percent_done_normal != PRINT_PERCENT_DONE_INIT)))
- {
- lcd_print(itostr3(print_percent_done()));
- }
- else
- {
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR("---"));
- }
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR("% "));
-static inline void lcd_print_time() {
- //if remaining print time estimation is available print it else print elapsed time
- //uses 8 characters
- uint16_t print_t = 0;
- if (print_time_remaining_normal != PRINT_TIME_REMAINING_INIT){
- print_t = print_time_remaining();
- }
- else if(starttime != 0){
- print_t = millis() / 60000 - starttime / 60000;
- }
- lcd_print(LCD_STR_CLOCK[0]);
- if((PRINTER_ACTIVE) && ((print_time_remaining_normal != PRINT_TIME_REMAINING_INIT)||(starttime != 0)))
- {
- lcd_print(itostr2(print_t/60));
- lcd_print(':');
- lcd_print(itostr2(print_t%60));
- if (print_time_remaining_normal != PRINT_TIME_REMAINING_INIT)
- {
- lcd_print('R');
- (feedmultiply == 100) ? lcd_print(' ') : lcd_print('?');
- }
- else {
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" "));
- }
- }else{
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR("--:-- "));
- }
void lcd_implementation_drawmenu_sdfile_selected(uint8_t row, const char* pstr, const char* filename, char* longFilename)
char c;
@@ -335,6 +279,7 @@ void lcd_implementation_drawmenu_sdfile_selected(uint8_t row, const char* pstr,
lcd_print(' ');
void lcd_implementation_drawmenu_sdfile(uint8_t row, const char* pstr, const char* filename, char* longFilename)
char c;
@@ -521,12 +466,144 @@ uint8_t menu_item_sdfile(const char* str, const char* str_fn, char* str_fnl)
#endif //NEW_SD_MENU
+// Print temperature (nozzle/bed) (9 chars total)
+void lcdui_print_temp(char type, int val_current, int val_target)
+ int chars = lcd_printf_P(_N("%c%3d/%d%c"), type, val_current, val_target, LCD_STR_DEGREE[0]);
+ lcd_space(9 - chars);
+// Print Z-coordinate (8 chars total)
+void lcdui_print_Z_coord(void)
+ int chars = 8;
+ if (custom_message_type == CUSTOM_MSG_TYPE_MESHBL)
+ lcd_puts_P(_N("Z --- "));
+ else
+ chars = lcd_printf_P(_N("Z%6.2f "), current_position[Z_AXIS]);
+// lcd_space(8 - chars);
+// Print planner diagnostics (8 chars total)
+void lcdui_print_planner_diag(void)
+ lcd_set_cursor(LCD_WIDTH - 8-2, 1);
+ lcd_print(LCD_STR_FEEDRATE[0]);
+ lcd_print(itostr3(feedmultiply));
+ lcd_puts_P(PSTR("% Q"));
+ {
+ uint8_t queue = planner_queue_min();
+ if (queue < (BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE >> 1))
+ lcd_putc('!');
+ else
+ {
+ lcd_putc((char)(queue / 10) + '0');
+ queue %= 10;
+ }
+ lcd_putc((char)queue + '0');
+ planner_queue_min_reset();
+ }
+// Print feedrate (8 chars total)
+void lcdui_print_feedrate(void)
+ int chars = lcd_printf_P(_N("%c%3d%%"), LCD_STR_FEEDRATE[0], feedmultiply);
+ lcd_space(8 - chars);
+// Print percent done in form "USB---%", " SD---%", " ---%" (7 chars total)
+void lcdui_print_percent_done(void)
+ const char* src = is_usb_printing?_N("USB"):(IS_SD_PRINTING?_N(" SD"):_N(" "));
+ char per[4];
+ bool num = IS_SD_PRINTING || (PRINTER_ACTIVE && (print_percent_done_normal != PRINT_PERCENT_DONE_INIT));
+ sprintf_P(per, num?_N("%3hhd"):_N("---"), calc_percent_done());
+ int chars = lcd_printf_P(_N("%3S%3s%%"), src, per);
+// lcd_space(7 - chars);
+// Print extruder status (5 chars total)
+void lcdui_print_extruder(void)
+ int chars = lcd_printf_P(_N(" T0 "));
+// lcd_space(5 - chars);
+// Print farm number (5 chars total)
+void lcdui_print_farm(void)
+ int chars = lcd_printf_P(_N(" F0 "));
+// lcd_space(5 - chars);
+ // Farm number display
+ if (farm_mode)
+ {
+ lcd_set_cursor(6, 2);
+ lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" F"));
+ lcd_print(farm_no);
+ lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" "));
+ // Beat display
+ lcd_set_cursor(LCD_WIDTH - 1, 0);
+ if ( (millis() - kicktime) < 60000 ) {
+ lcd_puts_P(PSTR("L"));
+ }else{
+ lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" "));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+#ifdef SNMM
+ lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" E"));
+ lcd_print(get_ext_nr() + 1);
+ lcd_set_cursor(LCD_WIDTH - 8 - 2, 2);
+ lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" "));
+ }
+// Print CMD queue diagnostic (8 chars total)
+void lcdui_print_cmd_diag(void)
+ lcd_set_cursor(LCD_WIDTH - 8 -1, 2);
+ lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" C"));
+ lcd_print(buflen); // number of commands in cmd buffer
+ if (buflen < 9) lcd_puts_P(" ");
+// Print time (8 chars total)
+void lcdui_print_time(void)
+ //if remaining print time estimation is available print it else print elapsed time
+ uint16_t print_t = 0;
+ if (print_time_remaining_normal != PRINT_TIME_REMAINING_INIT)
+ print_t = print_time_remaining();
+ else if(starttime != 0)
+ print_t = millis() / 60000 - starttime / 60000;
+ int chars = 0;
+ if ((PRINTER_ACTIVE) && ((print_time_remaining_normal != PRINT_TIME_REMAINING_INIT) || (starttime != 0)))
+ {
+ char suff = (print_time_remaining_normal == PRINT_TIME_REMAINING_INIT)?' ':'R';
+ chars = lcd_printf_P(_N("%c%02u:%02u%c"), LCD_STR_CLOCK[0], print_t / 60, print_t % 60, suff);
+ }
+ else
+ chars = lcd_printf_P(_N("%c--:-- "), LCD_STR_CLOCK[0]);
+ lcd_space(8 - chars);
//Print status line on status screen
void lcdui_print_status_line(void)
- lcd_set_cursor(0, 3);
if (strcmp(longFilenameOLD, card.longFilename) != 0)
@@ -688,155 +765,68 @@ void lcdui_print_status_line(void)
void lcdui_print_status_screen(void)
-//|T 000/000D Z000.0 |
+//|N 000/000D Z000.0 |
//|B 000/000D F100% |
-//|SD100% T--:-- |
+//|USB100% T0 t--:-- |
//|Status line.........|
+//N - nozzle temp symbol LCD_STR_THERMOMETER
+//B - bed temp symbol LCD_STR_BEDTEMP
+//F - feedrate symbol LCD_STR_FEEDRATE
+//t - clock symbol LCD_STR_THERMOMETER
- int tHotend=int(degHotend(0) + 0.5);
- int tTarget=int(degTargetHotend(0) + 0.5);
+ lcd_set_cursor(0, 0); //line 0
- //Print the hotend temperature
- lcd_set_cursor(0, 0);
- lcd_print(LCD_STR_THERMOMETER[0]);
- lcd_print(itostr3(tHotend));
- lcd_print('/');
- lcd_print(itostr3left(tTarget));
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(LCD_STR_DEGREE " "));
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" "));
- //Print the Z coordinates
- lcd_set_cursor(LCD_WIDTH - 8-2, 0);
-#if 1
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" Z"));
- if (custom_message_type == CUSTOM_MSG_TYPE_MESHBL) {
- // In a bed calibration mode.
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" --- "));
- } else {
- lcd_print(ftostr32sp(current_position[Z_AXIS] + 0.00001));
- lcd_print(' ');
- }
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" Queue:"));
- lcd_print(int(moves_planned()));
- lcd_print(' ');
+ //Print the hotend temperature (9 chars total)
+ lcdui_print_temp(LCD_STR_THERMOMETER[0], (int)(degHotend(0) + 0.5), (int)(degTargetHotend(0) + 0.5));
- //Print the Bedtemperature
- lcd_set_cursor(0, 1);
- tHotend=int(degBed() + 0.5);
- tTarget=int(degTargetBed() + 0.5);
- lcd_print(LCD_STR_BEDTEMP[0]);
- lcd_print(itostr3(tHotend));
- lcd_print('/');
- lcd_print(itostr3left(tTarget));
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(LCD_STR_DEGREE " "));
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" "));
+ lcd_space(3); //3 spaces
- //Print Feedrate
- lcd_set_cursor(LCD_WIDTH - 8-2, 1);
- lcd_print(LCD_STR_FEEDRATE[0]);
- lcd_print(itostr3(feedmultiply));
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR("% Q"));
- {
- uint8_t queue = planner_queue_min();
- if (queue < (BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE >> 1)) {
- lcd_putc('!');
- } else {
- lcd_putc((char)(queue / 10) + '0');
- queue %= 10;
- }
- lcd_putc((char)queue + '0');
- planner_queue_min_reset();
- }
- //Print Feedrate
- lcd_set_cursor(LCD_WIDTH - 8-2, 1);
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" "));
- if (maxlimit_status)
- {
- maxlimit_status = 0;
- lcd_print('!');
- }
- else*/
- lcd_print(LCD_STR_FEEDRATE[0]);
- lcd_print(itostr3(feedmultiply));
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR("% "));
+ //Print Z-coordinate (8 chars total)
+ lcdui_print_Z_coord();
- bool print_sd_status = true;
-// if (farm_mode && (custom_message_type == CUSTOM_MSG_TYPE_TEMCAL))
- if (false)
- {
- lcd_set_cursor(0, 2);
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR("P"));
- lcd_print(ftostr3(current_temperature_pinda));
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(LCD_STR_DEGREE " "));
- print_sd_status = false;
- }
+ lcd_set_cursor(0, 1); //line 1
+ //Print the Bed temperature (9 chars total)
+ lcdui_print_temp(LCD_STR_BEDTEMP[0], (int)(degBed() + 0.5), (int)(degTargetBed() + 0.5));
-if (print_sd_status)
- //Print SD status
- lcd_set_cursor(0, 2);
- lcd_print_percent_done();
+ lcd_space(3); //3 spaces
+ //Print planner diagnostics (8 chars)
+ lcdui_print_planner_diag();
+ //Print Feedrate (8 chars)
+ lcdui_print_feedrate();
- // Farm number display
- if (farm_mode)
- {
- lcd_set_cursor(6, 2);
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" F"));
- lcd_print(farm_no);
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" "));
- // Beat display
- lcd_set_cursor(LCD_WIDTH - 1, 0);
- if ( (millis() - kicktime) < 60000 ) {
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR("L"));
- }else{
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" "));
- }
- }
- else {
-#ifdef SNMM
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" E"));
- lcd_print(get_ext_nr() + 1);
+ lcd_set_cursor(0, 2); //line 2
- lcd_set_cursor(LCD_WIDTH - 8 - 2, 2);
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" "));
- }
+ //Print SD status (7 chars)
+ lcdui_print_percent_done();
+ if (mmu_enabled)
+ //Print extruder status (5 chars)
+ lcdui_print_extruder();
+ else if (farm_mode)
+ //Print farm number (5 chars)
+ lcdui_print_farm();
+ else
+ lcd_space(5); //5 spaces
- lcd_set_cursor(LCD_WIDTH - 8 -1, 2);
- lcd_puts_P(PSTR(" C"));
- lcd_print(buflen); // number of commands in cmd buffer
- if (buflen < 9) lcd_puts_P(" ");
+ //Print cmd queue diagnostics (8chars)
+ lcdui_print_cmd_diag();
- //Print time
- lcd_set_cursor(LCD_WIDTH - 8, 2);
- lcd_print_time();
+ //Print time (8chars)
+ lcdui_print_time();
- return;
+ lcd_set_cursor(0, 3); //line 3