Robert Pelnar bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
src 82af3f1a93 New ML support - upgrade scripts and source 6 anos atrás
! 82af3f1a93 New ML support - upgrade scripts and source 6 anos atrás 82af3f1a93 New ML support - upgrade scripts and source 6 anos atrás 82af3f1a93 New ML support - upgrade scripts and source 6 anos atrás
make_msgs.out bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás 82af3f1a93 New ML support - upgrade scripts and source 6 anos atrás 4e14c2cdae Upgrade script 6 anos atrás
msgs_common.txt bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
msgs_common_unused.txt bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
msgs_common_used_more.txt bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
msgs_common_used_once.txt bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
msgs_cz.txt bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
msgs_de.txt bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
msgs_en.txt bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
msgs_en_unused.txt bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
msgs_en_used_more.txt bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
msgs_en_used_once.txt bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
msgs_es.txt bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
msgs_it.txt bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
msgs_pl.txt bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
msgs_usage.txt bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
readme.txt 82af3f1a93 New ML support - upgrade scripts and source 6 anos atrás
replace_common.out bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás
replace_en.out bb01e20ad6 New ML support - migration - generated files 6 anos atrás


lang_upgrade - scripts for migration to new multilanguage support design - entire process:
Run scripts:,,,
Backup (move) all language*.h and language*.cpp files from source to folder '../lang_backup'.
Copy folder ./source/*.* to ../Firmware, new files will be messages.h, messages.c, language.h, language.c and other source will be replaced.
After this step should be source compilable in english version, LANG_MODE in config.h is set to 0 (primary language only)

delete all output files

Process all language_xx.h files and extract informations to msgs_xx.txt files in simple format.
Every line in msgs_en.txt has following format: MSG_xx c=cc r=rr "text".
Every line in other msgs_xx.txt has simpler format: MSG_xx "text".
MSG_xx is original message identifier, cc is column count (originaly length) and rr is row count (originaly lines).
Output files msgs_xx.txt are sorted by message identifier (ascending order). also reports number of messages in each language_xx.h file and total number of characters in program memory.

Find usage of each message and output listing in to file msgs_usage.txt in format: MSG_xx nn.
MSG_xx is identifier, nn is number of occurrences. Output is sorted by number of occurrences (ascending order).
Generate filtered msgs_en.txt and msgs_common.txt files. Each file is sorted to three output files - unused, used once and used more.
Output files will be:
msgs_common_unused.txt, msgs_common_used_more.txt, msgs_common_used_once.txt
msgs_en_unused.txt, msgs_en_used_more.txt, msgs_en_used_once.txt

Copy all source files to folder ./source
Replace all messages used once in all ./source/*.c* files directly with the english version string constant and comment at end of line.
Generate messages.h and messages.c source files with messages used twice and more.
Replace line '' in Marlin_main.cpp with comment.